Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 10

by Archibald Bradford

  The trio wandered onto the cottage porch and entered the house. It was a very simple building, well-maintained apart from the roof, it only had three rooms. The entry of the porch led to a spacious front room that was split into a lounge and a kitchen. The kitchen was to the right of the entryway and the lounge to the left; there was a table and several chairs in the kitchen section as well as cabinets, a sink, icebox and a stove.

  In the living room, a pair of comfortable looking love seats and a large recliner formed a neat triangle before the fireplace. In the back wall of the living room there was a doorway with no door that led to a large bedroom with a good sized bed in it as well as a dresser with several drawers.

  The bedroom itself had yet another opening, again with no door, that led into an enormous bathroom with an open shower and an unusually large tub sunk deep in the floor.

  The cottage’s rustic appearance hid many modern luxuries it seemed.

  Seeing the look on their faces at the extraordinary bathroom Paul explained.

  “Ah well you see… the Naiad again, she was partial to nightly visitations in the winter months, and having the big tub in here meant I wasn’t running bare-assed to leap into a half frozen pond for a bit of company. She was fine with the cold but I surely wasn’t! Likewise with the shower, she was partial to running water when we were… ah, anyways.” He trailed off, again with a slight blush.

  Milly snorted a giggle, bringing up both hands to cover her mouth. Nameless studiously admired the shower head, as he waited for the farmer’s recollections to become less licentious.

  Paul gave a fake cough then wandered back into the front room.

  “Moving right along, the interior ceiling looks okay, we’ll pop on to the roof later and take a look, make sure there ain’t no water damage. Aside from that, you figure this’ll do you?”

  Nameless was nodding before he finished his question.

  “Paul, when you said a ‘little cottage’ I wasn’t picturing a place with hot water and a solar powered stove, let alone a luxury shower!”

  Luxury might have been over-selling it but he had been raised with thirty other children and bathing had always been a struggle.

  Milly was beyond excited.

  “Yes, and this is… I mean, well, this can be our home?” She asked, naked hope in her eyes.

  “It surely can Moon-Pie, once your man and I hammer out the details.” Paul smiled, pleased that the youngsters appreciated his past renovations.

  The cottage had always been little more than a pleasure palace to him, but he could tell that for the newly bonded pair it could become a real home and he found their youthful enthusiasm charming.

  Seeing their reactions made him slightly wistful and nostalgic but he shook it off as there was yet more work to be done.

  “So, it’s barely noon, and if the two of you are want’n to spend the night here-” He paused as both nodded vigorously; “-then there is work to be done. You’ll want to air out that bedding, and you’ll need to go back into town to get some ice for the icebox. I’ll also grab some more pails from my tool shed for Milly’s milking tonight. You should know I already had folks asking after her milk when I was in town yesterday, so don’t worry none about whether the stuff will sell.”

  Nameless nodded, wishing he had something to write with, or on.

  “Victuals you’ll also need to pick up… hmm…” Paul scratched at his whiskered chin; “I’ve got an old two-wheeled cart I used to use for totin’ wild vegetables and such, its narrow enough to take that path easy, and Milly you’re certainly strong enough to pull it with far more than it can carry, so you can have it. Consider it a housewarming present. We’ll wander back to the homestead and load it down with oats for your feed darlin’ then you’ll be able to get everything you need from town in one of two trips instead of a dozen or more.”

  Thanking him for his generosity they set to work, first Milly and Nameless, though mostly Milly, dragged the bed out in front of the porch to air out in the warm sun. Then Milly helped the pair get onto the roof, the thatch had been completely blown away in some parts and they could actually walk on the beams above the inner ceiling.

  Some parts of the thatch could actually be salvageable, but Paul advised a fresh start.

  “New beginnings my boy! A fresh roof for a fresh life!”

  Aided by Nameless, Paul thoroughly inspected the roof for any sign of water damage and fortunately there was none.

  However, while they were up in the relative privacy of the attic space, Paul broached a topic that made the boy red with embarrassment.

  “And speaking of beginnings… you two gotten it started yet?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Have you started the fire in her stove yet? Cuz’ I could strum a melody off of the tension between you two.” Nameless just looked confused before the old man cried in frustration; “Bah! Have you two gotten to the belly-bumping yet? The bandicooting! The barneymugging! Have you had sex with her yet?!”

  “Paul! Th-that’s private!” Nameless was flabbergasted; again the old farmer surprised him with his lack of tact.

  “Maybe so, but it’s also important, business-wise. If your heifer ain’t happy she won’t produce as much milk, and believe me when I tell you, a healthy sex life is a big part of that! To be honest I was disappointed at the lack of destruction in my guest room. Either you two kept the fun above the belt, specifically her belt, or you have the least interesting sex of any upright people I know!”

  He took a long look at the poor boy, Paul Fletcher was no fool; he could tell this kid had his share of demons and he sympathized, but at the end of the day his biggest concern was for Milly’s well-being, he’d taken quite a shine to her after all.

