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Drawing The Line (Mistaken Identity Series)

Page 30

by Sylvia Hubbard

  The doctor chuckled. "Nothing unnatural, Ms. Keaton, but the trauma from everything didn't hurt the baby. We've only been concerned about your own health with hopes the baby could stay with you as long as possible where we felt it was safe."

  As if it were not her own body she was touching, she laid her hands on her stomach. The baby moved instantly and she jerked her hand away to look at Paul still in disbelief. "How many months?"

  The doctor checked the charts and said, "As of tomorrow you'll be twenty-two weeks." He patted Paul on the back and said, "You two will be very happy with him."

  "Him? It's a boy?" she asked.

  Paul nodded and kissed her forehead.

  Shane was so happy she started to cry.


  The four weeks to follow were strenuous for Shane. With Paul's health waning, she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible and not in a hospital bed. Yet there was ordered rehabilitation and lots of tests to make sure she was fine although she told the doctors this more than a million times.

  Paul stayed beside her through everything. They passed the time talking about their impending ceremony. Paul almost slept as much as she did during her recovery yet as she started to feel better he was getting worse.

  On her first week at Paul's home away from the hospital, she was treated like a queen. Paul filled her every whim and didn't care about spoiling her despite his health. He brought her catalogs so they could go through the process together in shopping for the baby and the wedding. He would buy the most ridiculous things and she enjoyed watching him open the boxes once they arrived and putting the furniture together. On her short walks she was allowed to go on the roof. She and Paul talked about what to name the baby and how the baby was to be raised.

  “Will Andrew respect your wishes? He did help make this child, Paul,” she worried.

  “Andrew will respect my dying wish even if I have to make him feel guilty. Don’t you worry about that,” he assured her.

  Despite Rachel’s death, Paul wanted to still marry Shane so there would be no way anyone could contest anything and he still wanted everything to go as previous planned after his death. “Plus, I want to make this child legitimate, and bequeath everything to you so you will want for nothing.”

  Shane tried not to think about what was to come for Paul, but her emotions were going up and down and sometimes she would burst in tears. When Paul was sympathetic to her condition, she felt even worse and sobbed hard.

  When she wasn’t thinking about Paul, her mind was drifting to Andrew, who tried his best to only come around when they couldn’t be alone and he avoided even looking at her as if he were ashamed.

  “You’re doing it again,” Paul said dreamily caressing her face tenderly as they snuggled in bed one morning. He had been humming a tune to the baby, but she had been so far gone in her thoughts she hadn’t even noticed her stop.

  “Doing what?” she asked, feigning innocence.

  He only chuckled not the least bit jealous, but she knew he could read her mind. He went on with his humming and she stroked his neck knowing he loved to have that spot touched.

  By her twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, she was ordered to take another ultrasound before she was to go home the next day. Paul came with her and she loved sharing the moment with him as she saw the baby growing in her stomach.

  “Paul,” she said softly one night as they were enjoying a warm fire after dinner. “I was thinking about that night, when you… you know.”

  He nodded. “I remember very well, Shane.” Stealing a kiss, he stroked her belly lovingly. “Why?”

  “I was ovulating obviously during that time and maybe… maybe this baby could be yours.” She placed her hands on top of his. “We should find out.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” he said softly kissing her brow. “This baby is ours – yours, mine and Andrews - and I need some kind of surprise in my life.” He rubbed her troubled and confused brown adoringly and explained, “I’ve known so much about my death and my disease and what it would do to my body, let me have one more surprise in my life.”

  “What was the first surprise?” she asked.

  Obviously he said as if she should have known, “You, Shane.”

  Every night, Paul read to the baby and they recorded his voice reading different books, in preparation for when he wouldn't be there. When he was working, she would put the speakers on her belly.

  As the life inside of her grew, she knew the baby would be large and very healthy. She prayed for the baby to have Paul's blue eyes and of course Paul's temperament.

  Paul and Shane married in a quiet ceremony with Andrew, Sadie, Jeremiah, her father, and Paul's lawyer present when Shane was twenty-eight weeks pregnant.

  Right before the ceremony was to start, Andrew entered the room she was using in the small church Paul had rented. Sadie was in the room with her helping her prepare.

  His intense look needed no explanation and as exasperating as Sadie was, she immediately walked out without another word.

  “Hello,” he said stiffly when they were alone.

  Shane had been adjusting her veil about to pull it down and saw him enter from the mirror. His tuxedo accentuated his power and thickness. Her mouth became very dry so she only answered him by nodding.

  “You look beautiful,” he said breathlessly.

  Facing him, she replied, “Thank you.” This was the most he had said to her since her time in the hospital. She responded with the first thing she could think of. “You look handsome.”

  Andrew tore his eyes from her wondering why Paul insisted he come here. He’d been only coming to the house for brief visits and helping his brother with different things around the house – like setting up the nursery.

  Paul wanted to do things by himself instead of hiring someone to do it.

  She was waiting for him to say something, but Andrew’s mouth felt drier than the Sahara.

  “H-How’s the baby?”

  She rubbed her belly. “It’s fine. Would you like to touch?”

