Tempted by Demons_A Reverse Harem Paranormal

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Tempted by Demons_A Reverse Harem Paranormal Page 13

by Lidiya Foxglove

  “Is that a dare?” Dante retorted, as I was caught between them.

  “Sure,” Alister said. “But I don’t think these sweets and your fire play well together, so you might find it a challenge.”

  I had never noticed until I got them here in my normal life that the way they talked to each other around me had an edge of sexual chemistry. I never got the feeling they were attracted to each other, but I did have the sense that they were both competing with each other for me and also perfectly comfortable with sharing me between them, and it came to them so naturally, as I guess it would if they had expected this arrangement since childhood. It was very different from having two ordinary human dudes hanging around, and I’m sure Nicole and Dakota noticed the weird vibe.

  “Oh yeah,” I said, trying to change the subject. “I gotta tell you guys about the stove in Marchcliff Manor. You remember the cooking lessons? Dante actually cooks on an old wood-fired range. Like, totally Victorian.”

  While we spread out the food and talked, I kept up a surreptitious conversation on my phone with the girls. We just popped off messages occasionally in between other things so we didn’t look like we were talking about the guys right in front of them.

  what happened?

  what’s the story with you and Dante?

  oh…it’s complicated. I mean, he’s in Maine and I’m here.

  so is Alister up for grabs? That was Dakota.

  he has a girlfriend.

  She sent me an emoji of an angry face. then why is he here? She added, it almost seems like he wants to steal you from Dante.

  uh yeah idk. He’s just flirtatious.

  Somehow I managed to keep up this delicate balancing act throughout the evening. And the evening was awesome. We tore up the junk food, I know Dante was totally into that frozen pizza even if he tried to downplay it. We watched a Marvel movie and their reactions were hilarious. I’m sure that situation didn’t help as far as trying to pass them off as normal guys, but there was something so charming about the combination of powerful confidence and complete cluelessness. Dakota was swooning over their undefinable almost-vaguely-British accents while Nicole kept eyeing up the tattoos on Dante’s arms, especially when he rolled up his sleeves.

  In the back of my mind, though? For once in my life, not social media. Their long legs, one on either side of mine on the couch. Alister’s low chuckling laugh. Dante going back for another slice of pizza again and again. The vague smell of woodsmoke that clung to his clothes. The memory of the feel of their hands and mouths.

  Those condoms in the cart.

  A promise to offer me memories that could not be taken back.

  “So are you guys sleeping on the couch tonight?” Dakota asked. “It folds out into a full bed. I don’t know if you’re cool with that.”

  “I have an air mattress in the garage,” Nicole said.

  “That might be a good idea,” Alister said. “Dante’s a night thrasher.”

  “Yeah, okay,” I said. “We should probably get that set up. I don’t know where the mattress is, Nicole. And do we have sheets for the pull out?”

  “Yep!” Dakota sprang to her feet while Nicole went into the garage.

  Alister and Dante both looked at me.

  “They can’t know!” I hissed at them. “No funny business.”

  “They won’t,” Alister said.

  “Nothing funny about it, Bright Eyes,” Dante said.

  “If you lock your door, we won’t break it down,” Alister said, arching a brow. “So just…think about it.”

  “We can’t,” I said. “The bed creaks.”

  “Don’t need a bed,” Dante said.

  “Oh my god, no, just—we can’t,” I said, as Dakota came back in with a pile of sheets (Christmas sheets with skiing penguins; well, this wasn’t Marchcliff Manor).

  When I finally went to bed, it was past three am. I was exhausted in a good way from having fun, but also exhausted in a bad way from keeping up the charade. I shut my door and hesitated.

  I know they need to get back to the island as soon as possible. If I stay here in the real world, this might be my only chance…to know them that way.

  Why did I bring them here? I should have gotten us a hotel. Just had a secret affair.

