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The Last Marine in the Galaxy (Galaxies Collide Book 1)

Page 26

by Andrew McGregor

  The figure nodded to his operator, his eyebrows raised to check the link was established. Static flicked across the centre of the screen as the figure adjusted his uniform, a brief smile crossing his lips. His voice crackling with the static, ‘Admiral Karladen?’

  The Trevakian Intelligence officer stepped forward, raising his small device before the Admiral, the figure nodding in satisfaction as he formally raised his fist to his chest, ‘Sir!’

  Admiral Karladen returned the salute, smiling briefly, ‘Good to see you Vice Admiral!’

  The figure smiled, ‘Yes Sir! Vice Admiral Chergui reporting. We are in receipt of the signal from your distress beacon Sir, how can we assist?’

  The Admiral looked round the room, as he spoke slowly, ‘Our new allies are struggling against the Morgons, Chergui, what assistance can you offer…what fighter strength have you?’

  Vice Admiral Chergui glanced round, ‘Over one hundred fighters on station Sir. We are a battleship with two cruisers as escort en-route to Zaxon B. A detachment from the seventh fleet, Sir.’

  The Prime Mister stepped forward cautiously, his voice strained, ‘But that’s galaxies away…we have lost nearly all our defences…what can you possibly do to help us?’ He turned in anger to Admiral Karladen, his voice breaking, ‘This is preposterous…false hope! You have nothing to help us with…you have brought destruction to our planet…’ He waved an arm at the screen, ‘Then produce theatrics?’

  Admiral Karladen’s eyes narrowed, his hand raising to indicated for the man to be quiet, a muffled explosion above causing dust to fall from the ceiling. He glanced back at the screen, then to the device before him, ‘Please continue Chergui.’

  The Vice Admiral stared into the camera, ‘Understandable reaction Sir. When shall we engage Sir?’

  Admiral Karladen turned to the screen, his back to the camera, ‘Engage the enemy at will, Chergui. What is your current location?’

  The Vice Admiral hesitated, glancing to his first officer and nodding before turning back to the camera, ‘We are currently in orbit over this ‘earth’ Sir…we have just arrived cloaked and have flown at top speed since we have received the distress signal and our counter-orders from fleet!’

  The Prime Minister swore under his breath, a smile forming on his face as he looked back the Admiral. The red faced commander turning to look at him as he spoke slowly, returning the smile, ‘Engage enemy immediately, Chergui…blow them from space!’

  The Vice Admiral nodded officially, his brown eyes seeming to twinkle with excitement, his fist raising to his chest again, ‘Yes Sir!’ He spun round on his heels, his voice raising, ‘Launch fighters!’ His hand pointed across the bridge, ‘Target Morgon vessel…uncloak and open fire! Move cruisers to flanks…target their torpedo hatches and turrets! Disable them!’

  The screen flickered and went blank, the Admiral slowly turning to see the assembled audience staring at the blackened screen.

  The armed special branch officer in the next room jumped as a hoarse cheer filled the corridors outside. He swigged from his red wine glass and sprang to his feet, dusting the dirt from his shoulders.

  The Morgon commander glanced round in surprise as red lights suddenly started flashing across the bridge of his ship orbiting earth, his first officer running to his side, his voice clicking excitedly. They looked down at the screen in front of them, the three red lights slowly appearing on the ships scanners, the identified vessel markers glowing as they opened fire.

  Chapter Twenty Seven: Contax Base

  Shino stirred, the bright light shining against her eyelids disturbing her. She flicked her hand across her face, groaning as the light continued, getting closer…seeming to glow through the skin covering her eyes. Her eyes flickered open, her hand rising to protect her pupils as the bright light continued shining into her face.

  Slowly her pupils began to focus as the light was extinguished, her eyes still showing a bright glow across them as she closed them momentarily. She swallowed, realising she was very thirsty, slowly rising, she wiped her dry mouth. A water bottle was thrust into her hands, the voice before her asking, ‘How are you feeling?’

  Shino’s eyes flickered open again, seeing the camouflaged helmet above her, the shadow of a marine, ‘W-where am I?’

