Hittin' It Out the Park

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Hittin' It Out the Park Page 22

by Allison Hobbs

  Cheryl looked at Stephen and shrugged. “I’ll be back in a minute, sweetie.”

  “Okay.” Stephen looked at his watch. “I want to get to Bloomie’s before the lunchtime rush.”

  Randy was sitting on the bed when Cheryl walked into the room. “What’s up, baby? Something wrong?”

  Randy stood up. “Cheryl, I was looking through your night table, and I found these.” Randy showed her an ivory-colored birth control compact. “Do you mind telling me why you have them?”

  “What? I don’t know whose they are, but they’re not mine.” She took the compact from Randy and opened it. Six of the little yellow pills were missing. “Is this some kind of joke?”

  “That’s what I want to ask you,” Randy said, a tremble evident in his voice. “All this time you told me you wanted a baby as much as me. Were you joking?”

  “Are you serious? No, of course not,” Cheryl said indignantly.

  “So outright lying, huh?” Randy’s voice was rising with each word. “Didn’t want to ruin your beautiful body, huh?” He stood up. “But why didn’t you simply tell me that, Cheryl? Of course I want to have a baby, but if you didn’t want to, why didn’t you tell me, you know? Why fool me like this?” He walked over to the window, and stared out for a moment before turning back toward her and shouted. “I guess you and your sissy friend out there have been having a big laugh over ‘young country boy,’ huh?”

  “Randy, I don’t know what the hell is going on, but you need to get ahold of yourself.” Cheryl walked over and placed her hands on Randy’s shoulders. “Where did you say you found these pills?”

  Randy roughly pulled away. “In your night table, where you keep them, Cheryl. And if they’re not yours, tell me who else keeps their birth control pills in your night table? I sure as hell don’t use them.”

  “Well, neither do I!” Cheryl shouted, though she was still trying to keep her temper while she figured out what the hell was going on. “I don’t know whose pills these are, I don’t know how they got in my night table, but I do know I don’t like being accused of doing something I’m not doing. Why would I tell you I’m not taking birth control pills if I really were?”

  “To keep me in shackles.”

  Cheryl’s mouth dropped open. “Randy, this doesn’t even sound like you.” In fact, it sounds a helluva lot like that skanky-ass Sexy. I should have suspected that Randy was keeping in touch with that skank behind my back. What kind of shit has she been feeding Randy?

  “Why? Because I don’t sound like, ya know, a pussy-whipped country hick? Someone you can twist around your finger? Someone you can keep using and using while you lie to me about wanting my baby?” Randy plopped down on the divan and cradled his head in his hands. “Cheryl, how could you do this to me?”

  A pussy-whipped country hick, huh? Yeah, Sexy’s gotten to him. “Baby,” Cheryl said, dropping to her knees besides him, “you’ve got this all wrong. I haven’t done anything to you. Randy, I want to have a child as badly as you. You know that.”

  “Then why are you taking those pills?” Randy demanded.

  “I’m not taking any damn pills,” Cheryl shouted. “Will you get a grip?”

  “YOU have the nerve to get pissed off at me, now?” Randy jumped up. “I have to get the fuck outta here.”

  “Cheryl, sweetie,” Stephen’s voice rang out from the living room. “Sounds like you’re going to be busy for a while so I’m going to go ahead and get out of here. Call me when you get a chance.”

  Cheryl watched Randy as he ripped off his robe, pulled off his pajamas, and threw on jeans, a shirt and sneakers, not bothering to shower, shave or brush his teeth. The pills weren’t hers, someone was trying to frame her, and the only person she knew devious enough to do something like that was that damn Sexy. But how had she managed to plant the pills? She couldn’t worry about that now, though. If Randy left believing that she had really deceived him, he wasn’t coming back. But how could she prove she wasn’t on the pill?

  “Randy, I want a baby as bad as you, sweetie,” Cheryl pleaded. “You know that. Why would I say I wanted a baby if I really didn’t?”

  “Because you’re afraid of losing your figure,” Randy shouted. “It’s like Sexy said; you’re more worried about your looks than about us starting a family.”

