Dragon's Secret Baby (Silver Dragon Mercenaries Book 1)

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Dragon's Secret Baby (Silver Dragon Mercenaries Book 1) Page 50

by Sky Winters

  He ran his hands up her inner thighs to massage her hips. Luke watched as Jennifer closed her eyes, a slow smile spreading across her lips. That was all the encouragement he needed.

  His hands crept to the crotch of her jeans where he pressed his thumb against the most sensitive part of her. He quickly became aware of how aroused she became. The scent of her became stronger with each pass of his thumb over her. Luke was suddenly seized by the urge to taste her. She smelled so amazing, how could he resist.

  He unfastened her jeans and urged her to lift her hips so he could slide her pants off. He rubbed over her now bare clitoris with his thumb, smearing her wetness over her until she was sighing at his touch.

  Luke parted her and flicked his tongue over the sensitive nub, causing Jennifer’s breath to hitch. He teased her a few more times until she was begging. “Luke, you’re killing me!”

  Jennifer leaned back on her elbows for support so she could watch Luke in action. The sight of him staring up at her from between her legs was so hot. With fervor, he licked and kissed her, pausing occasionally to suck on her. When he slipped his fingers into her hips rose off the bed. “That feels so good.” She gasped as he pressed and caressed her g-spot.

  But it was his mouth that really did it. Jennifer fisted her hands in her quilt as he fed on her, driving her crazy. The pressure built quickly in time with the increasing thrust of his fingers. “Fuck, Luke.” She threw her head back and cried out, “Oh, god!” as her orgasm slammed into her. He laced her fingers in his hair, pushing his head closer to push up over the crest of a second one. Finally she collapsed in a heap on her bed.

  Luke rose to his feet and crept over her prone body. Jennifer reared up to kiss him. She could taste herself on his mouth, something she found to be more erotic than she would have thought it would be. Her body already started responding to his again.

  Jennifer reached between them to unbutton Luke’s pants and slide them down his hips. As his erection bobbed freely, she wrapped her hand around his girth and started stroking.

  Luke groaned into her mouth as he positioned himself between her legs. “I don’t want to hurt you again.” He paused with the tip pressing against her opening.

  Jennifer made a noise of frustration. “I’ll be fine, just start slow.” She read the apprehension on Luke’s face. With a huff he gripped his ass, bridged her hips, and pulled him into her. “Just fuck me already.” She demanded with a smile. And that he did.

  Nausea had woken Jennifer before dawn. She slipped out of bed so as not to disturb Luke to go prowl the kitchen. Sickness seized her as soon as her feet hit the floor. It was a mad dash to the bathroom to make it to the toilet before her stomach turned inside out. She gripped the seat as vomit turned to dry heaving.

  Leaning back against the vanity, Jennifer wiped the sweat from her forehead. She waited a minute to see if anything else would happen, but her guts seemed to be mellowing.

  With slow, controlled movements Jennifer hauled herself to her feet. When nothing shifted, she tiptoed to the kitchen to find crackers or something that might settle her stomach.

  The cabinets were woefully empty. Too many double shifts meant too little time for the grocery store. She pulled open the fridge door and found a lonely can of Sprite tucked in the back corner. The soda was flat, but soothed the monster in her stomach for now. She made a mental note to stop and grab a snack. The trip was short, but there was no breakfast in the house.

  With can in hand, Jennifer slipped back into her bedroom. There were a couple more hours until daylight, and to not be sleeping would be a waste.

  Riding on the back of a motorcycle would never get old. The wind whipping through her hair and the purr of the engine under the seat made Jennifer feel alive. The nausea didn’t return when she got out of bed for the day, but the thought she might yak again was never far from her mind.

  Luke was sweet and swung by the convenience store to pick her up a mini box of Cheerios to munch on if she felt queasy again. He felt bad for how she was feeling so if he could find a way to help ease the discomfort, he would.

  The drive from Paradise to Chico was short. Luke and Jennifer had pulled up to Luke’s house less than thirty minutes after leaving. Luke’s home looked smaller from the outside. The cedar shake on the exterior had been stained a soft grey-blue color. An idyllic little porch greeted them as they walked up to the front door.

