Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 4

by Archibald Bradford

  “Good,” She planted a few sucking kisses on Miranda’s buttock, leaving a few hickies and love bites to mark her mistress’s tushy as hers; “Because if you are going to give me a belly rub tonight, I think I should really have to earn it, don’t you?”

  Miranda could only moan in response when Jan’s muscular tongue worked its way deep inside of her puckered hole. Her pet supported the weight of her lower body, one splayed paw between her legs and holding her just above her groin while the other now had two fingers inside her dripping snatch.

  Miranda began to gently rock herself back and forth, encouraging Jan to plunge her fingers, and her tongue, further inside of her.

  “Ugh, Jan… deep, take me deep…”

  Jan obliged. Thrusting her considerable long tongue as far inside her mistress as it could go, swirling around the inside of her anal cavity as she increased the thrusting of her fingers.

  Miranda rocked harder, thrusting her hips on Jan’s fingers and groaning louder at the incredible pleasure in her asshole. She propped herself up on her elbows to allow herself to buck backwards with more force, tongue lolled out, drool falling onto the granite as she began to rut against Jan’s face like a beast.

  “More, baby… more… I’m so close!”

  Jan responded by slipping her supporting hand lower, stimulating Miranda’s clit with the heel of her paw. She sucked with as much force as she could on her anus as she wriggled her tongue around like a panicked eel. Miranda’s panting had turned into sobbing gasps as she approached her climax.

  Jan fingered her rapidly now, knowing that for the first round, her bond-mate wouldn’t want to be teased.

  The teasing would come later.

  Miranda’s breathing halted and her whole body shuddered as ecstasy washed over her, Jan didn’t even slow down, knowing how best to draw out her love’s climax. Miranda released her breath all at once in a deep and explosive moan, gyrating her hips rapidly against Jan’s face for a moment, until the stimulation became too much and she had to hold still.

  Jan didn’t stop.

  She continued to frig her pussy and tongue her ass with the same intensity. Miranda’s orgasm continued while she thrashed, now trying to escape the overwhelming sensation. Jan could feel her juices squirting around her fingers, onto her chin.

  She would lick them up in a moment.

  After several moments, Miranda’s bucking diminished; she dropped back down onto her forearms, gasping still from the intensity of Jan’s stimulation.

  For her part, Jan at last eased up on her mistress’s battered nether regions. She withdrew her fingers first, and then shifted Miranda in her arms to gently support her hindquarters with both of her paws. Lastly she drew her tongue out from deep in her mistress’s ass with aching slowness and several moans from Miranda.

  Once her tongue at last exited her anus, Jan began to tenderly lap up the juices from her moist pussy.

  “Oh… Jan… my pet, my heart, my love.” Miranda found coherence again as Jan lapped up the last of her fluids before gently settling her back into the water and turning her around.

  “Did puppy do good?” Jan smugly licked her chops as Miranda’s arms settled on her shoulders and drew her into a loving kiss.

  Miranda said nothing for a minute, enjoying the taste of her own juices on her beloved pet’s lips as she wrestled with Jan’s wider tongue.

  Finally she leaned back with a few last sucking pecks on those luscious lips.

  “Oh yes, puppy did real good…” Her legs now wrapped around Jan’s waist, Miranda felt the gentle tickle of her tail as it wagged between her calves under the water.

  “Mmmm, I’m glad mistress, but I think I’d better try it again, we still have over an hour and I wouldn’t want you to think that your slutty little wolf wasn’t doing her best.”

  Miranda shuddered with a minor orgasm as Jan drew her tongue lewdly over her face and they pulled together in another passionate embrace.


  Nameless couldn’t remember the last time he was this embarrassed, except maybe the time that he got cornered on the playground by three older girls, who forced him to walk all the way back to the orphanage in his underwear and try to explain to Ophelia where the rest of his clothes went.

  Once inside the bathhouse Miranda and Jan went into one of the private women’s baths while, due to her refusal to part with him, he had to take Milly into one of the co-ed, or ‘family’ sections.