  The marine knelt down again, resting his hand on her shoulder, ‘You are in the village…we carried you across the battlefield…I think you are suffering from exhaustion.’

  She shook her head, feeling dizzy once more as she sipped from the canteen, ‘Exhaustion? I am fit…I go to the gym every day.’ He shook her head in irony again, ‘Mind you…they don’t shoot at us there! Just shout if we don’t hit our personal targets!’

  The marine’s voice sounded inquisitive, ‘The air here is quite thin for those that are ‘unaccustomed’ to it…that will have caused your symptoms.’ He hesitated, his eyes narrowing inquisitively, ‘Gym? That’s interesting…what is it?’

  Shino drank again from the metal water bottle, ‘A place to keep fit…I go…went to one in Wandsworth in south west London…they called me ‘The Pheonix’ there!’ She hesitated, looking round at the marine medic, ‘Don’t you have gyms then on Trevakia?’

  The marine grinned, shaking his head as he removed his helmet, his black hair and dark eyes with chiselled features causing Shino to smile. He shook his head, ‘No…no gyms…perhaps a war for nearly one hundred years is enough to keep us fit!’ He grinned, ‘Anyway, I suppose you would like to find out about your friends?’

  Shino nodded, flushing slightly as the marine over her glanced round towards the door, distant gunfire making him stiffen, ‘Yes please…did they make it through?’

  The marine rose slowly, stepping towards the doorway, ‘They are fine, I think. The young man is injured, but insisted in going back to the front line at the north of the village. Your female friend went with him after we assured her you were alright.’

  Shino rose from the low bed she was lying on, swinging her feet over and placing them on the floor of the small building. She looked over at the doorway, seeing the marine glance out into the daylight, a feeling of wooziness sweeping over her, ‘Is everything alright out there?’

  The marine spun round, his face strained as he raised his helmet, ‘Something is going on…the last reserves are moving up to man the defences…I had better go and check, will you be alright?’

  Shino nodded slowly, smiling at the soldier, her face flushing again, ‘I will come out shortly…erm, what unit are you from?’

  The marine nodded to her, placing his helmet over his dark black hair, ‘I am from the Sixteenth Infantry Division, the Armoured Brigade is one of our units…the rest of my unit is stationed further to the rear, my company was sent up to protect the miners and civilians of Contax Base…not sure we have made them too happy!’

  Shino struggled to her feet, her senses swimming slightly, her voice low, ‘How will we stop them?’

  The marine shrugged, sighing, ‘We fight…we die…they die…we keep fighting until one side wins. I don’t think there will ever be a peace with the Morgons. They are too evil.’ He backed towards the rays of daylight coming through the doorway, ‘You haven’t seen all our forces yet I think. Each division has a shock troop unit…the sixteenth’s is one of the best there is…the Red Leopard battalion. If they move up with us in strength, the Morgons really will have a fight on their hands!’ He grinned moving to help the young Philippine, her hand raising in determination as she struggled with her senses. He stepped back uneasily in response, ‘I need to get to the forward position….will you be ok?’

  Shino edged forward, her dizziness lightening, ‘I don’t know about the villagers and miners…or about Red Leopards, but you have made me very happy coming here!’ She sighed as the marine nodded and raised his hand, disappearing through the open doorway, ‘Typical, finally meet an ‘out of this world’ good looking bloke and I am unconscious most of the time!’ Grinning, she gingerly bent down and picked up her helmet an
d rifle from the floor next to the simple low military bed and walked slowly towards the light from the door.

  As she strained her eyes against the daylight, a number of startled marines and militia ran past the doorway, their faces grim as they jogged towards the northern outskirts. Shino stepped slowly out into the light, leaning on the doorframe as she felt the dizziness return.

  One of the marines slowed and stopped next to her, a female voice enquiring, ‘Are you alright?’

  Shino glanced at the marine, their combat camouflage lines of light blue and grey as the fabric had adjusted to the bleak terrain, her own transforming accordingly, ‘I-I am just a little groggy…I will be alright in a minute.’

  The marine moved forward, placing her arm round Shino’s waist, her voice reassuring, ‘Come on…I will help you…let’s get you to the square ahead, then you can see what’s going on.’

