Bagging Alice (Standalone) (Babes of Brighton Book 3)

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Bagging Alice (Standalone) (Babes of Brighton Book 3) Page 12

by Laura Barnard

  ‘Anyway, your dad wasn’t even that bad. If you met my parents, you’d have a bloody shock.’

  This seems to pique his interest. ‘Why are they so bad?’

  I shrug. ‘They’re not, I suppose. Just... very judgemental and standoffish.’

  ‘No way?’ he laughs. ‘I saw you being raised by hippies.’

  ‘What? Because of the red hair and wacky clothes? God, Tom, you’re so one-dimensional.’

  ‘Hey! No, I’m not.’

  ‘Whatever. I actually felt more welcome at your parents than I ever have at mine.’

  ‘You’re having me on. They can’t be that bad!’

  I scoff. ‘Trust me, I’m not. I have to go for dinner this weekend for my mum’s birthday and I’m already dreading it.’

  ‘I’m gonna have to see this to believe it, I’m afraid,’ he challenges, his arms crossed over his chest.

  ‘What?’ I splutter. ‘You want to come to Sunday lunch with my family?’

  He nods.

  ‘You’re insane! Why on earth would you want to put yourself through that?’

  ‘Because I think you’re being dramatic, and because I want to see what kind of people created Alice.’

  I can’t help but feel flattered that he wants to know more about me. Not that I’m anything like those people.

  ‘I am not a representation of these people. I’m this awesome despite coming from them.’

  He frowns for a second. ‘Wait, are you saying they like...’ he drops his voice to a whisper, ‘abused you or something?’

  ‘God, no! They’re not that bad. They’re just stuck up is all.’

  ‘Well then, fine. Tell them to fix one extra place setting. I’ll be there.’

  Wednesday 7th November


  I meet Jack at the gym after work. I need to work away some of this tension in my body. Between the flirtatious boss whose attention I don’t want, and Alice’s wavering attention that I’m desperate for, I’m a big ball of stress. Plus, it doesn’t help that Alice’s bedroom is only across the hallway from mine. Whenever I wank, I’m terrified she’s going to hear me and know I’m doing it.

  I’m already on the treadmill when Jack joins me on the next one, fuming. I’ve known him long enough to know by his red ears and tense jaw.

  ‘Who shit in your milkshake?’ I ask him with a grin.

  ‘It’s not funny,’ he snaps. ‘I’ve just got off the phone with Amber. She says the girls went down at the weekend and confronted her about her issues with Erica.’

  ‘Oh.’ Shit. She grassed on us. Wait, it doesn’t sound like she said I was there, so I’m in the clear for now. ‘What was she saying?’

  ‘Ugh, she was screaming that any decision she makes will be hers and she won’t be intimidated by Erica’s mates. Can you fucking believe they were stupid enough to do that? They’ve made everything one hundred times worse.’

  Shit. I have to tell him.

  ‘Look, they were only trying to help.’

  He turns to stare at me, almost falling off the treadmill. ‘You mean, you assume they were trying to help?’

  I look down at my feet.

  ‘Right, Tom?’ His voice is rising more by the second. ‘You didn’t know about this, did you?’

  I blow out a defeated breath. ‘Okay, I did.’

  ‘Are you fucking kidding me? How could you not have warned me?’

  A few people turn to stare at us.

  ‘Look, I tried to talk them out of it,’ I say quietly, waiting for the spectators to get bored and look away. ‘But you know that lot when they get an idea in their head. They’re unstoppable. So...’

  ‘So...?’ Jack asks, his jaw ticking with rage.

  ‘So, I kind of went with them.’

  ‘WHAT?’ More people turn to stare.

  ‘Only to make sure they were restrained! And Jack, they were. I kept everything calm. If she’s saying they were rowdy, she’s talking crap.’

  He slows down the treadmill until it stops. ‘She said if I ever want Esme down here then I’ll have to take her to court.’

  Shit. I can’t believe Amber is being so bloody unreasonable. I mean, I get that she’s her mother and is going to be protective, but Jack has always been a stand-up father. I don’t think he’s asking for much. He’s said he’d drive up there to collect her and it wouldn’t be every time he had her.

  ‘Maybe it’s time to think about court then?’

