Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series)

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Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series) Page 7

by Rae, Alicia

  With the last word typed, I felt just as bittersweet as I had yesterday. I was happy to give my readers this final book with these characters, but I was also sad to see their story come to an end. This novel would always have a special place in my heart.

  I backed up my manuscript in multiple places, and Brooke entered my thoughts. Knowing she would want to be informed right away when I finished, I sent her a text.

  The book is done. :) Would you like me to email it to you now?

  I opened my Hotmail account as I waited for her reply. My eyes widened at seeing how many messages were in my inbox. I started sorting through them as my phone beeped.

  Great! Yes, send it! Can’t wait to read it! How are you? Settling okay?

  I quickly texted her back.

  Yes. It still all seems a little new, but it’s feeling more like home every day.

  My phone buzzed as soon as I set it down. Jeez, she is fast!

  That’s wonderful, Lily. I’m so happy for you! But I still miss seeing your face!

  I laughed out loud at her message as I replied.

  Miss you, too! We definitely need to plan a visit soon.

  My phone pinged with another message from her.

  Don’t worry. I’m already working on it!

  I set my phone down and started preparing an email to Brooke. Once the manuscript was attached, I sent it to her. Then, I went back to sorting the rest of my messages, and I replied to the ones that were urgent.

  As I glanced at the clock, I realized it was already three in the afternoon. I went back downstairs and debated between taking a run outside and cleaning. The house was not messy, but for some odd reason, I missed my power-cleaning days. I picked the latter of the two and decided to kill calories and dust with the same stone. I went back upstairs and found my headphones. As I came back down, I set my iPhone to play “Timber” by Pitbull, featuring Ke$ha, to get myself into the groove.

  All the supplies were located in the mudroom, so I gathered what I needed and got to work. I wiped down all the wood surfaces downstairs first and then cleaned all the glass. Kyle’s vacuum was one of the most complicated machines I’d ever seen, but I finally got it to work, using only one of the hand tools for the furniture and area rugs.

  After I mopped the floors, I went over to sit on the couch to give them a few minutes to dry. I roamed through my phone and played with different apps. The time on the screen read four forty. My heart warmed at the thought of Kyle walking through the door soon. His heartfelt flowers entered my mind again, making me smile inwardly, and I wanted to do something special for him in return.

  I rose from the couch and put away the remainder of the cleaning supplies while trying to think of what I could possibly do with such little time. It needed to be special. I snapped my fingers when the perfect idea came to mind, and I checked my phone for the time again. With only fifteen minutes left, I headed into the bathroom to put my plan into action. I hoped I could be ready before Kyle came home.

  I rummaged through his bathroom cabinets, looking for candles. It must have been my lucky day because I found an unopened package of ten tea lights on the second shelf below the sink. I placed them evenly around his large Jacuzzi bathtub before turning on the hot water.

  Crap! Lighter! I searched the cabinets again only to come up empty-handed. Damn.

  I flew right through the living room and all the way into the kitchen, hoping I could find a lighter in there. Startled by my quick movements, Harley woke up from his nap.

  “Just need a lighter, Harley,” I said with a backward glance. “You wouldn’t be able to help me out, would you, boy?” I joked.

  With his ears perked up, Harley stared at me, like I was a crazy lunatic who’d lost my mind.

  Above the microwave, I found a small yellow lighter. I ran back toward the bathroom with Harley on my heels. It seemed like this dog would follow me to no ends. I chuckled to myself.

  Back in the bathroom, I lit all the candles. Now that the tub was full enough, I switched on the jets. I looked around for bubble bath, but I could not find any. My inner creative side emerged, and I hurriedly walked over to the shower stall. I grabbed Kyle’s shampoo bottle. It only took a pea-sized amount, and the tub filled with bubbles. All I had left to do was dim the lights.



  I gasped, pulling out my phone in search of the time. It was three minutes until five. Just then, I heard the garage door opening. I ran back through the living room with Harley right behind me, and then my socks slid to a stop at the threshold as Kyle opened the back door.

