Crazy Bastard

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Crazy Bastard Page 7

by Angelique Voisen

  Ty set the roses on the space next to him on the park bench and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. He touched the scarred wood with his fingers. Had it only been a week since he’d finally had the guts to approach Vance?

  Seven days had passed since then and each one had been amazing. Vance surprised him at the shelter two days ago, bringing him lunch. He’d known Ty would be working overtime because the shelter was at full capacity. Other nights, Vance had taken him out for dinner. Last night, Ty had gone over to Vance’s old apartment to help him pack the rest of his stuff.

  So many changes in a span of a few days, Ty mused. When Malik died, perhaps Vance had hidden away his true self from the rest of the world, unable to cope with his grief. Now, though, Ty saw Vance peel away those layers he’d taken took refuge in little by little. The man underneath was amazing.

  And Ty was the lucky bastard who was at the receiving end of Vance’s kiss, Vance’s touches, except Vance seemed to be keeping his distance. Ty let out a frustrated breath. He knew the reason. They’d agreed to get to know each other better, to take things slow—but not this slow.

  Spotting Vance’s white Ford truck stop in front of the park’s entrance, Ty grabbed the roses and walked over to the truck.

  Towards his man.

  Yes. He could call Vance that now.

  He opened the front passenger door and got in.

  “Those for me?” Vance asked, grinning.

  These days, Vance’s eyes no longer looked like gray winter frost, but the opposite, filled with warmth. Ty knew grief wasn’t something that one could choose to simply get rid of. It stayed with a person, but at least it no longer choked Vance or prevented this man from moving forward.

  “You wish.” He leaned over.

  Vance tilted his chin, brushed his lips over his. The tease. He groaned when Vance pulled away and started the engine again. Frustrating man. Ty understood the root of Vance’s fears, that if they moved too fast, they might end up regretting it, but they were both in a better place now.

  The drive to the small church located on the city outskirts, in one of its roughest neighborhoods, was a silent one.

  Ty noticed the little signs. Vance’s white-knuckled hold on the wheel, gray eyes set forward, and his body tense. Ty let him be, knowing Vance would talk when he was ready. Finally, they turned onto a road lined with graffiti-sprayed brick apartment buildings, passed a school, then Vance parked the truck a few paces from the church.

  “I haven’t visited him, since…” Vance trailed off.

  Ty reached out to give Vance’s arm a squeeze. He knew. Vance couldn’t bring himself to visit the crypt where Malik’s will insisted he be put to rest.

  “I know,” he simply said.

  “I was scared.” Vance smiled grimly. “Coming here would remind me he’s truly dead, and for a long time I couldn’t accept that.”

  “You ready now?” Ty’s heart ached, seeing Vance like this, conflicted and in pain. Vance had come so far, but if he needed more time, Ty wanted him to know he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

  “Yes,” Vance said and opened the door.

  Chapter Twelve

  Vance accepted the flowers Ty handed him and placed them in the little holder next to Malik’s name. He couldn’t have made it this far without Ty. Vance had practically dragged his feet to the back of the church to the side steps that led to the back, which housed the crypts. He’d been at a loss as to what to do, but Ty had found the caretaker, who helped turned the lights on.

  Now that he was finally here, all the initial dread he’d felt earlier faded. With Ty at his side, he could finally face Malik. Unlike his ex-husband, Vance wasn’t a religious guy. He touched the cool stone.

  “I’m sorry.” Vance whispered the words, but they seemed to echo in the carnivorous space. Ty placed a hand on his back and began to rub comforting circles. “I was a terrible husband, and I blamed myself for a long time for causing your death. If I hadn’t kept reminding you not to be late—”

  You’d still be alive.

  Vance cleared his throat. “It took me a long time to forgive myself, to accept that it wasn’t anyone’s fault.”

  He replayed that moment in his head numerous times. Dark intersection. Bad lighting. Drunk driver. Malik had been on his phone while driving. He’d gone through multiple scenarios in his head but in the end, it no longer mattered. Vance couldn’t change the past. No one could.

  Vance reached for Ty’s hand, gave his fingers a squeeze. Malik and he might have been on the verge of separation when the accident happened, professed to hate each other’s guts, but he knew deep down, Malik would have wanted him to move on.