  “Just so you know, you are free to make yourself comfortable.” Luke explained. “I’ll show you where everything is kept, after that treat my home as yours.” He turned back and unlocked the front door.

  The inside was just as charming as the outside. The living and dining rooms had a thick, grey colored Berber carpet that ran throughout. The décor definitely screamed bachelor with the motorcycle memorabilia and leather furniture placed around the living room.

  “Awe. Your house is so cute. I feel like I’m in a little cottage in the woods.” Jennifer set her bag down on the couch for Luke o give her the grand tour. The house was as tiny as it appeared on the outside so the tour was very brief.

  “If you’d like I can call a couple of the women in my gang and we can meet up with them for lunch?” Luke had picked up Jennifer’s bag and carried it off to the master bedroom.

  “Sure. Let’s do that.” Jennifer answered. It would be interesting to meet another shifter and not only that, gain insight into the new developments in her life.

  “Great. Give me a minute and I’ll call them. There’s a great little diner up the road that makes the best sandwiches.” Luke walked out to the porch to make his phone calls.

  The ride in had worn Jennifer out. She plunked herself down on the oversized couch and put her feet on the armrest. After closing her eyes for a second she had drifted off to sleep.

  Luke hung up and reentered the house. He was about to call for Jennifer when he found her curled up on his couch asleep. Instead of waking her, he draped an old quilt over her and let her sleep. They had a few hours to kill before they had to get to the diner.

  While he was alone and the house was quiet he would get in touch with his muscle and figure out what to do about that nuisance, JP and his stooges. It was only a matter of time before he retaliated in some way. Hell, Luke knew if he got knocked out by some big bastard he’d want to find a way to get him.

  Sneaking into his bedroom and shutting the door behind him, Luke would spend the next couple of hours rallying the troops.

  “So, these women are friendly, right?” Jennifer had the image of a stereotypical biker woman stuck in her head. All she could picture were a couple of hard looking women with blown out tattoos wearing cut off t-shirts that were curt and rough with other people. She knew it was wrong to assume, but her brain wouldn’t let the idea go.

  “Yes, they are actually really good girls. Melanie is twenty-eight I think and has one child. Zara is thirty, married to my new second and they have two kids; a boy and a girl. Twins I think.” He furrowed his brow. “No. Not twins. Anyway, they were the closest to your age and with their kids still being so young, they’ll have fresher memories to help guide you through this.”

  Jennifer nodded. Meeting new people always gave her a bit of anxiety, she hoped she could keep the awkward hidden and not make a fool of herself.

  Luke held the door open and let her in first. Luke tapped her on the shoulder and pointed. Two very pretty women sat at the back of the café near the window. They saw Luke come in and waved him over.

  “Hi, Luke! How have you been?” The taller, blonde woman stood from her chair and threw her arms around him in greeting. “Is this her?” the woman pointed.

  “Yeah. This is Jennifer Armstrong. Jennifer this is Zara. And the one feeding the baby over there is Melanie.”

  Zara stuck her hand out, “I am so happy to meet you! Luke mentioned you a few times. It’s great to finally put a face with the name.” Zara was friendly and exuberant, without a trace of irony in her voice as she spoke. She seemed to tower over Jennifer a
nd had a mane of enviable golden-blonde hair the fell to her waist.

  Melanie leaned away from the table to see around Zara and waved. She was the quieter of the two and definitely the most striking. Her straight black hair was tied back off her face. She had the high, angular bone structure that hinted at Native American roots. The baby at her breast couldn’t have been more than a couple of months old and had a full head of fuzzy, jet-black hair.

  “Hello, Melanie, Zara. It’s nice to meet you both.” Jennifer twiddled her thumbs for a minute, unsure of what to do with herself. A light press on the small of her back by Luke, was the cue to sit down.

  “I hate to just bail on you ladies, but I have to meet Trevor and a few of the others to talk about a pest problem.” He turned his attention to Jennifer, “You okay with me taking off?”

  Well, no not really. I just met these women! “I’ll be fine. Go do what you gotta do.” Luke bent down and kissed Jennifer on the cheek and waved goodbye to the other two.