  Shino nodded, ‘How many got away from the mine?’

  The marine shook her head, ‘Not many…perhaps thirty. There are some wounded too.’ The rumble of gunfire swept across the village, single shots ringing out amongst the shellfire from the north. The marine moved forward, grasping Shino tightly, ‘The armoured brigade are withdrawing I think, the sounds of battle are getting nearer to the north. The Morgons to the west seem to have stopped, they are just exchanging gunfire with the defences at this time.’

  They moved forward slowly, the cold air sweeping across Shino’s face as they approached the small square. Looking forward as the marine helped her along, Shino glimpsed the armoured carrier from the mine, the exterior camouflage scorched from shells and fire, the snarling red leopard’s face on the side scratched and faded beneath the dirt. The hover tank stood in the middle of the square, its sides scorched and scratched as soldiers ran either side of it, the mechanical monster’s crew working feverishly to repair the damaged engine.

  Captain Dugachard stood in the centre of the square, glancing across the soldiers as they ran towards the forward positions, her lieutenant stood by her. She moved her sight across the square, her face covered in dirt as she raised a hand in greeting seeing Shino helped towards her. Turning to the lieutenant, she indicated to the tower above, ‘I am going topside to take a look. The firing is getting nearer…I want every available soldier to provide covering fire for the Armoured Brigade, understand?’

  The lieutenant nodded, ‘Yes Ma’am…I will make it happen.’ The soldier clicked his heels, raising his fist to his chest as the captain turned away, walking towards the building at the base of the tower.

  She nodded to Shino as she strode past, ‘Good to see you are still with us!’ The captain indicating to the tower above, ‘Come up with me…you will see Sam and get an idea of what is going on.’

  Shino nodded, the marine next to her dropping her arm. She twisted her head to face the soldier, ‘Thanks, I feel better now.’

  The female marine grinned fleetingly, ‘My pleasure.’ She lifted the rifle from her shoulder, jogging forward across the square.

  Emerging into the cold breeze above the square, Shino breathed deeply, her senses becoming more alert as she followed the captain round the balcony, both lowering to a crouch. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the kneeling figure further along the walkway, the long rifle extending beyond the balcony wall as the sniper stared silently through the scope.

  Captain Dugachard turned slowly and quietly, indicating for Shino to be quiet as they waited.

  The rifle cracked, causing them both to jolt in reaction. The bolt of the weapon being pulled back quickly, another bullet rising into the chamber as the sniper prepared his next shot.

  Captain Dugachard crept forward, her voice low as she hissed towards the figure. The sniper turned sharply, his concentration broken, a smile forming across his face as he flushed slightly, ‘Captain Dugachard, good to see you!’ He nodded as he brought his fist up to his chest, ‘Another enemy soldier accounted for Ma’am.’

  The Captain smiled, seeing his slight embarrassment, her voice low, ‘I have a friend to see you.’ She indicated over her shoulder, Sam grinning widely as he saw Shino behind her.

  Shino smiled back, her eyes staring in disbelief at the security officer she knew a couple of days before, ‘Sam…you are a professional sniper now?’

  Sam grinned sheepishly, his eyes moving back to the captain, ‘Perhaps no expert, but the captain has helped me pick up some tips on shooting.’ He indicated to his rifle, ‘This is also a very accurate weapon.’

  Captain Dugachard grinned, her dirt covered face seeming to glow as Sam flushed again, ‘Why don’t you tell your friend how many of the enemy you have ‘accounted’ for?’ Gunfire echoed across the valley towards them, several muffled explosions following.

  Sam looked away, his embarrassment rising, ‘Well there are a lot of them running around…but so far it is twelve I think, perhaps more…I don’t really know.’

  Shino shook her head, ‘Wow, they must hate you!’ She glanced over the balcony wall, keeping her head low, seeing down into the valley below. The dirt track extended into the distance seeming to turn about a kilometre away, before it disappeared behind some jagged rock faces. She indicated to the valley with a nod of her head, ‘Are the Armoured Brigade coming the way?’

  Captain Dugachard raised the binoculars from her chest, the leather strap extending round her neck, ‘They should not be too long now…the gunfire has been getting nearer every minute.’ She moved the zoom on the glasses, focussing the lenses on the bend in the distance.

