City of Sin

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City of Sin Page 18

by Ivy Smoak

  He grabbed my chin and turned my face back up to his. "In answer to your earlier question, you were definitely not disappointing." He leaned down and placed a soft kiss against my lips. "And you made me burn dinner."

  "I made you burn dinner?"

  "Mhm. I happen to find you incredibly distracting."

  I laughed and peered over his shoulder. The living room was open to the kitchen. It had marble countertops and shiny stainless steel appliances. It would have looked like it was out of the pages of a magazine if whatever Mason had been cooking wasn't sitting on the stove, completely black.

  "Actually, all I'm really craving right now is ice cream," I said.

  "You want ice cream for dinner? What are you, five?"

  "It just so happens that I crave chocolate after really good sex." I unwound his arms from around me.

  "So, this is probably the first time you've ever craved chocolate after sex then?"

  Was he really looking for my stamp of approval too? He had to be kidding. Obviously that was the best sex I had ever had. If I was lucky, Patrick lasted five minutes. Mason and Patrick weren't even on the same sex scale. I innocently shrugged my shoulders.

  He leaned down and lifted me over his shoulder.

  I laughed. "Mason, I'm capable of walking to the kitchen." I reached down and slapped his ass.

  "Yeah, we're not going to the kitchen." He pushed the bottom of my shirt up and kissed my bare ass as he carried me back toward the bedroom.

  Chapter 49


  It hadn't snowed since New Years, but it was so cold that there was still a white blanket of snow all over Central Park. Except for the path that I was currently running on. You couldn't find perfectly white snow anywhere else in the city.

  I ran across the small bridge where I would usually turn around and picked up my pace. I needed the fresh air and the extra exercise. I hadn't felt quite right this morning. That tightness in my chest had returned. It was probably the fact that I had ice cream for dinner. I rounded a corner and sprinted up a set of steps.

  Who was I kidding? It wasn't the ice cream. It was her. We had fallen asleep on the couch watching this stupid old black and white movie. We had turned it on halfway through and Bee had tried to explain what was going on to me the whole time instead of just letting me watch it. We had spent the majority of the time laughing instead of paying attention. And it was perfect. It was better than the gala. And it was better than any fancy restaurant.

  "Shit." I stopped at the top of the steps and put my hands on my knees. The cold air felt like ice in my lungs. It didn't matter how far I ran away from her. I couldn't shake that feeling in my chest. I stood up and ran my hands through my hair. I had ran to one of the corners of Central Park. Cars honking and speeding by somehow relaxed me. Normally on my runs I would think about work. Not women. I was normally good at compartmentalizing. It was different with Bee, though. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I'd have to start listening to music on my runs.


  My heart rate was still decelerating as I leaned against the side of the elevator. I thought a run would make me feel better. It hadn't. And now that I was almost back to my apartment, all I wanted to do was fuck her again.

  I stepped off the elevator and walked down the hallway. I had left Bee alone and naked in my bed. The thought made my cock start to press against my athletic shorts. What the fuck is wrong with me? I was never like this. I put my key in the lock. Fucking her again this morning would make this feeling go away. Right?

  I heard the shower running as I closed the door behind me. Fuck, that was even better. I pulled off my shirt as I made my way to my bedroom and tossed it on the floor. I kicked off my shoes, pushed off my short and boxers, and opened up the bathroom door. The room was covered in a layer of steam. I could just make out the silhouette of Bee through the glass. It didn't seem like she had heard me come in. I stood there for a second, staring at her. I couldn't believe I had waited over a week to fuck her. But my patience had paid off. Now I'd never have to wait again.

  I opened up the shower door.

  Bee immediately tried to cover herself. "Oh, God." She laughed but kept her hands on her body. "Mason, you scared me."

  The beads of water running down her naked body had to be the sexiest thing I had ever seen.

  "Mason? Are you okay?"

  I stepped into the shower and pulled her face to mine.