  But it was good to bring them here. It was…perfect. So natural. Like they’re not just fantasies, but real people after all. I could actually grow old with them. I don’t think I would have realized…

  I climbed under the covers, and passed out. Door unlocked.

  Chapter Twenty


  After the girls went to bed, we were left alone in the living room with a baffling assortment of remotes. I hoped my instructions to Van for creating the divination spell were sufficient. A talisman was usually needed for a specific target, but in this case, I had him write down the words of that cruel message. The medium didn't matter; words had power. They had come from this anonymous man, and they would be his undoing.

  “He said this to Edie?” Van had asked.


  “I’ll take care of it.”

  My Edie… our Edie… I was glad she brought us here, in the end, although it felt so strange to be in this world, where our magic couldn’t function, and the electric devices left a buzzing sensation in my brain.

  Dante lingered in the kitchen, looking at the remains of the food. “You should turn that off,” he said, nodding at the TV. “It’s probably making us weaker.”

  “I see why Edie was unimpressed by our library,” I said, browsing endlessly. So this was the Netflix our guests were always mentioning. “I’m trying to find where it ends and it has no end that I can see. Look at all these documentaries alone. So much to learn…”

  Dante sat down next to me with the final shards of some Doritos. “Damn it, it’s not so bad here, is it?”

  “In some ways it is.”

  “Yeah. But there’s a lot to experience. More than we could ever offer her.”

  “We only need to offer her a few things if we make them good.”

  Dante nodded. That was what Van would say. And Van wouldn’t like this, I didn’t think. He wouldn’t care about having a hundred documentaries to watch or a hundred flavors of chips to sample. Nature demons tended to root to their surroundings.

  “Yeah. We’d better make ‘em good. I’m not going back without her.”

  “I didn’t hear her door lock.”

  We shared a knowing smile. We’d been waiting for this moment for a long time. What patience we had exercised over these years, knowing we couldn’t risk sex with any human girl. Once we swore to protect the island, only one of us left at any given time to return to the Sinistral Realm. Occasionally we might have a dalliance with a girl back home, but it lacked emotional impact when we knew we could only pledge ourselves to a human girl, and only a human girl could join our bond to the island.

  Once Edie said yes…

  My cock stiffened just thinking of her at the mercy of our magic and our true forms. We could finally drive a woman to the very brink of pleasure. I was tired of holding back.

  Best of all was the spark I caught in her eyes. She could handle all of us, I thought. Not just in the bedroom, but in all aspects of life. She was searching for both more and less, in all the right ways, and deep down she knew she’d found it.

  I was only twenty-nine but I felt as if I’d been waiting for this for a century. To share love and magic with my two bond brothers and a woman that we all cherished…

  The Demon Symposium would be very pleased with us as well. Perhaps we would be granted greater status in the future.

  Dante crossed his arms, looking at me sideways across the couch. “Do you think her roommates are asleep yet?”


  “Bastard. What are you thinking about? Telling the Symposium about Edie? Moving up the hierarchy?”

  “No. Would I be getting hard over my status with the Symposium?”

  He just laughed. It real
ly was frustrating to spend so much time with the same people.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I didn’t realize how easily I had fallen asleep until I woke to the sensation of warm hands massaging my shoulders as my covers were stripped off my body.

  “It’s just us,” Dante said, when I made a peep of surprise.

  “Here to give you what we’ve promised,” Alister said in my ear.

  “We really shouldn’t,” I whispered without conviction.

  Like I hadn’t been dreaming of feeling their bodies close to mine since day one. As I woke up and my head cleared a little more, I realized they were both already stripped down to their underwear. Dante was facing me, and even in the shadows I could see the dark tattoos swirling around his muscular arms in deliberate patterns that suggested magical meaning, touching the edges of his pectoral muscles, and then resuming on the sides of his calves, some of them disappearing under his tight black briefs. And then there was the impressive shape of his erect manhood barely contained by the cotton fabric.