  He had not touched her since that night despite how much he wanted to touch her again. Any and all other interaction had been only professional. “No, I’m fine,” he refused disappointedly.

  Yet keeping his desire in check was becoming more and more difficult. Never in his life had he been so on edge for one woman.

  “I should be thanking you, Shane. I haven’t told you how much I appreciate you making these last days for Paul so wonderful.”

  She smiled. “I’ve come to feel a lot for Paul. More than I thought.”

  He slowly walked up to her to finish adjusting the veil. At the same moment her father walked in to announce it was time. A look of disappointment flashed in Andrew’s bright mint green eyes. Carefully, he pulled the veil down over her face, but right before it covered her face completely, he kissed her cheek tenderly.

  Their eyes locked in an intense moment. He reluctantly broke eye contact and rushed out of the room.

  “Is everything okay?” her father asked.

  “He was just grateful,” Shane said pushing the urge to confide in him about Andrew away.

  Her father gave her a look that said a lot more, but he didn’t say anymore. “Ready to become Ms. Watson?”

  Andrew stayed away from the home in the following days, but when he was there it was usually when Paul's lawyers were present trying to get everything in order. Even though Rachel was dead, they wanted to make sure the bases were covered when Paul couldn't control the company anymore. She was brought into the room on several occasions to sign papers and this was when she did get a glimpse of Andrew. It was hard not to stare at him. He looked even more handsome the more she saw him.

  The saying absence made the heart grow fonder seemed so true, because she was very much finding herself thinking about Andrew all the time. By her thirty-second week, she was tired of being in the house, but Paul's health was waning and she didn't want to leave his side.

  Yet, Paul knew her
restlessness and surprised her with a shopping spree and then dinner accompanied by Andrew.

  She reluctantly left her husband's side and went with Andrew. It seemed awkward to be alone with him, but he remained a complete gentle man and spoke on safe subjects. She was happy to know that the new intern he had hired was helping him out around the office. He had a temp working as the office assistant. Shane had mostly completed her assignment and was very beneficial in helping him with what he needed. Her notes were all in her Palm Pilot and she knew he would surely get the account with the Bellini's.

  "Then what Andrew? What do you plan for yourself?" she asked as the night ended and they were driving back to Paul's home.

  He glanced over at her then looked at her rounded stomach, licking his lips. "More work. More long hours at the office."

  Looking deeply at him, Shane searched his face for any emotions towards her, but he was good at keeping to himself and just because she was now part of his family, it didn't mean Andrew would change. "No other life?"

  Andrew pulled up into the front of Paul's home and cut the engine off as he turned towards her. "What else is there to look forward to Shane?"

  The words were on the tip of her tongue buzzing about like anxious bees ready to escape their cavity, but she pursed her lips together and looked away. "Nothing else, I suppose if you really think about it." She rested her hand on her stomach. The baby could feel her upset at this missed opportunity she was allowing to slip through her fingers.

  Even though Andrew didn't show it on his face Shane knew, there was something there for her.

  "I would like to look forward to more, Shane."

  She closed her eyes feeling him verbally reaching out to her, but she shut her own feelings off. In order to get through this with Paul, she couldn't cause a scandal, so she had to pretend there wasn't anything for Andrew. Not now.

  When she didn't respond to what he had said, he allowed his shoulders to slump in defeat and got out the driver’s side to come around and open the door for her.

  "Good night, Andrew," she said after she was out of his vehicle.

  "Good night, Shane." He watched her walk to the front door and let herself in.

  She closed the door behind her and leaned her face against the cool wood still affected by what had just happened.

  "Why didn't you kiss him?" Paul asked at the office doorway, startling her.

  "You were watching us?" she asked suspiciously.

  "Of course."

  She wondered had he also been reading their lips.

  Coming to her, he said as if he had been reading her mind. "I don't know what you were speaking about, but I should tell you Shane, don't go through life missing opportunities that you know in your gut you should take advantage of. It could change your life for the better."

  "You wanted us to kiss?" she asked.

  "I want you to be happy," he said, kissing her forehead and then leading her upstairs.

  "How do you feel tonight, Paul?"

  "Much better today. I made Rochelle go home. I told her my wife can take care of me tonight." There was a wicked look in his eyes.

  Shane could tell Paul's health was rapidly failing, yet this man was so giving and wonderful, he still wanted to please her. "You don't have to, Paul," she said. "I love just being with you."

  "I want to, Shane," he said, leading her up to their room.

  Chapter 37

  Shane arose early the next morning to prepare for her doctor's appointment. She was anxious to get to the doctor today. Of course Paul was up and just as anxious. An ultrasound was scheduled along with her regular appointment and she was eager to get another look at the baby with her husband.

  Paul was planning on using this picture and getting it framed for their mantel display right beside their gold-framed wedding picture.

  Andrew left a message on the answering machine. He needed Paul to pick up his vehicle at the train station. He had taken a train to Chicago for a couple of days to meet with the Bellini's and to attend the Grande Bellini Ball, attendance was mandatory for anyone with a coveted invitation.