  She immediately wrapped her arms behind my neck.

  It wasn't just me. She couldn't get enough of me either. The water falling down on top of us made it hard to breathe while I was kissing her. But right now, she was the only sustenance I needed. I grabbed her legs and lifted her thighs around me.

  She moaned as my cock pressed against her clit.

  That's right, baby. You need me too. "Are you on birth control?"

  "What?" She was panting as she looked up at me.

  "Are you on the pill?"


  "Are you clean?"

  "I was halfway through my shower..." She paused and stared at me. "I mean, if you're talking, yeah, I'm clean."

  Fuck yes. I hated wearing condoms. I grabbed her ass and shoved my cock deep inside her tight pussy.

  "Mason!" Her head dipped back and her nails dug into my shoulders.

  I knew she was sore. I knew she wasn't used to a cock as big as mine or getting fucked three times in less than 24 hours. But she had no idea what her body could take. How much she could give me. I shoved her back against the cold tiles. I had a lot to teach her.

  I thrust myself deep inside of her. Fuck. It was like her pussy was made for my cock. And I knew I was the only one she wanted inside of her.

  Her hands moved to the back of my head. She wanted me to kiss her again. But I didn't have time to go slow right now. I had to get to work. I grabbed both her hands and pressed them against the tiles, pinning her in place. I began to thrust faster, harder, pushing her to her limits. I wanted her to scream my name.

  Last night was about her, showing her that she needed me. There was no way she wasn't addicted now. So today was about me and my needs. And I needed to fucking cum or I was going to end up jerking off in a bathroom stall at work just thinking about her. I moved my hips faster, enjoying the sound her ass made as it bounced against the sleek tile wall.

  "Mason," she moaned.

  "That's right, baby. Say my name when you come."

  She immediately started to clench around me. Damn she was responsive. She might not always listen to me, but she always came when I told her to. That was one demand she couldn't seem to resist.


  I bit my lip. I didn't want to come in her. Not right now.

  As soon as her orgasm subsided, I pulled out of her and set her back down on her feet. I pushed down on her shoulders so that her back slowly slid down the wall. She stared up at me with her innocent doe eyes. But she wasn't innocent at all. She knew exactly what I was about to do, and she fucking loved it. I wanted her to know she was mine. I needed her to know that she belonged to me now. I ran my hand up and down my length and aimed down at her.

  My first shot of cum landed on her chin.

  She didn't even flinch.

  My second and third shots landed between her breasts.

  I stepped under the water and quickly rinsed off. She was looking up at me like I was her fucking God. That's right. She would worship me on her knees whenever I asked. Because I owned her now.

  Chapter 50


  "You look different," Kendra said as I sat down in her cubicle to eat lunch with her.

  "I don't know what you mean by that." I unwrapped the granola bar I had bought from the vending machine and avoided her gaze. I had been distracted all morning. The more time that passed, the more it seemed like Mason was a dream.

  "You look all happy."

  "I think I look normal."

  "Not to burst your bubble, Bee, but you usually don't look this happy
at work."

  I shrugged my shoulders. "I had a good weekend."

  "Oh my God, you had sex with him, didn't you?"

  "Kendra, can you please keep your voice down?"

  "You did. Bee!" She put her hand on my arm. "Give me all the details. Was he big? God, I bet he was big. Where did you do it? Please tell me you got to see where he lives. I've always wanted to stay at Trump International."

  "Why do you know where he lives?"

  "Oh." Kendra laughed. "Just a guess." She took a huge bite of her sandwich.

  "Did you look him up?"

  "Eh. Marie told me that you went to the Silver Gala this weekend. And I knew Mason was rich, but I didn't know he was that rich."

  "That doesn't really answer my question."

  "Fine, okay? I did some very light snooping. It's not a big deal." She smiled at me and shifted in her seat slightly. "Do you want to know what I found out?"

  "No." Yes?

  "Are you sure?"

  "What, is it weird? It's probably weird, right?"

