Fix Me

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Fix Me Page 27

by Aubry, A

  “Finn…” I moaned quietly.

  “I need to feel you,” he said softly.

  “Take me,” I breathed.

  Finn released me and pulled me through a side door that was beside us, no one seemingly noticing us slipping through the door. He locked the handle after flicking on the light. Two long tables were in this oversized room filled with different machines and work out equipment. It reminded me of the physical therapy office that I had to go to when I hurt my ankle and couldn’t walk. Finn told me that was exactly what this was before he lifted me up onto one of the cushioned tables, hiking up my dress.

  He took off my panties and placed them next to me on the table, my hands pushing down his shorts and boxers. I took his cock in my hand, pumping my hand up and down to get it to harden for me.

  “Shit…” Finn whistled through his teeth as he leaned his head back.

  “You like that, baby?” I asked innocently.

  “I love your touch, keep going.” His eyes closed.

  My hand moved faster as his cock hardened underneath my fingers. I licked my lips when I saw the drops of pre-cum bead at the tip. I had just tasted him last night in bed, but I already wanted to taste him again. He was my favorite flavor after all. My neck bent as I leaned down and licked the little drops that were starting to come out more now. Finn’s breath hitched in his throat at the sensation.

  With just one taste, I was enraptured. I laid down on the table, taking all of him into my mouth before Finn could take his next breath. His hand reached under my skirt, his fingers teasing my clit before sinking into me deeply.

  “Julianna, you’re so wet,” Finn moaned.

  I knew that I was, I had been the moment he kissed me. Hell, I was the moment I saw him running towards me on the soccer field. The things this man did to my body were insane, just one look and I was a puddle of desire.

  His fingers moved smoothly in and out of me as my mouth bobbed on his cock, licking and tasting my very own Finn lollipop. My eyes closed as his hand moved faster, a moan escaping from deep within my throat. I could feel just how close my orgasm was to giving into my husband. Just as I was about to let go to pure bliss, Finn pulled his fingers out of me and took a step back, his cock popping out of my mouth.

  “Noo…” I whined as I laid back on the table, panting.

  “Oh, sweet Julianna,” Finn clucked his tongue at me as he walked around to the end of the table by my feet, “You didn’t think I’d let you come just from my fingers, did you?”

  I got up on my elbows and looked down at him, “I was just about to before you decided to be an asshole.”

  He shook his head and smirked, “With that sassy mouth, maybe I shouldn’t let you come at all.”

  I gasped, watching him step out of his shorts and boxers before he lifted his shirt over his head, “But…you love my sassy mouth…”

  “You know I do…but…” He grinned, lust flickering deep in his eyes.

  “But…” I found myself panting as I watched him.

  “I don’t want sassy right now,” he climbed up onto the end of the table, “I want my sweet, innocent, Julianna.”

  What the fuck? Since when was I ever sweet and innocent? I mean, yeah when he met me I was because I was naïve about sex. But since then, my innocence had been thrown out the window because of this man. Oh, wait…he wanted me to act innocent and naïve. He wanted to guide me, make me say dirty things to him that I would never say otherwise. It turned him on.

  “Why did you come here today, Julianna?” Finn slowly crawled up my body.

  “To…to tell you I was pre…pregnant,” I stuttered, my desire for him only being fueled by the look in his eyes.

  “You didn’t come all the way here just for that, did you?” His eyes lit up.

  “Um…um….” I wondered aloud.

  Had I come here for something more than to tell him I was pregnant? On my drive up here I didn’t think I did. But now, all I wanted was my husband to make love to me, have him take me for all that I was worth.

  “You came here for my cock, didn’t you?” His voice was husky as he watched me like a lion watching its prey.

  I slowly nodded, my eyes widening as he hooked my legs around his waist, pushing his hips as his cock rubbed against my folds, using my dampness to lubricate himself. Why the fuck was that so hot? Here was a better question, why hadn’t he ever done this before?

  “Use your words, baby,” he slyly smiled.