  Alister, meanwhile, had climbed into bed behind me, and as I took in the sight of Dante, he lifted my t-shirt, baring my breasts and caressing them while Dante watched.

  I moaned with desire, but then I bit it back before it got too loud. “We can’t do anything on the bed,” I whispered. “I swear Dakota and Nicole are already suspicious.”

  “Like I said, no problem,” Dante said. “You sound sleepy.”

  “I sound sleepy when you woke me up from sleep?” I said, a little sarcastically. “Weird.”

  “Do you want us to take care of everything?” Dante asked.


  “You want to surrender to us, Edie,” Alister said. “I’ve seen it in you from the first day. You’ve never had anyone just take care of your pleasure entirely, have you?”

  “No…definitely not…”

  “Then let us be the first. When I fuck I like to feel you surrender to your pleasure. I want to pin you between us and see you try to hold back your screams. Tonight will not be a test of your endurance. No, not tonight. Tonight is pure pleasure for you, and back off to dreamland.”

  I was breathing faster. “Okay…” I was certainly not going to say no. I felt like he knew exactly what I wanted.

  I could just imagine Nicole saying, Damn, girl. But I also thought she would approve. In college she was always telling me that maybe instead of dating one terrible guy (she hated Joseph and his songs about me so much), I should mess around a little to find out what I actually liked. But that just felt too crazy to me. My parents met in middle school. Whenever I got together with someone, I tried to make it work long past the point when I knew it wasn’t working.

  I had never had amazing sex. I had never had sex without a bunch of stress and hangups and fumbling. To surrender to someone I trusted absolutely…

  And I did trust them, I realized. There was a purity to my demons. They were more familiar with violence and pain than I was, but however demons were defined in the Sinistral World, it wasn’t as the kind of men who lied to their women. The sense of devotion, the purity of their passion and their word as their bond, radiated off of them.

  “Yes,” I said, more urgently. “Please.”

  Dante swept me up in his arms and lifted me off the bed in one almost silent motion. Once he was holding me, Alister stepped up to cradle my torso. He pulled my t-shirt off my arms while supporting my back with one arm. I had never realized just how strong they were until they were holding me like I hardly weighed a thing. I gripped Alister’s arms so I didn’t feel quite as much like a drunk person being hauled out of a bar, as Dante slipped off my panties, casting them aside onto the floor. It happened so fast and then they were holding my naked body between them, while they were hardly less than naked themselves.

  “Is she ready to get fucked?” Alister asked, in a tone that was slightly stern and clearly meant as much for me as for Dante.

  “God, yes,” I whispered as a shiver of yearning ran down my bare skin and bloomed wet between my legs.

  “Or…does she need a little preparation?”

  Dante lifted my thighs up over his shoulders and slid his tongue rapidly up and down from my opening to my clit. I dug my heels into his back and gripped Alister’s arms tight as every nerve in my body seemed to respond with insatiable need. “I would say…no,” he said, with a wicked grin. “I love the taste of you, Bright Eyes.”

  I panted an incoherent response as Alister passed me to Dante and stepped out of his underwear.

  “You ready for this?” Dante asked. “We’re bigger in our real forms. So call this a training session.”

  Neither of them was exactly what I would call unimpressive right now. But I had always wanted to know how much I could handle. None of my other boyfriends came even close to pushing me to the limit.

  Now Alister took my legs, hooking his hands around my thighs, as Dante embraced me almost tenderly, face to face. He caressed my hair. “Remember not to wake anyone up,” he said, and then pressed his lips to mine, even as I felt the head of Alister’s cock press against my entrance from behind.

  I worked my tongue furiously, deeper and deeper into Dante’s mouth, reflecting the sensations I was feeling as Alister slowly but surely thrust into me, inch by inch. He hit places I’d never felt before except from my sex toy collection…but damn, it was even better when it was a man and every sensation was a surprise. Kinda like someone else massaging you versus trying to work out the knots in your own back, I guess. I bucked against the sheer pleasure that was already overwhelming me.

