Hidden Fire: Fire, Book 2: Red Hot Weekend

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Hidden Fire: Fire, Book 2: Red Hot Weekend Page 5

by Jess Dee

  “I did it so you could be free to love me, openly, freely and as much as I love you. I did it for you. All of it. For you. And for me. For us.” By the time he stopped to take a breath he was stooped over her, his nose pressed to hers.

  “Y-you did?” Jenna stammered, the warmth of her uneven breath a caress on his cheeks. Her body shook, the tremors vibrating through him.

  “Yeah, Jenn, I did.” The words came out softy. He couldn’t have screamed then if he wanted to. The scent of apple and mint had filled his nose, her proximity a drug to the rest of his senses.

  He never could think straight when he stood this close to her. His brain overloaded, turned to mush. His body hardened—an instinctive response—and his breath deserted him. “So, what do you have to say about that?”

  “J-just one thing,” Jenna puffed. She inhaled loudly, let her breath out in a long hiss. “I love you too.”

  And with that, his ever-disciplined, ever-controlled Jenna crushed her mouth to his, kissing him with so much fervor, so much passion, Garreth was temporarily stumped.

  She kissed him in the exact same way he wanted to fuck her. Hard, insistent, determined, as though burning him with her mouth. Branding her taste on his lips, marking him as her own.

  It worked. He was hers. A million times over. Burned, branded and marked. But then he always had been. Since that first meeting.

  Her kiss was wild and uninhibited, as though she gave no thought to technique and merely gave in to her instinct to make him hers.

  Garreth let her. Let her lead him with her gluttony, consume him with her voracious appetite. Let her take forceful command of his mouth. His body, his senses, his soul. She was the one tied to the chair, yet he was the one who couldn’t move one damn muscle.

  Not while her lips took, demanded, plundered. Stole his very heart.

  He surrendered it willingly. Surrendered everything he was. To her.

  Her kiss was brutal, punishing, unexpected from a woman so petite. Garreth would have let her glorious assault continue for an eternity, if she hadn’t groaned deep in her throat. If she hadn’t torn her lips from his, stared straight into his eyes…and said it again.

  “I love you, Garreth.” Sincerity and love rang through her melodious voice.

  This time when their lips met, it was he who took control, he who molded his mouth to hers, caressing her lips, urging her to relax into the kiss, appreciate it, enjoy it. He whose tongue traced her plump bottom lip before seeking entry into the warm, moist cavern of her mouth. He who nearly came when she parted that mouth for him, accepting his tongue, welcoming it, stroking it with her own.

  He sunk his hands into her hair, holding her head, angling it so he could deepen the kiss. He poured his heart and soul into the kiss, loved her fully with it, accepted nothing less than her complete surrender in return.

  Her body relaxed below him. She seemed to melt back into the chair.

  Oh, yeah. She was his.

  All neatly tied up for his entertainment.

  Chapter Four

  Molten lava ran through her veins, burning her from the inside out. Or maybe the heat came from his touch, from the hands that moved from her hair, down her arms and up her stomach, skimming over the ropes that bound her and settling just below her breasts.

  Settling there. Not moving. Not an inch. Not one damn inch.

  She shoved her breasts outward, as far as she could, silently begging for his touch.

  Dear God. He’d done it for her. For them. Slept with Rachel to make Jackson jealous.

  Jenna had been so sure he’d done it to hurt her. An if-I-can’t-have-you-I’ll-have-your-best-friend move.

  Never. She should have known better. That wasn’t Garreth’s style. Never had been. Garreth was straight up and down the line. He’d been straight up and down the line with her from the beginning. Told her he’d fallen for her. Told her he wanted her. Told her, in graphic detail, everything he wanted to do to her.

  And she’d rejected him. Time and time again. Fought for control over her emotions. Backed away from him—no matter how much she’d wanted him.

  She’d had no choice. The man terrified her. Threatened everything she was, everything she’d become since the incident in high school.

  He brought things out in her she’d tried to repress for the last twelve years, made her feel things she didn’t want to feel. He made her feel like a wanton, sexual being, intent on finding physical release, physical satisfaction. Intent on using her body—and his—to gain that release.