  “I…I came here for your cock,” I panted.

  He kissed my lips chastely and I nearly came undone.

  “You came all this way just for me to fuck you?” He whispered as his lips continued to hover over mine.

  “Yes,” I responded breathlessly.

  “Say it.”

  “I drove all this way for you to fuck me.”

  His eyes closed as he listened to my words.

  “You wanted me to fuck you in the medical room, didn’t you?” His voice sounded deeper than usual.

  I pursed my lips; a momentary loss of any English words was taking place in my brain.

  His eyes opened as he gazed back down at me, “My sweet Julianna wanted me to fuck her good, didn’t she?”

  It was my turn to close my eyes as my head leaned back, my back arching and pressing my covered breasts against his chest. A low groan escaped my lips.

  “Doesn’t my beautiful wife know she only has to ask?” His lips were pressing against my exposed collarbone.

  Was he encouraging me to ask? Finn had gotten into this routine lately of encouraging me to say things to him. Especially when it came to telling him that I wanted him. I believed that it all stemmed back to our separation. How before we separated, he hadn’t necessarily felt wanted after Leo was born and his soccer schedule started again. I had promised myself after we made up that I would show him and tell him just how much I wanted him.

  “Will you please fuck me, Finn? I need you,” I opened my eyes to look up at the man that I loved more than anything in the world.

  “Of course, baby. I’d do anything for you,” he smiled and kissed my lips as he thrust himself into me.

  Chapter Twenty

  Just over eight weeks passed, and everything was great. Finn and I had found out we were indeed having a baby girl and even though I was only three months along, Finn was already wrapped around her little finger. The second I would crave something, Finn would jump up to get it for me. And god forbid we didn’t have what I was craving, he’d hop into the car at all hours of the night to go get it for me. Just last night I had to beg him to stay in bed with me to cuddle after I had let it slip that I could really go for a chocolate donut and strawberries.

  Tonight, Leo was fast asleep in his crib, his first birthday rapidly approaching, and Finn and I were watching a movie in the living room. Well, watching a movie was a bit of a stretch. It was more like the movie was playing in the background and Finn and I were making out on the couch like teenagers. Dry humping included. We were waiting for the pizza that Finn ordered to be delivered, thanks to our darling baby girl who decided that at 7:30 at night she wanted a pepperoni with extra cheese pizza.

  Finn’s soccer season was over, so he was home a lot more and focused on both our family and our marriage. Christmas was just a few days away and with an almost one-year-old who was already getting in more than a few steps a day, it was getting pretty crazy. Finn’s family was going to be joining us up in the cities for Christmas. His mother, Cooper & Amelia, Ashton & Violet, along with our two nieces and one nephew would be coming up to visit. When we announced to his family that we were pregnant, Violet and Ashton told everybody that they were too. It was crazy that we were both three months along.

  Bo and Angie were going to be traveling to spend Christmas with her family in Denver. Their wedding just five short months away. It was fun to help plan both a ceremony and a reception for a wedding. Since Finn and I just ran off to the courthouse, we didn’t have a big beautiful ceremony with all of our f
riends and family there. But we made up for it with a large extravagant party six months after we got married. Then again, I was six months pregnant at the time, so I partied as best I could.

  The doorbell rang just as our make out session was getting good. Finn’s hands were under my shirt, just as they would have been if we were in high school, and his teeth were nibbling on my neck as I moaned out in pleasure. Finn leaned back on his heels as we both welcomed large breaths of air into our lungs.

  “You wanna get the pizza? I’ll get us some water?” He panted as he helped me sit up.

  “Sure. We’ll meet back here? Pick up where we left off?” I smirked as I pressed a kiss against his lips and adjusted my shirt.

  “We’ll have to take this up to the bedroom pretty soon,” he smiled, shaking his head.

  “Who says we can’t fuck on our couch?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

  He grinned, “Good point. Go get our pizza.”