  “I’m in,” Alister said.

  Dante drew his mouth away from mine. “Can we trust you not to scream? Of course, it’s your own fault if you wake up the roommates… That’s your concern, really, not ours.”

  “Oh no,” I breathed, as Alister’s hands moved upward to cup my breasts, my weight settling onto his spear as he worked my breasts in his hands, lifting them up, clearly enjoying the feel of them. I had been thinking I wasn’t as hot at twenty-nine as I was in my college days—I definitely wasn’t as skinny—but right now I thought, I’m surely as hot as I’ve ever been or they wouldn’t be touching me like this… Dante dropped to one knee and picked up my legs, supporting them so Alister could fuck me, and as I felt Alister’s cock start to work against my passage, Dante’s tongue found my exposed clit again, slipping in and out of my pussy lips around it.

  My head lolled and I thrashed and bit my lip hard as they quickly lifted me to heights of pleasure I had never dreamed of. And I couldn’t make a sound! This was cruel. But at the same time, it turned me on even more. Dakota was sleeping right on the other side of that wall and if she only knew.

  This was the surrender they had promised me. I hardly had a thought in my head, only this— It was beyond joy. It was naughty, I thought, but it didn’t actually feel naughty. It felt…so right, like I wished I could just be open about it. But I knew I never could. I had to stay quiet.

  Alister stroked me on the inside, Dante on the outside, as my limbs started to go limp as I realized how much I could trust their grip. They didn’t seem even the slightest bit tired of holding me. And getting fucked so hard was practically putting me back to sleep even as, at the same time, there was no way I could go to sleep until I came.

  Alister started lightly brushing his fingers across my nipples as Dante took my entire swollen bud in his mouth, sucking on it, even as he kept helping to move my legs so Alister could work me faster and deeper.

  I broke.

  I just broke.

  Roommates? Who cares.

  I couldn’t control it. I let out a shuddering scream of pleasure as they overloaded my senses completely. I came so hard that it was almost scary as I realized how I had completely lost control, my inner muscles pulsing hard, my whole body twitching, whimpers still coming out of me that I just could not stop. Alister was pumping into me, some of his seed trickling down my legs, grunting softly as
Dante rushed to hold me and cover my mouth. Much too late.

  “No…” I cried, clutching his neck.

  “Shit,” Dante said. “We really didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  “I think a part of me…didn’t want to lie,” I whispered. “If I’m going to do this, I don’t want to pretend to be someone I’m not anymore.”

  My phone buzzed and I struggled to free myself from the penetration and fly to my phone on shaking knees before Nicole banged on the door.

  are u ok!? answer now or I’m calling cops

  i’m okay! I quickly replied.

  And then I wrote, jesus. you can’t tell the difference between good scream and bad scream?

  And then…, i need to talk though…please nic, I really need you to believe me.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I knew right away this wasn’t going to go well.

  In moments like this, Nicole’s directness frightened me. It was either the middle of the night or very early in the morning depending on one’s perspective. She made coffee, shooting hard looks at the guys. “Let’s go talk in my room,” she said. “Alone.”

  The door shut behind us. Dakota trailed behind, looking confused and a little excited to have so much to dish about.

  “You’re gonna tell me what’s going on,” Nicole said, as if I hadn’t already said as much. “I’m not saying it’s wrong to have a menage situation. But Edie's only been gone a week. And she’s not one to rush into things. What is going on on that island?”

  A Neil deGrasse Tyson poster gave me a friendly smile from the wall, as if urging me to come up with a scientific explanation. I already knew that if I just told Nicole I was considering moving to the island and left out the magic part, she would feel like I’d been drafted into a cult. I sympathized with Alister’s initial attempts to explain himself.

  But the magic part? She would not believe the magic part. So she might think I was in an even crazier cult.


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