  He sighs. ‘But how much will that cost? It’s not like I have shit loads in savings.’

  ‘Just speak to a solicitor. Get an idea. You’ll feel better after.’

  ‘Okay. You’re right.’ He slaps me on the back. ‘Thanks, Tom. I’m so glad I’ve got at least one of you that lives here now. Even if you do insist on doing stupid shit behind my back.’

  I roll my eyes. ‘Don’t be getting emotional on me, Jack. I’ll have to go and buy you tampons.’

  Friday 9th November


  The gang decided to go out tonight for fish and chips seeing as we didn’t get to spend fireworks weekend all together. We’ve just settled down on the pebbled beach with food when the girls zone in on me.

  ‘So, are you and Tom together now or what?’ Evelyn asks me, always right to the point.

  I roll my eyes. ‘No. I keep telling you guys.’

  ‘Oh please,’ Brooke says with an eye roll. ‘You guys are so into each other.’

  ‘No, we’re not,’ I say quickly. ‘I turned him down, remember?’ I whisper so the boys won’t hear us.

  ‘Whatever,’ Erica snorts. ‘At least this one lives in the same country,’ she says pointedly at Evelyn. Evelyn huffs. She turns back to me. ‘Why are you running away from it? You know he likes you.’

  I sigh. ‘Maybe because I have the worst taste ever in men and Tom could be top of that list. A male chauvinist, sexist pig with commitment issues. Ooh, yeah, sounds like a right catch.’

  ‘Tom’s not like that,’ Molly says, as if I’ve hurt her feelings.

  ‘You barely know him, Moll! And you always see the best side of everyone anyway.’

  She shrugs. ‘I don’t see how that’s a bad thing.’

  I touch her on the shoulder. ‘It’s not. But I have to be more practical. The last boyfriend put bloody revenge porn up! It’s clear I’m not a good judge of character.’

  ‘So, you do like him then?’ Brooke asks with raised eyebrows, an amused smile playing on her lips.

  ‘I obviously like him. As a friend. As a roommate. And do I fancy him? Yeah, I probably do, but that doesn’t mean I should let my vagina do my thinking for me.’

  ‘Really?’ Brooke chuckles. ‘You should try it sometime.’

  ‘We can’t all be you, Brooke,’ Evelyn says with a disapproving tut.

  Nicholas calls her over. ‘So true.’ She stands up. ‘See ya.’

  ‘I agree with you anyway,’ Evelyn says to me, still serious. ‘You’re just being sensible.’

  It’s because she hates Tom and thinks he’s a giant pig. I don’t blame her, I thought the same not so long ago. I kind of still do in a way.

  ‘Well I don’t,’ Erica argues. ‘I say follow your heart.’

  That girl watches too much Disney.

  I look over at Tom laughing away with Charlie. My heart doesn’t feel full whenever I look at him, it feels pained. Afraid. I’m living in fear that one more heartbreak will shatter me forever.

  I take out my vintage camera I bought at a car boot sale for a frigging steal. The poor bastards didn’t realise I’d robbed them. I start taking a few natural shots of the group and then Pickles against the pebbles.

  Tom walks over with Brooke. ‘You guys fancy coming back to ours for a movie?’ he asks everyone.

  ‘I’m up for that,’ Brooke nods. ‘As long as we can have a walk through the lanes first. I still haven’t got Nic a birthday present.’

  ‘Brooke! It’s on Wednesday!’

  ‘I know,’ Brooke laughs. �
�Hence the wanting to walk through the shops.’

  We agree, and I pretend to insist to the lads that I want to have a little shop on the way back. They all groan but Brooke smiles back appreciatory.

  ‘Tom, you’re going to have to be our lookout, so Nicholas doesn’t cotton onto what Brooke’s doing.’

  He rolls his eyes but agrees.

  He looks down at my camera. ‘Why are you using that old thing? Isn’t digital easier?’

  I nod. ‘Yes of course it’s easier, but oh my god, I just love the finish with old cameras. I mean, it is a pain in the arse having to get them printed properly. In an ideal world I’d have my own dark room, but I haven’t won the lottery yet.’

  Brooke stops to look in a shop with old musical instruments. Just then I notice my favourite antique jewellery shop up ahead.