  For the first time in months, tears gathered in the corners of his eyes, and he hastily swiped at them. Ty said nothing, gave him all the time he needed. Ty’s warm hand in his reminded him what a lucky bastard he was, being given this second chance.

  He could picture Malik’s face now, smiling, telling him to be happy.

  “I’m ready,” Vance said. He felt completely hollowed out, but in a good way, like all the negative emotions he’d held in for months had emptied out.

  Ty nodded, kissed him on the cheek, and before they left, pressed a hand over Malik’s grave.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of him," Ty whispered.


  “I’ll be downstairs,” Ty called, cradling a small box containing some of his books.

  Vance nodded, touched that Ty knew he’d want a few more minutes alone. After Ty shut the door, Vance looked around the empty apartment. Empty and gutted, looking at it no longer summoned old memories. At his feet, Coco curled into a lazy ball and yawned. Afternoon light streamed from the windows.

  He purposely planned to head to the church mausoleum today and after, clear out the last of his boxes from the apartment. Like the moment in the crypt, he expected to be swamped with sentimentality, for sorrow to swallow him whole. Instead, he felt relief.

  Malik would always hold a special place in his heart, but he knew now that he had enough space to love another. Ty was incredibly supportive of him, too. Vance couldn’t have ask for a better partner. Perhaps he’d reward Ty later. Vance planned on breaking in some of his new furniture anyway, and what better way than to claim in every inch of his apartment space?

  Their apartment space, he corrected, although Ty didn’t know that yet. He slipped a hand into his left jean pocket and fingered the extra key he made for Ty. Vance planned on surprising Ty. He only hoped Ty’s reaction would be positive.

  Over the past week, they’d done nothing but kiss, slipped in a few hand jobs and blow jobs, but hadn’t really made love. Today would change all that. He ran his hand on the surfaces of his old place one last time. His hand came away with dust. Vance sold most of his furniture and donated the rest. Ty insisted he keep some, but he intended to buy new pieces, ones both Ty and he selected instead.

  Ty didn’t know that part of the plan yet. Today, he’d take a big gamble by giving Ty that key, but Vance prepared himself for both acceptance and rejection. If the latter happened, Vance wouldn’t give up easily. No, he was a man who saw what he wanted and went for it with ruthless determination. He’d keep trying until Ty caved.

  Ty wanted him, he knew that. The other man only need to be convinced better.

  “Bye,” he told the place and scooped Coco into his arms. Vance grunted. The dog lolled his tongue. “You’re getting real heavy, bud.”

  Coco barked in assent. On the way out, Vance grabbed the last bag and headed downstairs. He encountered Mandy and her mom on his way down again. Mandy’s eyes went huge at the sight of his big bag.

  “Mr. Carr, is it true you’re moving out?” the little girl asked, not quite able to hide her disappointment as she reached out to rub Coco’s ears.

  “Yes, I need a new start.”

  “Good for you,” said Mandy’s mom, who more often than not, seldom spoke to him because she was always checking her cell phone.
/>   “I walk Coco every day after work or on weekends before lunch at the park,” he told Mandy.

  Her eyes brightened. “I can play with him then if we happen to be there?”

  “Of course.”

  The elevator doors opened. Mandy and her mom waved goodbye to him and Coco. On his way out, he noticed Mandy’s mom nod at Ty, and Ty greeted her with a smile. Maybe it was because he’d been seen often with Ty lately.

  “That all?” Ty asked, nodding to his bag.

  “Yup, can you take him for a sec?” He handed Coco to Ty, and dumped the bag with the rest of his belongings in the back of the truck.

  That done, he took the wheel. Ty already had his seatbelt on with Coco in his lap. “You excited?” Ty asked.

  “I’m nervous as hell.” There had been a reason why he’d asked Ty to come along when he viewed prospective apartments. Vance didn’t expect Ty to move in with him, but he wanted Ty to know he was welcome any time in his home. He wanted it to be Ty’s space, too.

  “How come? You’ve done great so far. The hard part is over.”

