Bagging Alice (Standalone) (Babes of Brighton Book 3)

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Bagging Alice (Standalone) (Babes of Brighton Book 3) Page 9

by Laura Barnard

  Tom has been really sweet to me since my little breakdown yesterday. He even told me not to bother cooking and brought home a veggie pizza. I think it was just an excuse for him to have some BBQ chicken wings, but whatever. I scoffed it down, along with the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

  Once he picked Pickles up, he managed to talk me into going for a walk together along the sea front. Pickles does seem to be far better behaved with him. He bought her an extendable lead, so she can have some freedom, but we can still get her back.

  Watching her now frolicking in the sea, it’s hard to be pissed at her. She is kind of adorable.

  Tom suddenly clasps my hand. I look down at our joined hands in shock.

  ‘So how are you feeling today?’ he asks casually, as if the guy isn’t holding my hand. ‘Better?’ He gives my hand a quick squeeze and then let’s go.

  Wow. I can’t believe how sweet he can be sometimes. It’s weird and unsettling.

  I force a smile I’m not feeling inside. ‘Yeah, I’m feeling much better, thanks.’

  He sighs and turns to look at me. ‘Alice, look I know we’re not besties or whatever. But if something is bothering you please know that you can tell me. Contrary to what people believe, I am actually a good listener.’

  Pickles runs around us. ‘I just...’ Should I tell him about the naked pics? My crazy first boyfriend? No, no I can’t. ‘I just must be due on or something,’ I quickly say.

  His face squirms. ‘Ew. Too much info, Ice Queen.’

  I giggle. ‘You said you wanted to listen,’ I tease.

  ‘Yeah, not to how your uterus lining is shredding thanks. Ugh, you women are gross. Anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn’t die is a freak in my book.’

  I burst out laughing. Then my leg is suddenly squeezed. I look down, ready to throw Tom’s hand off when I realise it’s Pickles’ lead tightening around me. I try to look where I can untangle it but it’s getting tighter by the second.

  ‘Shit,’ Tom gasps. ‘She’s wrapped us up.’

  My body is suddenly smashed against Tom’s, pressing my suddenly very erect nipples against his hard chest. Thank God for my coat hiding them.

  ‘Pickles!’ I shout.

  Just at that second, I see her spot a seagull over the water. Her eyes widen. Oh no, please no.

  She bolts across the water, the lead wrapping us so tight that we lose our footing and before we have a chance to correct ourselves we’re falling into the freezing cold seawater.

  It shocks me so much my mouth opens, taking in a mouthful of salty seawater. Tom manages to pull us up out of the water and drag us back to the pebbles. He lays me down and untangles us while shouting abuse at Pickles.

  I’m so frozen I can’t even speak. Every muscle in my body is frigid from the sudden change in temperature.

  I’m finally free when he grabs Pickles and puts her on a tight lead. I take my soaking coat off my shoulders.

  ‘You are never being allowed freedom again, missus!’ he shouts at her. He turns to me, his eyes scanning over my tired body. ‘Alice, you’re gonna have to get up. We need to go. Now.’

  ‘But I’m soaking wet. What’s the rush?’ Right now, I just want to lie here and feel sorry for myself a minute.

  ‘Exactly,’ he snaps bad-temperedly. ‘Seeing you lying there soaking wet with your nipples that could cut ice, has me sporting a raging boner. I’d like to get home before anyone notices.’

  I look down at his bulging jeans and burst out laughing. ‘Just when I thought you were being all sweet, you have to go caveman on me again.’

  ‘What can I say, Ice Queen? You melted just enough to wake my dick up.’

  Friday 26th October


  I had to lock myself in my room and wank. It was the only way to get rid of my raging boner. But fuck me, seeing Alice laid there all wet... well, she’s lucky I didn’t jizz in my pants immediately. The woman’s turning me into a teenager again.

  I walk out into the kitchen.

  ‘We’re going to have to take the dog,’ Alice says to me on a sigh. ‘The dog woman can’t have her.’


  ‘The Halloween party tomorrow night at the pub?’

  ‘Oh yeah.’ Jack did tell me the boys were coming down, so we were gonna make a night of it. ‘It’ll be fine.’

  ‘Yeah, famous last words,’ she snorts. ‘Also, Tom, I think with you getting a boner today it’d be best if I slept in my own bed tonight. Alone.’