  He sighed as he realized the kid had no answers forthcoming.

  “Well, just don’t keep the poor girl waiting much longer, and don’t doubt for a second that she’s up for it; she’s a young heifer in love, believe me, she’s up for it!”

  He was going to let it go after that but then Nameless finally spoke up, albeit quietly.

  “I-I don’t know how.” His eyes were on the beam they were standing on rather than Paul’s face.

  Paul gave a gruff laugh, extended one hand and gripped him by the shoulder, shaking him until Nameless met his wizened stare.

  He spoke to him directly and honestly.

  “Nameless, no one does at first. Hell! Figuring out the mechanics of it is half the fun! Guarantee you she’ll enjoy the attention and I promise you that you’ll figure out the ‘how’ right quick after you take the first plunge.” He released his shoulder with another gruff pat, then let the topic drop; “Come on, there is a lot more to be done during the daylight, before you get to do anything fun under the moonlight.”

  The conversation stuck with Nameless for a time after that, but in the midst of making the cottage livable again he let it slip to the back of his mind to simmer.

  Finished what work needed doing at the cottage for the present they made their way back across the bridge, deep in a different discussion. Paul went over several things that the young Nameless simply didn’t have the life-experience to think of, such as the importance of fencing-in what would one day become his property.

  “You see kid, we’re all friends now, but someday you might say this tiny patch of dirt is on your side of the line, and I might put myself in opposition to that notion. And it’ll all be polite at first, until one of us thinks to plant something or other on it. Then things get said, and soon it’s years later and the feud rages on. I’m speaking from experience mind; I bought some property off of Daniel Higgins some decades ago. Didn’t bother putting up a fence cuz we was real chummy back then, and then we feuded over this one stretch of earth for nearly thirty years, ‘for he passed and his kin sold his whole plot to me.”

  They arrived at the homestead and the three loaded up the aforementioned cart with a dozen bags of oats, enough to keep Milly fed for nearly a month.

They were partway back when Paul smacked himself.

  “Forgot the buckets!” He turned back and waved them off as the couple paused; “You kids keep going I’ll be along.”

  As Paul left, the pair was deep in an animated discussion about their future, the cart Milly pulled was of sturdy construction and true to Paul’s words handled the somewhat rough trail gamely. They were both excited by the potential of the simple thing.

  Sadly, due to their conversation, neither of them noticed that their movements were being tracked by a malevolent gaze…

  Chapter 8:

  Clingy Ex

  Clint was not happy.

  The only thing that kept him from being stupid in public again was that he wasn’t sure if that Aegis operator and her damned hound would be coming back. He shuddered at the memory of that monster snarling at him with her fangs bared.

  After he busted that fat slob security guard over the head and set out to find the little shit that took his property he learned more about the little snot, and if half of what he heard was true, he gave serious thought to killing him.

  He actually got that stupid bitch to produce milk?! And it is worth a fortune!

  Currently he was hiding in a stand of trees just off a trail near a bridge on some crotchety old farmer’s property. The kid was walking towards the bridge, towards him, happily chatting with his stolen cow as she dragged a cartload of heavy-looking sacks.

  Clint was furious, but he wasn’t stupid. He knew that as long as the kid held her heartstone that monster could happily roll him into a ball and shove him up his own ass. Hell, that was half the reason he got her in the first place; and then she flat out refused to actually fight for him!

  He remembered her telling him that she didn’t want to hurt anyone. His arms were so damn tired after he whipped her, and the more he whipped her, the madder he got. Sure she bawled and whimpered about being topless but the whip didn’t even leave a mark!

  Her castigation was never enough, which is why he nearly smacked himself when he came up with another, more appropriate, punishment; one that she would most certainly feel and would definitely leave a mark.


  He had swiped an old iron from the farmer’s shed, once he held her heartstone again, he was going to force her to gather the wood for the fire herself, then make her watch as the iron rod heated to cherry red.

  The thought of how she would scream once he laid into her with it made him hard.

  He had never taken a monster before, the idea repulsed him. But the thought of fucking her while she screamed from the constant branding was enough to excite him more than anything ever had. He licked his lips as he drooled a bit.


  He flinched; he had gotten too wrapped up and didn’t notice that the pair was almost on top of him.

  “Hmm?” The scrawny kid responded, turning towards the monster.

  Clint got a glimpse of a familiar blue light shining from an odd length of rope around his neck.

  There it is! Ha! I thought the stupid shit would have at least been smart enough to hide the damned thing! He must not even realize how easy they are to steal…

  “I have to pee.” He heard her say plaintively.

  “Oh! Um, sure I’ll just wait here?”

  She nodded happily before giving him a peck on the cheek and heading into the trees opposite Clint.

  This is too perfect!

  Clint waited long enough for the cow to be far enough away and have her shorts down before he made his move.

  The kid didn’t know what hit him. He leapt out and swung his meaty fist straight into the startled brat’s gut. Driving the air from his lungs and dropping him.

