A Warrior's Heart

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A Warrior's Heart Page 4

by S. E. Smith

  He lowered his head to grasp one of the stiff peaks between his lips. He sucked hard, holding it gently between his teeth while he teased it with his tongue. He was rewarded with her loud gasp and the feel of her fingers threading roughly through his hair to hold him against her.

  He dropped his right hand down to touch her between the legs. Her pants clung tightly to her and he could feel her heat through them. He caressed her as he continued to tease her taut nipples. He groaned again when she began moving against his palm.

  “Ben, I… please… do not make me wait,” Evetta breathed out. “Please.”

  Ben heard her frantic plea and released her nipple with a loud hiss of desire. Sliding down her body, he pressed small kisses across her flat stomach as he knelt before her. He ran his hand down over her leg, unstrapping the knife she carried and releasing the straps on her boots.

  He continued to press hot, moist kisses to her stomach as he pulled off one boot then the other. Once she was free of them, his fingers released the fastening on her pants. He pushed them off her slender hips. Holding her still, he buried his face in the black curls covering her mound.

  “Oh Gods!” Evetta cried out, pressing against his warm lips.

  Her hands tightened in his hair as she shattered when he slid two fingers into her as he ran his tongue roughly over her clitoris. She couldn’t move without falling because her pants were around her ankles. All she could do was hold on as he caressed her in ways she had never felt before.

  She cried out when he pulled away and rose in front of her. The cry died on her lips as he swept her off her feet. Her pants fell to the floor as he turned and lowered her onto the makeshift bed. Before she could do anything, he pulled her legs up and over his shoulders.

  “Ben,” she whimpered as he drove his fingers deep into her again while the fingers of his other hand parted her so he could tongue her.

  “Come for me, Evetta,” Ben moaned against her. “Come for me again, baby. I want to taste your sweetness.”

  He knew the minute his tongue touched the swollen nub the first time that he had found her pleasure spot. He pressed on it, wanting to bring her to pleasure over and over. Running his tongue over her clitoris, he felt her body tremble violently in response.

  Ben felt Evetta stiffen before she shattered again as his tongue ruthless teased her. A low moan escaped him when her legs tightened over his shoulders and her sweet taste washed over his tongue. His body responded almost painfully to her exquisite taste. A fierce heat swept through him and he swore his balls were about to explode if he didn’t come soon. There was something about the taste of her that had a direct line to his cock.

  He pulled away with a loud curse and almost ripped his pants as he fought to undo the fastening. He quickly pushed them down and kicked them to the side before he fell over Evetta’s panting form.

  Sweat broke out on his brow as he felt the head of his cock slide into the entrance to her slick vaginal canal. The fluid coating her mixed with his pre-cum and he swore the fire exploded into a raging inferno. His arms trembled as he held himself above her.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he choked out. “Evetta, help me.”

  “You won’t,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his broad chest and her legs around his slender hips. “I am ready for you, my Ben.”

  Ben needed no more encouragement. He drove his throbbing cock into her as far as he could. He threw his head back, his eyes closed as she wrapped around him. All along his cock he swore he could feel the same small nubs. He pulled back and they caressed his shaft causing his breath to catch.

  He rocked his hips forward. As the tip touched her womb, another wave of heat coursed through his body. The moment it hit, he lost all control. His hips began moving on their own, rocking faster and faster. Evetta’s hoarse cries echoed in his ear as he pulled her closer.

  He reached up and grabbed her left breast, trapping her nipple between his fingers. He pinched it hard at the same time as she stiffened underneath him. She exploded into multiple orgasms. He could feel the hot explosions around his cock as he drove into her.

  One moment he was moving frantically, the next he was locked to her as the small nubs he felt swelled until his cock was held in a tight fist that squeezed his shaft. His orgasm blasted with such force he felt the backwash of his seed as it filled her. A choked sob escaped him at the intensity. He swore her body was drawing every ounce of his seed from him.

