Storm: The Empire Chronicles

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Storm: The Empire Chronicles Page 12

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  I searched her face for the joke. “This is a veil. It isn’t even real.”

  “We can still bond.”

  “And Levi and I get Allie and the witch?” Jared appeared to be on board.

  “You two and Chris.”

  “Chris is ready to kill me.”

  “He’s strong. He can help you.”

  “I don’t doubt his strength…” Jared started.

  Mom held up a hand to cut him off. “He’s been through a lot tonight. I’m not leaving him alone, but he can’t come where we’re going.”

  “Uh… where are we going?” I couldn’t imagine any place that would let Casey and me in and not our dad.

  “I’ll tell you when you need to know.”

  “Nope, not going to fly.” I was tired of secrets. They never helped anyone.

  “Think of it as a woman’s retreat.”

  “A woman’s retreat that happens to have Origin Crystals?” That was farfetched even for my life.

  “Where is it?” Jared got at the logical question.

  “Not far from here. We can go when Casey wakes up.”

  “We need to get Allie.” Jared looked toward the window.

  “Now?” Mom asked incredulously. “You can’t show up at the girl’s this early.”

  “We have to do it while it’s still dark so we can fly undetected.” Jared put a hand in his pocket. “I understood waiting until closer to morning, but we can’t wait any longer to return.”

  “Then keep your distance when you go. Make sure you do this right. If you scare her, you’re not going to be able to help.”

  “Hopefully she won’t remember any of this.”

  “But she might. You need her to trust you. It will make things a lot easier. Besides, we all know this veil may become our new reality….” Mom said what we both feared but it sounded more official coming from her.

  I got chills again. I seemed to be getting them a lot. “She’s right.”

  “All right, I’ll find Levi and Chris.” Jared looked toward the front door again.

  “Mom, can you give us a minute?”

  She smiled. “Sure. How about I give you a few of them?” She walked out of the room.

  “I don’t want to leave you.” Jared sounded uncharacteristically worried.

  “I don’t want to either, but time is of the essence.”

  “I know we can trust your mom, but…”

  “No but. We can trust her. Besides, it was your idea to get her help.”

  “It was, wasn’t it?” An unreadable expression crossed his face.

  “You have the hard job. How are you going to get Allie to come with you?”

  “I have no clue.” He shrugged. “But I’ll come up with something.”

  “Good luck.”

  “You too.” He stepped toward me. “Call me if anything happens.”

  “I’ll add your number to both my mom and Casey’s phones.”

  “We need to get you a phone.”

  “Hopefully I’ll have mine again soon.”

  “Hopefully.” He brushed his lips against mine.

  “Be careful. I don’t know how well I can resist you.”

  “I have the same problem.” He ran his hands down my arms.

  “Can’t wait until this is all over.”

  “The veil or defeating the witches at the haven?” He arched an eyebrow.

  I laughed. “When you put it that way…”

  “One of these days our lives will settle down.”


  “I should go find them.”

  “You should.”

  He kissed me again. “Be safe.”

  “Same to you.” I watched him as he disappeared out the front door.



  I paced outside waiting for Levi and Chris to get back. How long could it take the two of them to case the neighborhood? We needed to get back over to see Allie. I wasn’t in a rush to leave Vera, but I was in a rush to get Allie and get everything over with.

  I got tired of waiting. I pulled off my shirt and took off, hopeful that the sunrise would hold off long enough for me to find the others.

  It didn’t take long to find Levi. He was in the trees behind the Bates’ house.

  I landed next to him. “What are you doing up here?”

  He didn’t even turn to look at me. “Trying to figure out what Chris is up to.”

  “I thought you two were out here together.”

  “We were, before he took off.”

  “And you didn’t follow him?” That didn’t sound like Levi. Security wasn’t his thing, but he was always observant.

  “I didn’t want to leave you guys here in case it was a trap.”

  “It’s not trap. I know Taliana.” I was trusting her with the most important person in my life.

  “But do you know the husband? He’s got to be pissed as hell right now.”

  “He knew the girls weren’t his.” And it still blew my mind the lengths he went to protect them.

  “But now they know. That has to hurt.”

  “So what do you think he’s doing?” Levi was worried, which made me worried.

  “I have no clue, but I don’t like it.”

  “We’re splitting up.”

  “Me and you? You breaking up with me after all these years?” He smirked.

  “Very funny. Vera, her mom, and Casey are going to find us some crystals. We’re supposed to take Chris and get Allie.”

  “Chris isn’t going anywhere near my mate. He’s not stable.” Levi turned and looked behind us.

  “Then what do you suggest? We just leave?”

  “Yes. We can explain to Taliana that we can’t find him if you want, but my guess is he’s not going to show up for a while. We’re not going that far.”

  “No, we’re not. By the way, when did you get back?”

  He grinned. “When you were preoccupied.”

  “I’m not going to bother to deny it.”

  “What is it about her?”