  I can’t help but feel my heart sink. ‘Okay,’ I shrug. ‘Whatever. We were only doing it because of Pickles. I’m sure she’ll be fine with just one of us.’

  ‘Yep,’ she nods. ‘And if not, we’ll just have to be strong. It’s not healthy for us to be sharing a bed. We’re roommates. Nothing more, right?’

  ‘Right.’ I nod. So then why do I feel like she just rejected me?

  Saturday 27th October


  After a fraught night of Pickles crying and pining for me, I managed to hold strong and not go into Tom’s room. He must be knackered, but he also stayed true to his word and didn’t bother me. The worst thing is that without his body heat I couldn’t seem to sleep myself. It’s funny how quickly you get used to sleeping with someone.

  So that’s how we find ourselves walking into O’Malley’s with Pickles on a tight lead, our eyes heavy but our livers ready for a Halloween party battering. I’ve dressed Pickles up as a spider. She’s wearing the cutest little antlers with fake spider eyes on top of her head.

  I’m dressed as a circus ringmaster. It feels appropriate looking after this bunch of weirdos. Tom has come as Shaggy from Scooby-Doo on the promise that I’ll let him dress Pickles as Scooby halfway through the night. I think he’s going to use her to pull birds. Imbecile.

  I’ve given Pickles a pep talk, so she knows to be on her best behaviour. Not that she seemed to take any of it in. God, if someone could just invent a machine which translates dog language it would make my life so much easier. Or is it sign language that is universal for every language? But then I suppose dogs don’t have thumbs, do they? Bit hard for them. I giggle to myself.

  ‘What are you thinking about?’ Tom asks when we get to the bar. It’s covered in fake cobwebs, gaudy plastic decorations, and candle filled pumpkins. ‘You have the weirdest look on your face.’

  I grin, feeling a flush light up my cheeks. ‘Just... thinking about what I’m going to drink.’ If I told him the truth, he’d think I’m even more of a freak than he already does.

  ‘And?’ he raises his eyebrows and with the green neon lights in the room he looks mischievous.

  ‘I’ll have a Southern Comfort and lemonade please.’

  He raises his eyebrows disapprovingly. ‘That’s not very Halloweenie is it?’

  I look heavenwards. ‘Well, it’s not actually Halloween tonight is it?’

  He wrinkles his nose. ‘Not with that attitude.’

  The girls wave me over from their reserved booth with the guys. Thank God they’re here. I feel like Tom has taken over my life. I need some girlie time. Though I doubt I’ll get it tonight with two of the girls in question being loved up.

  Erica and Jack have come dressed as Harley Quinn and Joker from Suicide Squad. About as scary as they could manage probably. Brooke and Nicholas are like a different couple entirely. Brooke has come as some kind of slutty jester with half her face painted and bloodied up. It’s so good, it’s obvious that Erica did it. Brooke always uses her make-up artist skills when she wants to look amazing.

  Nicholas looks terrifying. He’s dressed in his usual kind of clothes, but his face is completely painted white, with huge black lips, and his eyes drawn bigger around them. When he closes his mouth, he looks like demented clown. It might actually haunt my dreams.

  Molly is dressed as a bloodied-up Barbie; of course she is. While Charlie is dressed as Deadpool, mask and all. That outfit is a bit too tight for him. If he wasn’t my friend, I’d probably be taking
the piss out of him.

  Tom comes back a minute later with a tray full of shots, no Southern Comfort and lemonade in sight. Damn, that man never listens.

  ‘Blood clot shots for everyone!’ he shouts, like a woo girl. He’s such a bimbo.

  I tentatively take one of the red, gross-looking things. The top of it looks like burnt puss or something. ‘What’s in it?’

  ‘Jack Daniels and cider with some burnt marshmallows on top.’

  ‘And probably loads of food colouring,’ Evelyn says holding it up to inspect it. She’s dressed as Audrey Hepburn, which is basically how she dresses anyway. Trust her to not join in with the fun.

  ‘Ah, so not that alcoholic then.’ I take it and knock it back, the sugary sweetness sliding effortlessly down my throat and instantly warming my tummy. ‘Mmm, it’s nice. Can I have another?’

  Tom’s eyes widen. ‘Wahey! Alice is on it tonight!’