  He fell over her, stunned by the intensity of their lovemaking. Even now, the tingling still flowed through him. He didn’t know what just happened, but he wanted to make damn sure it happened again.

  He rolled to his side, pulling Evetta’s limp body with him so she was resting on top of him. He was still locked to her. A slight grin curved his lips. Hell, he never knew this could happen. He could definitely get addicted to making love to her.

  “I love you, Evetta,” he murmured as he brushed a kiss along her brow. “You are a miracle to me.”

  He continued to caress her back as she rubbed her cheek against his chest. Closing his eyes, he wondered how long it would take him to be ready for round two. When he felt his cock twitch inside her, another grin curved his lips. Obviously not as long as it normally would, he thought with satisfaction as his body began tingling again.

  Chapter 7

  Aaron wiped his sweaty palms nervously down the sides of his pants. He didn’t know why he admitted to Hanine that he knew who she was or that he was the one leaving her the small gifts. It may have been the shock of seeing her stepping through the doorway or finally being so close to her. Either way, it didn’t bode well for him.

  He stepped into his and Ben’s room, for once thankful that Ben demanded they keep it neat since it wasn’t very large. He glanced at Hanine as she paused in the doorway watching him. He twisted to face in her direction and nervously looked at her.

  She was even more beautiful up close. Her short hair swung around her chin as she looked around the cabin. It didn’t take long considering the room consisted of two beds, a table just big enough for two chairs and the doorway leading to their bathroom.

  Aaron let his eyes roam greedily over her while she was distracted. She was wearing a dark gray, form-fitting uniform that highlighted the pale purple of her skin. His eyes lingered on her for several long moments while he lost himself in the fantasy of having her close to him at last. He quickly glanced away when she turned her sharp gaze on him.

  “You are the one who is leaving the gifts for me,” she said more than asked.

  “Yes,” Aaron responded hoarsely before clearing his throat. “Yes.”

  “Prove it,” Hanine demanded.

  Aaron looked up at her, startled. His eyes lowered to her outstretched hand. She was holding the small pink triangle of paper he had made for her. He glanced up at her again, an amused smile pulling at the corner of his mouth when he saw her raised eyebrow. He reached out and took the creased paper from her, careful not to touch her.

  He briefly nodded before he walked over to the bed and sat down. Smoothing the small square on his knee, he began refolding the fragile paper. He decided he had nothing to lose so he began speaking in a quiet voice as he recreated the swan.

  “The first time I saw you, two women were calling you names. I wanted to reach out and slap them both upside the head.” He glanced up to see that she had not moved from where she was standing near the door. Looking back down, he focused on what he was doing. “I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I loved the way you rolled your eyes at them and when you stuck your tongue out…” He chuckled softly but didn’t look up at her. “… Let’s just say, that was an incredible turn on. I wanted to know more about you so I started watching you.”

  “Why did you leave me these things?” She asked quietly.

  Aaron paused, staring down at the small form that was beginning to take shape in his hands. He thought for several long moments before he shrugged his shoulders. He was alr
eady in too deep to lie to her now.

  “I didn’t have anything else to give you,” he admitted. “If I could, I’d have given you the world. Instead, I gave you the only thing I had to give… a piece of my world in the form of simple shapes. I gave you the lioness first because you reminded me of how fierce they are when protecting their young. I gave you the swan for your grace. Each shape reminded me of you.”

  “Including the one with a long neck? What does that remind you of?” She asked with a hint of suppressed laughter in her voice.

  Aaron grimaced, but he continued to focus on the swan. “I couldn’t help but think about how much I wanted to kiss you there. You have a beautiful neck and with your hair cut short, it looks long and… I just wanted to kiss you,” he admitted as a tint of red washed over his cheeks.

  He finished refolding the swan. He stared at it for several long seconds before he looked up. His eyes widened when he saw that she had silently moved until she was standing in front of him.