  “Yeah. Who else would I mean?” His eyes danced with amusement. He liked having something over me. I’d felt the same way when he fell head over heels for Allie. It was different seeing things through the reverse lens.

  “Everything.” That was the truth. It wasn’t just what she looked like, or her humor, or the way she challenged me at every turn. It was all of those things and more all wrapped up into one.

  “You’ve lost it.”

  “You will be the same way. Or worse.”

  “You have to stop saying that stuff. It messes with me.” He looked away, but not before I caught the trace of a smile.

  “What doesn’t mess with you?”

  “Good point.” Levi took off without warning. I took one last glance at Vera’s house before following Levi back over to Allie’s neighborhood.

  We landed minutes before the first rays of morning light. We’d gotten lucky on the timing.

  “Could you be more obvious?” Owen strode over to where we waited in the corner of Allie’s backyard.

  “Anything happen while I was gone?” Levi ignored Owen’s question and jumped in with his own. “Any movement?”

  “None.” Owen shook his head. “Are you ready to tell me what’s going on?”

  “I’ll fill you in later, but right now I need you to do something else for me.”

  I was surprised by how easily Levi dismissed Owen’s request for information. Usually he told Owen everything. He was taking the threat against Allie seriously, and he wasn’t wasting any time.

  “What do you need?” True to Owen’s character he didn’t argue. I’d have been fuming if it had been me. Maybe that’s why Levi valued his friendship so much. Owen knew how to listen.

  “I need you to monitor The Society chambers and tunnels. Notify me immediately if anyone goes down there.”

  “Especially my dad or brother,” I added.

  “What’s going on?” Owen aske
d me rather than Levi.

  “It’s too hard to explain now, but I need to know you’ll keep me posted.” Levi kept the focus on letting him know rather than me. It was a smart move. Owen didn’t like doing me any favors.

  “Are you sure you have everything under control here?” He watched Levi carefully.

  “Absolutely. Thanks for coming up on such short notice.”

  “Of course.” Owen pulled off his shirt and released his wings. He looked up at the sky. “I don’t know if I can make it all the way back before sunrise, but I can try.”

  “Take the jet. I have it waiting at the local airport already. Send it back up here when you’re done. We may need it.” Levi looked toward the house. Was he already planning on whisking Allie away?

  Owen took off and disappeared into the sky. Hopefully he’d make it to the airport before the sun came up.

  Levi and I didn’t discuss breaking in this time. It was morning, which meant we could legitimately ring her doorbell, even if I still didn’t know what we would say to Allie when we saw her. Kidnapping her was out of the question. She’d hate us forever, and there was still a chance we might not be able to erase the veil. Instead we needed to persuade her to come willingly. Sometimes winging it was the only option.

  “So what’s the plan?” Levi hesitated right beside her porch.

  “Follow my lead.” I was out of time. Hopefully I’d get lucky and one would come to me when I saw her.

  I stepped toward her front door and rang the doorbell. I heard nothing. I rang it again. Nothing but silence.

  Either she was sleeping or no one was home. I wondered where her mother was. Even if Allie was still on her way back from New Orleans her mother should have been around. Unless she was away. In theory that made sense. Her daughter was away in New Orleans, it would have been the perfect time to plan a trip.

  Levi tensed. “There’s someone nearby.”

  I walked down the steps, sensing exactly what Levi did. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a lone figure. It didn’t take long to figure out who it was.

  “What are you doing here?” Toby strolled across the green front lawn.

  “Visiting.” I attempted to keep it simple and to hide the smile that wanted to escape my lips. It was strange seeing Toby when I knew him, but he didn’t know me.

  “Visiting who?” He narrowed his eyes.

  There was no reason to lie. He might know exactly where she was and save us time. “Allie.”

  “Why? Why do you need to see her?” Suspicion crossed his face. His initial wariness had become something far more.

  “We’re friends of hers.”

  “I know all her friends,” he huffed. He was desperate to find her. Probably as desperate as we were, but for a different reason. He was addicted to her thanks to her enchantress status. Levi would be too once he saw her. I hoped he was ready for it.

  “And how would you know all of her friends?” Levi walked toward him. All traces of his friendly side was gone. He was all business and that wasn’t a good thing for Toby.

  Toby raised his chin. “She’s my girlfriend.”

  “Ex- girlfriend.” I couldn’t help but add that. No matter what Tiffany had put in Allie’s head, she’d willingly dumped him.

  Toby’s eyes blazed. “Get off her property.”

  “Why?” I pushed him.

  “Because I said so.”

  “It’s her property. Shouldn’t she be the one to tell us to leave?” I hoped that pushing Toby would give us faster answers.

  “She’s not here.”

  “Her mom is.” I knew it was false, but it would be helpful to know for sure that she was away.

  “No she’s not.”

  Bingo. “Why not?”

  “I’m not telling you anything.”

  “Yes you will, Toby. You’ll tell us everything.” I tossed out his name to see what effect it would have.

  He froze, but he recovered quickly. “So you know my name? Is that supposed to prove something?”

  “Where is Allie?” Levi asked in a deceptively calm voice. He was losing patience.