  When they arrived at the hospital, Paul was sweating. The day was warm, but not that warm and she asked if everything was fine.

  "I'm good, love." He kissed her palm and thanked her for the concern.

  When she came out of the ultrasound lab after the examination, Paul was sitting in the waiting area with a very distant look on his face. The perspiration on his forehead had increased.

  "Paul, maybe we should go see the doctor," she said very concerned.

  "I'm fine," he assured her, taking her hand and kissing her knuckle. "We'll finish up the appointment and then we'll go and pick up the car."

  She frowned worried; trying to convince herself it was just his anxiousness and excitement about the baby. After the appointment, Paul excused himself and went to the bathroom by himself when he came out, he was sweating profusely. Giving him her bottle of water, she urged him to take a seat lying that her feet hurt.

  “Your doctor’s just on another floor, Paul,” she hinted.

  He shook his head adamantly. “I just need my medication,” he insisted using his handkerchief to wipe his forehead.

  A month ago, Shane had begun carrying the medicines he needed. Quickly digging in his bag, she found what was required and gave him the pills.

  He took deep relaxing breaths and smiled his gorgeous smile that still took her breath away. “See I told you,” he said. “Do you want me to massage your feet?”

  She had forgotten about the lie. “N-no, I’m fine. I’m good.” Kissing his cheek just to see his temperature, she noted the clammy feel of his skin, but his eyes told otherwise.

  “We’ll get home after picking up his truck and rest together,” he promised.

  They had to help each other up and got on the elevator together. The sweat on Paul’s brow suddenly increased dramatically and he had a glassy expression on his face, while gripping the bar attached to the elevator’s wall.

  "Paul?" she said lightly, shaking his arm.

  He looked at her as if he didn't recognize her and she started to panic as sweat drenched his shirt and then his nose started to bleed, rapidly running down his chin onto his white silk shirt.

  The doors to the elevator opened, just as Paul’s legs buckled under him and he clutched her arm, pulling her down on him.

  Shane screamed out for immediate medical attention relieved that they were still in the hospital.


  Paul was rushed to a room and she was forced to wait outside. She used his phone to contact Andrew, but he didn't answer, so she left a message on his voicemail. When she was finally updated on Paul's condition, she was so frazzled, but the doctor reassured her that Paul was awake and resting.

  "He's requested to see you," the doctor told her.

  Shane followed the doctor to Paul's room.

  His eyes were opened and as soon as he saw her, he looked contrite. He took her hand and pulled her close. "How many nerves did I sever?" he asked apologetically.

  She tried her best to smile and not appear too worried over his condition. He looked as if he was at peace with this whole situation, but all she could do was remember when her mother was sick and never knowing when would be their last time together.

  "Several if you must know," she said, forcing a playful pout. She didn’t want him to be worried about her. "Don't scare me like that again."

  "I’m not going anywhere. Not yet, Shane," he said assuredly. "I want to see the beautiful baby." He tenderly rubbed her belly. "I want to see you bring him into this world."

  His words sounded so promising and she really wanted to believe them.

  "What did the doctor say?" she asked.

  "He said that my condition is still the same, and this was just a process. Andrew called and the doctor let him know what was going on. He should be here any minute. He took the Bellini's private plane from Chicago about an hour ago. I want you to go home and get some
rest, so you won't hurt the baby."

  She shook her head adamantly. "I want to stay here with you."

  "I'll be fine. You need some rest for the baby," he insisted.

  "He's right," the doctor said. "You've been here all day, Mrs. Watson."

  It felt weird being called by her married name. "I'll be fine." She refused to admit every bone and muscle in her body ached all the way to the tip of her hair follicles.

  "If his condition changes, we will contact you, but he is stable and will probably do better knowing you're taking care of yourself," the doctor implored to Shane.

  She decided to take his advice and leave. Just as she was about to get to the doorway, Andrew appeared suddenly and they almost ran into each other.

  Looking up into his mint green eyes, she realized after not seeing him for so long, she still had a deep desire for him. She could feel her heart rate increase. Shane wondered if he noticed her shortness of breath.

  Not sure how long they stared at each other, he broke the tension, by saying rather breathlessly, “You look good.”

  It was like the wedding day all over again.

  "Thank you," she said. The compliment had been true, because she had worked hard to keep her shape during her pregnancy.

  “See Andrew is here and everything is better, Shane,” Paul said confidently. “Go home, get some rest and I’ll send Andrew soon as well. You too can find some comfort in each other.” He winked wickedly and she knew he probably would have said exactly what he wanted if the doctor had not been in the room.

  Getting his blessing to be with him made her glance at Andrew, but quickly looked away unsure if he wanted to find “comfort” with her because he’d done so much to stay away from her.

  She smiled with promise over to Paul, "I'll be back."

  "I'll be waiting," Paul assured her.

  Moving in her path, Andrew asked, “Can I talk to you for a moment before you leave?"

  Warily she stepped into the hallway with him and waited for him to speak. Usually Paul had to prompt him to say or do something nice, but this time, Paul hadn’t done a thing and what was going to come out of Andrew’s mouth, she had a feeling she wasn’t going to like it.


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