  His eyes lifted in shock, followed by amusement, and then curiosity. “What are you up to, beautiful?” He grinned, holding his briefcase in one hand.

  I smiled at him while closing the distance between us. “I have a surprise for you.” I tilted my head up at him and then kissed him sweetly on his lips.

  Kyle dropped his briefcase and gathered me in his arms, his expression matching my own. “Well, I love surprises. Do tell.”

  I kissed him once more, unable to help myself. I was pleased he was home. I unwillingly parted from his body, only to grab his hand and tug. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

  Kyle chuckled softly. “I’m intrigued now,” he said while tightening his hold on my hand. “What have you been up to today?”

  “Oh, you know, a little of this and a little of that,” I replied nonchalantly, not wanting to give away any hints.

  His eyes looked around as we strode through the kitchen and the living room. He inhaled deeply with a perplexed expression on his face. “You’ve been cleaning?” he asked. “I thought you were working today.”

  “I did, but I finished my epilogue early,” I said. I noticed Kyle’s confused looked, so I elaborated. “It’s the very end of the book. I had some free time after that, so I cleaned.”

  “I see that.” He laughed and paused at the door frame leading to his bedroom. “But you know, Lily, I don’t expect you to do any of that. I have Diane to help with all the household chores,” he said softly.

  “Yes, I know.” I shrugged. “But I wanted to because I like to clean. It helps me unwind.”

  “Okay, if you want to.” His voice was full of understanding.

  The corner of his mouth lifted in an adorable way, drawing my eyes to it.

  “Damn. I bet I missed you rockin’ out and shaking that perfect ass of yours while you danced, too, huh?” His eyes got that sexy look in them, and his hands pulled me closer.

  “Yep.” I winked, laughing.

  He always had such an interesting perspective and choice of words.

  “But no distracting me!” I said as I wiggled out of his hold. I took his arms and led him farther into the room.

  Kyle trailed along as I guided him into the bathroom. Once he caught sight of the candles, I heard his sharp intake of breath. I let him walk past me to take in the full effect of the scenery before him.

  With the dimmed lights, the candles reflected off the acrylic tub, water, and surrounding tiles. A light haze of steam filled the air from the hot water. I could smell his favorite shampoo as I inhaled. I quietly came up behind him and placed my arms in between each of his, putting my palms flat on his chest and hugging him, while rising up on my tiptoes.

  He put his hands on top of mine while tilting his head to the side. “You did all of this for me?” he breathed.

  “Of course,” I said reassuringly. My hands trailed across his firm chest to the center of his dress shirt. I started with the top button and leisurely made my way down to the last one. My hands glided between the edges of his shirt and his upper chest.

  “I wanted to do something special for you after your first day back to work.” I slipped off his shirt, unbuckled his belt, and then lowered the zipper of his slacks. I could feel his labored breathing with the rise and fall of his chest pushing against my forearms.

  “I was sorta pressed for time.” After I slid his pants to the floor, his black briefs were
the only clothing that remained. “But I remembered bathing with you in this Jacuzzi of yours during my first visit, and I thought of how much I would love to do it again.”

  Kyle spun around to gaze at me. My heart warmed at the tender look in his eyes.

  “Coming home to you every single day, Lily, is more than enough for me.” He softly kissed me once. “The rest of this”—he gestured around the room—“is just an added bonus. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” I responded against his lips.

  Seconds later, with his gentle touch, his hands started to remove each article of clothing from my body. I rid him of his briefs before we each stepped into the tub. My cool skin came into contact with the warm water and powerful jets. I sighed deeply in pure satisfaction.

  Kyle sat down and pulled me up and over his lap with my back to his chest. I closed my eyes, absorbing the feel of his bare skin against mine. We had only been apart for eight hours, but for some reason, it felt like eight long days. His hands traveled up the length of my arms and then rubbed my shoulders. I moaned at the heavenly sensation.