  She laughed. "No."

  I bit my lip. "Okay, tell me."

  "First tell me how good he was in bed."

  I shoved the rest of the granola bar into my mouth.

  "So good you can't even talk about it? I'm so jealous."

  "I think my body is addicted to him."

  "And your head?"

  "My head is wondering why he's with me if he's that good at sex. He could have any girl that he wanted. Why me?"

  "Because you're Kick Ass Bee."

  "Seriously, Kendra."

  "Why are you always so hard on yourself. You're fucking gorgeous. And you're broke. Guys like the whole damsel in distress thing. He probably thinks he's saving you. Maybe he has some weird complex or something."

  "Is that what you found out when you were stalking him?"

  "No. But did you know that his parents are billionaires? Not just rich, Bee. Freaking billionaires. Him and his brother are going to inherit so much money."

  "I know he's wealthy."

  "And he graduated from Harvard with honors."

  "I know he went to Harvard."

  "Okay, fine. So you know all that stuff. But did you know that he hasn't had a girlfriend since high school?"

  "How could you possibly know that?"

  "Deep, deep Facebook stalking."

  "And you said I don't have a life? Is that what you were doing all weekend?"

  "I was looking out for you."

  "I know." I bit the inside of my lip. "He told me on our first date that he didn't do the whole relationship thing."

  "You never told me that."

  "I didn't think I was ever going to see him again."

  "And what about now? Are you okay with that now?"

  "I don't know. I mean, he's not acting like he wants to stop seeing me. He's picking me up after work."

  "Is he seeing anyone else?"

  "I don't think so." He had said he hadn't been to any of those clubs since he had met me. But that didn't meant he wasn't dating anyone else. Or that we were in fact dating. He had said he wasn't going to share me. That I was his. "I think that maybe he's changed."

  "Overnight? I don't think so, Bee. He's a playboy."

  "A playboy? I don't think he's actually like that. He's a really nice guy."

  "You should Google image search him. He's with a different woman in every picture. I think you need to be realistic about what you're getting yourself into."

  "I'm really just trying to enjoy the present for once."

  "So you really don't care at all that you're just one of many?"

  It didn't feel that way when I was with him. When we were together it seemed like he couldn't get enough of me. He only wants me, right?

  "He's a rich, intelligent bachelor with commitment issues. Just be careful, okay?"

  A pit in my stomach was forming. Mason had said that I was his. But he had never said that he was mine.

  Chapter 51


  I pulled my phone out and looked at it under the table. I had gotten into a routine the past two weeks. In the morning, I woke up and fucked Bee. I went to work all day and tried not to think about her. And then I came home at night and fucked her again. It had been the best two weeks of my life. She had somehow transported me back to high school where I had no control over my erections. And my dick knew it was time. But instead of being with her, I was at a bar with James and his little brother. That would normally be fun, but tonight I just wanted to fuck Bee and then curl up on the couch with her and watch whatever was on T.V.

  My cell phone screen was blank. She still hadn't texted me. Who worked this late on a Friday night? I slid my phone back into my pocket.

  "Dude, you've got it bad." James' little brother, Rob, was visiting from out of town. And he had a tendency to tell it like it was. He had liked pushing my buttons ever since we were kids. But now that we were adults, I couldn't just beat him up whenever he pissed me off.

  I laughed. "Yeah, right." I took a sip of my beer and looked away from him.

  "Please don't tell me you're going to turn into my brother," Rob said.

  "Penny's hot, but she's a little young for me."

  James cleared his throat. "Have either of you been following the government shutdown? It really seems like it's going to happen. Without the FCC..."

  "No one wants to talk about that," Rob said. "Stop being boring. Back to you." He pointed at me. "This girl has got a hold on you."

  "No she doesn't. Give me a break."

  "You haven't stopped looking at your phone since you've gotten here."

  "Hey!" Matt said and clapped Rob on the back. "It's been forever, man." He sat down next to me and pulled off his jacket. "What did I miss?"