  Like now. She wanted—needed—him to do every dirty thing he’d just said to her. Lick her pussy, lick her ass, fuck her over and over again. Make her come, over and over again.

  She shouldn’t feel this way. Shouldn’t acknowledge her sexuality. People noticed if you were sexual. Cut you down for it. Accused you of hideous sins.

  As a seventeen-year-old, she’d discovered she loved sex. Did it with her boyfriend whenever they could, however they could. She’d even confessed her love of sex to her friend at the time. Simone.

  And Simone had taken her confession and stretched it into something it wasn’t. She’d turned Jenna into a sexual pariah. Made her the girl who slept with her brother.

  If that experience had taught her one thing, it was to deny her sexuality. If she didn’t acknowledge her physical desires, no one else would notice them.

  And she’d managed too. For twelve years. Kept every sordid need and idea to herself. Never once spoken openly about what she really wanted a man to do to her. What she wanted Garreth to do to her.

  Until a week ago.

  But God help her, with Garreth she had no more control. As hard as she’d tried to cling to it while they argued, it slipped away. Her pussy wept for him, her breasts ached. Her nipples weren’t just tight. They throbbed, desperate for his touch, his mouth, his tongue, his teeth.

  She longed for him to fuck her. Fuck her into oblivion. Fuck her until she couldn’t remember her name or his. Fuck her until all she felt was him and her and the intense magic she knew they’d create together. The same magic she’d denied forever.

  The very magic he conjured now as he kissed her.

  His mouth seduced, his lips a sinful treat against hers. And his tongue. God, that tongue. So fucking talented. So fucking amazing. So… so…

  Jenna tore her mouth from his. “Touch me,” she begged.

  He brushed the underside of her breast with his thumb, the lightest caress, and then it was gone.

  Jenna screamed, frustration making her edgy and horny.

  “Touch you? Is that all you want me to do?” He looked…disappointed. And delighted.

  She stared at him, struck dumb by his beauty. He was gorgeous at the best of times, but with his mouth all thoroughly kissed, his lower lip all full and succulent, Garreth closely resembled a sex god.

  “Tell me what you really want, Jenn,” he coaxed. “Tell me in detail, and it’s yours.”

  Words eluded her. She couldn’t talk. This time though, it wasn’t just years of conditioning that kept her silent. Her heart beat too damn fast and her lungs had no air. Desire had taken full control of her body. She stared at him, willing him to see her need in her eyes.

  “Jenn,” he rasped. He stepped back, squeezed his eyes shut and groaned, as though in pain. He rubbed a hand over his groin, once, twice. She gaped, watching in fascination as his hand inadvertently brushed the elastic of his boxers, revealing the tip of his dick. It was bulbous and pink and bathed in droplets of precome.

  A moan tore from her throat, and she licked her lips, utterly desperate to taste those droplets. To wrap her lips around the head of his dick and suck it inside her mouth.

  “Fuck,” he breathed, dropping his hand and opening his eyes again. “You’re killing me. Looking at me with those bedroom eyes, making those little sounds and not saying one word…”

  She pulled her gaze from his once-again concealed dick up to his blazing green eyes. She wanted his mouth back on hers. Ne
eded it there more than she needed her next breath.

  “Tell me what you want, and I’ll do it, Jenn. You want me to touch you, tell me where. I’ll touch you until you tremble from head to toe, until my hands know every centimeter of your flesh, every curve of your breasts, every dip and hollow of your body. I’ll touch you until your pussy is dripping for me. I’ll touch you anywhere you want.”

  Anywhere? How about everywhere? But how could she tell him? How could she voice her needs without letting go of her control? “Just love me, Garreth,” she whispered. “Love me like I love you. Please.”

  The sound he emitted was half groan, half strangled cry. “I do.” His muscles went rigid. He pressed his hand so damn hard against his groin Jenna imagined she could feel the pressure of it—and the pain. “You know I do. But I need more. I need your honesty, your openness. I need you to lose control once and for all and tell me what you want from me. What you really want from me. Tell me every dirty, filthy fantasy you’ve ever had about me.”

