Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 21

by Archibald Bradford

  So when he heard a knock on his door, he all but ran to open it.

  “Paul? Paul Fletcher? I’m Miranda Holt, and this is Jan and Nalia. We’re with the Aegis.”

  He recognized the Aegis operative from the other day though her right arm was in a sling and she looked downright exhausted, the Wolfen beside her was likewise bandaged on one leg.

  “How can I help you Aegis? This about the kids?” His brow furrowed, he didn’t like this.

  Seeing his concern she made to reassure him right away.

  “They’re fine, they wanted to introduce us but I sent them home. They’re exhausted.”

  Relieved, Paul gave her a long look up and down. Miranda actually blushed a bit under his scrutiny.

  “You don’t look so spry yourself, why don’t you girls come on in and take a load off.”

  He ushered them inside forcing them to sit at his table, and seeing the state of their injuries fetched them some of Milly’s milk from his ice box.

  “I understand that Nameless and Milly are renting some property from you-”

  Miranda was interrupted as Jan let out a satisfied moan.

  “Mmmm… I could get used to this stuff. We should get ourselves a cow Mistress!” Jan had downed her milk in one long draw, cleaning the inside of the glass out with her tongue.

  Paul snorted.

  “Yeah, they are renting off me. Now would you mind telling me what the hell happened to them?”

  Miranda and Jan shared a serious look.

  “I would actually. I’m sorry Paul but some of what has occurred is private Aegis business.”

  His eye narrowed dangerously.

  “Look, if the kid is in trouble with the law I can speak to his good character-”

  “No, nothing like that!” Miranda sighed; “I can’t give you all the details, he could if he wanted to, that’s his call, but my hands are tied. I can give you the abridged version though. He and Milly rescued me and Jan last night, along with Milly’s sister. Then that damned kid went and bonded with her.”

  Paul’s eyebrows looked like they wanted to take up permanent residence in his wispy white hair.

  “I didn’t know she had any kin.”

  “She’s a Katje. I guess they were blood-sisters or something.”

  Paul thumped down in a chair.

  “So, if they saved your life then why were you on my stoop this evening?”

  Miranda took a long look at Paul Fetcher.

  From everything that Milly and Nameless had told her on their way home he was a good man, and her own impression of him agreed with that.

  She huffed out a breath then downed the rest of her own glass before speaking again.

  “Like I said, I can’t give all the details, but you seem a canny man. Jan and I have been assigned to mentor them.” She followed her words with another long look.

  Paul was nobody’s fool. The Aegis didn’t send their first class operatives to mentor nameless orphans and their pets. There was something else going on.

  “Right, ‘mentor’.”

  Jan sniffed and Miranda smiled slightly.

  Nalia all but vibrated with the effort of keeping the secret.

  “The kids did say you were sharp. I just wanted to meet you to confirm that you weren’t taking advantage. After he told me how much money they were making off the milk I wasn’t overly concerned. You seem to have their best interest at heart. Just don’t be surprised if you see Jan or myself lurking around your property in the future.”

  Paul returned her look steadily then made a decision.

  “I won’t be, because you three are staying here.”

  Jan’s tongue lolled out and her head tilted to one side while Miranda‘s eyes widened.

  “Don’t look at me like that. You’re right: I do have their best interests at heart and I am sharp. Even if you can’t tell me why, you’re here to protect them; which means you need to be close. And since that cottage would be full to bursting if you took up residence there, not to mention it would make your charges a mite suspicious, you two can bunk in my guest room while Nalia here takes the tub in the guest bath.” He stood to go make up the room but turned back to them; “Just know if whatever it is he’s mixed up in gets either of those kids hurt I’m not the forgiving sort.”

  Miranda met his grim look and nodded seriously.

  She decided that she really liked this old man.


  Nameless woke up to Erica whimpering and making mewling noises.

  She was having a nightmare and had tossed the covers off of both of them in her distress. She was sandwiched between Milly and Nameless on their bed in the darkness of the cottage. Milly now had most of the blankets as she slumbered onwards.

  “Erica, wake up, you’re okay.”

  Gently he shook her shoulder, her green eyes snapped open and she stopped flailing, her skin was clammy with sweat.

  “Shhh, it’s alright Erica, you’re safe.”

  “Who… M-Master?”

  “Yeah, it’s me. You’re okay you’re-”

  She threw her arms around him and hugged him close, sobbing uncontrollably.

  They were sitting up now, wrapped in a deep embrace, and after several minutes she regained some measure of control.

  “Sorry, Master. I-I was dreaming about before… before we met. I remembered… I remembered the taste of Brant’s blood.” She sniffled a few times as he continued to rub her naked back.

