Vexing the Highlander

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Vexing the Highlander Page 10

by Terry Spear

  “My sister?”

  “She is safe. We found her on the peninsula and Ward will have taken her back to the keep.”

  “Thank the Lord. What about us?” Her body wasn’t shaking as much now, his body warming hers.

  There was no us, unless Alban stole her away from all of this. He would have to leave his family, his home. But he realized then he would do just that. Anything to keep her from marrying anyone else.

  “How would you feel about leaving all your wealth behind and marrying someone who had no’ a coin to his name, no family to speak of, no home, but who loves you dearly and would love you to the end of my days?”

  “I wouldna want you to give up everything for me.”

  “I would do anything for you, Aila. But I dinna know how you would feel about being with me, if you have to give up your properties to do so.”

  She didn’t say anything. Didn’t agree that she could do that for him. Was he mistaken about what she truly felt for him? He was a fool to believe she would be willing to give up everything to be with him. Her declaration of love for him had simply been that of a most grateful lady who had found herself in danger of losing her life. Now it was back to reality. For both of them.

  What he hadn’t expected upon his return was that the king’s own guards would arrest him!

  One of the king’s men had taken the lady into the keep, amidst her protests that Alban was innocent of any wrongdoing. He hoped the matter would be cleared up at once and worried that his own brother might be in the dungeon.

  When he was taken into the chamber where the king would have audience with his courtiers, Alban saw that Lord Dunlap was in attendance as well. Alban bowed low, then wanted to explain the whole situation, but held his tongue. The king motioned for his guards to leave.

  Malcolm sat on his throne looking imperious, his dark brows furrowed. “You knew someone was attempting to kill me and yet you said naught about it to me?”

  Lord Dunlap smiled a little.

  “The only one I believed might have been involved was Lord Dunlap,” Alban said, quite honestly. He wouldn’t make the mistake of lying to the king. “But I wasna about to share assumptions when they could turn out to be untrue. What if I were wrong? Then a man could have been condemned for having no part in this. As I investigated further, I discovered the earl had been setup. I didna play into Gustafson’s hands as he might have hoped. But I didna know for certain until Sim came forth with real evidence. When Gustafson and Comyn tried to drown Lady Aila and her sister, it was a foregone conclusion. He must no’ have been aware my brother and I were looking into the matter also.”

  “Aye, and had they made another attempt on my life in the meantime?” the king asked darkly.

  “Our clansmen were watching out for your safety while Ward and I attempted to learn the truth. We were no’ even convinced the hunter who shot Sim had done so by mistake, when he truly meant to hit you. It was possible it was purely an accident. I had no intention of falsely accusing anyone of a crime when there may have been none.”

  “Yet, you did overhear some bit of conversation where men were talking about killing someone and missing the mark.”

  “Aye, which was the only reason we thought the hunter had shot Sim. Either on purpose and the shooter didna hit him the first time, or that he was trying to shoot someone else, and Sim got in the way. But we couldna be positive Sim’s injury had anything to do with what the men were speaking of.”

  “When you said we, you mean Lady Aila and you. Correct?”

  “Aye, Your Grace.”

  “Then others must have heard the men’s words.”

  “Nay, my loird.”

  “You were alone with her?”

  Alban suspected the king already knew that. “Aye, Your Grace.”


  Hell. He had no intention of telling the king about her finding the white stag and chasing it away so the king wouldn’t kill it.

  “I saw her go off into the woods and worried about her safety.”

  “Why would she do something like that?”

  “She saw a deer, I believe, but it was too young, and she intended to return to the hunt when I came upon her. We heard the men talking after that, and once we felt sure it was safe enough, that they would not see us, we went to join the others. Then she saw the boar, alerted me, and I shouted to everyone who was close enough to hear that the chase was again on. After that, I began looking into who had shot Sim.”

  “As did Lady Aila and then her sister.”

  “And my brother and my men, aye. We were trying to learn who had shot Sim, but I forbade Lady Aila to look into the matter.”