  ‘I’m just going to have a look here,’ I shout to the others.

  I look in at the lit-up display. It’s like a treasure chest of precious jewels. I will never understand how people want normal store-bought jewellery. Stuff that everyone else has. Mass-produced, factory made stuff. I much prefer one-off pieces like this, with a story, with a life they were a part of before they came to be in my possession.

  A gorgeous brooch catches my eye. It’s gold with gemstones in it. I notice that they’re the birth stones for me and the girls. That’s a weird coincidence.

  ‘What are you looking at?’ Tom asks, jogging up behind me.

  ‘Oh nothing,’ I say turning and walking back towards Brooke. I really need to help her with a present for Nicholas. Not looking at jewellery I can’t afford.

  After a painful hour of shopping we finally help Brooke buy Nicholas an antique lighter which we hope he’ll love. The truth is that the guy is impossible to shop for. I’ve just got him a vintage t-shirt I saw in a shop a few weeks back. It made me think of him.

  We bring everyone back to our flat after for drinks and put on a scary film with a particularly bad actress with huge breasts that the guys joke about. Erica and Jack fall asleep almost immediately. I have no idea how when there are women screaming on-screen, but they manage it. I suppose we did turn all the lights off to freak ourselves out.

  It’s coming to a particularly tense bit when I feel someone tap me on my left shoulder. I turn around quickly, knowing no-one is to that side. There’s no one there. What the hell?

  I look around and find Tom smirking next to me, on my right-hand side.

  ‘Was that you?’ I ask, sure he wouldn’t be so juvenile.

  ‘No!’ he says, mock offended.

  ‘You’re such a dick,’ I can’t help but chuckle. ‘Why would you do that in the middle of a horror film?’

  ‘Because I’m bored,’ he says with a boyish smile. The light of the television reflects on his amazing green eyes, lighting them up.

  ‘Pick on someone else,’ I say jokingly.

  ‘Look around you,’ he says with a wave of his hand. ‘There is no one else.’

  He’s right. Brooke and Nicholas are making out in the corner, Evelyn’s dozed off, and Molly and Charlie are playing rock, paper, scissors.

  ‘Are you not watching the film?’ I whisper.

  ‘This shit can’t scare me,’ he scoffs, puffing out his chest like Tarzan.

  We go back to watching the screen, but now I’m super aware of how close to me he is. I can’t help glancing over to his face, trying desperately to be as discreet as possible. He really has got the most perfect skin. There’s not one blemish on it. He’s clearly never known the struggle of pimpled skin.

  The music on screen turns tense. Oh god. Something jumpy is about to happen. I force myself to watch it. Oh god, creepy killer guy is going to jump out any minute. I can feel it.

  I wait another agonising thirty seconds before the killer jumps out from behind the washing machine. Fuck! How did he even get behind there?

  Tom and I both jump out of our skins. I look down to see that I’ve got my hand on Tom’s thigh. I look up into his face. His lips are parted as he pants from the surprise. The light of the TV is the only thing reflecting onto his face making him look like some sort of ethereal God. I definitely shouldn’t have drunk that wine.

  In that moment I want nothing more than to lean in and kiss him. To be held in his arms and pretend—if only for tonight—that it wouldn’t complicate things.

  He licks his lips, not taking his eyes off mine. He leans in, only a mere millimetre, but enough for me to know he’s going in for a kiss. Fuck it. I’m doing it. I’m going to kiss Tom.

  I lean in slowly, so slowly he seems nervous that I’m going to change my mind. My lips are so close to his that I can feel his laboured breath on mine. Just closing the distance now. One more movement and I’ll get to feel those plump lips on mine.

  I close my eyes and I’m just about to close that tiny distance when Pickles barks loudly from across the room, making us both jump. We look over to her. She’s standing by the door. She obviously needs a wee.

  I look to Tom, embarrassed.

  ‘Well, that’s one way to ruin a moment, Pickles,’ I say with a chortle.

  We grin at each other like idiots. Tom stands. ‘Until next time.’

  And for once I really know what I want. I want next time to come quickly. No matter how much it fucks things up.

  Saturday 10th November


  Today we’re all travelling up to Peterborough to take Esme to her school’s Christmas fair. A bit early in my book, but apparently, they always do it around now to make way for Christmas parties and nativity plays in December.

