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Snake (The Road Rebels MC Book 3)

Page 23

by Savannah Rylan

  Grinning to myself, I trained my eyes on the end of the hallway. Them snoring would give me a good gauge as to when they were asleep and awake, which meant talking with Harper would be easier. I slowly made my way down the hallway, keeping silent on my feet as I approached her door.

  My heart was hammering in my chest as blood rushed through my ears.

  I reached out for the doorknob and stopped. I listened for her parent’s snores, smiling when they hit my ear. There was only the door that separated us. The heavy wooden door they had her trapped behind. I closed my eyes and centered my mind, training my ears in the house one last time.

  Then, I twisted the doorknob and opened Harper’s door.

  Chapter 13


  I saw him pull into the driveway. His helmet was on, and his jacket was covering his body, but I knew it was him. Those strong arms and those long legs straddling that smooth red and chrome bike. I sat down on the edge of my bed as I listened to the doorbell ring. My mother was already in bed and I was already in my pajamas. I could hear the two of them talking as Cade’s low tones rumbled up the stairs.

  I closed my eyes and imagined he was speaking with me. He was right there. Right downstairs in my fucking home. I felt my body warm at that idea. I felt a ricocheting shiver slither up my spine. I listened closely as my father walked up the stairs, disappearing into his bedroom to do whatever the hell it was my mother and him did before they fell asleep.

  I wondered what I should do. Should I risk going down and talking to him? Should I stay up here? I could go downstairs for some water and encounter him that way. I could go grab another blanket out of the hallway closet and peer downstairs. I could hear my parent’s snoring coming from their rooms as I racked my brain for what to do.

  The father of my child was downstairs, and I didn’t know what my next move needed to be.

  I got up from my bed and paced back and forth. My stomach was protruding, and my heartburn was returning. If I didn’t get it under control soon, I’d have to go downstairs for some milk anyway. I groaned, my hand pressing into my stomach as my little boy began to kick.

  He was really giving me a run for my money.

  Just then, I heard a sound. I stopped my movements as my heart thundered in my ears. Was that a creak? Was someone in the house? Of course, there was someone in the house. Cade was fucking in the house. But when I stopped I couldn’t hear the noise, so I went back to pacing.

  Until the doorknob of my room turned.

  Whipping myself around, I watched the door swing open. My eyes widened as I took in his form, his rock hard body standing in the doorway. Cade’s eyes drilled into mine, his light green eyes peering from underneath his stern brow. His eyes fell on my stomach as I rubbed it, trying to get my son to stop kicking.

  Our son to stop kicking.

  “You can’t be here,” I said in a whisper.

  But all he did was come in and shut the door.

  “Cade, if my parents find you in here, my parents are gonna kill me,” I said harshly.

  “We need to go talk somewhere,” Cade said.

  Fuck, how I’d missed that voice. I allowed it to rush over me. To wrap me up in its rumbling warmth and relax my body. I ran my eyes up and down his form, taking in the strength of his legs and the length of his body. I knew that ever second I spent behind these closed doors with him spelled trouble with my father.

  At least if we went outside somewhere, I could take the blame and tell my father I couldn’t sleep.

  “Okay,” I said, sighing. “We have a private garden in the back.”

  “Lead the way,” Cade said.

  Grabbing my robe, I slipped my feet in my slippers. I walked past Cade as my robe fluttered against his body. I could feel him studying me. I could feel him taking me in. Cade helped me down the stairs as our feet bypassed the noisy steps, and I sighed with relief once we dumped out into the backyard. My parents’ snores were still coming from their rooms, rattling the walls as I rolled my eyes.

  How the hell could the two of them stand one another?

  We walked out into the middle of the garden my mother kept up to relieve her stress. Roses and tulips and trees were fading, and the leaves were beginning to change colors. The grass was green and smelled of fresh air, and the dirt beneath our feet was fraught with water and pliable against my heels. I closed my eyes as we walked through the small pathway, the stones dumping out to a porch swing set up in the middle of our backyard.

  I walked over to the swing and leaned against the post, knowing that if I sat down, Cade would sit next to me.

  And the last thing I needed was to be reminded of how wonderful his body felt against mine.

  I looked up at him from underneath my eyelashes. The way he loomed over me and the way his eyes kept scanning the perimeter made me aware of the danger that lurked in the shadows. He took slow steps towards me, his body hovering as he guarded me against every angle. I could feel his heat radiating from my body. Pounding me with its warmth as his musky scent reached my nostrils.

  I was inches away from feeling his leather against my skin before he stopped.

  “Is the baby mine?”

  I looked up into Cade’s eyes and lost myself in his beauty. In the way, the shadows played off his sharp features. I could see the vein in his neck pulsing, and I wished to rake my teeth across it. I could feel the phantom pangs of his large hands coming down against my ass, and my knees shook at the memory of them.

  I had no way to run from this anymore.

  “Yes,” I said as I swallowed thickly. “It is.”

  Chapter 14


  I couldn’t be away from her for another second. I couldn’t stand the heated tension growing between us. Her words hit me like a crack against my cheek, and the sting reverberated all the way down to my cock. She was inches away from me. Her soft skin and her malleable ass mere inches away from my fingertips.