  Alban swore the king was attempting not to smile. Lord Dunlap didn’t hide his.

  “Because you were trying to protect the lady.”


  “It seems to me you have shown your loyalty in a way that any king would hope for from his loyal subjects. I wasna sure of your brother’s complete allegiance to the crown, but I can see the clan has pledged their trustworthiness in actions, and no’ with just a word. In that regard, Lord Comyn’s lands are forfeit, and I now have an earldom to offer to you, should you wish to accept my terms.”

  Shocked to the marrow of his bones, Alban glanced at Lord Dunlap. Ronan and Ward would be just as astounded, he was certain. “Aye, of course, I would be honored, my lord.”

  “Here is my condition. Lord Dunlap has expressed an interest in the lass, but he assures me you have already stolen her heart—which is neither here nor there as kingdoms are not built on mere love affairs, though they have fallen into ruin over such a thing. Therefore, you will marry the lass. ‘Tis your duty after you were so blatantly seeing the lady when you shouldna have been. And at least on one occasion—by your own admission—alone.”

  Alban tried to keep a straight face in front of the king, to act as solemn in this matter as he thought he should. But he couldn’t help himself. He grinned. “Aye, Your Grace. ‘Twould be my honor. More than my honor. ‘Twould mean the world to me.”

  Lord Dunlap shook his head, but a glimmer of a smile touched his lips.

  “Then it is done. And if you ever suspect someone of making an attempt to take my life again…I hope you would catch him in time…again.” Malcolm turned to Lord Dunlap. “I wish a word alone with you now.”

  “Aye, Your Grace.”

  And then Alban was released and he bowed to the king and smiled at Lord Dunlap, because he highly suspected the man had something to do with all of this. Men had saved the king’s life in the past, but Alban didn’t know of any who had come out so well afterwards.

  When he walked out of the king’s chamber and the guards shut the door, he saw Aila wringing her hands, her eyes bright with tears. Her sister and their maids looked just as anxious. His brother slapped him on the back. “Must be good news or you wouldna be grinning so broadly. Nor would you be leaving the chamber without guards removing you in chains.”

  “What did he say?” Aila asked Alban, her hands still clenched together.

  “That I must wed you.” Nothing else mattered. The title or the lands…except as a means to have what he really wanted. Aila.

  He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her, ignoring that her sister and their maids were watching. Aila was truly his and the world was right again.


  Aila couldn’t believe it and was happier than she could remember, except if her parents had been here to witness her marriage to the new Lord of Comyn. To Aila, he would always be Alban, her hero. The Highlander who had protected her so many times, while giving in to his need as a man and kissing her and making her fall in love.

  Queen Margaret insisted the wedding take place right away. In three days’ time, it was held in the small chapel filled with the guests who had come seeking brides, and those who had been hopeful to find an agreeable lord among them. What pleased Aila, as much as it pleased Alban, his oldest brother, Ronan, had arrived and was just in time for the we
dding. He’d teased Alban mercilessly for not only obtaining a lady for a wife, but his own earldom, and jested with Ward just as much for allowing their younger brother to do so when he was the next oldest brother. To which Ward had replied in good humor, “’Tis about time he did something right.”

  She loved them all, but most of all, she loved Alban. And she was profoundly grateful to Dunlap, for if he hadn’t spoken on Alban’s behalf, she was certain none of this would have happened.

  Lady Umberton seemed genuinely pleased the way things had worked out. Lady Felicia was being Lady Felicia and was trying to make the most of attempting to garner Lord Dunlap’s attention further.

  Of course, to try and make up for spreading rumors and attempting to get in the new countess’s favor, she had given her a gift of a new chemise, one that she’d intended for her own wedding, had it occurred. Aila had to appreciate the gift, no matter how things had begun between them. Though she would never be her friend. Gossips were always gossips and she didn’t trust that she wouldn’t be the object of the woman’s hearsay at some later date.