  “How was your day?” he asked.

  I wrapped my hands around his outer thighs for balance. “It was productive and quiet.”

  “You mean to tell me that Harley let you work in peace?” he asked with humor.

  “Yep. He followed me around here and there, but other than that, he was a bum all day.” I laughed. “Except when I was running around, trying to get this bathroom ready. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m borderline crazy.”

  Kyle chuckled. “I bet. He’s not used to that much excitement. Did you use the loft again today?”

  “Yep,” I said with a smile. “I’m definitely adopting that room as my official writing cave.”

  “I’m glad it’s being put to use. I’ve only been up there a few times since I built the house,” he murmured. His hands skimmed down my abdomen and across to either of my sides, holding me in place.

  We fell into a comfortable silence, relishing each other and the warmth of the water. I closed my eyes, thinking that this, right here, was one of the many parts of our relationship I cherished. Being in one another’s arms was all that we seemed to need. The rest of the world had a way of fading into the background every time we were together.

  My eyes flickered open at the sound of Kyle’s low voice.

  “You once asked me where I got the scars on my upper arm,” he said and then hesitated.

  His body was coiled with tension, and his tone was so different than I had ever heard before. It felt distant. My lips parted, but I held my breath.

  He is finally going to let me in.

  “On May 3, 2010, at seven fifteen, I was in Afghanistan in the Paktika Province. A Pakistani shot a 107-millimeter rocket from mountain range to my base. Twenty-two seconds after it was launched from an improvised rail system, it impacted three and a half feet from where I was standing in the gym.”

  My pulse hammered in my veins. I was overwhelmed with sadness from what he’d experienced.

  “I blacked out and then regained consciousness as the medics were carrying me to the treatment medical clinic, Oregon East. While two Black Hawks were en route to take me to a larger hospital, we began taking more direct fire from our enemy combatants. By the defense of my men, I was able to get medevac priority to another forward operating base in Bagram. It was a bigger base with better medical equipment.”

  Tears were flowing freely down my face.

  He continued, “My injuries were assessed. Blood was running down my face from shrapnel that had penetrated just above my right eye. I sustained shrapnel to both arms, and a piece even went all the way through my leg. That was excruciatingly painful as the doctors began to suture me up. I also had L1 to L3 nerve damage.

  “Two days later, my oxygen levels were decreasing at an extremely fast rate, so they priority medevaced me to a larger hospital. I stayed for a total of one week before flying home for physical therapy, so I could learn to walk again.”

  He let out a deep breath, and I couldn’t take not seeing his face anymore. I spun around to lie on my stomach with his arms now wrapped around my back.

  “You never know when it’s your time, but I plan to live my life to the fullest every day. And by the grace of God, I am still here today, alive and healthy and in love,” he said with such conviction in his voice.

  My chest constricted unbearably. I ran my hand across his collarbone, trying to soothe him. “I’m glad you are okay now. I can only imagine how long of a journey to recovery that was for you and how hard you must have worked to regain your health,” I said quietly.

  He lifted his hand and stroked it down my hair. “Some days, I wanted to give up, to hide away, and let misery consume me, but I fought back, battling my own body to get stronger again. It was a long road, but I proved to myself that anything is possible.”

  “Yes, you did. I admire your bravery for serving our country and for overcoming such physical injuries,” I said sincerely. “You’re a good man, Kyle.”

  “Thank you,” he replied. An affectionate small smile spread from the corners of his lips. “I’m glad I fought through it all because I truly believe my past led me straight to you.”

  I wondered if that had been the last of his military days. I wasn’t exactly sure what he’d meant by his past leading him to me. “Was that your final tour overseas?” I asked, only to immediately regret my question.

  His body tensed beneath mine, and his hand stilled at my nape. “No,” he replied carefully. “I went back for six more months of service after I recovered.”