  We went in our separate directions as I practically skipped to the door. I was starving and all I wanted was that delicious cheesy goodness that came with pizza. When I swung open the door, it wasn’t the pizza guy. It was a man I had never seen before. He was about six feet tall, his brown hair was graying and he had sad brown eyes. He looked well dressed so it wasn’t like he was hurting for cash.

  “Um, hi? Can I help you?” I asked, leaning up against the door.

  “I’m sure you can. I’m looking for Finn,” he said, his voice gruff.

  He clutched onto a piece of paper in his hands.

  “Is he expecting you? Because he didn’t tell me that anyone was coming over,” I narrowed my eyes at the man in front of me.

  “No, I figured I would surprise him. He always loved surprises.”

  Well, that didn’t sound creepy at all.

  I turned my head back towards the house, keeping a side eye on this unexpected guest who stood on our porch, “Finn? Baby? Some guy is here to see you.”

  He rounded the corner from the kitchen, two glasses of water in his hands that soon came crashing down to the floor when he saw the man at the door.


  Say what?

  “Hi, son.”

  No fucking way.

  Finn carefully stepped over the glass and came over to where I stood at the door, his arm protectively wrapping around my waist.

  “What are you doing here?” He asked sternly.

  His father held up a printed out copy of the article that Shane had written about Finn and I expecting baby number two that was printed in the Star Tribune. Shane’s exact words were ‘people love babies’, that was why he wanted to write an article about it.

  “I thought it’s about time to finally come and speak to you.”

  Leo started crying loudly from upstairs and Finn looked at me.

  “I’ll go get him, honey,” I leaned on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek before going upstairs and into the nursery.

  Leo was sobbing, his beautiful round face red as large tears trickled down his cheeks.

  “Shh, sweet boy, mommy’s here,” I lifted him up out of his crib and held him close as I kissed his warm forehead.

  From the dampness that was on the back of his onesie, I knew that he needed to be changed. I quickly changed his diaper before going into the bathroom with Leo on my hip. Taking a warm soapy washcloth, I wiped my son’s body to wash him off so that he wouldn’t smell like his own urine. When he smelled like my beautiful boy once again, I dressed him in a new onesie.

  “Da-da-da,” he whimpered as I tried to put him down in his crib once again after changing his sheets.

  “You want daddy?” I asked him softly.

  He pointed to the door which meant he knew that Finn was outside of his nursery.

  “Who am I to tell you no when you ask for daddy?” I kissed his soft chubby cheek and put him on my hip.

  Leo rested his head on my shoulder as I walked down the stairs. Finn had let his father in and they were having a heated conversation on the couch in the living room. My pizza must have come while I was upstairs taking care of Leo, because it sat on the coffee table and the glass and water that was on the floor was cleaned up. I carried our son to the threshold of the living room, his little index finger pointing to his father as his head laid on my shoulder.

  “Finn, somebody was asking for you,” I said softly, rubbing Leo’s back.

  Finn quickly stopped the conversation, his brows furrowed in frustration until he looked at me and his son. His eyes brightened as he stood up and came over to us. Leo quickly lifted his head and reached for Finn.

  “Was big bad mommy mean to you?” He smirked at me as he kissed Leo’s head as he placed it on Finn’s shoulder.

  “Oh really? Well the next time he makes his diaper sag too low that it soaked into his onesie and onto his sheets, that is all you,” I rolled my eyes.

  “You know I’m just teasing,” Finn smiled and kissed my lips.

  His father cleared his throat from the couch and stood up, causing Finn’s smile to falter. He turned around to face the man who had abandoned him twenty-five years ago.

  “Dad, as you know from the article, this is my wife, Julianna. And this is our son, Leo,” Finn rubbed Leo’s back.

  I could see Leo’s eyes closing, feeling safe and protected in his father’s arms.

  Finn looked back at me, “Julianna, this is my father, George McAllister.”

  I pursed my lips and nodded in his direction. What was I supposed to say to the man that destroyed my husband when he was two years old? What was I supposed to say to him after he abandoned my mother-in-law with three boys when they were all so young?