  Amber can’t bitch because we’re not leaving the area and she can’t make it anyway. I’m in Jack’s car with Erica, Evelyn, and Charlie. I deliberately made sure I was in a separate car to Alice. I need some space away from her to think.

  We almost kissed last night. Hell, if we had, I’d have slept with her. I have a feeling that once I start with her it’ll take an awful lot of willpower to stop. Her having that kind of power over me worries me. What is it with this girl? She’s not even my type. Weird, tattoos, piercings, small tits. She’s the opposite of my type.

  What might have started as a bit of fun winding her up, has turned into something more. But I don’t want a relationship, especially when I’ve just spread my wings from my mum and dad’s house. I also don’t want to hurt her. I get the feeling she’s been fucked around by past boyfriends.

  ‘So,’ Charlie says when we’re on the motorway, ‘I caught you and Alice almost kissing last night.’

  Erica’s head swings round from the front. ‘WHAT?’

  Oh, for fuck’s sake, why did he have to ask me here?

  ‘You have to tell me EVERYTHING!’ she demands, clapping her hands together. She’s probably already planning our joint wedding.

  ‘Shit, chill out, Erica. Nothing’s going on.’

  Jack scoffs a laugh. ‘Yeah, right,’ he says under his breath, but loud enough for us all to hear.

  ‘Come on,’ Charlie encourages, digging me in the ribs. ‘We’re all friends here.’

  I look up to see Evelyn glaring at me. ‘Don’t put me on that list,’ she says.

  God, why does this chick hate me so much? You’d think she’d be happy now that she’s in a relationship of her own. But no, this chick is constantly PMSing.

  ‘Evelyn,’ Erica snaps. ‘Leave Tom alone. You wouldn’t stand in the way of true love, right?’

  She snorts. ‘Don’t give me all of that Disney crap. This is Tom ‘Manwhore’ Maddens here. He just wants to take what he needs from her and then throw her away.’

  I curl my lip up in distaste. ‘Fuck, Evelyn. What the hell did I ever do to you?’

  ‘Me? Nothing. I’m too smart for you. I thought Alice was too, but even she seems to be falling under your spell. I have no idea why.’

  ‘What if I actually like her?’

  She rolls her eyes. ‘Guys like you aren’t capable of actually liking women. You just want to club them aroun
d the head, drag them back to your cave and then be done with them.’

  I frown. ‘Wait, are you trying to call me a caveman?’

  ‘Duh!’ she snaps. ‘Want me to spell it out for you? You’re no good for Alice. Stay away from her.’

  ‘Evelyn!’ Erica shouts. ‘Leave Tom alone!’

  ‘Yeah,’ Charlie says nodding in agreement. ‘Tom’s a good bloke.’

  ‘Okay, name his last serious relationship?’ she challenges with a quirked eyebrow.

  Jack coughs. ‘She’s got you there.’

  ‘Look, whatever me and Alice do is none of any of your business,’ I roar. I’ve never wanted to punch a woman, but Evelyn pushes me. Maybe because I know half of what she’s saying is the truth.

  ‘Unless we have to pick up the pieces,’ Erica warns with a kind smile. ‘Admit it, Tom. How awkward would it be if you got together, ended things badly, and then we all still have to see each other all the time?’

  ‘Yeah,’ I nod begrudgingly. It’s not like I haven’t thought of that.

  ‘She’s been through enough,’ Evelyn says absentmindedly.

  Through enough? What the hell does she mean by that? A bad ex-boyfriend like I thought?

  Erica glares at her. ‘Shut up, Evelyn.’

  ‘Why? What’s she been through?’ I ask, looking between the two of them, desperately trying to read them. They’re definitely communicating without talking here.

  ‘Nothing,’ she finally says, crossing her arms over her chest and looking out of the window.

  ‘Just really think about it,’ Charlie says with a slap on my back.

  ‘Ok,’ I promise. ‘I will.’

  It’s all I can think about anyway.


  The car ride down felt even longer than normal. I still have no idea why Tom insisted on getting in Jack’s car, when Molly was about to go in it. It’s like he’s avoiding me since last night. Did I read it all wrong? Did I maybe lean in and imagine he was into me at all? Maybe he was just being polite.


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