Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series)

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Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series) Page 10

by Rae, Alicia

  Abbey returned, four pink cups in her hands, and she sat directly across from me. She slid one cup to me, and then she moved the others off to the side.

  “Yep, we are heading across the street to Jack’s Bar to have a few drinks with the owner of the building. I should be home in a couple of hours,” he responded.

  Just hearing his voice on the phone made me miss him that much more. However, I was glad to be making new friends, and Kyle was having guy time while bonding with my cousins.

  And the saying was, Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  “Okay.” I smiled into the phone even though Kyle could not see me. “Oh, I don’t have a key to the house, and I locked the front door. Can you text me when you are heading home, so I know when I can get in?”

  “Shit. Sorry, beautiful. I didn’t even think about it with you working from home and all. When I get back, I’ll dig around in my office and find you one,” he replied.

  “It’s okay. No hurry. I just didn’t want to be stuck on the porch.” I laughed.

  Kyle chuckled. “We definitely can’t have that now, can we?” he teased.

  “Not if you want a wife,” I retorted playfully. Then, I gasped as my eyes snapped to Abbey’s shocked expression.

  “What?” Kyle asked with concern.

  Abbey’s eyes dropped to the ring on my left hand, which was now over my mouth, and it was her turn to gasp.

  “Lily? What the hell happened?” Kyle questioned, his anxiety increasing.

  “I spilled the beans,” I muttered while my gaze never left Abbey’s.

  “The beans?” Kyle asked in confusion.

  “Um…” I stalled, still observing Abbey. “Well, let’s just say your sister knows we’re engaged now,” I said hesitantly while taking in Abbey’s state of astonishment. “What are the signs of a heart attack?”

  Kyle chuckled loudly into the phone. His husky tone affected me in many sweet places.

  “I can’t believe it took her all day to notice,” he said with amusement, not the least bit concerned. “Just order her a large shot of tequila, and she’ll be okay.”

  I could not help but let out a strangled laugh while Abbey sat in front of me as still as a statue.

  “I’d better try that…right now. I’ll talk to you later,” I responded.

  “See you later,” Kyle chortled into the phone.

  “Bye,” I said quietly while staring at Abbey.

  After a moment of silence, she nearly yelled while placing her hand over her heart, “What the fuck, Lily?”

  My whole face turned as red as her Camaro.

  “I thought you loved me. How could you not tell me?” she bellowed out with a frown.

  Shit. “I’m so sorry, Abbey,” I said while shaking my head. She should have never found out this way. “It only happened last night, and I haven’t quite wrapped my own mind around it yet.”

  Abbey sat motionless for a few seconds, which felt like an eternity. Then, she threw her head back, snickering, only to look back at me, meeting my puzzled stare.

  “Gotcha!” she shrieked with mirth.

  I wadded my napkin up into a tight ball and chucked it at her. “Oh my God, Abbey! You scared the crap out of me!”

  Abbey could not contain her rolls of laughter.

  “Go ahead”—I aimlessly waved my hand in the air, knowing I had just gotten punked by Abbey—“live it up.”

  “Oh, I intend to!” she said while wiping tears from her eyes. “The look on your face was beyond priceless.”

  A few seconds later, her expression became sincere. She reached across the table and put her hand on top of my left one. “Lily, I adore you, and so does my family. I’m honored that you will be my sister. How could you think I wouldn’t approve?” she asked without pausing for me to answer. Clearly, she did not want to hear any self-doubts from me. “After Kyle came home from the Army, we thought we’d lost him,” she said sadly. “My whole family tried to reach out and help him, but he kept his distance. You’ve not only brought him back to us, but you have brought the light back into his eyes.”

  Now, I had tears in my eyes. Abbey also had a way with words. Hearing that Kyle’s parents, brother, and sister accepted me, too, truly warmed my heart. It gave me a sense of belonging—stirring a yearning from deep within me—not just from being with Kyle, but also from being part of a family again.