  “And this?” She whispered, gently touching the wing of the swan. “What does this remind you of?”

  “How beautiful you are. How special. How much I want to watch you fly free from the fear and the danger,” he responded in a soft voice.

  Hanine’s eyes collided with his. She could see the truth in them. She gently picked up the swan he held out to her and set it on the edge of the bed frame without breaking the contact with his gaze.

  Reaching out, she gently traced his face. Her fingers paused on the faint scar that marred one cheekbone. She could feel his heated breath against her as she stepped between his legs.

  “What do you want from me?” She asked, touching him with both hands and watching as his eyes drifted close.

  “I want to keep you,” he murmured a breath away from her lips when she leaned closer to him. “I want to keep you forever, Hanine. I have loved you from afar. Now, I want to hold you and kiss you. Can I? Will you let me?”

  Hanine pulled back a slight distance and her eyes dropped briefly to his lips before she smiled. “Forever, huh?”

  “Forever, my beautiful swan,” he whispered, opening his eyes wide so he could stare into hers as he pulled her lips down to his.

  Hanine opened to him. She felt like she could fly. The warmth sweeping through her filled her with hope, joy and passion. In finding the answer to her question of where the gifts were coming from, she discovered the biggest gift of all… a strange but oddly compelling alien male who made her want things she had only dreamed of when she was younger.

  Confusion swept through her briefly before her mind went blank of everything but the heat flooding her body. She didn’t understand why she felt this way – especially toward a male she had just met. It was not like she trusted easily, yet there was something about him that told her that he would never intentionally hurt her. There was one thing that she was certain of as she returned his passionate kiss – whatever strange power he held over her, she wanted to explore it more thoroughly in case it disappeared.


  Four weeks later, Aaron pulled Hanine into his arms as she stepped through the access doorway that they had prearranged the night before. He drank in the nectar of her kiss like a bee seeking pollen. His lips moved over hers knowing he had never tasted anything so sweet.

  She was everything that he hoped for and more. The feel of her slender body against his burned into his mind every time he touched her. He wanted this beautiful, surprisingly tender woman with a passion that defied logic. He had expected her to turn away from him when she first saw him, but instead, she met him with the same fierce desire that burned inside him.

  He had spent the last four weeks courting her. It troubled him to let her go each day, but he wanted her to be sure. If he thought he loved her before, it was nothing like what he felt now. The more time he spent with her the more time he wanted to spend. She was funny, smart, passionate and loyal.

  At first, she only shared a little bit of herself with him. He teased her over makeshift picnics they had in the lower level storage bay and in the small room Ben used at times. He took her for walks through the access tunnels and enjoyed surprising her with little kisses and more origami animals.

  Tonight, the playfulness of their relationship turned to heated desire and urgent need. Aaron groaned when Hanine pushed him up against the wall of the access tunnel and ran her hands hungrily over his body. His hands were frantically exploring her curves in return. He pulled back, gasping.

  “Your quarters, Aaron,” Hanine whispered as she pressed hot kisses along his neck. “Please, I need you. You have been driving me crazy these past weeks. I want more than a taste of your kisses. I want you.”

  “Hanine,” Aaron choked out. “Are you sure, love? Because once I have you, I won’t let you go – ever. You have to be very sure of this.”

  Hanine pulled back and looked up into his smoldering eyes, a soft smile curving her lips. “I’m sure. You have shown me what it is like to be special, Aaron. You are a very, very extraordinary man and I… and I want you,” she hesitantly responded in a shy voice. “I need you, Aaron. I want to be with you forever as you promised me.”

  Aaron didn’t say anything. He couldn’t. Instead, he brushed a hot, urgent kiss across her lips before grasping her hand tightly in his and turning back toward his living quarters. Hurrying through the narrow passageway, he turned when he got to the door and swept her up into his arms. His face flushed with desire and determination as he carried her across the threshold and quickly locked the door.