  “Oh man, Jennifer. You have no idea how bad he’s had it for you. And now! You’re pregnant with his baby? He’ll never let you go.” Zara stated.

  Jennifer felt the blush creep up her cheeks and another wave of nausea growing. She quickly waved down their server to order some tea. Once they all placed their drink orders, the conversation quickly turned back to Jennifer and babies.

  “Um, that’s really reassuring. Thank you.” Jennifer fiddled with her silverware set while she figured out where to start. “So, are you both like Luke?”

  “Yeah, exactly the same. All of our parents were also in our group. You could say we were born to this.” Melanie answered.

  “So it’s hereditary, not like the movies where you get bit and suddenly you change?” She tried to keep her voice down and be as vague as possible.

  This time, Melanie spoke, “Right. It’s a special trait that runs in the bloodline of the Achomawi people. Only a few other tribes have the ability to do what we do and the animals are all different.” She smiled sweetly before continuing. “And since the ability is passed down by the father, your little bundle should be like us too.”

  Zara bounced up and down in her seat like a kid on sugar. “I just love babies. And I’m so happy for Luke that he finally found somebody. And after Paige – Oof! What was that for?” Melanie elbowed Zara in the ribs to shut up.

  “Who’s Paige?” Jennifer asked.

  “It isn’t our story to tell. You’ll have to wait until he’s ready to tell you about her… if he’s ever ready.” The baby at Melanie’s breast had fallen asleep. Gentle snores were coming from the little burrito in her arms. She popped the baby off and adjusted her tank top. “Don’t worry about that though. Luke asked us to guide you through this time in your life and I am so happy to do it.”

  Jennifer was touched. These two women were so welcoming and warm to her. She may have found the sisterhood her sorority couldn’t give her. “Is this going to be like a normal pregnancy or is there anything special I need to do or be aware of?”

  Zara nodded, “There are a few things. Instead of being pregnant forty weeks, ours go a little longer. You’ll be pregnant closer to eleven months because of the extra, uh,” she waved her hand trying to think of the right word, “just the extra that needs developing.”

  Jennifer’s jaw dropped. This was going to be the longest year of her life! “Won’t my doctor be suspicious? I feel like no sane OB/GYN will just let me go eleven months.”

  “You don’t go to a regular doctor. Next week I’ll take you to the reservation to see ours. She’s a wonderful woman and an amazing midwife.” Melanie explained. “You’ll be expected to have a drug free birth. Our people don’t respond well to the drugs used in delivery.” She watched Jennifer’s eyes grow wide. “Don’t get me wrong, the babies born that way live, but some complications and reactions happen. They are often sick for months after delivery and always have something lingering as they get older.”

  Jennifer put her head in her hands. A drug-free birth? An Eleven month pregnancy? What the hell did she get herself into? “That’s sweet of you. We’ll set up a time for us to go before I leave.”

  “Where are you going?” the two women asked in unison.

  “I have to go back to school. I go to college in Arizona and classes start again in less than two weeks.” She explained. “Apparently, I chose this life without realizing it because this is my last year before veterinary school. I’m going to specialize in big dogs.”

  Melanie and Zara exchanged a look. Jennifer could have sworn they just communicated without speaking.

  “You can’t leave.” Melanie declared.

  “Yes I can and I have to.” Jennifer fired back.

  “No, you have to stay here with Luke and our doctor. You can’t be so far away because of the baby.” Zara told her.

  “I kind of have to. This is my last year before grad school. I can’t lose my momentum now or I may never finish. Isn’t there someone in Arizona your doctor could refer me to?” Jennifer was annoyed. These two women she only just met were ordering her around, which made her really cranky.

  “Probably, but you have to be protected.” Zara reached out and grasped Jennifer’s hand. “I don’t know if Luke explained this to you or not,” she lowered her voice and leaned in closer, “The rest of the world doesn’t know about the shifter community. You seem like a smart girl. Tell me, don’t you think you might raise some suspicion on campus by having the longest pregnancy ever?”

  She had a point. “Maybe. But don’t your babies come out looking perfectly human? Melanie’s baby has a crazy amount of hair on his head, but otherwise looks normal.” Jennifer was about ready to go.