  “What does Sexy have to do with this,” Cheryl stormed back. Damn it, I knew it!

  “Nothing.” Randy grabbed his keys off the bureau. “She doesn’t have a damn thing to do with it. Except maybe she’s finally opened my eyes. All this time you’ve been calling her a conniving slut, but now I see you’re the one who’s been doing all the conniving.”

  As much as she wanted to slap Randy for that statement, if she did, it was only going to hasten his departure. And if he left now, there was no doubt where he was headed, and she couldn’t chance him heading there in the mood he was in. “Randy, listen, wait; how about I simply prove it?” she said as he walked toward the bedroom door.

  He stopped and turned toward her. “How?”

  “There’s got to be some kind of blood or urine test I can take.”

  “You mean . . . you’d be willing to take one?”

  The way he said that made the hair on the back of Cheryl’s neck rise. He acted like he’d already thought about it, but had decided against asking her. But Randy would never think of something like that. Whatever . . . the test would prove she hadn’t been taking birth control pills. Then she’d have to figure out how Sexy had planted the damn pills.

  Three hours later, Cheryl and Randy sat silently together waiting for the results. Both of their arms were crossed, and both stared straight ahead. It had taken them only an hour to find a diagnostics lab that could do the tests, and an extra three hundred dollars on top of the usual one hundred-dollar fee to get the results immediately instead of waiting two days. Boy, is he going to feel stupid when the lab tech comes back and tells him the results were negative. And as soon as we leave here, I’m going to find Sexy Sanchez and kick her little skanky ass.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Alston?”

  Cheryl looked up, and Randy jumped up.

  Two minutes later, Cheryl slumped back down in her chair as Randy stomped angrily out of the office.


  Showing no expression, Sexy sat next to Randy on her expensive crocodile leather sofa and listened attentively as he expressed his hurt and disappointment in discovering his wife had pretended to want a child while secretly taking birth control pills.

  “Like I told you on the phone, I found the container in her night table, and even though there was almost a week’s worth of missing pills—pills that she had obviously taken while claiming she was trying to get pregnant with my child—she still insisted that she didn’t know where those contraceptives came from.” Grim-faced, Randy sighed. “She kept right on lying, even after we got the lab results that proved she took those pills. You were right; she’d been lying to me all this time.”

  Sexy slowly shook her head. “When you called me and told me, I wasn’t really serious about you making her get tested. And I certainly didn’t think she’d go for it, anyway.”

  “Getting tested was her idea! She offered to take a blood test, and that’s what has me so baffled. I can’t figure out why she’d take it that far, knowing she’s guilty.”

  I can’t believe the bitch played right into my hands! Sexy steepled her fingers in thought and then chose her words carefully. “Is it possible that she didn’t expect you to take her up on her offer to be tested?” She peered into Randy’s eyes, holding his gaze challengingly.

  Randy thought about it, and then nodded slightly. “You might be right. Cheryl knows me well. She has me all figured out, and she knows I don’t like to make waves in our marriage. Despite the damning evidence, she expected me to take her word for it, simply to keep the peace. She must have been shocked when I took her up on the offer, and even went so far as to go to the lab with her and wait for the results.”

xy began to feel the early rumblings of excitement as she easily led Randy down the path of mistrust toward Cheryl. “She underestimated you. Thought she could manipulate you into going along with her bold-faced lies.”

  “The sad thing about it . . . I probably would have gone along with anything she said, except this. Becoming a father is dear to my heart. My father deserted me and never looked back. I learned from him not to take that role lightly. I’m going to be there every step of the way for my child . . . if I ever have one,” he said glumly.

  On cue, Sexy began rubbing his arm comfortingly. “You’re still young. Of course you’ll have a child one day. In my opinion, you’re too young to be a parent. You need to get a lot more life experiences before you take on a serious role like that. In a way, Cheryl did you a favor by showing her true colors. It would have been a shame for you to think you were on the verge of fatherhood while she was playing you like a fiddle. You owe it to yourself to put your full focus on your new career. The Yankees are banking on you getting them to the World Series. My advice is that you work hard and play hard. Live life to the fullest, and when the day comes for you to put all your energy into Little Randy, at least you’ll have a lot of wisdom to share with him.”