  I closed the gap between us and took her into my arms before I devoured her.

  I felt her melt against me instantly. Her hands gripped my leather cut, pulling me closer to her. I swiped my tongue across her lips, demanding access to the sweet, succulent depths that was her body.

  I could ask more questions later. Right now, I needed to feel her against me.

  Her hands worked my cut off my shoulders as I dragged us to the porch swing. My cock was pressing painfully against my jeans, threatening to burst through my zipper at a moment’s notice. I pulled the bow of her robe free, slipping the silky fabric away from her skin. I sat down in the swing and brought her to me, my legs spread for her body as she laid against my chest.

  Her hands worked up my shirt and explored every inch of my skin. I could feel her panting as my lips swallowed her moans. I worked my way down her neck, tasting every inch of her as her hands undid the button of my jeans.

  Then I lifted my hips so she could get them down.

  I cock sprung through my boxers, searching for her scent like it had all those months ago. My hands tore at her pajama pants, ripping them down her body and exposing her scent to my nose. Hairs stood on the back of my neck as our memories came rushing back to me. The taste of her on my tongue. The feel of her pussy encapsulating my cock. The way she shivered and jolted as she came against my body.

  I longed to feel that again with her.

  My hands ran up her shirt and stopped on the protrusion of her stomach. She stood in front of me, shaking as fear ran across her eyes. I locked my eyes on hers as I pulled her shirt over her stomach, then lowered my eyes to take in the swell of her skin.

  Harper looked radiant as she carried my child.

  I leaned in and kissed her stomach as her breath hitched. I kissed down the dark line appearing to split her stomach in half. I massaged her sides as she bit back a moan, feeling the ache of her muscles give way underneath my ministrations. I felt her legs shaking as my tongue danced along her skin, so I turned her around and sat her ass down on my lap.

>   I ground my cock against her until I could feel myself pressing against her entrance.

  “Harper?” I asked.

  “Please don’t stop,” she said in a whisper. “Holy fuck, Cade. Come on.”

  I grinned at my name slipping from her lips before I eased my cock into her pussy.

  She was tighter than I remembered. Slicked and ready for me as her back descended onto my chest. I groaned along with her as my hand moved her hair from her neck, then my lips began nibbling on her supple skin. I allowed my hands to explore her body. Massaging her full breasts and cupping her full stomach. I ran my hands down her thighs and parted her legs just for me. I rolled my hips into her as her hands reached back for my hair, gripping tightly onto whatever part of me she could have as she panted into the nighttime air.

  I could feel her walls already fluttering around me as I nipped at her shoulder.

  “Cade. Yes. Shit, I missed this.”

  Her wanton words accelerated my movements. Her nails raked against my scalp as her juices dripped down my balls. She was coating my boxers in her arousal as I grew within her body, and soon I was grunting into her neck as I held her legs wide open for the world to see.

  I pounded into her pussy, jiggling her tits as my hands massaged her thighs. I didn’t want to be in control of her. I didn’t want to punish her. Tonight, the only thing I wanted was to hear my name pour from her lips as she covered me with her.

  And that was exactly what I got.

  “Cade. Cade! Yes. Fuck. I’m coming. I’m coming. I’m com-... in-”

  Her pussy sucked me into her body as I stilled my movements. I bit down on her shoulder, careful not to bite too deeply. My hands rushed up to her body and wrapped around her stomach, cradling our child in my arms as she convulsed in my lap. Her toes curled against my bare legs and her hands scratched my head. I knew she was pulling hair from my own fucking scalp, but I didn’t care.

  I filled her with threads of my come as I rode her high with her, feeling her body press deeper into mine as I held her close.

  We panted underneath the twinkling stars as her legs slowly fell closed.

  “I get why you didn’t want to tell me about the baby,” I said.

  I felt her body tense up as my cock stayed seated within her.

  “You probably thought we wouldn’t ever see each other again. Even after that rally.”

  “Yeah,” Harper said. “That about sums it up.”

  “But now, I know. I know, and I’m here. And I want to be a part of this.”

  “Cade, you don’t understand. My father, and my plans… it would never work,” she said.

  I held her closer to me as I slid my cock from between her thighs.

  “You are my family now. Harper, you’re carrying my fucking child. I’m not letting that go. I’m not letting you go,” I said.

  “How in the world could this work?” she asked. “We’re from two totally different worlds. I’ve got plans, Cade. And there’s so much you don’t know…”

  “We’ll figure it out,” I said as I cupped her cheek. “But you’re pregnant with my child, and family is everything to me. We will be a family together, and I will protect you and this child. Always.”

  “Are you serious?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Yes,” I said.

  I watched as she climbed off my body and wiggled her pants back up her body. Her body moved and shook in ways that had me tingling with delight. I could feel my energy returning, ready for another round. She picked up her robe and wrapped it back around her, the sides barely meeting together over the swell of her stomach.

  I couldn’t get over how beautiful she looked. How much she shimmered underneath the light of the moon.

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the rally,” I said.

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Not one fucking bit.”

