Hittin' It Out the Park

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Hittin' It Out the Park Page 8

by Allison Hobbs

  Cheryl grimaced. “Yeah, I won’t have a problem getting the money, but here’s the thing, Stephen: I give him this; how do I know he doesn’t come back for another taste from the pot?”

  “You think . . . oh shit. I didn’t even think about that.” Stephen fell silent.

  “Yeah,” Cheryl said after a minute or so, “well, it’s something to think about.” She stood up and reached for her handbag. “So, yeah, call him and tell him I said, okay. Don’t give him my telephone number or anything, but I’ll get his contact info from you later, and we’ll make the arrangements.”

  Stephen slowly rose from the couch, a suspicious look on his face as he followed her to the door. “You’ve got a plan, don’t you?”

  “Maybe, kinda sorta, we’ll see.” Cheryl kissed Stephen on the cheek. “And don’t forget we have to go shopping for something to wear for Randy’s surprise birthday party next month.”

  “Ooh, girl, I can’t wait.” Stephen rubbed his hands together. “I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks.”

  Cheryl laughed and lightly tapped his face. “Well, fair warning, I’ve invited all his teammates and even some of the Yankees brass, so you’d better be on your best behavior at the party.”


  Sexy posted selfies on Instagram wearing a bikini while posing on the balcony of the riverfront apartment she now shared with Yusef. She received mostly favorable comments, but there were a slew of nasty comments from her ex-roommate, Emma, and Emma’s hateful friends.

  Perhaps it had been rude and inconsiderate of Sexy to pack up and leave without giving Emma a heads-up, but Emma had a lot of nerve being upset when she had been the queen of inconsideration with her sloppiness and hoarding habits.

  It was a no-brainer to vacate the pigsty she’d been sharing with Emma, and move into Yusef’s luxury condo when he’d made the offer.

  With Yusef’s training and travel schedule, Sexy often had the place to herself. Additionally, he gave her a generous allowance that spared her from having to check in with her mother in order to continue receiving the measly stipend that her stingy parents granted her.

  Sexy was so pampered by Yusef, she wasn’t sure if she’d be willing to give up the good life to attend school in London. Her parents would croak if she broke her promise, and refused to return to school. But life with Yusef didn’t require an elite education.

  Decisions. Decisions. Did she want to be obligated to her parents or Yusef? She concluded that she’d rather be indebted to Yusef. Being a kept woman and playing the role of wifey was a hell of a lot more appealing than being under her parents’ thumbs.

  Whenever Yusef traveled with his team, Sexy treated herself to burgers and pizzas and all sorts of greasy fast-food. But when he was in town, they dined at only the best restaurants, and it had become a ritual for Sexy to jerk him off with her hand concealed beneath the crisp, white tablecloth at the conclusion of their meal.

  Tonight, Yusef had invited a teammate and his wife to join them for dinner, and Sexy was looking forward to seeing the couple’s shocked and embarrassed expressions when they realized the naughty behavior that was taking place right under their noses.

  Smiling as she relaxed in the Jacuzzi tub, Sexy bolted upright when Yusef burst into the bathroom. “Dinner’s cancelled.”

  “Why?” she asked, disappointed. She enjoyed desecrating snobby restaurants by leaving behind a linen napkin filled with semen.

  “I got traded to the Yankees,” he said in a shocked tone. “I have to pack my things and go to Tampa early tomorrow morning to join them for the last few weeks of spring training.”

  “What about me? Are you taking me with you?”

  “Not right now. I have to get acclimated with the team and I don’t need any distractions.”

  “Oh, I’m a distraction?” she said with a hand on her hip, obviously indignant. “If that’s how you feel, we can put the brakes on this relationship right now. In fact, I’m packing my shit and moving the hell out. I refuse to allow you to treat me like I’m an inconvenience.” She stepped out of the tub, yanked a towel off a hook, and wrapped it around herself.

  Yusef caught her by the arm before she stomped out of the bathroom. “I’m sorry, Sexy. You’re not an inconvenience and I’m sorry I gave you that impression. This is all so sudden, my head is spinning. All I’m asking is that you bear with me for a little while. After I’m down there for at least a week, you’re welcome to join me.”