  “Oh,” I whispered, pondering over his renewed apprehensiveness. I was unsure if I should ask my next question, but I couldn’t seem to hold back. I was curious on the time gaps from him going back into the Army until he’d come home. I wanted to understand. “What made you finally retire from the Army then?”

  His sigh and quietness told me all I needed to know. There was more. The reserved look in his eyes confirmed my suspicions not to pry any further.

  “You don’t have to tell me any more if you feel uncomfortable.” I leaned forward and kissed him softly. “Thank you for sharing your story with me.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, Lily. You deserve to know my past.” Kyle put his hands on my shoulders with his eyes locked on mine. “And I will share the rest with you, but that is all I can bear for one day.”

  “Okay,” I replied. I kissed him gently, pouring my thanks from my lips to his. “I can live with that.”

  After our bath and drying off, we each found clean clothes in our dresser.

  “What do you want for dinner?” Kyle asked.

  I turned to face him while pulling his Army T-shirt that he’d given me a few weeks ago over my head. I loved to sleep in the soft cotton material, especially knowing that it was his. There was just something sexy about wearing my man’s clothes.

  “Whatever we can find in the kitchen works for me,” I answered. Then, it occurred to me that I should have made him dinner. “I guess I should have cooked something.” I walked over to him and stopped at his side.

  He embraced me, drawing me close into his body, and he nuzzled my neck. “You don’t have to cook for us, Lily.” He chuckled teasingly. “I can help out when I get home, too.”

  “Well then, let’s go find something to eat before you starve.”

  I leaned forward on my toes, and he came closer to kiss me. As we parted, I grinned.

  Kyle drew back his hand and tapped me on my rear end. “Yes. Food, woman, before I starve,” he demanded playfully.

  I rolled my eyes while stifling my laughter. “Yes, dear.” I winked and then strode off to find something quick to make for us to eat.

  Once in the kitchen, I looked in the fridge and found a thawed package of ground Italian sausage. Since I figured biscuits and gravy would not take long, I found a large skillet to heat the sausage. Then, I started to make some fresh biscuits from scratch. As I mixed the ingr
edients in a large bowl with a spoon, Kyle walked in and leaned over my shoulder to see what I was cooking.

  “Biscuits and gravy?” he asked with interest. “Is it from the same recipe you made me once before?”

  “Yes, it was one of my mother’s favorite recipes,” I answered.

  “Mmm, I can’t wait to have it again.”

  “Me, too.” I smiled.

  He lifted his hand to sweep the hair off my neck, and he kissed my bare skin. “I definitely can’t trade you. I’d miss your cooking skills way too much,” he said teasingly. “You’re stuck with me for life.”

  I laughed. “You were already stuck with me since you moved me all the way across the United States,” I said jokingly.

  “True.” He chuckled while still nuzzling my nape. “Now, all I have left to do is make you my wife.”

  Marriage? My body felt paralyzed with nerves. I was pretty sure my heart stopped. My hand loosened its hold on the spoon. It hit the side of the glass bowl with a loud thunk.

  Kyle’s hands came to my arms, and he spun me around to look at him. His eyes instantly landed on my face, gauging my response.

  Marriage? I could not seem to make my brain process that loaded word.

  “You’re not going to faint on me, are you?” he asked with a serious tone, his worried eyes never breaking contact with mine. “Lily?”

  I shook my head, unable to make any words leave my mouth.

  “I’m not asking you now…” He paused, hesitating. “But by your reaction, I am damn curious to know now. You do foresee us getting married someday, don’t you?”

  “I…” I started, stalling. Do I want to get married? No. I mean, yes. Someday. Shit. This is all still so new to me. We have only been living together for a few days. “Yes…I think so. Honestly, marriage is only one of those faraway thoughts,” I said, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

  But it was too late. My heart swelled painfully in my chest at his wounded expression.

  “Think so?” he asked, his tone slightly lower, as he took a small step backward.


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