  Her belly pulled tight, an invisible string tugging on her pussy, making her horny as hell. “I want you to fuck me, Garreth.” The words poured from her mouth before she realized she’d voiced them, but once they were out she couldn’t take them back. Didn’t want to. “I want you to fuck me just like you promised. With your mouth and your cock. I want you in my pussy and my ass.” Her ass too? Was she sure about that? No one had ever touched her there, ever tried.

  Ah, fuck, yeah. She most definitely was sure. The cheeks of her butt clenched in confirmation.

  “I want you licking me ’til I shudder and orgasm. I want you fucking me so damn hard, so damn thoroughly I forget my own name. I want your mouth on my tits, your teeth and your tongue on my nipples.” Her breath burned her throat, her confessions made liquid heat pool in her pussy. So forbidden yet such a turn-on.

  She was falling apart, for sure. The seams of her carefully organized world were tearing, the desires of her taboo thoughts oozing through the cracks. She was incapable of stopping the spillage. Didn’t want to. “Love me. Tongue me, touch me, fuck me. Make me come. Over and over and over.”

  Garreth’s roar was deafening. Before she’d drawn a breath, he’d ripped her blouse apart. Buttons flew everywhere. The shredded material gaped open, exposing her braless breasts to the cool winter air. Making her pebbled nipples tighten further.

  She tried to shrug the shirt off, but couldn’t. It was still tied to her body. Her groan of frustration turned to pleasure as Garreth fused his mouth to one nipple and sucked.

  Ah, fuck. Oh, God. Heaven.

  His mouth tugged on her nipple, pulled, laved, caressed.

  And bit. Stinging pain shot through her breast and was gone, kissed better, licked until the pain was but a delicious memory.

  Then her other breast was in his mouth, being subjected to the same torture. Licking, nipping, suckling. The shadow of his beard abraded her tender skin, scratching her, delighting her.

  Jenna threw her head back and sobbed in pleasure. Her breath was gone, her logic as well. She was nothing but a whirling body of sensation.

  Bound to the chair, immobile, and in absolute heaven.

  Heaven that sparkled and glittered as his hands crept up her legs, shoved her skirt upwards and exposed her panties.

  When his fingers stroked her over the sodden material, the groans that filled the room could have been hers or his, she had no idea. Didn’t care. She just wanted those fingers on her. In her.

  Garreth tore his head away from her breasts. He wore an expression of pure greed as he peered at her pussy, stared between her legs at the useless thong that covered the very part of her she wanted him to touch. Lick. Fuck.

  And then his focus was gone. His gaze dipped and his fingers disappeared.

  Noooo. “Garreth,” she breathed her complaint.

  His hands found her ankles, pulling, yanking.

  What was he doing? She didn’t want his hands there. She wanted them on her breasts, on her pussy, in her ass.

  Miraculously, her legs were free, no longer bound to the chair. Before she could move, Garreth had her feet propped over his shoulders, had her thighs stretched wide open. His gaze was focused firmly on her pussy once again.

  “Damn you,” she yelled at him, even as sparks ignited within her. “Touch me. Fuck me. Please.” She ground her ass on the chair, pushed her legs open wider.

  He buried his face between her thighs, above her panties, and simply inhaled deeply.

  Jenna shrieked.

  Garreth groaned. His hands shook where they rested on her shins.

  The thong was given the same treatment her blouse had received. Garreth pulled on it, sank his teeth around it and ripped it to shreds. The useless lace gave on the first tug, freeing her throbbing pussy to his marauding tongue.

  He pressed his mouth to her lower lips and kissed her.

  Jenna’s breath left her chest. Her eyes slid shut.

  He held nothing back, licking at her fiercely, gloriously. His tongue lathed, his teeth nipped. He drank from her, lapping up her cream, just liked he’d promised.

  The very movements made her crazy, whisked up feelings inside she hadn’t allowed to surface for twelve years. Why not? Dear Lord, how could she have denied herself this intense paradise? Her pussy pulsed, tingled, swelled.

  His tongue caressed, soothed, lapped. His teeth nipped, scratched. His cheeks scraped the skin on her inner thigh.

  Oh, my fucking God.