  “Ha! You stupid shit,” Clint took out a short knife and prepared to finish him if he made any sudden movements, holding it right in front of the gasping kids face as he flipped him over; “I’m gunna make you watch when I brand that bitch!”


  Nameless couldn’t breathe; the sucker punch had driven all of the air out of his lungs and now he was seeing spots as his vision began to darken. He found himself flat on his stomach, face in the dirt of the trail. He knew the man was talking but he couldn’t make all of it out. He was rolled onto his back and saw the knife, and then he heard one word.


  He is going to burn Milly! I have to warn her!

  He began to flop around in a desperate attempt to get some air.

  “Milly!” He barely wheezed out as the man roughly pinned him to the ground.

  “Too late kid, her ass is mine!”

  He felt a sharp tug on his neck as the man grabbed at Milly’s braid, his fingernails scratching into his neck; then another tug, then yet another.

  The man’s visage twisted in puzzlement.

  “The hell kinda rope is this?”

  Nameless felt cool steel work its way under the braid, then another few sharp tugs.

  “What the… what is this made of?” He sounded more curious than worried, but he gave a nervous glance into the trees where Milly had gone.

  Nameless felt a few nicks under his chin as his assailant vigorously sawed at the unyielding cord with his inadequate blade.


  There was a sudden crash in the trees to the side. And a bellowing low unlike anything either man had ever heard.

  “Oh shit…”

  Nameless felt the man’s weight abruptly lift off of him, Milly’s body solidly connected with Clint and sent him careening down the trail. Milly seemed to be incapable of speech at the moment, her face purple with rage. She breathed heavily through her nose.

  After several deep breaths she found her voice again.

  “DON”T…. EVER…. TOUCH…. MY…. MATE.…” She growled out each word separately, needing a breath between each one.

  Nameless managed to stumble to his feet and take in the groaning figure nearly twenty feet down the trail.

  “Milly?” He had never seen anyone look so enraged and was scared for her.

  She glanced at him and tried to regain control.

  But then she saw the blood on his neck and it dawned on her what the man had tried to do. Her face went from purple to white in a matter of seconds. Then, without a word she stomped over to the downed figure, and hefted him by the back of his pants and the scruff of his neck with ease.


  Nameless was stunned, and could only stumble after her as she carried the limply struggling man high over her head, arms slightly bent like she was hefting a sack of feathers. She clopped out onto the stone bridge then turned to one side…

  And without preamble tossed him over the edge.

  The drop was about twenty feet. He gave a short scream, stray branches from the side of the narrow ravine snapped as he tumbled until he struck the wet rocks at the bottom, the water of the creek doing nothing to break his fall.

  There was a moment of stunned silence as Nameless gaped at Milly, who was placidly glaring down into the ravine.

  The silence was broken by a low whistle from behind him.

  “And that… is why you never fuck with a Minotaur’s bond-mate.”

  Nameless whirled in place to find that Paul had walked up the trail from the direction they had just come, a half dozen milking pails in hand. At his side were two of his Cockatrices. Both girls looked scared of the Minotaur as she finally turned away from her victim and clip-clopped off the bridge towards them.

  “Someone broke into my tool shed, figured I’d best catch up to you two. Of course, my brave little chickens were worried about me and insisted on coming along.” The bird-like girls scratched at the ground nervously with their clawed feet. Nameless nodded numbly before turning back to the approaching Milly.

  “A-are you alright?” As she got closer he noticed that her face was mostly back to normal, she even smiled when he stepped towards her hesitantly.

  “Better now Master.” She held out both of her arms, w
anting, needing, a hug.

  He obliged, eyes still bugged out and his brain not quiet caught up on everything that just happened. Their hug ended after a few moments as they heard a piteous moan come from the bridge.

  “Please, that crazy cow just broke my leg… please help.”

  Paul was the first to react. He stomped out towards the bridge practically imitating Milly from moments ago. His Cockatrices had a moment of panic as they realized they were now alone with the monster who had just thrown a man off a bridge.

  Noticing their presence, Milly gave a friendly wave.

  “Hello! My name is Milly! What’s yours?”

  Both girls gave an indignant squawk before deciding that being next to Paul was safer than being next to Milly and fled to the bridge.

  Milly pouted a bit.

  “I was just trying to be polite…”

  Nameless gave her back a comforting rub before Paul called them both over, his cockatrices none too happy with the idea.

  “Well, as much as I appreciate the karmic significance of your actions, a dead body on my property would be too much hassle. So! Moon-Pie, since you put him down there, I’m going to have to insist that you drag his sorry ass back up.”

  Milly looked ready to stage a revolt but after a few moments nodded; she was the only one with the strength needed to get him out after all.

  She considered the best way to climb down then just shrugged and tossed both hooves over the side, landing with a thump and a startled shriek from her victim. Paul winced at the likely damage the angry girl had just done to her feet.

  “Oh no fucking way! Anybody but this bitc-” The folks on the bridge heard an unpleasant crack and then a howling scream from below.

  “Oh dear… it looks like both of his legs were broken from that nasty tumble…”


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