  Shino lowered herself slowly next to Sam, slapping his back as he moved back to look down the scope, her voice a whisper, ‘I never thought this of you Sam, well done mate…you are quite the professional now!’

  Sam nodded, straining his eye down the scope, ‘Thanks….’ He stiffened, a chill running up his spine as he glanced across at the captain, ‘Sir…movement at the corner.’

  Captain Dugachard swallowed, ‘I see it Sam…’ Her fingers moving the zoom on the binoculars as she stared at the bend on the dust road. She drew breath, her voice low and determined, ‘Move your finger away from the trigger Sam…just in case.’

  Sam’s hand slipped from the trigger, rubbing his sweating palm across his chest, ‘Yes Ma’am.’ He stared through the scope as figures began to emerge from the corner, their familiar combat uniforms desperately running towards them, a couple glancing over their shoulders in fear.

  Captain Dugachard swore under her breath, ‘They are running scared…routed.’ She paused, exhaling heavily, ‘When I give the word Sam, get ready to fire beyond our troops…I fear the Morgons are close behind them.’

  Sam stared as an armoured carrier swept round the corner, braking hard to avoid the soldiers before it. Marines clung to the exterior of the vehicle, virtually all staring behind them as the carrier picked up speed again, the soldiers in front of it jumping to the sides. More marines followed behind it, running for their lives. A jeep tore round the bend, followed by another, the small armoured vehicles skidding after the carrier.

  Captain Dugachard shook her head, looking back through the glasses, ‘This doesn’t look good…they are running for their lives…’ Her voice tailed off as several more figures emerged, some without weapons as they ran. A hover tank swerved into view, smoke billowing from the rear of the vehicle, the outside virtually covered in infantry hanging to the metal plate.

  Smoke plumes rose into the air beyond the bend, the sounds of distant gunfire and explosions sweeping across the landscape towards them. Several more marines emerged, then they became less, the remnants of the Brigade retreating as fast as it could.

  Captain Dugachard glanced across at her sniper, raising her voice towards the opposite tower, ‘Ready for cover fire! Protect the stragglers!’

  Sam’s rifle lowered slightly, Shino rising and jogging half-crouched towards the door from the balcony, ‘I will go and help.’ Her words going unheard.

  Sam watched as the last couple of marines ran round the corner, sev
eral limping or turning desperately with their rifles raised. He glimpsed the flashes as the last few stragglers opened fire on the bend, attempting to deter their pursuers in desperation to gain some distance between them.

  The sniper stiffened, seeing the first armoured exoskeleton armoured figure run round the bend, the body at a half crouch as he gained on the nearest potential victim. He gritted his teeth as his finger moved quickly to the trigger, the rifle bucking as the projectile flew across the terrain above the fleeing marines.

  The armoured body jerked as the high powered bullet split the armoured helmet in two, the Morgon killed instantly as the bullet forced its way through his brain, his head exploding.

  More rifle cracks followed from the other tower as other figures emerged. Machine gun fire broke out on the north-west corner of the village defences as several Silakians rose up and charged towards the village, the attack breaking down as several twisted and fell. The Morgon commander eyes glowing red in anger as he realised the retreating troops had not distracted the defenders.

  Sam reloaded, firing again as a Silakian infantryman rounded the corner, his overconfidence at pursuing the enemy costing him his life as his chest shattered inwards, his body falling backwards with the impact.

  The marines ran towards the village outskirts, the loss of their countrymen in gruesome and merciless ambush encounters behind them spurring them on.

  Shino jogged across the square, heading towards the defences at the north of the village as the first few fleeing soldiers began to approach, an armoured jeep sweeping past them and into the square, its sides covered in blood. The sergeant in the passenger seat shouting ‘Medic!’ at the top of his voice as the vehicle skidded to a halt before the crippled hover tank.

  The tank’s commander shouted down from the turret as the sergeant leapt out of the vehicle, his blond hair matted against his uncovered head, ‘We will give indirect support, Sergeant!’

  The sergeant waved in response, frantically ushering medics towards the rear of his vehicle, groaning and screaming coming from within.


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