  Without preamble Milly had stripped down to nothing, carefully folding the shirt he had given her and setting it in the laundry with a smile on her face. As she wriggled out of her tight shorts, Nameless was at a loss. Already uncomfortable being shirtless, the thought of stripping further and being totally naked in front of her was terrifying.

  He was more than a little worried about what was going to happen next.

  “Hurry Master! That cut looks bad and I don’t want it to get infected!” Milly, now naked, was watching him expectantly, clueless of his discomfort.

  “Um, c-could you turn around?” His voice cracked with nerves.

  Milly looked confused, tilting her head to one side.

  “Hmmm? Are you alright? Your face is really red…” She closed the gap and rested her cheek against his forehead to feel his temperature; if anything it got even hotter as he now had an unfettered view of her naked breasts.

  “I’m fine! Now please, turn around!” He managed to squeak out.

  Milly looked slightly hurt, but complied. Of course, now he had an unfettered view of her gorgeous backside. His eyes couldn’t help but trace over her milky white back, down to her perfect waist, then taking in her swishing tail draped between the two perfectly formed globes, milky white and marshmallow soft, perched atop equally creamy thighs that transitioned subtly into the black and white hide of her legs.

  “Do you like what you see master?” Her back still to him, she bent over slightly to give him a better view.

  “How did you…”

  “I could feel you thinking about running your hands over me.” She breathed at him; “We’re bonded now remember, so I can feel what you feel. What you desire. And I approve… You can touch me anytime you want…”

  Nameless tore his gaze off of her proffered buttocks and stared instead at the crystal in his palm.

  As he examined the sky blue gem, warmth and something more flooded him; he felt a frantic desperation to please, to be held and caressed, to be bent over and taken, as well as a strange itching at his nipples that simply wouldn’t quit. He shook his head, beginning to question his sanity.

  Ignoring her still bent over form with difficulty, he stripped down and wrapped a towel around his waist to preserve his modesty. Milly pouted when she saw it… though she could still see his bulge.

  She licked her lips but then remembered his injuries and pushed her arousal down for now.

  “I’m sorry Master, I’ve never felt like this before and I don’t know how to manage it yet… but please, let’s get in the bath and see to that cut.”

  “Th-thank you Milly.” He noticed she still wore the rough leather collar, although she had removed the leash at some point; “Um, M-Milly. You don’t have to wear that anymore, if you don’t want to.”

  Her eyes widened and she smiled, quickly removing the collar with a happy little moo before tossing it away.

  The naked cow and towel clad man then headed into the showers to get the rest of the mud off before they got into the large stone tub sunk into the floor.

  As he sank in to the water he winced, Milly had apologized before she scrubbed his chest raw under the pressure of the showerhead to clean out his wound. A few trickles of blood had run from it, the effect of Miranda’s poultice diminished by the water and the scrubbing.

  “Here Master, this is what you need.”

  He turned towards Milly who had sunk into the water beside him. She held one breast out towards his face, her erect pink nipple inches from his lips.

What are you doing?!” He tried to push her back but found that there really wasn’t anywhere he could touch her that wasn’t naked flesh.

  “I told you Master, I’m going to take care of you! Please trust me, I promise this will make you feel better.” She had gently gripped the back of his head, and over his protestations she pulled his face forwards until his closed lips were against her nipple.

  He was in a near panic for several moments.

  Eventually, realizing he couldn’t match her strength, he just locked down, lips tight against her flesh.

  She gave a gentle low of encouragement at him and he felt her tongue licking the top of his head repeatedly.

  “Please master, I can’t make the milk flow on my own, you have to draw it out of me, and we don’t have a glass or anything for you to use so please…just one little suckle?” Her fingers played with his hair while she ran her other hand down his back, rubbing him lovingly.

  Everything about the situation had him bewildered; her tender ministrations, her pert nipple slowly slipping between his lips, even her moos of encouragement. Unable to speak, he relaxed a bit and accepted that he wasn’t going anywhere until she got her way.