  Jack jerks his head towards Tom. ‘None of that tonight,’ he warns, his eyes serious.

  What does he mean by that?

  ‘Huh? None of what tonight?’ Molly asks looking between the two of them.

  ‘Nothing,’ Tom says, rolling his eyes as if Jack is being ridiculous.

  Within two hours I’m pretty drunk. Don’t get me wrong, I can hold my liquor, but the way I’ve been chucking back these drinks I’m feeling nicely buzzed. Possibly too buzzed to be looking after a little dog. I’ve already dressed her up as Scooby-Doo to appease Tom and put a picture on Instagram. Poor cow.

  I offer to get the round in and stand up on wobbly legs, giggling to myself. Pull it together, Alice. You’re a grown woman for God’s sake. I pass the lead over to Tom.

  I pull my shoulders back and skip over to the bar. That’s the only way to describe it. I find when I’m drunk I can’t walk slowly, or I’ll fall over. It’s easier to do a sort of whimsical skip in my heels. Plus, I get to the bar quicker.

  I order our drinks and look around the bar. That’s when I notice the fitty sitting next to me is already looking at me with a devilish smile. Where the hell did he come from? I would have thought I’d have noticed this gorgeous hunk of meat walking in. He’s all tall, dark, and handsome. Totally my type. Unlike Tom with his stupid blonde hair.

  ‘Hey, gorgeous,’ he says with a wink, and is that an Irish accent?

  I giggle. I can’t help it. Who on earth says ‘hey gorgeous’? And the wink? Totally over the top. I’d eye roll in any normal situation, but this isn’t a normal situation. It’s Halloween and I’m feeling giddy after a few too many bloody themed cocktails. Plus, did I mention he’s pretty?

  ‘Hey yourself,’ I say with what I hope is a seductive wink back. Knowing me he’ll ask me if I’m okay in a minute. Think I’m having some sort of stroke.

  ‘So, do you have any Irish in you?’ he asks.

  I stare back at him. It’s too noisy in here. I can’t concentrate.

  ‘No,’ I say with a headshake. ‘Just here for a night out.’

  ‘Do you want some?’ he asks, throwing his head back on a chuckle.

  Oh my god, the blatant cheek of him! Asking if I want a poke. Want to see the gold at the end of his rainbow, the cheeky fucker.

  ‘You cheeky bastard!’ I laugh, smacking him playfully on his shoulder. God, this guy is so not my type, but he’s so audacious that I can’t help but find him charming. And after the last couple of days I can’t help but feel flattered.

  He says something quietly, so quietly I can’t hear him.


  ‘Come closer,’ he says, guiding me towards him. It’s only when I’m close to him that I notice instead he whips his head round and pecks a quick kiss on my lips.

  I stare back at him in shock. Did he really just kiss me without my consent? Did I like it? What is happening right now?

  I look down at his lips, licking my own. My eyes meet his, daring him to do it again. Who am I right now? Kissing a total stranger in a bar. I’m only ever this brave at Halloween. The freak in me comes out to play.

  He lowers his lips, this time pressing them against me longer. His tongue teases at my mouth. I’m just about to allow him entry when I’m yanked back.

  What the hell is happening?

  I look around to see Tom’s furious face, his eyebrows so furrowed he’s going to give himself a permanent wrinkle.

  He has my arm in his hand. ‘What the hell, Alice?’ he shouts over the music.

  ‘Shit, is this your boyfriend?’ the random kisser asks on a grimace.

  ‘No!’ I shout in disgust, throwing off Tom’s hand. ‘What the fuck is your problem, Tom?’

  ‘I...’ he puts his hands through his hair, his movements tense and jerky. ‘I need to speak to you.’

  ‘Yeah, well there are ways and means, buddy,’ random kisser says on a huff.

  Wow, he’s a bit bloody mad considering I’ve just met him.

  Tom’s jaw turns to steel and I swear I can almost hear him growl. ‘Mind your own fucking business,’ he spits.

  ‘That’s what I was doing,’ random Irish kisser says, ‘when you butted head first like a bull into mine. We’d be kissing now if it wasn’t for you pesky kids,’ he jokes.

  I burst out laughing. This guy is funny AND fit. Anyone who uses Scooby-Doo puns is a winner in my book.