  “I already told you, it’s none of your business.”

  After a cursory glance that no one was around I picked him up by his collar. He moved to punch me, but before he could make contact, Levi stepped between us and caught his fist. “That’s enough. Where is Allie?”

  “Maybe you two should be telling me who you are.” He stood and brushed off his clothes.

  “Listen, we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but we’re on the same side here.” Levi pretended to be cordial.

  “Save the apology, I’m not telling you anything until you tell me who the hell you are.”

  “Suffice to say we’re like you.”

  “Like me?”

  “Don’t play stupid, Blackwell.” Levi switched off any feigned politeness.

  Toby’s eyes widened. The name meant something to him. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Levi Laurent.” Levi met his glare.

  Toby laughed. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  “Not in the slightest. Now I’ll ask again. Where is Allie?”

  “Why would you need to find her?”

  “Because she’s in danger.” I went with honesty. Well sort of honesty.

  That did the trick. He paled. “What kind of danger?”

  “Crazy psycho witch danger.”

  “I don’t know where she is. The last I knew she went down to New Orleans. Her friend said she took off and left her there. It makes no sense.”

  “When was the last time you heard from her?” I asked. I knew he lived nearby, so I wasn’t surprised by his presence.

  “What’s going on, Jared? You said she was here.” Levi crossed his arms.

  And I was an idiot. I’d believed Tiffany blindly. It had made sense. But what if Tiffany had sent Allie to someone else who could take over as king? “California.”

  “What?” Toby and Levi asked at once.

  “She tricked me. I don’t know for sure, but we need to contact Cade Daly.”

  “Why?” They both asked.

  “Because she might be heading that way.”

  “Why?” Levi asked again.

  “He might know something.” I pulled out my phone. I didn’t have Cade’s number back then, but I could get it easily.

  “Wait.” Levi seemed pensive.


  “You were wrong before, so what makes you think you’re right now?”

  “Just a gut feeling.”

  “And you didn’t have that gut feeling before?”

  “Tiffany would win if she could get your family out of power. So she’d want her to pick another heir.”

  “But couldn’t she get power in another way?” Levi asked. “What’s going on in your present?”

  “Your present?” Toby narrowed his eyes. “Are you guys high?”

  “Long story.” I had no time to listen to him. “When’s the last time you tried calling Allie? Could you try again?”

  “It goes right to voicemail. Her battery must be dead.” Toby looked down and then pointed at me. “You still haven’t told me who you are.”

  “Jared Florence,” I replied while considering Toby’s words. Allie was the type to always carry a phone charger with her. She was careful. She’d left in a hurry, which made sense if it was because of Tiffany.

  “And that name means nothing to me.”

  “It will eventually. You’ll hate me.”

  “How do you know I don’t already?”

  “I don’t. You might for all I know.” I turned to Levi. “We need to find Vera and get those crystals. Erasing this veil may be the easiest solution.”

  “But if you can’t…”

  “I already told you what I wanted to do.”

  “I can get his number. I’ll call Cade.” Levi pulled out his phone. “What am I saying exactly?”

  “Just ask if he’s met any new girls.”

sure he’s met plenty.”

  “Just call him. My guess is Allie will be memorable.”

  “Allie is more than memorable,” Toby mumbled.

  “It’s an enchantment. You haven’t met your mate yet.”

  “Shut up.” Toby scowled.

  “Just call Cade.” I hoped Levi would ignore Toby long enough to listen. We didn’t have any time to waste.



  "I can't believe I'm doing this." Casey buckled her seatbelt as Mom pulled out of the blacktop driveway.

  "We've done girls’ weekends before.” Mom glanced at her in the rear view mirror. I’d offered Casey the front, but she’d insisted on the back. Maybe she thought it would provide her with more space from us.

  "That was before I knew we were weird." Casey leaned her head against the window.

  "Weird, is that what you’re calling it?” I turned in my seat to look at her.

  "Is there something else I should be calling it?”

  "You have been given a gift.” Mom pulled to a stop at a traffic light. “Both of you have."

  "You can fly, Casey. It's incredible." I tried to keep the jealousy from my voice. I refused to make things even worse between us.

  "You have your own gifts, Vera."

  "So you've told me." It was strange that Mom had no memory of all of our talks on Norco. She’d shared so much with me, yet it was one sided now. I still wasn’t sure if I even believed I had any gifts, but I had to.

  "You know it's more than being an Ursus." She had no clue how much I knew.

  "Yes. That's where this whole understand the knowledge thing comes from."

  "I hope I explained things well to you." She glanced over at me.

  “You did… sort of.” She’d done well given our minimal time and my less than stellar attitude.

  “Did you like it there?” She paused. “Norco?”

  “It's different, but in a good way."

  "It's part of you. Just like it’s a part of me." She sounded far off, and I knew her thoughts were with Norco and Gareth.

  "Is it a part of me?" Casey asked. The edge to her voice was gone and replaced with a tentativeness that felt more familiar.


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