  “Finn picked a beautiful woman to be his wife,” his father said.

  I’m not sure why it made me feel uncomfortable, but it did.

  My hand raised to Finn’s cheek, the backs of my fingers brushing against it, “He did alright.”

  “Well, I should head out. I can see that your family needs you. But keep in mind what I said about getting together for dinner. I’m in town until after the holidays.”

  Finn followed his father to the door and opened it for him, “I’ll have to get back to you on that. Like I said, mom, Cooper, and Ashton are all coming in tomorrow.”

  His father nodded and mumbled something I didn’t hear before he walked out the door. Finn closed and locked the door behind him, turning back to face me. Leo was sound asleep against his chest.

  “I’m gonna go put him down, then we can eat that pizza,” he gave me a small smile and headed up to the nursery.

  I went into the living room and opened the pizza box, happy that steam was still coming up off of the slices.

  “Okay, little girl…get ready for some delicious pizza!” I said to my belly, my hand caressing the little bump.

  Picking up a slice, I dug right in. I stopped mid bite as I saw Finn watching me.

  “I meant for you to wait for me,” he smirked as he came and sat next to me.

  Setting my slice down in the box, I wiped my hand on a napkin before holding my hands up in surrender, “This was all your daughter’s doing!”

  Finn chuckled, “Sure, blame it on my sweet angel.”

  “I thought I was your sweet angel,” I pouted.

  He kissed my pouted lips gently, “You are, you are my sweet Julianna.”

  I put my hand on his cheek, “Are you okay, sweetheart? I know you definitely weren’t expecting that to happen tonight.”

  Finn leaned into my touch, “Yeah, it surprised the hell out of me.”

  “What did he want?”

  “He wants to get together for dinner and talk. Said he’s been keeping up with my career for a while now, even keeping up on Cooper and Ashton back home. He’s up here for some type of business trip. I don’t know what to do, Jules. The man abandoned me when I was two years old, I don’t know anything about him.”

  His eyes got misty with tears, “Baby, if you don’t want to go talk to him then you don’t have to. He h
ad no right to show up here like that. I don’t have a good feeling about him being here and trying to weasel his way back into your life.”

  He sighed, “I know. I guess I will have to talk to Cooper, Ashton, and mom when they get here tomorrow. Get their opinion on it. I’m just afraid, what if I’m meant to be exactly like him?”

  This time, I put both of my hands on his face, “Finn Walker McAllister, you listen to me. You are nothing like that man who was just in here. You haven’t turned your back on your son from the second he came into this world. You love him more than anything in the world. And you also love me. You came back to me, you were so damn stubborn and set on fixing things with me when shit hit the fan. I didn’t hear about him doing that for you and your mother. You will never be like him because I will never allow you to be.”

  “God, I love you and Leo so much, even our little girl who I haven’t even met yet. I love you all more than anything,” he said quietly.

  “And we love you, Finn,” I whispered.

  Our lips connected, and he laid me back on the couch. That night we made love right there, throwing out every bad memory that either of us held onto and replacing them with pure love.

  “Merry Christmas!” I smiled wide with Leo on my hip.

  Stepping aside, I let Finn’s family into the foyer of the house. Everyone dressed in their Christmas best and presents stacked so high that Finn had to help carry them all in. Each person said their Merry Christmas to me and Leo as they filed in through the door. My emerald green sweater dress hugged my curves just right and showed my little baby bump while the neckline swooped down to expose my collarbone. Finn winked at me as he walked in with the last of the presents from his mother’s rental car. He had showed me thirty minutes before everyone arrived how much he approved of this dress while Leo napped.

  Carol cooed to Leo once her hands were free, reaching out for him. I had to go the cliché route and get Leo a little baby Santa suit. He looked so cute that I might have taken about twenty pictures of him in it in front of the Christmas tree five minutes ago. I happily passed Leo off to his grandmother and gave my nieces and nephews a hug and kiss before moving onto their parents.


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