  ‘Alice is NOT your business,’ Tom snarls, his eyes turning dark. I’ve never seen him so mad in my life.

  Random kisser snorts. ‘Sounds like you want her to be yours though.’

  Oh no he didn’t!

  I turn to see Tom rear back his hand and punch him right on the jaw. Random kisser falls off his stool, clutching his face. What the fuck?

  ‘Tom!’ I shriek. Everyone is staring at us.

  Nicholas, Charlie, and Jack are beside us within seconds.

  ‘Get him out of here,’ Jack instructs me, immediately taking control of the situation.

  Why the hell is he my problem? I’m not his girlfriend.

  I grab his arm and pull him towards the exit. I grab Pickles from Brooke, exchanging a quick eye roll, before taking him out of the pub, while everyone stares on, obviously enjoying the drama. Talk about ruin the night.

  As soon as the fresh air hits us, the reality of what’s just happened dawns on me. I kissed someone. Tom punched them. Why did that guy make him so angry?

  ‘What the hell, Tom?’ I demand, hand on my hip.

  ‘I should be saying the same bloody thing to you!’ he roars. ‘What the hell are you doing kissing that random arsehole?’ he howls back.

  ‘I can kiss whoever the hell I want!’ I yell, my finger pointed in his face. ‘What has it got to do with you?’

  ‘It’s got everything to do with me!’ he explodes, arms wide in the air.

  I shake my head in disbelief. ‘How does it have anything to do with you? We’re roommates, remember?’

  He stops pacing to stare at me. ‘Is that all we are?’ he challenges, his eyes full of something I can’t put my finger on.

  ‘Isn’t it?’ I ask, my voice low. Why don’t I sound pissed off anymore? I’m still mad as hell, but... well, when he’s looking at me with that sincerity and vulnerability in his eyes... I just, well, I don’t know.

  ‘If anyone is going to be kissing you, it’s going to be me.’

  I stare back into his emerald eyes. I’m waiting for him to break into laughter and tell me he’s only joking. To call me a dickhead. Only he doesn’t. He just continues to stare intently, not breaking eye contact with me for a second.

  ‘You?’ I whisper in disbelief.

  He grabs me around the waist, pulling me into his chest. ‘Me.’

  He crushes his lips against mine, making me take a sharp inhale of breath through my nose. My eyes spring open in disbelief, looking back at his relaxed closed ones. I can’t believe Tom is kissing me right now. What the hell is happening?

  I force my eyes shut in a desperate bid to think. Think of if I want this. Damn, this alcohol has my brain all fuzzy.
Tom kisses me softly, each peck causing more goose-pimples to rise on my body. Oh, who am I kidding? His lips are smooth as velvet and he smells of woody sandalwood and cedar. I want him bad.

  I let myself relax into it, his hand traveling up my neck and into my hair which he fists. It’s almost rough, slightly painful, but I love it. He licks the seams of my lips, begging entry. I open my mouth willingly, letting his tongue come in to tease me.

  He massages my tongue with his as his other hand leaves my waist to travel down to my arse. He squeezes an arse cheek hard, pulling me even closer into him. So close that I can feel his erection. Jesus!

  This shit just got real.

  I pull back, the feel of his dick against my stomach enough to wake me up. What the hell are we doing? We’re roommates. This can’t happen.

  ‘Tom,’ I say feebly, my hand against his chest. His big strong, manly chest.

  He looks back down at me, his chest heaving underneath my hand. I can feel his heart racing.

  ‘What?’ he asks, as if this is no big deal. To him it probably isn’t. He probably gets off with women on a daily basis. That’s the problem. I refuse to be part of his harem.

  I force an unnatural laugh. ‘We can’t do this.’

  He frowns. ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because we’re roommates. It’ll just make everything awkward.’

  ‘So, you don’t want this?’ he challenges, eyebrows raised in disbelief. He’s such a cocksure prick.

  ‘I don’t,’ I say defiantly.

  A white lie that might hurt him now but give him half an hour and he’ll be over it. Onto the next girl.

  He scoffs a sigh. ‘Fine,’ he snaps, standing further back from me. He looks down at the floor, then up straight into my eyes. ‘Fuck you, Alice.’

  He turns and walks away, his shoulders slumped.

  Well that took a quick hideous turn.


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