  Aaron carried her over to his narrow bed and sat down with her on his lap. With shaking hands, he cupped her face and kissed her deeply. He slowly sank backwards, taking her with him as his hands swept hungrily over her body. Soon, the heat of their kisses was too much to contain. He rolled, pinning her underneath him. Pressing desperate kisses along her jaw, he buried his face in her shoulder. A shudder ran through him as her nails scraped across his back. He turned his face into her neck and pressed a hot, open-mouthed kiss to the side of her long neck.

  “Aaron!” Hanine cried out, arching into him.

  “Yes, Hanine. Say my name. Call for me, baby,” Aaron whispered as he ran his tongue along her earlobe. “Tell me you want this as badly as I do. I need to know that you are sure, Hanine. I need to know.”

  “Yes. Oh, yes,” Hanine breathed in a dazed voice. “What magic is this that makes me burn inside for you?”

  Aaron leaned back and stared down at her with a serious expression. He wanted her to know that the magic they were creating was caused by both of them. That she wanted him for who he was – the man who loved her. He had known it for months, but she had only just discovered him a few short weeks ago. He didn’t think he could survive if she thought this was a mistake or caused by something beyond their feelings for one another.

  “We are the magic, Hanine. You and I, together,” Aaron said quietly, calmly. “I love you. I have from the moment you rolled your beautiful eyes. I love the way you move and your tenacity. I love your strength and how protective you are of your sister. I love how your eyes glow when you do something you know others don’t have a clue about. I love you and the way you hide my gifts to you.”

  “How do you know about all those things?” Hanine whispered in awe. “How do you know so much about me?”

  “I see you, Hanine,” Aaron replied with a tender smile. “I see the beautiful woman hidden behind the mask.”

  Hanine’s eyes glittered with tears. She had never heard anything so beautiful and precious. Reaching up, she gripped his shoulders and pulled him to her and sealed her lips to his. She let him know what she couldn’t say. She understood what her sister saw in this strange alien species. They were nothing like the Marastin Dow males. They were much, much stronger.

  She pulled frantically on the clothing hiding his body away from her touch. She wanted to touch him as he was touching her. She leaned upward as his hand slid under her shirt.

  “Off,” she panted

  “Hanine?” Aaron choked out in confusion. “What did I…?”

  “Off! I need your clothes off now,” she demanded. “I need mine off. I need you!”

  Aaron’s eyes brightened in understanding. She wasn’t telling him to get off of her. She wanted him! She needed him as badly as he needed her.

  Rolling off her, he stood next to the bed and grabbed the end of his shirt, jerking it over his head. He quickly toed off his boots and removed his pants. His eyes watched with growing heat as Hanine did the same with her own clothing. They did not care where the articles of clothing fell, only that they fell away from their skin.

  They collapsed together in a twisting explosion of skin, violet against tan, soft curves against hard muscle. Aaron twisted so that Hanine was on top of him. He feared he would hurt her. He moaned loudly when she rose up over him and reached down to grip his throbbing, aching shaft in her hand. Her fingers wrapped around him, holding him still long enough for her to align it with her slick entrance.

  He broke the kiss the moment his pre-cum mixed with hers. A shattering heat raced through his cock, pooled low in his balls and sent a shockwave of tingling need up his spine. The force of her body wrapping around his left him panting. His limited experience with women had not prepared him for the effect of being with the woman he loved.

  “Hanine!” Aaron called out hoarsely. “Oh God!”

  “You like?” She grinned down at him before twisting her hips.

  “Baby,” he choked out, cupping her face between his hands and pushing up into her.

  Her moan combined with his as the dozens of small sexual nubs that ran along her vaginal walls released more fluid, making her slicker even as they swelled deep inside her. The combination was driving him crazy. He could feel every nub against his cock as he moved inside her.

  His hands moved up to her breasts. He pinched her swollen nipples between his fingers. She bowed backwards, pressing down onto him, making him swear as his cock brushed her womb.


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