  “I don’t know what to say, Abbey…except thank you.” I blinked back tears, so I could see her face. “That means more to me than you’ll ever know.” I stopped for a beat, recalling the latter part of her speech. “Was it that bad when Kyle came home from the service?” I asked in a low voice, holding back my emotions.

  Abbey nodded. “Yes…though we still don’t know why, other than he was injured on multiple tours.”

  Multiple tours. A sudden numbness washed over me as my eyes scanned the room in a daze. I’d assumed there was more to Kyle’s story since he tensed up when I questioned him about going back to active duty after his injury. I was not positive, but I had a hunch that the worst was yet to be revealed.

  “Don’t do that, Lily,” Abbey chided lightly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  My eyes landed on hers again.

  “Don’t fear the unknown. He loves you, and you love him. That is all that matters.”

  “What if he never fully opens up to me as I have to him?” I asked more to myself than Abbey.

  “Do you know anything about his Army days?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I answered honestly.

  “Then, he will tell you…when he’s ready,” Abbey replied swiftly. “You knowing any detail is more than he has told us in years, Lily. That has to count for something.”

  My mind swirled with how concerned his family must have been from being left in the dark. I could see they all wanted to help, but Kyle never let them in. I wished I could put on all my armor and slay all of his dragons the way he had done for me.

  “You’re right.” I nodded, letting out a relieved breath.

  “Good.” Abbey grinned. “Now, we have some serious partying to do. First”—she pushed my drink closer—“we are going to chug these red drinks to celebrate my sexy red car sitting outside.”

  I lifted the glass, raising my eyebrows. “Uh, Abbey…I hate to break it to you, but these are pink.”

  Abbey huffed in exasperation and rolled her eyes. “Work with me, Lily. They are red.”

  I bit my lip to keep from laughing and nodded in agreement. “Yep. Red. Got it.”

  “Good,” she teased. “Then, we are going to switch over to something a bit stronger and revel in your engagement.”

  “Sounds fine by me.” I winked at her and took a sip of my fruity drink.

  Abbey’s gaze diverted to the entrance. “Whoop! Whoop! Just in time, ladies!”

  I rotated in my seat to see Gail and Kristen strolling through the bar. Their decked-out appearances could bring any man to his knees. We all greeted each other with smiles and hugs before sitting down.

  Abbey must have ordered food when we’d arrived because the waitress brought salsa and chips, chicken tenders, and a large plate of fries for us to share. Abbey then asked for the first round of shots to be brought out.

  The shot glasses barely touched the table before we all lifted them with a, “Cheers,” and chugged them back. The cold liquid burned the back of my throat.

  “So, Lily, I hear that you relocated to California and moved in with Kyle. How are you settling in?” Gail asked in a friendly manner.

  “It’s going great. Thanks for asking.”

  I beamed at her while Kristen asked the waitress for another round of shots.

  “How are things coming along with your job?” I asked Gail.

  Gail grinned from ear to ear. “Fucking fantastic. My new job rocks,” she answered happily. “I am one lucky lady to get to work with gorgeous men all day.”

  I recalled hearing about her job promotion during our last girls’ night out. She was a s
ports therapist who worked with hot football players all day, keeping them in peak performance.

  “Yeah, you are,” Kristen added. “I think I need to switch careers.”

  Abbey chuckled as our drinks were delivered. “Or you could join the corporate world. I get to work with men all day, too.” She frowned. “Although, they are clothed. Damn, Gail, you are a lucky bitch.”

  We all chortled at Abbey’s revelation before we chugged back our shots.

  “Alright, ladies, my legs are itching to dance. Who’s ready to shake what your mama gave you?” Gail asked eagerly.

  The three of us all said, “Yes,” at the same time as we rose to our feet.

  I was already feeling warm from the alcohol after only two shots and the pink—I meant, red drink. I didn’t drink often, so I was quite a lightweight, and I decided to pace myself for the rest of the night.

  As soon as we hit the dance floor, men surrounded us. I carefully kept my distance, not wanting to mislead any of them. The music filled my ears, and my hips swayed to the beat. I wished Kyle were here to wrap his arms around me. That man could move. Within a handful of songs, my skin started to break out in a light sweat. I signaled to Abbey that I was going to head back to the table.

