Another One Bites the Dust

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Another One Bites the Dust Page 3

by Lani Lynn Vale

  Throwing the pillow off my face, I scowled at him with the fierceness of a rabid badger. “You don’t know how freaking hard it is to find things in my size. I’m so freaking small that everything fits weird. Panties from the women’s department fit like granny panties. So I shop in the boys section for socks and underwear.”

  He watched me with his sparkling eyes, and then burst out laughing. “You just made me a happy man. Can I have a picture of you in these before I leave?”

  The mention of him leaving brought me out of my embarrassment. Now I just felt sadness. I wish I’d taken him up on that relationship offer months ago. Now he was leaving, and who knew when I would see him again. Reaching up, I ran my hand down over his scratchy haired jaw. He was such a beautiful man.

  “Take me.” I whispered while looking deep into his eyes.

  “I’ve never wanted to do anything more in my life.” He said, and then kissed me senseless.

  His tongue worked over mine, plunging and tangling, sucking my bottom lip, and then nipping it softly. He grunted, and then I was shirtless, too. I bit my lip. I wasn’t self-conscious about my body, or I wasn’t until Max started running his eyes over my body hungrily.

  My body reminded me of most fourteen year olds. Short, no boobs, and absolutely no curves. I worked out from time to time, so I was in fairly decent shape, but you can’t fix something you don’t have. I was a soccer player in high school, and still enjoyed the odd game here and there when I had time.

  He growled in frustration. I was wearing a camisole underneath my shirt, just as I normally did. I’m a very clumsy person, and I end up changing my shirt at least once a week because I dripped queso down my boobs, or leaned in something, requiring me to change my shirt. Therefore, I got smart and always wore a camisole instead of a bra, because honestly I didn’t need one anyway.

  “You’re beautiful. Stop worrying.” He said before running his finger over my lip to stop me from biting it.

  His eyes zeroed in on the tattoo that peaked out at the bottom of my camisole. I held my breath in anticipation. What would he think of it? I got it on a whim. It was my eighteenth birthday, and I felt the need to do something that would piss my parents off. Earlier that day they had grounded me for sneaking out the night before. For that reason, I snuck out again and got a tattoo that I knew they would hate.

  His large rough palmed hand ran up my left side, slowly lifting my shirt as he skimmed it up my body. He froze when he saw it. Then bellowed with laughter. I scowled at him, and then cracked a smile myself. It was a weird tattoo, but I loved it.

  On my hip, I sported a six-shooter. It spanned from just above my hipbone, down to right at the top of my bikini line on my thigh. It was actually quite beautiful with its elegant scrollwork on the shiny metal. It looked like an old west type of gun, and I was damn lucky I’d gone to a reputable tattoo artist, instead of one that would have made it look like shit.

  His laughing stopped, and finally he said, “This is the best tattoo I’ve ever seen.”

  I smiled. I was happy he liked it. “It sticks out the top of my jeans, too. So, when I’m wearing pants, it looks like I have a gun in the waistband. At eighteen, it was the best “fuck you” I could give to my parents. Or at least all I could think of at the time.”

  His other hand went up the other side of my shirt, and he ran his hands up until he encountered the shelf bra section of the camisole. Stopping for a moment, he closed his eyes, and then lifted the shirt up and over my breasts. They popped free of their enclosure, and then bounced until settling. My nipples beaded at the feeling of cold air hitting them, and then my mouth watered as I watched Max study them with a fierce concentration.

  Lowering his head, he gave one nipple a slow light lick, flicking it lightly with the tip of his tongue. Then he switched to the other breast. My nipples were harder than ever, and I moaned, wanting him to suck them into his mouth. Not that I said that though. I arched a tiny bit, and then let my back fall back to the bed.

  “More?” Max asked.

  “Yes.” I hissed.

  He gave a devilish smile, and then lifted the shirt the rest of the way off my body. There I lay, naked except for my angry bird underwear, and he was still mostly clothed. His pants, belt, socks, and shoes were still covering the lower half of his body. I eyed them, wishing he would take them off so I could see his body.