  He reached inside his pocket. From his wallet, he withdrew his Platinum AMEX card. “My agent pulled some strings and got me and my plus-one an invitation to Randy Alston’s surprise birthday party next month. Take my card and buy yourself a hot, new dress. Randy’s married to a gorgeous model, and I want my new teammates to see that my girl is as fashionable and beautiful as Randy’s wife.”

  “Who’s Randy Alston?”

  A look of disbelief covered Yusef’s face. “Are you serious? You don’t know who Randy Alston is?”

  Sexy shrugged again.

  “He’s the top third baseman and the highest-paid player on the Yankees roster.” Sexy gave another shrug and rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. She didn’t know or care anything about the Yankees or any other sports team. With a sigh, she grudgingly accepted the credit card. “I’m still mad at you, Yusef, but I’ll attend the stupid party with you on one condition.”

  “Anything . . . name it,” Yusef said with a lopsided smile.

  Sexy dropped the towel. “I want a farewell fuck. It has to last all night long. You can’t stop until my body’s numb and I’m speaking gibberish because my brain is fried. Got it?”

  “That’s not a problem, baby. You know you can get it whenever you want,” Yusef said, tearing off his clothes.

  * * *

  A month later, Sexy and Yusef took a limo from his Upper Manhattan hotel to Birdland, a premier jazz club in the theater district where Randy Alston’s surprise birthday party was being held.

  “You haven’t said one word about my dress. Don’t you like it?” Sexy inquired.

  “I love it, but don’t you think you went a little overboard on the cost? Four-thousand-five-hundred dollars for a skimpy little dress that you’ll probably never wear again seems a little reckless.” There was an edge in Yusef’s voice.

  “Oh! So, that’s what you’re upset about. You’ve had a stink attitude ever since I arrived in New York, and I had no idea it was about the money I spent on the dress.” Nostrils flaring, Sexy pointed a finger at Yusef. “With all the money you make, I can’t believe you’re concerned about the cost of my dress. You told me the chick who’s throwing the party is a fashion model, and in so many words, you emphasized that you wanted me to outshine the bitch, so why’re you making such a big deal over the money I spent?”

  “Can you lower your voice? Let it go for now. We’ll talk about it later on when we get back to the hotel.”

  Sexy folded her arms in defiance. “I’m not talking about shit, later on. I don’t even know if I want to go back to the hotel with you. In fact, I don’t think I want to be bothered with this dumb-ass party.”

  “Don’t be like that, baby. I shouldn’t have said anything. But I figured if our relationship is going to work, I had to speak to you about exercising some boundaries when you’re running up my credit card.”

  Sexy gave Yusef a contemptuous look. “You have issues, dude. You think every woman is a gold digger who’s out to beat you. I bought this dress to make you proud to have me on your arm, but since you wanna lecture me about responsibility, you can tell the limo driver to turn this shit around and drop me off at the train station.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I want to go back to Philly and return this fucking dress.”

  “Come on, baby. Get a grip. Why’re you blowing this thing out of proportion? I only made a comment, and there’s no reason for you to ruin our evening. Look, I don’t want you to return the dress. My bad for even bringing it up.”
  The driver glided up to the curb in front of the club and Yusef caressed Sexy’s arm. “Let’s go in the party and have a nice time,” he said in an appeasing tone. “This will be the first time I get to mingle with the other players in a social environment. I don’t want there to be any tension between you and me. Okay?”

  “Hmph! You’re the one who caused the tension, so don’t blame me!”

  “I know. I know. I’m an idiot. Do you forgive me?”

  She sucked her teeth. “I hate you,” she whispered.

  “No, you don’t. You love me as much as I love you,” he whispered in her ear. “And I’m gonna show you how much I love you when I get you in bed tonight.”

  Sexy looked hot and she knew it, and she was accustomed to being appraised and admired back home in Philly, but she found it a little odd that glamorous New Yorkers—both men and quite a few women—were ogling her like she was a juicy piece of meat.