  Hesitantly, he drew his lips apart, her nipple popped into his mouth and he felt his teeth graze her flesh.

  “Ah… please master! Be gentle… they are very sensitive.”

  He breathed raggedly through his nose. He then widened his teeth to get them away from her tender skin and pressed his tongue forward, experimentally brushing against her nipple. To his surprise she tasted sweet, like cantaloupe but creamier somehow. He found himself wanting more, but was unsure how to get it.

  Their eyes met and he froze again at the heat in her look.

  “Shhh…. Master, it’s okay. You just need to give a little suck that’s all, the milk will flow for you I promise, you could also use your hands to massage it out but for now… please suck me Master…”

  He groaned plaintively at her words then he built his nerve and gave a quick suck. Milly couldn’t help but giggle at his half-assed attempt.

  “You need to do it a little harder than that Mast-Ahhh!”

  At her words he gave a much harder pull, drawing his head as far back as her grip would allow to add to the suction, his lips made a strained squeaking against her flesh until…

  Creamy warmth abruptly flooded his mouth.

  The taste was sweet and extremely satisfying; he’d had milk before but never like this. This milk was rich and deep, the flavour of it swirled around inside his mouth and caused him to swallow involuntarily. As her milk filled his body he didn’t remember the last time he felt so utterly sated, he knew without a doubt that he could live off of her cream, forgoing all other food, without the slightest regret.

  He was pulling on her nipple harder now, sucking as hard as he could and greedily swallowing everything that passed his lips. Both arms wrapped around her back as if to prevent her escape from his insatiable maw.

  Milly sighed and closed her eyes, completely content to nurse her beloved master forever; she let out a deep and resonant low. The itch that had developed in her breasts when he took up her heartstone was finally being scratched, and the more he fed the more blissful she became, massaging his back and shoulders with one hand, the other still cupping his head against her breast as he repeatedly drew her nipple back and forth, back and forth. Each release of fluid from her breast brought her more pleasure.

  The more he drank the more warmth spread through his body, the slight pain of minor scrapes from his dive in the mud vanished entirely with a gentle tickle. The pain on his chin transformed into an itch and then into nothing at all, and the gash in his chest was suffused with a blazing heat that somehow didn’t burn, the pain completely gone and replaced by such an intense prickling sensation that it almost made him dizzy.

  More than that though, minor aches that he didn’t even realize he had; a slight crick in his neck, a dull pain in his hip, his sore arms from working all day, all of it faded away into that blissful warmth.

  All the while he suckled, faintly noticing that at some point Milly had shifted his mouth onto her other breast. He drank his fill, and then more than his fill. Until at last he pulled away, Milly didn’t stop him this time. He tried to speak, but paused, tilting his chin down and shifting his head back to let out a satisfied burp. He felt… pleasantly sloshy. He idly wondered how much he had drank.

  Milly giggled again and sweetly kissed him on his mostly healed chin.

  “You’ll still have the scar, sorry about that.” She gently traced her fingers down his chest, tears flowing from her eyes.

  “Are you alright?” Without thinking he placed his free hand on her cheek and wiped away her tears with his thumb.

  “Better than alright Master… I’ve waited my whole life for someone I love to really drink from me. Thank you.”

  “Um… you’re welcome, I guess. No wait… that’s not right, thank you! That was incredible I’ve never tasted anything so good, I could live off of that stuff forever.”

  “Mmmmm, indeed you could Master, these are yours forever.”

  She hefted her breasts back into his vision, and his hand fell away from her face as he saw the creamy residue dribbling from her nipples.

  Suddenly he was intensely embarrassed.

  What had they just done!? He had no idea what to do with his hands again, until he noticed that his towel had fallen off while he nursed from her. One fist still tightly gripping her heartstone, he thrust his other hand under the water to fetch the sopping fabric to shield his genitals from her licentious gaze, while Instinctively he turned around to remove his privates from her sight.