  Her eyes glanced down at my cock laying on my lap. She blushed and shook her head, but I could tell she felt the same. I could tell by the way her body was already wet for me that she had been thinking about me, too.

  “Same here,” she said, grinning. “When I found out I was pregnant, a part of me was so happy.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  Her beautiful blue eyes caught mine as she drew in a deep breath.

  “Because at least I got to carry a piece of you around with me forever,” she said.

  I stood to my feet in a heartbeat and tucked my cock back into my pants. I wrapped my arms around her body and held her close to me. I closed my eyes and pressed a kiss into her hair, my thumb stroking her cheek as her hand settled over my beating heart.

  “We’ll figure all this out,” I said. “Now that I know, you won’t be doing this alone. Ever.”

  And I could’ve sworn I heard her say ‘thank god.’

  Chapter 15


  After standing against Cade’s body underneath the light of the moon, he led me back inside. His hand was on the small of my back, guiding me across the lawn as he watched the perimeter of the house. It was disconcerting to me that he was watching. That meant the threat my father talked about was real. I was hoping it was a sham. Something made up by Cade to try and get closer to me. But I felt comfortable near him as the heat of his body radiated against my back.

  He helped me up the stairs, our feet avoiding the noisy ones. His hand stayed steadfast against my back, his fingertips massaging my muscles when they could. I felt my body coming to life with every step we took. My mind was buzzing from the climax he just brought me to. It was different from that weekend. There wasn’t any demand for control or any necessity to bring down punishment on my body. He wasn’t an angry and he sure as hell wasn’t as dirty.

  It was a mutual profession. One that prompted both of us to command the moment.

  When we got to my door, I turned around and looked up at him. His peridot eyes gazed down at me from beneath his shadowed forehead. I raised up onto my tiptoes and planted a kiss on his lips. A small one that shivered me down to my toes. I could feel him smiling against me as his hands slipped around my waist. Holding me like a precious present, he’d just unwrapped.

  “I promise, we’ll figure this out,” he said in a whisper.

  Nodding against his forehead, I placed one last kiss upon his skin. A gift to leave him with before I ventured into my room. I couldn’t stop smiling, and my cheeks were beginning to hurt. For the past five months, I’d been living in a nightmare. A nightmare that was concocted by my father and his need to keep me at his every beck and call. I shut the door and listened as Cade backtracked down the hallway, much to my dismay.

  I wanted him to come lie down next to me.

  I knew we would have issues, that much was for certain. And explaining to my parents that he was the father of my child would be exponentially hard. There would be yelling and cursing. Blame and fury. They would probably throw me out. Or worse, try to forbid me from seeing him altogether. I had to clue Cade in on my plans. On what it was really like here and how I was going to be leaving the night my father won the election.

  Because we all knew he would fucking win.

  Thinking about all these tasks, however, was easier with Cade in the picture. At least when I told my parents, he would be there to defend me. At least when I left this house, he would be there to pick me up. I trusted him when he said he wanted to make this work. To be there for our child and me, no matter what it took. I felt my wild side clawing to the forefront. I felt my true self-bubbling to the surface. The ruffles and the lace and the makeup I hid behind was slowly melting, and in its place, the woman I wanted to be was surfacing.

  The leather and chains and punishment type of girl that craved attention stood her ground and made sure you knew not to fuck with her.

  Cade brought out that confidence in me. He was the last straw I needed to be who I wanted to become. Not because I needed a man, but because I needed someone who believed in me. Who didn’t try to suppress me o
r control me. I didn’t need a man like my father, who wanted me to fit a mold that was convenient and beneficial for him. I needed a man like Cade. A man who would guide me instead of lead me. Love me instead of loving the version of me he thought he could mold. I needed someone who would cradle me close when I felt weak and stand by with pride when I felt strong.

  Cade gave me all that and so much more, and I knew… deep down… that he would be a wonderful father to our son.

  I climbed into bed with visions of our life together pouring through. Visions of riding on his motorcycle and images of him tying me to the bed. Pictures of him devouring my dripping wet pussy and cradling my pregnant stomach at night. Visions of his rock hard abs and his chiseled arms cradling our small son as he told him stories of black angels riding in the night. Protecting those that couldn’t protect themselves while keeping under a veil of darkness. He would tell our son of men and women who protected people not for the recognition, but because it was simply the right thing to do.

  I closed my eyes with a smile on my face as I hunkered down into the covers.

  But a loud crash shook me from my dreams. Something sprayed across my body as I shrieked and threw the covers off my body. There was a cold wind that came wafting into the room, and suddenly my door burst open as feet scurried along the floor.

  There was brick on the floor of my bedroom, and tied to it… was a note.

  Chapter 16


  I made my way downstairs with a smile plastered on my face. My cock was satiated, the smell of Harper’s pussy permeated my leather coat, and my heart was thundering with happiness. I couldn’t wait to be with Harper. Out of all the women I’d fucked in my life without any care or abandon in this world, it had to be her I got pregnant. The one who captured my mind stole my memories and made my dreams her own. The woman I hadn’t been able to forget about for months was carrying my child, and she had just agreed to let me protect her and that child.


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