  And Yusef was such a hypocrite. With all that talk about the cost of her dress, he grinned with delight with his prideful eyes darting to her revealing dress each time he introduced her to one of his teammates. She got the impression that Yusef wanted every man at the party to check out the skin she was showing and to lust over her.

  Annoyed with Yusef, Sexy took a trip to the restroom to get away from him for a few moments. Inside the restroom, two attractive women were checking out their reflections in the mirror, touching up their makeup, and gossiping.

  “That heifer needs to be working for the Secret Service the way she keeps close tabs on her man. She’s practically joined at the hip with Randy, and it’s not a good look. Cheryl needs to lengthen the leash on her husband—at least for tonight.”

  “I know, right? It’s his birthday, after all, and she should get from up under him, and give him some breathing room,” the other woman chimed in with her mouth turned down in disapproval.

  “Birthday or not, she’s so afraid of losing her Mega-Millions Man, I doubt if she’ll let him out of her sight for one minute, tonight.”

  “We can’t put all the blame on Cheryl, though. I heard that Randy’s nose is so wide open, the groupies don’t stand a chance. Word on the street is that Cheryl has him so whipped, he won’t even sign autographs for good-looking women unless Cheryl gives him permission.”

  Sexy approached the mirror, and the two chicks looked her up and down sneeringly before departing the restroom.

  Haters! Gazing at her image, Sexy reflected on what she’d overheard about the birthday boy. So, he earns mega-millions, does he? I wonder exactly how much? I bet a man making big bucks wouldn’t complain if his woman bought a forty-five-hundred-dollar dress.

  She hadn’t met Randy Alston or his wife, yet, and after overhearing the gossip about their marriage, Sexy was eager to meet the couple. She didn’t care how gorgeous his wife was reported to be, Sexy highly doubted if Randy’s wife or any other woman at the party looked better than she did.

  Loving a challenge, Sexy smiled maliciously as she made a bet with herself that she could not only get Randy’s attention, but could also steal his heart away from his stupid-ass, jealous wife.

  When Sexy exited the restroom, Yusef was waiting outside the door. “Why’d you stay in there so long? Randy and his wife just arrived and we missed shouting out, ‘Surprise!’ ” Yusef said with a note of hostility in his voice.

  Sexy shot him a disapproving look. “I don’t give a shit about shouting, surprise. What are we, six-year-olds? Goddamn!”

  Yusef relaxed his facial muscles. “Nah, nah. It’s not like that. It’s all good. But I want to introduce you to Randy and Cheryl before this place gets so packed and you can hardly have a decent conversation.” He ran a caressing finger down the side of Sexy’s face. “Schmoozing with the Alstons can’t hurt. So, be extra polite to his wife.”

  Holding Sexy’s hand, Yusef led her over to where Randy and Cheryl were holding court. Cheryl’s beauty couldn’t be denied. She was dressed elegantly in a silk ivory dress with a long slit up one side, and she carried herself with the dignity of an aristocrat, Sexy noticed with disdain.

  But Cheryl’s demeanor and haute couture didn’t intimidate Sexy. After years of ritzy prep schools, and a lifetime of being under the tutelage of her socialite mother, Sexy had been well-groomed and was completely aware of proper etiquette at social gatherings. However, after observing the way Randy’s eyes traveled over her body, Sexy decided to forget about social graces. Presenting her slut-side would be the quickest way to get what she wanted.

  “Hi, there,” she said with a sultry smile when Yusef introduced her to Randy. Randy actually blushed, and his wife inhaled sharply, obviously livid.

  “Sexy Sanchez? What’s that, your stripper name?” Cheryl blurted as she possessively hooked her arm into Randy’s.

  Sexy laughed. “I’m not a stripper, and although Sexy’s not my birth name, I had it changed legally for obvious reasons.”

  Cheryl opened her mouth and then closed it. Blinking rapidly, she steered Randy away from Sexy and Yusef, and began greeting other guests.

  “What was that all about? Why’d you embarrass me like that?” Yusef asked angrily.

  “What?” Sexy asked with a shrug, and then left Yusef standing alone as she meandered over to the bar. She sipped champagne and plotted on her next move. If that Cheryl bitch thought she was going to keep her husband away from Sexy, she had better think again.