  The festivities proceeded after that, and Aila couldn’t believe she was truly married—and to the man she adored. She didn’t think the feasting and merrymaking would ever end, but then her sister and their maids and Lady Umberton, and aye, even Lady Felicia, attended her before Alban joined her. She was nervous and excited, and couldn’t wait.

  Alban watched as the ladies took his bride away to the chamber that would be theirs for the night, and then they would be off in the morn straight away so that he could tell Lord Comyn’s people he was their new lord and Lady Aila, their countess. She had a country manor and servants of her own, and they would go there when they wished to get away. But for now, he smiled as the ladies all giggled and chatted merrily as they left the great hall to prepare her for him. The thought made his loins tighten.

  Lord Dunlap joined Alban in a drink, and said to him, “You saved my life during that first hunt, Alban. Not only that, but you had every intention of proving whether I was guilty or not in the case of attempting to assassinate the king. It would have been easy for you to turn me in for treason. But you didna. A lesser man would have. I wished to repay you.”

  “My thanks to you, then, Dunlap. To have Lady Aila’s hand in marriage was my only hope. And you made it happen. I will be forever in your debt.”

  “As I am indebted to you. Someday, I will have a wife, and I hope she will adore me the way Aila does you. She is a treasure, but she will surely cause you much vexation.”

  Alban laughed. “Aye, she is a willful lady. And I look forward to every day I can spend enjoying the time with her. I have a question though, one that I could never seem to find the answer to. Inghean said a servant came for the arrow that was used on Sim. But if Lord Comyn or Gustafson wished to frame you, why did they try to obtain the arrow?”

  “I wondered the same thing. Think you the servant would have made a big deal to the healer about the kind of arrow it was for all to hear? ‘Look, ‘tis a nockless arrow. Who would have used such a weapon on Sim?’ Then tongues would have wagged and the accusation would have ended up landing at my feet. As far as I know, I am the only one who uses such an arrow.”

  “I see your point. And one other thing.”

  Lord Dunlap cleared his throat. “You dinna suspect I might still be part of the plot, do you?”

  Alban smiled. “Nay. Just something I was curious about. When you didna arrive on time to kill the boar your friends Lord Comyn and Lord Tarleton had targeted, what business had you to take care of that was so important?”

  Dunlap laughed. “If you must know, I had drunk too much mead when we broke our fast. ‘Tis most uncomfortable riding when one needs to relieve oneself. Lady Aila wished to know what my business was too, and had she asked me point blank, I would have told her. But I didna wish to, as I am sure you understand the reason.”

  “Aye. I thank you again.” Alban glanced at the entryway where Ralene was making her way into the great hall. “It seems I have an engagement.”

  “Off to it then, mon. ‘Tis no’ done to leave the blushing bride waiting too long.”

  Alban said good night to him and his brothers and thanked the king for all his generosity and the queen as well. Malcolm’s eyes sparkled with amusement and he raised a tankard to him. “Enjoy!”

  Alban joined Ralene, and he walked out of the great hall at a quickened pace, but even faster when he headed for the stairs. He ran up them two at a time and finally reached the chamber and knocked.

  “’Tis me, your husband.” Past ready to make love to his bonny bride.

  Alban hurried the ladies out of the chamber, though he was trying not to show his impatience at wanting to be alone with his wife. Would it look like he couldn’t wait to ravish her?

  It was true, he couldn’t wait to make love to his sweet wife. Every time he saw her, got close, felt her warm lips against his, her body hugging his, he’d had a devil of a time getting his raging need for her under control.

  As soon as he closed the door, Alban quickly ditched his sword and belt. Aila smiled at him, her red curls cascading over her shoulders, her warm brown eyes alight with excitement. He glanced at her creamy skin and the fine embroidery woven into the chemise’s neck and sleeves, but his gaze fastened on her dark nipples pressed against the light fabric and the patch of curly red hair between her legs.

  She moved toward him, as he did her, placed her hands on his shoulders, and tilted her head up, expecting a kiss.