  "We were just talking about how Mason is whipped," Rob said.

  Matt laughed.

  "You're just jealous that I'm getting laid every night," I said.

  "I'm fucking rich and I live in a college town," Rob said. "Plus, have you seen me? I get laid all the time." He took a sip of his beer.

  I laughed. "Living there was a brilliant idea. I can't even argue with your logic. Do you ever miss it, James?"

  "No. I was a professor. I wasn't going out partying, screwing students."

  "Just the one student?"

  "Yup, just Penny. How many times are you guys going to ask me that?"

  "I just don't get it," Matt said. "If you didn't care about keeping your job, you should have nailed as many girls as you could. College girls? Fuck. You really let the ball drop."

  "You guys have seen Penny," Rob said. "I get it. I mean...damn."

  James laughed. "Yeah, I got the best girl there. Rob can have all my leftovers. Penny is all I need."

  Rob frowned. "They're not leftover if you never tapped them."

  James shrugged. "I'm going to go get another drink. Anyone else want another beer?"

  "No, I'm good," I said. "I can't stay that much longer anyway."

  James laughed. "It's too late, Rob. He's already like me."

  "Mason, I just got here," Matt said. "Come on, you have to be my wingman. There is a blonde at 9 o'clock that I have to nail."

  "I told Bee I'd pick her up once she's done with work."

  "Wow, you really are whipped." Matt made the sound of a whip cracking to emphasize his point.

  "See!" Rob said. "And he keeps checking his phone. He's like a teenage girl in love."

  "I'm just checking the score of the Knicks game," I said. But I wasn't. I wanted Bee to text me. I had been thinking about her all day.

  "Every screen in this bar has the Knicks game on," Rob said. "Seriously, what is wrong with you?"

  "He's in love," James said and sat down.

  "I'm not in love. And what do you even know about it? You're divorced and dating a girl that's barely legal."

  "Just because you're in denial doesn't mean you have to be a dick."

  "Fine. You're in love. Great. I'm not."

p; "Yeah you are," Matt said. "You haven't stopped talking about Bee ever since you met her. You're completely infatuated. Rob's right. You're acting like a high school girl with a crush."

  "Jesus, why not a high school boy with a crush? You're all crazy." I took a sip of my beer. I wasn't going to turn into some whipped dick. I just needed to stop thinking about Bee for two seconds.

  "Oh," James said. "Speaking of Bee, I need her number."

  "I thought you already got the girl you wanted from the University of New Castle?"

  "Yeah, I did. It's not for me. Penny wants it."

  "I don't think them hanging out is a good idea."


  I shrugged. "Why does Penny even want to?"

  "Because her only other friend from Delaware that's here is a guy. And I'd rather her hang out with your new girlfriend."

  "She's not my girlfriend. And it's going to be weird if they're friends if we stop seeing each other."

  "If? There you go. Point made," James said.

  "That doesn't mean anything."

  "You said if, not when."

  "I think it's great, Mason. You don't have to act so defensive."

  "I don't," Rob said. "I think it's terrible."

  Matt laughed. "I'm just happy she's a poor secretary. Because Mom and Dad are going to be pissed. Not that they aren't already pissed at you."

  "She's not going to meet them," I said. "We're just fucking."

  "Whatever you say," James said. "I still need her number."

  "Yeah, I'm not giving you her number. Tell Penny I'm sorry."

  "What is she doing tonight anyway?" Matt asked.

  "Studying," James said.

  "Has she gotten close to any of her new professors?"

  James frowned. "No."

  Rob laughed. "I don't know why, but Penny is completely obsessed with this guy." He put his hand on James' shoulder. "Trust me, I've made tons of passes at her, and she always says no."

  James pushed Rob's hand off his shoulder.

  Matt laughed. "Maybe I should come visit you," he said to Rob. "I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't been with a marketing major from a party school. I must be missing out on something."


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