  Milly’s warm laughter erupted into the bath house. And he felt her hands on him again, rubbing at his neck as her creamy tips pressed down on top of his shoulders.

  “Master, can we have sex now? No one else is here, it’s just us. Please, I still need more of you.”

  He nearly swooned as her touch became more intimate, one hand sliding over his chest while the other reached down and cupped his hand holding the towel to his penis. He felt her whole body press into his back; he felt her mound grinding against his side as she wrapped one leg around him, the velvety softness of her hide brushing against his thigh. Her breathing had turned into a heavy pant.

  His turgid erection notwithstanding, he was scared shitless.

  All he could think about was getting away from this situation; this had gone way too far and way too fast for the inexperienced boy. He struggled out of her grip, her protests unheard as he scrambled out of the bath and back into the changing room.

  Milly let out a forlorn sob as she collapsed into the tub hugging herself tightly, wondering what she had done wrong.


  After his escape from the bath, Nameless found himself at loose ends. His clothes wouldn’t be ready for a while yet so he sought refuge in the steam room. He buried his face in his hands, replaying over and over in his head everything that had just happened.

  I sucked on her nipples! I drank her MILK!

  He felt his chest and his chin in bewilderment; his skin now felt like it had been days since the injury rather than barely more than an hour! There was a tightness to his chest from the scab but the pain was almost entirely gone, replaced by a dull itch.

  He kept hearing her offer of sex, over and over, while replaying his reaction in his mind. He remembered Sophie and her friends, orphan girls he had grown up with. They had stripped him to his skivvies and said the cruelest things to him while poking at his penis through his underwear.

  He wasn’t ready for sex! He wasn’t even ready for the kiss outside of the bath house! And above all else, he wasn’t ready to face Milly again.

  Her disappointment and shame weighed heavily in his clenched fist.

  He nearly jumped out of his towel when the door to the steam room opened and a ruffled looking Miranda stumbled in followed by a very smug looking Jan.

  “Hey k
id, that looks much better!” She nodded at his exposed chest.

  “Yeah, now you’ll have a badass scar to show off to all the ladies! Trust me, chicks dig scars, they make us wet…” Jan teased.

  To his discomfort, they settled in on either side of him as he tried to find a safe place to rest his eyes.

  Both women were completely naked, their towels tossed over their shoulders and doing nothing to preserve their modesty.

  “Ahhh… nothin’ like a long bath and a good steam to work the kinks out.”

  “Yeah, cuz it was the bath that did that.” Jan snorted then leaned over Nameless and licked her mate from chin to forehead.

  Nameless had to lean back to give her access, his face uncomfortably close to the action.

  Miranda caught his reaction out of the corner of her eyes.

  “Better get used to it kid, the licking I mean. Pack animals, or in your case, herd animals… it’s a social thing, and also a sign of affection. If Jan keeps her tongue to herself for too long I know something is off.”

  She waited for his reaction, he was clearly upset. Fists balled in his lap, shoulders hunched, unable to meet her eyes for more than a second at a time, and he was more than a little uncomfortable with the nakedness around him.

  Miranda was no fool, she recognized the signs.

  A bonded man with intimacy issues? Great.

  “Where’s Milly?” She brushed of Jan’s attentions, this was more important.

  Jan looked between them then mumbled something about being too hot and exited the steam room, leaving them to talk.

  Nameless didn’t respond and Miranda’s eyes narrowed to slits as she regarded him.

  “You deaf, kid? Or just rude?”

  “…In the bath… I think.” He mumbled.

  “You think?!” Miranda was not one for subtlety. She grabbed him by one ear and twisted his head around to meet her stormy grey eyes. His own eyes rolled, his breathing turned into a frantic pant; “You better not think, you better damn well KNOW where your pet is, that’s your responsibility as her master!”

  After a moment, she realized that the direct approach might not have been the best idea. He was hyperventilating now.


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