  “Just see what the doctor has to say. Zara and I will be here for you and will coach you through anything you need help with. Maybe talk to the school and do the distance learning thing this year.” Melanie suggested.

  Jennifer mulled it over for a moment before answering. “I can look into it, but I have some hands-on lab stuff I have to complete this year. I’ll probably have to go.” Zara’s face hardened and Melanie blanched. The two women were no longer looking at Jennifer, but through her. “What’s the matter, guys?”

  A familiar and dark voice chimed in from behind Jennifer. “I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but you aren’t going anywhere.” Jennifer whirled around to discover JP hovering over her shoulder. “Hello, ladies. So good to see you.” JP turned his focus on to Jennifer alone, “Especially you, curvy girl.”

  All Jennifer could do was stare. No good could come of JP being there.

  “You say you’re going to leave, but I just can’t let that happen, because I need you to stand up and come quietly with me. If you don’t I’m sure your lovely little friend, Tiffany would be very upset.” His voice was placid and soft, but had the weight of nothing but malice in his words. “Come with me now. We have things to do.”

  Jennifer stared, wide eyed at the other two women. She tried to communicate silently with them to get in touch with Luke as soon as she left. “Don’t hurt her, please.” Jennifer begged.

  “Come with me and I’ll let her go. Scout’s honor.” JP held up two fingers and crossed his heart.

  With a nod, Jennifer rose and followed JP out of the diner and into the waiting Chevy Tahoe. “You’re going to let Tiffany go now, right?” Jennifer asked as JP pulled away from the sidewalk.

  “Huh? Oh yeah, her. Don’t worry about her, she’s fine.” JP answered, waving his hand. “I’m so glad you came out with no fight. I never had anyone watching her, but if you resisted, one quick phone call and a cut brake line was all I needed to make things happen.”

  Jennifer sat back in shock. She had been under the impression that they already had Tiffany with them. She could have run and warned her and Luke about JP. Snakes uncoiled in her belly. What was going to happen now?

  “Where are you taking me?” Jennifer’s eyes darted around the interior of the SUV searching desperately for a way out. JP caught her
in the rearview and hit the child safety lock on his door.

  “I’m taking you to a very special place. I find it to be rather cozy and I hope you will too.” JP’s eyes focused back on the road. The next several hours into the mountains would be difficult. He needed to get enough of a head start that Luke couldn’t possibly follow them. He pressed the gas to the floor as the light changed to yellow.

  He wanted to ruin that asshole. JP didn’t really want to hurt Jennifer. In fact, he thought she was rather fetching, but since he got the news earlier that day that Luke knocked her up he knew immediately what he needed to exploit.

  The sun was hanging low in the darkening sky as the car pulled up to a shabby looking cabin. One of JP’s goons tried to manhandle her into the house; an issue she only made worse by struggling.

  She stomped on his foot and made a break for the woods. Jennifer only made it to the tree line before she was tackled and dragged back towards the cabin.

  “Tie her up!” JP commanded, “I can’t risk her pulling anything.” He tossed a bundle of rope to the blond haired heavy and stomped off towards the cabin. Jennifer cried out as she was knocked to her knees before having her wrists and ankles bound.

  She could not believe this was happening to her. Not two days ago, her life was ordinary to the point of being boring and now she was staring down the barrel of the proverbial gun. She screamed in terror as she was dragged into the cabin.

  A mile away a trio of very large, very tense wolfs prowled the mountainside. The largest of the three perked his ears up. That sound was exactly what he needed and didn’t want to hear. He cocked his head to one side signaling the two lions behind him to move towards the sound.

  Their pace accelerated. Who knew what awful things JP would want to do to her. Luke would never forgive himself if Jennifer got hurt or worse.

  “Come sit on my lap, baby.” JP gripped the rope around Jennifer’s wrists and hoisted her up onto his lap. With a grin he stroked up her inner thigh. “A girl like you can do so much better than a piece of shit like Luke. It’s a shame you’ve been tainted.” He patted her belly. “But that can easily be remedied, I think.”


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