  “You want me naked?” He asked aware of my silent need.

  I nodded my head, and he his hands went behind his back. When his hand emerged again, he placed a big black behemoth of a pistol on the nightstand beside the bed, and then went to work on his belt and buttons. He leaned down once they were loosened, and unlaced his big black boots; toeing them off one by one once he’d unlaced them.

  He shucked his pants down, and my pupils dilated at the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Jesus. His abs weren’t the tightly ridged ones as you see on all the male models. His were most definitely defined, yet they weren’t eyepoppingly obvious. On the other hand, the V that pointed to the groin area could make tears come to your eyes.

  He had a tattoo, what looked like the remains of a tattered flag that curled around his hip. Next to that tattoo, just a few short inches away, was the biggest penis I’d ever seen. I gulped dramatically when the size finally processed through my brain. It was large and thick, curved slightly to the right.

  Max started laughing when he heard my audible gulp. “It’ll be okay, honey. It’s not that big.”

  “If you say so, Max. Just don’t rip me a new one.” I squeaked.

  He laughed. “You know, it’s probably only average size. I’ve never had any complaints before.”

  “I don’t want to hear about your other conquests.” I growled.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He said, right before he bent down and circled my clit with his tongue.

  “Eeek.” I squealed and then arched off the bed at the surprise.

  Rory had never done this before, so it was a surprise to realize that it actually tickled a little bit. His bristled jaw ran over the inside of my things, and I couldn’t help it. I giggled.

  I stopped though when his finger entered me in one penetrating thrust. No teasing for Max. Just one slow, smooth glide. Crooking his finger, he dragged it along the upper side of my vagina, searching for my g-spot. Not that I knew where it was, because Rory damn sure didn’t try to find it before.

  I’d only had wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am’s. Never anything that could even compare to this. With each flick of his tongue, he would pull his finger out, rubbing against a spot inside me that would send lightening striking through my veins.

  A slow smooth burn was making me move restlessly against Max’s face. Grabbing a hold of his ears, I yanked him closer to me. “Oh, God.”

  He chuckled, and it set off a vibration through my clit. An explosive orgasm tore through me, and I moaned like a porn star, eyes squeezed tight, and grinded myself into his face even harder.

  It took me a while, but I came back to myself as Max was giving me a few long languid licks, and then crawled up my body, settling his hips between mine. His cock found a home in between the lips of my sex, and he moved slowly back and forth. Each pass of his cock ran his length along my clit, and set off tiny aftershocks throughout my lower half.

  “Are you ready?” He asked while looking into my eyes.

  I nodded in answer, and gritted my teeth, just in case it hurt a little more than he thought it would. But it didn’t. He withdrew a tiny bit; just enough that he could grab his cock at the base, and guided it to the entrance of my vagina. Pausing, he watched my eyes, and then proceeded to fill me, full to bursting.

  “Jesus Christ, you’re tight.” He gritted out through clenched teeth.

  I was panting at the fullness. It felt magnificent. Experimentally, I rocked my hips forward and back, and then gave him a few squeezes with my inner muscles. His eyes shut tight, and then he stilled completely, waiting for what I would guess, was some control.

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open, snaring my gaze with his. Then he pulled back hard, and slammed back into me. He must have lost the fight for control. He didn’t hurt me though; he was forceful, yet gentle. Over and over again, he would pull out nearly completely, and then slam back inside of me. Each thrust bounced me on the bed, getting me closer and closer to the headboard.

  Putting my hand up, I stiffened my arm to prevent my head from slamming into the headboard and getting a concussion. Each thrust of his hips rocked me down to my soul, and I couldn’t help but lift my hips in tandem with his.

  “I need you to come. I’m about to lose it here.” He growled as his eyes still connected with mine.

  I looked away from his eyes, overwhelmed with the amount of emotion in his. Instead of looking at him, I looked down at the connection of our bodies. I watched as his cock pulled out of me, glistening in my juices, and then disappeared again inside of me. This was really doing it for me though, because an orgasm overwhelmed me in the next second, and I held my breath and locked my teeth to keep the scream of pleasure inside.