  I was surprised when Abbey, Gail, and Kristen all followed. Their only explanation was that girls always stuck together. I smiled, agreeing that it was a great motto. We took our former seats as the waitress brought us another round with blue shots.

  “Hmm…blue?” I asked and shook my head. “Blue is not usually my color.”

  “Girl, you mean to tell me that you’ve never had a blue moon shot?” Kristen questioned.

  I shook my head in disagreement.

  “Then, you’re about to have your world rocked.”

  Whoa. “World, huh?” I laughed. “That must be some drink.”

  Gail chuckled next to me. “Oh yeah. It will also knock you on your ass if you have more than three.”

  Abbey nearly choked on her drink. “Anything with hard liquor would knock Gail on her ass after three.”

  We all giggled and then threw back our shots. I was relieved that they were going down smoother now. The four of us talked randomly about our work, and I learned that everyone seemed to enjoy their jobs. Abbey and Kristen were still single, and Gail was dating one of the football players she had been treating for months now.

  Abbey and I talked about our shopping adventure and how much fun we’d had shoving it all into her new car. Gail and Kristen congratulated Abbey right away. They were excited to see that all of Abbey’s hard work was paying off.

  Gail noticed my engagement ring. I couldn’t help but blush and smile at the same time. Gail gushed about how happy she was for Kyle and me. On the other hand, Kristen was rather quiet as she sipped her drink. Then, I remembered that she had a crush on Kyle, so that explained her mood.

  After chatting for a good hour, we all went back out to the dance floor to burn some calories and blow off some steam. Thankfully, I had stopped taking shots after the blue moon. Abbey was throwing them back like water, so I switched over to actual water. After I heard about how hard Abbey truly worked, I was pleased to see her letting loose. It seemed that Abbey was pretty much dedicated to only a few close friends, her family, and her job.

  I checked my phone once we took our seats again. It was eleven thirty, and I had missed a text from Kyle.

  Hope you are having a good time. We are just about to head home. Be there in thirty.

  I could not help but smile as I texted him back. I missed him like crazy.

  Okay. Hoping to be home by twelvish.

  His reply was quick.

  Okay. Be safe.

  Always my overbearing, protective alpha. My heart skipped a beat at his sweet words as I sent him a message.


  As I put my phone back into my purse, another round of shots were set on the table. I grinned at the color.

  Looks like another round of blue moon.

  Thank goodness I’d stopped drinking because it appeared that I was about to be the designated driver of that sweet red beauty outside.

  I pulled into the driveway at half past one, and Kyle opened the front door as soon as I turned off Abbey’s car. I exited the car and locked it, following through with the promise I’d made to Abbey when I dropped her off. I strode toward Kyle, who was gaping at me like I had grown two heads.

  “What in the…” Kyle mumbled in a state of surprise. “You bought a car?” His expression was a mixture of awe and pure shock.

  I was flying high on adrenaline from driving such a sweet car as I closed the gap between us. “I wish,” I said as I lifted my arms to reach around his nape.

  He automatically returned my embrace, and I kissed him like I had not seen him for days. I pulled back, taking in his raised brow.

  “So, you stole a car?” he joked.

  I tipped my head back and laughed. “No! It’s Abbey’s. She got toasted tonight, and I had to drive her home.”

  His eyes widened in amazement. “That’s Abbey’s?”

  I nodded.

  “Damn,” he said, glancing back at the car. “I guess my excellent taste wore off on her.”

  I chortled. “It must have, and she drives like a dream. I might have to get one myself someday.”

  Kyle chuckled and pulled me closer before smelling my hair. “Hmm, it feels good to have you in my arms again. Not seeing you all day has nearly driven me out of my mind.”

  “Mmm, the feeling is mutual,” I replied. “It was a great day but a long one at that.”

  “Let’s go to bed, and you can tell me all about it.” Kyle dropped his hand to the small of my back and led me inside.

  Now that I was home, I felt dead on my feet. Dancing sure had a way of wearing a person out.