  “Little Randy,” he repeated with a grin. “I like the sound of that. But I wouldn’t mind a girl, either. All I want is to have a healthy child.” He gave a little groan of despair and rubbed his forehead. “I’m young, but I was really looking forward to being called Daddy.”

  Sexy scooted closer, lightly caressing Randy’s shoulder. “I heard some of the wives talking about how Cheryl made you over. Made you take speech classes to get rid of your Southern accent. They said she even changed up your style of dressing.”

  “She did it for my own good. So I could feel confident when I had to speak in public.”

  “How’s that working for you—do you feel confident?”

  “Not really. It’s aggravating and makes me feel more self-conscious having to think about everything I say before I say it.”

  “I already told you that I like your Southern accent and that you sound a lot like T.I.”

  Flattered, Randy broke into a grin.

  “That Southern drawl of yours is sexy. Turns me on. Listen, I don’t want you to be guarded when you’re around me, Randy. I want you to be yourself.”

  “Thanks. It means a lot to know you feel that way. I get so tired of pretending to be somebody I’m not. Cheryl means well, but—”

  “No disrespect, but I don’t think she means well, Randy. When you love somebody, you accept them for who they are. I believe that Cheryl was afraid to have your baby.”

  “Why would she be afraid?” Randy asked, frowning.

  “You have to understand that someone as superficial and elitist as she is would believe that you’d produce an inferior child—a child with flaws,” Sexy said, watching him intently as her words sank in. She saw the muscles in his face tighten; watched him flinch.

  “You saying she was afraid she’d have a child who looked and acted like me?”

  Sexy nodded grimly. “Cheryl is fake, Randy. Even her friendship with that gay guy, Stephen is fake. She’s into trends after all, and every New York sophisticate has a homo friend these days. Being married to you gave her the money to live the lifestyle she’d dreamed of, but she didn’t sign up to go as far as to bear your child.”

  Looking anguished, Randy grabbed his head and bent over, looking down at the floor. He stayed in that position for a few moments, and then sat up abruptly. “I realize that every word you spoke is the truth, but I’m so confused. I feel like I should be insisting on a divorce, but despite the way she tried to play me, Cheryl is my wife, and I still have feelings for her.”

  “You’re too emotional to make a life-altering decision right now. Why don’t you stay here with me while you try and get your head straight? Until you can figure out what you’re gonna do about your marriage.”

  Deep in thought, Randy nodded mechanically. “I never dreamed she could be so underhanded, though.”

  “The more we talk about your wife’s deceit, the worse you’re gonna feel. So, on a different topic, how do you like the new place?” Sexy waved a hand through the air, indicating her newly furnished place.

  “It’s nice. You have good taste.”

  “I don’t deserve the compliment,” she said, laughing. “I couldn’t have done this without the help of the interior decorator you hired.”

  “I did?”

  Sexy feigned a worried look. “Don’t you remember telling the realtor it was okay to send a decorator over here to help me? I hope you know I’d never spend your money without your permission. I’m not a gold-digger like Cheryl—”

  “You said we were gonna keep her name out of our conversations?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to mention her name.”

  He turned toward Sexy and offered a weak smile. “It’s cool. It’s not like we can pretend she doesn’t exist,” Randy said thoughtfully. “Anyway, back to the interior decoration . . . so much has happened in the past week, it sort of slipped my mind that I agreed to pay for that.”

  “Do you remember, now?”

  “Yeah, I remember. And for the record, I would never call you a gold digger. You’re the most honest and realest person in my life right now.”

  Sexy could feel the corners of her mouth twitching and threatening to spread into a triumphant smile. Suppressing the urge to gloat over her victory, she leaned in and covered Randy’s lips with a big kiss.

  “You haven’t seen the finished bedroom, yet,” she said with a sly grin as she led him out of the living room.

  “It’s nice,” Randy said, admiring the Moroccan-themed room.