  He wrapped his arms around her and drew her tightly against him. Her luscious lips parted and he took advantage, kissing her softly at first, then more firmly, and finally tasting her mouth with his tongue, stroking hers, loving her. He dragged his hands through her hair, enjoying the silky feel of the strands while she ran her fingers through his, and her touch made him all the harder.

  He burned with a fiery craving to have her, hold her, and join with her as husband and wife. He continued to kiss her deeply, then alternating between soft kisses and harder ones—to which she responded with just as much eagerness. He was trying to remove his brat and still continue to kiss her, not wanting to lose the connection. She pulled away though, grasped his hand, and led him to the bed as if she wanted to have her way with him without removing their clothes. Which was fine with him, if she felt too uncomfortable with being completely naked the first time. His brother had warned him to do whatever the lass wished, as if his brother had to advise him on such a matter!

  Instead of climbing into bed, she made him sit down first, and then she crouched at his feet and pulled off his shoes and stockings. She seemed unsure what to do next, so he stood, and skimmed his fingers over her breasts, making her nipples tighten with need, and then he leaned down, and while he fondled one breast, he took the other partially in his mouth and suckled through the sheer fabric. She moaned, her heart already beating wildly in her breast, nearly as wildly as his own.

  Yet he felt a tenderness for her that he’d never felt for any other woman, and a desire for her that could not be quenched. He slid the chemise over her shoulders and it dropped only to settle on her hips. Her breasts were a nice size, perfect for caressing and kissing and suckling.

  When she pulled his shirt off his shoulders, it fell straight to the rushes on the floor. For a moment, she took in her fill of him, her mouth curving in a wicked smile.

  His cock stirred with eagerness, and he pulled her chemise down her hips, and let it drop to the floor. Then he lifted her, turned, and placed her on the bed. There were no words, just more kissing and touching, her hands in his hair as he moved in beside her and began to caress her breast. Her breathing was growing as ragged as his as he moved his hand lower, sweeping down her belly, and then he began to caress that place that made her writhe to his touch. Moan with pleasure. Encourage him to press harder. And then he plunged a finger into her sweet chasm. Stroking her and kissing her at the same time. Loving the sweet and musky scent of her. Her sof
tness and curves. Her eagerness and desire.

  She practically held her breath, and then she let out a cry, muffled by his kiss. He spread her legs and centered himself, pushing slightly to let her get used to the pressure, pushed in to take her virginity, then paused to let her breathe through the pain.

  But she reached out to pull him closer, letting him know she was ready. Eager to have her fully, he pressed forward, entering her deeper, until he was all the way in, and began to thrust. He wouldn’t prolong this for her, not until she was healed from their first time. Not that he could last long anyway as much as she had stirred his loins tonight and every other night he’d thought about her.

  And then he came, spilling his seed in her, loving the lady who was his wife through nothing short of a miracle.

  Aila loved her Highlander, loved the way he was holding back, wanting to please her, but his face had shown the strain in his restraint. She couldn’t have been happier to be with him, though she had no idea what the morrow would bring.

  How would Lord Comyn’s people feel about their new lord? Ward and Ronan said they would bring their guards to help ensure the transition was without trouble, though Alban had the king’s backing in this, so she suspected some might grumble, but would learn to live with the new rule.

  Would they accept her as the new lady of the manor? She would not worry about it. As far as she was concerned, she and Alban could manage anything, making their new life together, and showing their people they had nothing to worry about.

  She would miss her sister most of all. But Wynda assured her she would see her soon, once everything was settled. The queen wished for Wynda to stay so that she could still find a husband among the visiting lords.

  Mai, her lady’s maid, would go with her, while Raleen stayed with Wynda. Mai had run to fetch water for Aila so she could wash up quickly before they broke their fast. They planned to leave early that morn. Her maid cry out in the corridor, and then begin to scold someone. Aila hurried to the chamber door to see what had happened and opened it.


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