  Vance could feel the weight of the small metal pocket in his pocket. No, the hard part had yet to come.


  “Look at this amazing view,” Ty commented, looking out the window of Vance’s new apartment, which overlooked the park.

  He knew Vance hadn’t just picked the place for Coco, but it was also located in a great neighborhood with a grocery store nearby, and the subway was only a block away. An added bonus was that it was a short walk to Little Paws, too. He wondered if Vance knew that or had factored that in when selecting this place. Looking back, Vance did consider his suggestions a lot, too. Sweet guy.

  He turned to watch as Vance set the last big boxes from outside and by the door. Ty took his time, admiring Vance’s back muscles highlighted under his thin white shirt. His corded arms bunched. His mouth went dry.

  Very yummy. Ty was tempted to climb Vance there and then, except that would make him appear needy. Damn. How pathetic was he, that he wanted to jump Vance’s bones after everything that happened today?

  Visiting the crypt had been mentally exhausting, and all this moving would be physically exhausting, too. Coco hadn’t done much, and the little dog had already found a spot under one of the windows and started to do what he did best—take a nap.

  “You hungry?” Ty asked, realizing they hadn’t had lunch yet. “Want me to order some takeout? I downloaded a food app with takeout suggestions.”

  Vance finally closed the door and looked at him. Sweat made the shirt cling to his muscled frame, and Ty had the sudden urge to rip it off and run his hands all over the hard planes of Vance’s body and feel his rough big hands, exploring his.

  “Seems to me you’re hungry for something other than food,” Vance drawled, gaze moving down Ty’s face to settle on his groin.

  He blushed, aware Vance caught a full view of his raging erection. “I—I can’t help it. You’ve denied me for so long.”


  “Okay, not the best word to use, but you know how I get all befuddled when you’re looking like that.”

  “Like what, exactly?”

  Dammit, he’d been so used to grumpy and brooding Vance that this teasing and gorgeous man threw him off balance completely. “You know, like walking sin.”

  “You sure have a way with words, Ty Rigg,” Vance said in the same smooth, deep drawl capable of melting his insides. “Why don’t you tell me exactly what you want to have for lunch?”

  That was an easy enough answer, but it embarrassed him all the same to say the words out loud, because some days, he still couldn’t believe an extraordinarily sexy guy like Vance would want a boring, ordinary joe like him.

  “You,” he stated simply.

  Those gray eyes blazed with naked hunger hot enough to burn. “Come here,” Vance said, voice hoarse.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Vance’s dick dug painfully against the zipper of his jeans as he crooked a finger towards Ty. Challenge accepted. Ty closed the distance between them. Once within his reach, Vance grabbed Ty’s shoulder and spun him, pressing him against the wall. He crushed Ty’s mouth with his own, aware of Ty rubbing his tempting body against his own.

  He was covered in sweat, but Ty didn’t seem to mind. Ty slipped a hand to the hem of his shirt and he paused, taking it off.

  “I want you naked,” Vance stated.

  “Funny, me too.”

  They paused to fumble out of their clothes. There was nothing elegant about this, but rough and fast seemed to be the speed they both craved. Once Vance kicked their pile of clothes out of the way, he took his time, admiring Ty’s slender body.

  Vance licked his lips. “Missed this.”

  “Did you?”

  Vance eliminated the space between them once more, luxuriating in the press of skin against skin. He reached down, curled his fingers around Ty’s prick and gave it a squeeze, satisfied to hear Ty moan.

  “Wait,” Ty murmured, fingers on his.

  Vance hesitated, wondering if Ty changed his mind. His dick had turned rock hard, but the last thing he wanted was to force himself on Ty.

  Ty gave his chest a push. Vance took a step back, relief flooding his body when Ty knelt between his legs.

  Spearing his fingers through Ty’s hair, he tugged Ty’s face closer to his dick. Ty stuck his tongue out, swiped the pre-cum gathered at his tip. The sensation of Ty’s warm, wet tongue was amazing on his sensitive prick.

  He groaned, let Ty play a little longer. Ty licked every inch of him, sucked at his balls, even swiped his tongue around his puckered hole. He tugged on Ty’s hair, prompting Ty to open his mouth wider and take his prick in. He watched his dick disappear into Ty’s mouth with amazement, pleased when Ty didn’t gag.