  “I wanna show you something.” Sexy picked up the remote and clicked on the wall-mounted TV. A famous reality-TV couple appeared on the screen—naked and in the midst of copulating. The camera panned in on the well-endowed man who pulled out of his girl’s pussy and commenced to rubbing his thick dick all over her face, and commanding her to suck it.

  “That’s what I want you to do to me,” Sexy stated. “I wanna get freaky with you.”

  “You want to act raunchy like that? You want me to treat you like a whore?” Randy sounded incredulous.

  “Mm-hmm. That’s exactly what I want.” Sexy stood in front of Randy, rubbing her ass against the growing erection in his pants. She bent over, twerking in time to the music that played in the background of the sex tape.

  It didn’t take a lot of convincing for Randy to begin grinding on Sexy’s ass. Taking it a step further, he pulled up her body-hugging stretchy dress, and took a deep breath as he gazed at Sexy’s bare ass.

  Bent over, Sexy parted her legs so that Randy could get to her intimate parts more easily. And when he thrust a thick finger inside her, she gasped with pleasure. He slid his finger into her again and again and Sexy humped his finger, welcoming the delicious ravishment.

  The tingling through her body was becoming more and more intense and she could tell that Randy’s finger was soaked with her juices. “Smear it on my asshole,” she invited.


  “Use my juices as a lubricant and fuck me in the ass.”

  “Are you for real?”

  “I’m dead serious. Take your pants off and come get some ass.”

  Randy withdrew his finger, and his breathing was ragged as he stripped out of his pants. Sexy sauntered over to the bed and assumed a position on all fours. Wiggling her ass, she beckoned Randy.

  “Um, I . . . uh, I ain’t never done no anal sex before,” he stammered. “I mean, we’ve talked about it before, but—”

  “There’s a first time for everything; now come on and get up in this, lover.”

  Randy gripped her slender hips and entered her delicately, but Sexy writhed and bucked. “Give it to me, Randy; fuck this ass the same way you fuck a wet pussy.”

  Goaded by Sexy’s demands, he pushed in deeper, moved faster, his hands
rocking her hips as he thrust his hard dick deeper than he imagined it could go.

  “That’s what I want. I want to feel that dick deep in my ass.”

  A primal groan emerged from the back of Randy’s throat as Sexy bucked backward, her body jerking out of control. Caught up in what he considered decadent pleasure, he pushed her forward until her face was buried in the pillow, her ass tooted up in the air. On his knees and anchoring her body with his strong hands, Randy gave her a forceful thrust, his thick length filling her to the hilt. He fucked her hard and passionately.

  “Damn, you got some good ass,” he bellowed.

  “Play with my pussy,” she instructed, and Randy circled her clit with the pad of his finger, and then inserted his long finger into her juicy depths. Sexy’s eyes rolled back in her head as the warmth of an orgasm bubbled up inside her. Lost in passion, Randy panted as he continued to desperately move in and out.

  “Oh, my God,” she shrieked as one final, hard thrust sent her body shuddering with a wave of ecstasy. Weak and spent, her knees gave out and she collapsed onto her stomach. Randy collapsed along with her, still stroking and groaning. He praised the goodness of her tight asshole moments before toppling into a blissful abyss.


  “I don’t care what you think, Randy; someone framed me.”

  Randy looked down at his clasped hands, then back up at Cheryl, whose red eyes were so swollen they couldn’t produce or hold any more tears. “Cheryl, you know what? I actually want to believe you. But even if somehow someone did get past the doorman and into our apartment to plant a packet of birth control pills, how in the hell did they fix it that your urine and blood shows you’ve been taking the pills? And we’ve been to two different labs, Cheryl. Both of which you picked.”

  Cheryl rubbed her hands over her uncombed hair, then clutched her head and once again broke out in sobs. “I feel like I’m going insane. I don’t know, Randy. I love you, and now I’ve lost you, and not because of anything I did wrong.”

  Randy slowly stood up, walked to the closet and pulled out a suitcase. “How can you say taking birth control pills behind my back all this time without telling me isn’t wrong, Cheryl?” He started throwing unfolded shirts, pants, and underwear inside.


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