  “That’s not you, not anymore and not ever again.” He told her firmly, her breasts naked to his chest.

  They both spoke in hushed voices, neither wanting to wake the tired Minotaur.

  Without the covers on, they seemed extra naked. After a few more minutes of sitting up in his embrace, her nightmare faded and other night-time thoughts took its place.

  “Master,” She purred at him, their faces close, desire in her eyes; “Maybe you want some help with that?” Her hand stroked his erection again, but he shook his head.

  “No, you just had a nightmare, you need to relax, don’t worry about me.”

  “But Master, the heat is still on me and I still need you…” Her purr never faltered as she nuzzled her ears against him.

  Nameless considered her request for a moment, then had a sudden thought and smiled.

  “If you w-want to be intimate with me then we’ll have to do it my way this time…”

  “Ooooh… that sounds exciting…” She brought her lips to his, sharing in a soft kiss.

  “I’m glad you think so,” He pushed her away from him, turning her slightly; “lie down on your tummy.”

  “Wh… but… I want to-”

  “Not this time kitty. This time, I’m going to take care of you.”

  Gently he pushed her back on to the mattress, next to the blissfully slumbering Milly and guided her until she was flat on her stomach, running his hands over her smoothly tanned skin.

  Her tail flicked in agitation.

  “So, you want to put it in my butt?” She wasn’t against the notion, just surprised that he would want that so soon.

  “Wh-what?! No! I’m going to give you a back rub!”

  “Oh! I’m sorry, when you wanted me to lie like this I just thought…”

  “Erica, you are a very naughty kitty.”

  “I am. I’d say I was sorry about that but I think that a part of you likes that about me.” She whispered back at him, her head resting sideways on her crossed arms, her hair pulled to one side so that she could track him with one eye.

  He knelt down beside her and kissed her on the back of her neck; she let out a surprised gasp then continued to purr. He trailed his lips and tongue up to her furry ear and gently took it between his teeth.

  “Silly cat, don’t you know that I love everything about you?” His voice was barely above a whisper, suspecting how sensitive her hearing was.

  Her response was electric; she arched her back up towards him and whimpered again, this time with desire.

  “Now lie still like a good kitty, I’m going to see if I can get you to relax.”

  He brought his hands to her shoulders, and then stopped, remembering their encounter in the Aegis compound. He smiled and brought both hands lower, to her pert butt and swishing tail. He stroked her tail with one hand while the other massaged the muscles of her bum.

  She was purring so loudly he was surprised that Milly didn’t wake up.

  Once he deemed he had given it enough attention he released her tail and began to work both of her cheeks at the same time, giving them firm gropes while he kneaded her muscles. He could feel the tiny goose-bumps form on her perfect globes as her skin tightened at this touch.

  He spent a long time on her tushy before moving down to her thighs, marveling at the strength of the muscles hidden beneath her flawless skin.

  Erica whimpered as his touch became more familiar. Switching both hands to one thigh, his fingers dug deep between her legs and gently brushed her most intimate place. Soon he gradually worked his hands all the way down her leg, past her knee and ending at her paw.

  He hadn’t really gotten a good look at her feet before. Her tanned flesh gave way to silky fur below her calf, ending in a four-toed paw with pink pads that stood out sharply from the black fur.

  He spent a great deal of time massaging the pads of her foot, fascinated with the way her claws extended and retracted at his touch.

  She was in heaven.

  No man had ever given her a foot rub, and to receive one from this man was mind blowing. His loving care fanned the flame at her core and she wanted him in every way imaginable, some of which she knew he wasn’t nearly ready for...

  After lavishing both of her paws with his undivided attention he worked his way back up her body, once again spending a great deal of time on her butt.

  “Master, ah… you… really like my ass don’t you?”

  In response he leaned down and gave both cheeks several sucking kisses, marking her flesh with hickies.

  “It’s beautiful… both my girls have such perfect bodies, I don’t know how I got so lucky…”

  “Mmmm… says the man who saved me and my sister both… my ass, my heart, my everything… is yours forever, lover.”

  The last word sent a thrill through him, he liked the way it sounded coming off of her lips.

  She noticed.

  He worked his way up her lower back, his touch admiring her every curve, then he straddled her just below her ass, her tail swishing against his erect cock and his chest as he leaned down and dipped his hands around her sides and underneath her to cup both of her perfect breasts, pinching her erect nipples.

  She could feel his manhood against the flesh of her ass. Feel his balls resting against her crack. And the nearness of him made her shiver. He was kissing at her neck again while he squeezed her breasts in his hands.

  “I-I would think, you got enough of that from Milly…” She said huskily.