  “Fuck.” I head Max rumble.

  Oh so slowly, my eyelids parted, and what I saw shocked me to the core. Max’s green eyes blazed. I saw hunger, need, and even something I wasn’t ready to acknowledge yet.

  “You fit.” I said lamely.

  “Sho’ did.” He chuckled.

  I loved his sense of humor. I could do nearly anything in front of him, and he wouldn’t be grossed out, or disgusted. Sure, if we were in front of the others, he would rib me hard, but in private, he’d join in on the fun, making even dirtier comments than I’d made originally. I was truly in love with this man. It was rare to find someone that enjoyed your craziness. That didn’t mind if you went to bed wearing boys Angry Bird underwear. Or if you turned your socks inside out because the outside was softer than the inside.

  “What are you thinking about? You’re eyes are going crazy.” Max murmured still poised above me.

  “Are you saying I have crazy eyes?” I asked slowly.

  “Is that what I said? No, I said your eyes are going crazy. Crazy eyes imply that you’re fucking nuts. What I meant was that your pupils dilated, and they were darting around the room like you were looking for a means of escape. Don’t put words in my mouth.” He said calmly.

  I pushed at his chest. He didn’t budge an inch. “Get off, you big bastard.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. We have three hours before I have to leave. You bet your sweet ass that I’m going to ride you hard before I have to go.” He said before solidifying that fact by withdrawing and then thrusting forward again.

  The next two and a half hours were spent doing exactly that.



  “I gotta get dressed.” I whispered against her hair.

  My lips trailed down the side of her face, and then down along the line of her jaw before settling softly onto her lips. I bent forward to run my nose along her cheek when it came back wet. My heart hurt.

  Leaning back on the balls of my feet, I dragged her up to a sitting position and framed her face in my hands. “It’s going to be alright. I’m going to be fine. Don’t worry.”

  “You better come back here in one damn piece, or I’ll kick your ass.” She said all bark and no bite.

  I chuckled. The girl had the temperament of a pit bull. All snarling and bark. She’d rip you a new one, and then comfort you afterwards. That’s what I loved most about her. Not that I would tell her yet. I’d just gotten her to come to me. I’d be damned if I would scare her off before I got her firmly in place.

  “I’d love to see you try.”

  Giving her one more kiss on the lips, I got out of bed and started dressing. It’d been a long while since I’d worn these shabby BDUs. They felt like coming home. I’d lived in them for ten years, and then just stopped wearing them when I was injured two years ago. Putting them on now felt like finding the security blanket you’d used when you were a child.

  Payton watched silently from the bed. She was wearing one of my old workout shirts. It had the Pepsi logo on it, and was about as worn as a ratty t-shirt could be. It was by far my favorite to wear, and I’d been doing just that when I answered the door tonight. The shirt hung off one shoulder, and bared smooth unblemished skin. Her hair fell in disarray all around her. Shocks of pink and lime green dispersed throughout her brown hair that I hadn’t noticed earlier during my inspection.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to stay here?” I asked.

  She nodded, but stayed silent.

  Stubborn little shit. “I’ll give you a key, and the code to the gate. I’ll call you as soon as I get there so you know that I got there all right. I’ll try to let you know what’s going on, and how long we’re looking at me being gone. Don’t freak if you don’t hear from me for a long time. That’s normal.”

  It was especially normal for me since I wasn’t going to be doing the normal stuff that a soldier does over there. I was going to do what I do best, and that was interrogate.

  When Layne, my old CO, called the previous night, I knew it wasn’t going to be good. They only used me when it was dire. The government didn’t like using my services if they didn’t have to. Unfortunately, I started using them a lot towards the end of my career, and now I was back, doing what I was good at, with little thought to my own peace of mind. I hated every fucking minute of it. I didn’t like myself when I had to be that person.