  As we passed through the living room, I looked around for my cousins. “Where are Jason and Damon?” I asked curiously.

  “They were wiped from traveling and headed to bed as soon as we got back,” Kyle answered quietly.

  “Oh,” I said, feeling my eyes start to throb with tiredness.

  We entered the bedroom, and Kyle began to slowly peel off my dress. After it fell to the floor, he scooped it up and hung it over the clothing rack attached to the bathroom door. He then walked to his dresser, pulled out one of his tees, strode over to me, and slipped it over my head.

  I leaned up on my toes, pressed my palms against his chest, and kissed him tenderly. “Thank you,” I said softly.

  He affectionately kissed my forehead while stroking my back. “For what?”

  “Loving me,” I answered before yawning. I lowered my cheek against his chest.

  He tightened his hold around me and whispered, “Always,” right before he swooped me up into his arms and carried me to the bed.

  He tucked me in, and I heard his own clothes hit the floor. He climbed in next to me and pulled me into his side before covering us with the blankets.

  I wanted to fight off the drowsiness I felt, so I could hear more about how his day had gone. But the warmth of his body soothed me, and I swiftly fell into a deep slumber.

  “I have a surprise for you, beautiful,” a familiar warm voice said while placing soft kisses down my throat.

  “Sleep…” I grumbled in response, not wanting to open my eyes yet.

  “I really think you’re going to want to get up for this one,” he teased.

  “Need…sleep,” I groaned again, turning into his side. I wished he would give me at least one more hour.

  Kyle chuckled just above my ear. “I’ll give you a hint,” he said with humor. He kissed the top of my head now that my face was pressed into his chest. “Something arrived in the garage this morning.”

  I sat straight up, barely hearing Kyle’s, “Whoa,” in the process as he shifted back slightly, so I wouldn’t knock him on the chin.

  “My car and four-wheelers were finally delivered?” I asked, unable to contain the enthusiasm in my voice

  “Yep.” He smiled. “And I’m not sure how much longer I can hold off Jason and Damon, so you better get up.” He chuckled.

  I bent forward and gave him a smacking kiss on his lips, and then I turned to jump off the bed. At my dresser, I threw on the first clean shirt and pair of jeans that I found in my drawers. I was extremely thankful that I’d stopped drinking last night. Otherwise, I would have had a massive hangover. I tied up my hair into a sloppy bun as I spun around to face Kyle.

  “Ready.” I grinned.

  Kyle shook his head from side to side in amazement. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you move so fast.”

  I picked up a throw pillow from the floor in front of the bed and chucked it at him. “Ass!” I said jokingly.

  His eyebrows perked in a mixture of shock and amusement. “Did you just call me an ass?” he asked in bewilderment.

  I nodded, feeling lively this morning. “Yep.” I smirked before spinning on my heels to face the door, and then I looked at him from over my shoulder. “And there ain’t nothing you can do about it.” I winked before turning back around to take a step toward the door.

  Kyle leaped off the bed in the blink of an eye. He caught me just as my hand reached to open the door handle. I squealed loudly as he threw me over his shoulder, spun around, and strode back toward the bed. He lightly tossed me onto the mattress. I bounced softly, and he crawled on top of me, prowling over me with his sexy dark eyes heated with challenge. My body hummed with desire for him.

  “Oh, beautiful girl,” he chided, making a hoarse tsking sound with his mouth. “You know how much I love a good challenge.”

  I rocked my hips up into him, and he emitted a deep moan from his throat as he grabbed my waist. Seconds later, a loud bang sounded on our door.

  “Let’s go, Lily!” Jason yelled. “You can do that shit after we ride!” he teased, laughing.

  “Damn,” I huffed. I knew we couldn’t make love with company close-by, but the thought was temping. Having family stay in our home definitely had its cons.

  Kyle chuckled while bending forward to kiss me. “Until later.” He grinned.

  After rising from the bed, he reached for my hand to help me up. We made our way over to the door. Kyle opened it, and I walked through first. Damon and Jason were standing in the living room, stifling their laughter.


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