  Sexy glanced to her right and there was Randy, conversing with an older white man with silver hair and tanned skin. Sexy assumed the man had money and power, judging by the way he was able to have a discreet conversation with Randy without Cheryl hovering over them. In fact, Cheryl was on the other side of the room, chatting with a handsome, curly-haired dude who was a bit sweet, according to Sexy’s gaydar.

  Making her move, Sexy sauntered up to Randy and the silver-haired man and said, “So, we meet again.”

  “Yeah, I suppose so,” Randy said nervously. “Mr. Jeff Roberts, this is Miss, uh, Sexy Sanchez. Miss Sanchez, meet Mr. Roberts, one of the owners of the Yankees franchise.”

  “Nice to meet you, Miss Sanchez,” the older white man said, smiling and gazing at Sexy leeringly. He patted Randy on the shoulder. “I could only stop by for a few minutes. My pilot is waiting to fly me to Miami. Anyway, happy birthday, Randy and many more.”

  “I’m honored that you stopped by, sir. Have a safe flight to Miami.”

  “I’d like to have a very turbulent flight with you,” Sexy said suggestively after Mr. Roberts walked away.

  “I don’t think Yusef would approve of that.”

  “I don’t give a damn what Yusef approves of. I think you’re hot, and I want you. Do you want me?” Sexy boldly asked, twirling her hair.

  “Absolutely, I do. But, it’s not that simple. I have a wife and—”

  “What your wife doesn’t know can’t hurt her.”

  “I don’t keep secrets from Cheryl. I’ll tell you what. Let me run this by her and I’ll get back to you.”

  Randy strode across the room, leaving Sexy with her mouth hanging open. Was dude actually going to ask his wife if he and Sexy could fuck around? Sexy had experienced some weird encounters, but this was by far the strangest shit she’d ever been involved in. And what was even weirder was that instead of telling Randy to kiss her ass, she was patiently sipping champagne and waiting for him to get his wife’s permission to fuck her!


  The enormous ballroom was packed and booming; athletes, models, millionaires, and the rest of New York City’s beautiful and powerful people were on their feet singing along with Young Jeezy and DJ Greg Street who were turning it up with one of their hit singles from the “Seen It All” album.

  More than $600,000 was spent making Randy’s twenty-second birthday one he would never forget—even the Yankees’ brass had kicked in a hundred thou toward the surprise bash for their superstar—but for Cheryl, the night had soured a few minutes after the loud chorus of “
SURPRISE” had ended when she and Randy walked through the door.

  Surrounded by dozens of friends and teammates slapping Randy on his back and wishing him well, Cheryl was still able to spot the little hoochie mama from about thirty yards off. The little bitch looked like a stalking tiger with a clueless, innocent antelope in its sight. Having worn the look herself in her single days, Cheryl’s antennae instantly went up as Yusef introduced her and Randy to the slut who called herself Sexy Sanchez. Not taking any chances, she steered Randy away from the girl after only a few minutes.

  But now Cheryl gritted her teeth, watching the little slut slinking over to Randy and Jeff Roberts, and then making an obvious play for Randy as soon as Jeff walked away. I knew she’d be after him as soon as she thought the coast was clear. I shouldn’t have left Randy’s side for one damn second. She tried to control her breathing, but there was no controlling her racing heart. There was no doubt about it, that skanky bitch was trouble.

  Though some ten feet away, she could clearly see the expression on Randy’s face, and it was clear that Sexy-babe was pulling no punches. He looked as if someone had just grabbed his junk and given a seductive squeeze; not many women could make a man sport that look simply by talking. She herself had done it to men many times—and it looked like Sexy had the same provocative talent.

  “Yeah,” Cheryl whispered to herself as her husband walked toward her as if in a stupor, “this one’s going to be trouble.”

  “Hey, babe, I can’t believe you did all this for me.” Randy pulled Cheryl into a warm embrace and followed with a soft kiss. “And how did you manage to keep it secret? I really thought we were only going out for a quiet dinner.”


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