  She nodded, and then stood, stopping down on the way to grab her jeans. She made her way into the bathroom, and then shut the door. I watched the door silently, wondering if I should go in there and make sure she’s all right. I didn’t though, deciding she needed a few minutes.

  I gathered the rest of my junk, grabbed my duffle, and set it by the front door. Walking to the back door, I made sure it was locked before turning the A/C off. I’d taken care of the food in my fridge before the party tonight by stuffing it all into the communal fridge in the shop. I got a good laugh out of the fact that my beer would most likely still be there when I got back.

  The others didn’t like Old Milwaukee. I loved it, though, most likely because I’d grown up drinking the shit as if it was water. James and I had many great times that were all because of Old Milwaukee. James had graduated to bigger and better, while I stuck with what I knew. Which is why I was ribbed for drinking it. They called it a “pussy” beer, and said only women drink it. Fuck, I didn’t care, as long as it was wet and cold. I didn’t need the expensive stuff to be happy.

  “Max?” Payton asked from behind me.

  I blinked, and saw her standing in the light of the hallway. “Yeah?”

  “Are you ready?” She asked.

  I gave a stiff nod, and walked up to her, wrapping my arms around her. “Will you give me a ride? I was going to wake Ember, but since you’re already awake this works out better.”

  “Sure thing. Let’s go.” She said.

  We walked hand and hand out into the cool night air. The sound of leaves tumbling on the ground could be heard over the chirp of crickets in the pre-dawn stillness. It was just shy of four in the morning, and nothing was awake yet to break the tranquility of the night. I came to a sudden halt when I found myself being blocked in by five bodies. My team.

  Curious glances were being made in Payton’s direction, but I didn’t acknowledge their silent questions. Every time they’d seen us together, Payton’s attitude came out to play. She was hell on wheels in public, but sweet and docile while we were alone. Kind of like a baby kitten, spitting mad one second, and purring in your lap the next.

  “Thought you could sneak off, didn’t you?” James asked.

  I smiled, and gave each of them a shake and clap on the back. Yea, right. I knew they would be here, no matter what. They didn’t like that I was being called back, and they were none too happy that I would have no one to watch out for me. We’re all a team.

  “You’ll call us as soon as you know something.” Sam informed.r />
  That was our Captain. He looked out for us, even when he wasn’t in charge anymore.

  “Sure thing, Cap. Y’all will watch over Bubbles, here, won’t you?” I asked while hooking Payton around the neck with the crook of my arm, pulling her into my side.

  “Bubbles?” Elliott asked with a cheeky grin.

  “Well, I discovered tonight that she wears these Angry- oof.” I groaned as a pointy little elbow jammed its way into my sternum.

  “Isn’t Bubbles what Janie calls that blue Angry Bird?” James asked questioningly.

  “Sure is.” I stated.

  Payton gave me her best shut-up-before-I-rip-your-balls-off look, and I snapped my mouth shut without saying anything that would put my future kids in any danger.

  “I’ve got to get to the airport. Watch over my sister. Keep an eye on Bubbles.” I said, giving each man a handshake, before leading Payton to her car. A thought suddenly entered my mind, and I felt like a complete dumbass that I was about to leave without the most important piece of my life.

  Turning, I ran back into the house. Inside my closet was my trusty M-4. I’d cleaned it and kept it honed over this last year even though I didn’t use it the same as I used to. Although, that was about to change. Thinking ahead, I grabbed four magazines, and headed back out the front door. Payton was standing in front of the boys; all of them were watching her curiously, listening to her talk about her brother’s latest football game.

  “He scored twice! He’s got recruiters from A&M and UT coming to watch his game on Friday. He hasn’t told them yet he’s going into the Navy, though.” She chattered excitedly.

  “Navy?” Elliott spat outraged.

  The boys echoed his oath, and hooahed. I joined them from my position behind them. The boys remained passive, while Payton jumped a foot, and ducked her body into a ball at the ground before realizing what she’d done. My heart sank. Six months we’d been at this, trying to overcome the fear, and it didn’t look like she’d made any progress at all.


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