  Never felt anything like it.

  And then Garreth toppled her world over sideways. Using his hands to pull her pussy lips wide open, he zoned in on her clit and licked her.

  Jenna screamed as delicious shivers exploded in that tiny bud, his tongue the sole cause of all that stunning pleasure. The shivers grew, expanded, exploded, the sensation encompassing her entire pussy. Her breasts tingled, her arms went numb.

  He didn’t cease his exquisite attack for one second. He licked her straight through her orgasm as she convulsed beneath his fingers.

  And just when the spasms seemed to be trickling away, he took one of those fingers and slipped it inside her. Deep, deep, deep inside her.

  She came again, grasping that finger tight within, not allowing him to move it one inch.

  He laved her, licked her. Loved her clit, loved her pussy, and slipped another finger inside her.

  Jenna jerked on the chair, electrified by his ministrations.

  She’d never, ever come so easily, so quickly. Never, ever let go like that when a man went down on her. At best, she grit her teeth and endured it, determined not to enjoy herself. With Garreth she had no choice. She could do nothing but relish the tempestuous storm that he stirred within her.

  Why? Why had she ever refused to enjoy this?

  Strapped to the chair, at the mercy of one man, unable to move, and she couldn’t ever remember feeling so good, so free. So…sated.

  The pleasure became too intense, her pussy too sensitive.

  She begged him to stop.

  God bless him, he did. He pulled away, leapt to his feet, and with lips glistening with her cream—her come—he kissed her. Pressed his lips against hers and slid his tongue into her mouth. Urged her to kiss him back, to return his love.

  And she did. Oh, God, did she ever, licking his lips, curling her tongue around his, sucking it into her mouth, tasting herself on his breath. Herself. Her pussy juices. On his breath.

  The carnal knowledge sent a fresh wave of desire flashing through her.

  She moaned, squirmed, tried pressing her aching breasts into his chest, couldn’t.

  Tied to a damn chair.

  “More,” she demanded. “More, more, more.”

  Garreth’s eyes were glazed, his stare as hungry as she felt. Starving—for her. “Anything you want, Jenn. Anything at all.”

  He was back on his knees, crouching before her. His mouth was on her pussy and she shoved her groin against
his lips, wanting his tongue deep within.

  She told him as much, begged for it, and he gave her whatever she wanted.

  She was powerless to aid him, powerless to stop him. Her hands had balled into tight, helpless fists behind her back. Strapped to the chair, she could only feel, experience, enjoy. Again he drew her pussy lips wide apart, spearing his tongue inside her. Just like she asked.

  Ribbons of ecstasy shot through her. Her orgasm built, threatened to overwhelm her, but before it could, Garreth propped his hands beneath her ass and lifted it off the chair. Not very high, the ropes prevented that. But high enough that when his tongue touched her again, it wasn’t her pussy he licked.

  Oh, fuck. Oh, God. She muttered incoherently, couldn’t stop.

  In this position, her butt cheeks were spread, and his tongue journeyed towards that very secret hole she’d shared with no one. Never dared. Always wanted to, but never told anyone her darkest desires.

  How could she not have begged a man to do this to her before now? Was she mad? Crazy?

  How could she never have let anyone explore her body like Garreth did now?

  Because Garreth was the only one she felt deeply enough about to ever admit to wanting this.

  The answer was so simple, so staggering, it left her gasping. She would have stopped to ponder the breakthrough of her thoughts, except Garreth’s tongue had found that secret spot, and Jenna was no longer capable of rational thought. Not when his tongue laved a lazy path around her tight ring of muscle. Not when pleasure fizzed through her. Not when he tickled and tantalized and tempted.

  Not when her excitement reached new levels of impossible.

  Not when the same tongue that had stabbed into her pussy, now did the same thing to her behind. He chose that exact second to slip a finger in her pussy and rub his thumb ever so gently over her clit.

  The orgasm crashed over her, its force rocking the foundations of world. The convulsions blindsided her.

  When a lifetime had passed and the final tremors died away, Garreth lowered her pulsing ass and pussy back down on the seat. She collapsed back in a boneless heap on the chair.


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