Crazy Bastard

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Crazy Bastard Page 9

by Angelique Voisen

  Caleb’s lips twisted. For a second there, Liam saw past Caleb’s arrogance and anger. Saw something like pain, before he put back his mask. “Thanks, runt, but you’ll only get in the way.”

  Liam let go of Caleb. He clenched his fists at his sides to avoid punching Caleb. Of course Caleb would say that. Caleb hated him with a passion, even wished he didn’t exist. If Liam didn’t, Caleb could be the future pack alpha like Matthias. If Liam and the other omegas weren’t born—

  No use thinking about the past. He couldn’t change that, and Liam couldn’t persuade Caleb either.

  “Keep me. Protect me. Isn’t that your job as my mate?”

  Caleb gritted his teeth. “Where did you fucking learn emotional blackmail?”

  As if Caleb had any emotion left, but Liam kept that to himself. “Did it work?”

  “No,” Caleb scoffed. “You listen, runt.”

  Liam lifted his knees to his chest, annoyed by the seatbelt, but if he unfastened it, Caleb would put it back on. He knew he’d already lost the battle. Why waste his breath and energy when the outcome proved inevitable?

  “I’m listening.” Liam wasn’t, not really. Why should he? But Caleb’s next words stopped him cold.

  “Discarding you is the last thing on my fucking agenda. You got that, Liam?” Caleb pointed out. It struck Liam how that was the first time Caleb ever used his name. Not runt. Caleb continued, “No matter how long it takes, I swear I’ll come back for you.”

  Liam’s heart galloped in his chest, threatening to burst. Why did he feel strangely flushed and uncomfortable? Hating Caleb suddenly seemed stupid, too. Caleb drew a long chain from inside his shirt, linked to a plain golden band. A ring that belonged to his mother, Liam knew, and Caleb’s most treasured keepsake. Without another word, Caleb yanked at the chain, catching the ring with one hand, and offering it to Liam, palm up.

  “Caleb, this is … I can’t,” Liam whispered.

  “Think of it as insurance, that you’re more important than a ring, so I’ll definitely come back to you.”

  Those unexpected words evoked a surge of warm emotions. With shaking hands, Liam took the ring and slid it down his ring finger. It felt like a proposal of sorts, but Liam didn’t say those words out loud in case Caleb decided to take back the ring and his promise.

  The rest of the drive was silent, but Liam felt the weight of the cold metal on his finger strangely comforting. They stopped once at a gas station to refill and get some food and drinks before moving on. Soon enough, the car passed the Sweet Creek welcome sign. Liam’s stomach churned.

  “Be brave, runt. No tears, remember that,” Caleb finally said as he drove into the main town center.

  “I’m not strong like you or Dad,” Liam murmured. He kept twisting Caleb’s ring on his finger, over and over, a nervous gesture. Dread filled him as they passed more shops and faces he didn’t recognize. Strangers. Nothing felt right or recognizable. Was Sweet Creek another kind of prison?

  “Think of yourself as strong. Pretend, and eventually, you’ll be,” Caleb said softly.

  Liam couldn’t make sense of his words. The drive took them to the residential area. Sweet Creek was tiny, smaller even than Trinity Valley.

  Caleb must have called the Fosters, the folks taking Liam in, early. As Caleb parked the car by the sidewalk, the door opened. When they got out, the shifter gay couple smiled kindly at Liam, although it was strained.

  The adults exchanged words. Gary Foster told Liam to head on in to stay warm, but Liam remained by Caleb’s side, eventually linking his hand with Caleb’s. Caleb didn’t let go or yell at him.

  “That’s it. You have my cell. Call me if something happens to Liam,” Caleb said, signaling the end of their conversation. “Could you give us a moment?”

  Gary and Kyle Foster retreated inside. Caleb gently let go of Liam’s hand and kneeled so they were at the same eye level.

  “Remember what I said, runt? No tears.”

  Liam sniffed, and then rubbed furiously at the tears gathering at his lids. “When will you come back for me?”

  Caleb shocked him again by bringing him close to his warm chest before kissing his forehead. “Soon,” Caleb promised.

  Soon turned out to be ten years.

  End of sample chapter




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