  Ty bobbed his head up and down, running his tongue over every ridge and bump of his dick, occasionally using a bit of teeth the way Vance liked. Ty reached out and gave his balls a squeeze.

  Vance moaned, giving Ty’s hair a tug. “Let me,” he said.

  Ty relaxed his jaw as he began thrusting in and out. It wouldn’t be long now before he erupted, but he wanted to finish in Ty’s ass. Reigning in his control, he pulled his prick out of Ty’s mouth. “Hands and knees,” he ordered.

  Ty got into his position, wiggled his tempting tight ass at him, even threw a knowing grin over his shoulder. Chuckling, Vance stood behind Ty but didn’t push in quite yet. He ran his hand down the curve of Ty’s spine, over his ass. Ty shivered when he touched the cease between his buttocks.

  “Fuck me,” Ty pleaded, the words music to his ears. He gave Ty’s tormented dick a squeeze. He was pretty sure Ty would come then and there, but he held back. Vance patted Ty’s ass in approval.

  “Hold on.” Vance swiped his jeans and took out the lube and condom he started keeping in his wallet ever since they’d started dating again.

  “Ever ready, baby?” Ty asked.

  He laughed. “Of course. Baby. I like that.”

  Ty blushed. Vance broke the condom foil and slipped the condom on before uncapping the lube. He applied plenty on his fingers and worked a generous amount into Ty’s asshole. Ty groaned, thrusting his ass at him, but he gave Ty a reprimanding slap.

  Ty bounced, groaned. “Enough teasing already.”

  “I’m not, but you need to be prepared. Be patient.”

  “That’s not one of my better qualities.”

  “Are you sure? Because you were patient enough to wait for me to get my shit together.” Vance slid a finger inside him, then added in a second.

  “Well,” Ty said. “You were worth the wait.”

  Those words went right under his skin, past bone and made a home in his heart.

  We’re going to be just fine.

  “Ready for this ride, baby?”

  “I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

  “You don’t need to sound so dramatic.” Vance decided he liked this light banter during sex.
He began making twisting motions, widening Ty for his access. Ty moaned around his fingers and he decided Ty was ready.

  Vance guided his cock into Ty’s entrance. Gripping his waist, he pushed in slowly at first. Once he passed the thick ring of stubborn muscles, he sheathed himself all the way in. Ty mewled, clawing at the wooden floor.

  “You good?”


  Vance began pounding in and out of Ty and started with a steady rhythm. Sparks of electricity started from his groin and radiated to the rest of him. With each thrust, he fucked Ty faster, deeper, knowing he could take more.

  “God,” Ty murmured. “So good, baby.”

  Baby. He really liked that term of endearment. “Touch yourself,” he ordered.

  Ty kept one hand on the floor, while he used the other to start stroking himself. Aroused even more, Vance shifted the angle of his hips, and must have brushed against Ty’s sweet spot. Ty arched his back and cried out. Vance hit Ty’s prostate again, just to hear that sound.

  “I didn’t say you can stop fondling your dick,” Vance said in a reprimanding voice.


  Vance heard the unmistakable tenderness in Ty’s voice though. Smirking, he aimed for Ty’s special place again. He dropped his grin, because soon enough, he reduced them both to animal groans and pants. Every thought left his body. All he could focus on was his dick joined to Ty’s ass as he hammered home.

  “I’m so close,” Ty whispered.

  Noticing Ty had stopped to balance himself, Vance reached between Ty’s legs and helped him along. It didn’t take long. A few tugs and pulls to Ty’s cock and balls proved enough. With a shuddering cry, Ty came, shooting strings of his cum right into Vance’s hand.

  Vance pistoned in and out several more times before the pressure inside him broke like a dam. Head spinning, he growled out his orgasm as he emptied his balls. He pulled his prick out of Ty’s ass, helped Ty to his feet and pulled Ty close to him. Ty leaned against him, wrapping his arms around his waist. Contentment filled every inch of his body.

  They stayed like that for a while until the sweat cooled on their bodies.


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