  “I love Milly’s breasts, don’t doubt that…”

  “Mmmm, me too lover…”

  “But I love yours too. I love how perfectly they fit in my hands.”

  He gave another squeeze and ground his erection into her cheeks, stopping when his head was brushing the base of her tail.

  She gave a plaintive yowl.

  “Master, if you keep teasing me like this I’m going to catch fire. Please, put it in me?”

  He shuddered at the feel of her flesh and the naked desire in her tone, he released her breasts, pulling his hands out from under her and settling himself on top of her.

  She gave a sudden yowl of pain.

  “Ow! My tail!”

  “Ah, sorry!” He realized that he had forced her tail to bend upwards too far with his pelvis, he lifted himself off of her and she flicked her tail to one side with a giggle.

  “It’s okay lover. It’s fine. I do believe you were about to do something much nicer to me?”

  Quickly they recovered the mood.

  Nameless saw movement and looked over to see Milly watching them in the dark, woken by Erica’s cry of pain.

  She put a finger to her lips, her meaning clear: she would sit this one out.

  He began to grind his cock against her perfect ass as he ran his tongue over her jaw, planting kisses to the side of her face. She started to purr again, the pain in her tail quickly fading.

  “Lover... fuck me…”

  “Roll over?” He whispered in her ear, lifting his weight off her again.

  She obliged, she worked herself around and was barely on her back when his lips were pressed to hers. She wrapped her arms around him, clutching at his back and his ass with her claws.

  He was straddling her pelvis now and she giggled as she felt his cock against her tummy.

  “You’ve got it backwards lover, you’re supposed to be between my legs.”

  He smiled and they spent a moment adjusting themselves, and then he settled his weight on top of her again.

  She could feel the wetness from the head of his cock against her pelvis and matched it with her own sex.

  As he positioned himself at her entrance, their eyes met; her greens visible even in the dim light of the cottage.

  “Erica…” He nudged himself against her lips.

  She was far more experienced then he so she positioned her hips to accept his angle and his head slipped inside of her.

  She caressed his thighs with her own legs as she gripped his ass tightly and slightly painfully.

  “Shhh, you don’t need to hold back. I’m so wet for you…” Her voice quivered.

  He dipped down and kissed her hard as he took the first thrust into her wet tunnel, as she said she took his length easily.

  They each moaned into the others mouth, tongues wrangling around one another as he thrust into her several times in quick succession.

  She felt so good, her dripping sex was a furnace for his cock, and she urged him to thrust harder with her hands. But he felt himself building to climax too quickly so he slowed down, pulling himself away from her kiss as he drew all but the very tip out of her.

  She gripped his ass tighter, wiggling against him and yowling slightly, needing to feel him again.

  “Hold still for me kitty?”

  She managed, barely, to stop moving.

  He looked deep into her eyes, holding his cock just passed her tight entrance for several second, and then he dropped his hips down in a firm thrust, bottoming out inside of her before pausing again with his entire length wrapped in her convulsing tightness.

  “Lover, so good.” She panted at him.

  He began to work himself in slow circles, grinding his pelvis against hers as she yowled and purred and gripped him tight. He kissed her, a quick peck, and then another. Her tongue sought his but he kept his lips tight and kissed the wriggling muscle.

  Once the tension had built enough he pulled out and quickly pushed into her again.

  Sweat beaded on both of their brows from the exertion.

  She was close, when he ground her pelvis against her she felt the pressure with her clit and it drove her mad. She pulled her face to his ear and took his lobe between her teeth.

  “Master, I know that you are trying to make this last, and I love you for it, but if you don’t pound your cock into me right now I’m going to chew your ear off!”

  She flopped her head back onto the pillow, her hands squeezing his ass tight, while his were braced on the mattress outside her arms and were shaking from the exertion.

  “Hold onto the headboard with one hand, then you can play with my tits while you really fuck me.” She advised him, licking her lips.

  He took her advice quickly, grabbing the headboard and one pert breast and also adjusting a knee up slightly. Now able to support his weight better, he gave her a wondering look.

  She winked at him.

  “Whore, remember?”

  “No you’re not.” He shook his head; “You’re my kitty.”

  He began to pound into her
in earnest.

  The tension of the last several minutes flew out of him as the whole bed shook from their exertions; neither bothered trying to be quiet at this point, as both knew that Milly was watching them.

  He fucked her with long deep thrusts, pulling out almost all the way then thrusting in deep, a few times his cock flopped out but Erica’s hand was there faster than he could react to line his head up with her juicy lips again.

  One of her breasts shifted up and down rapidly with every thrust while he squeezed the other so hard she moaned. The steady stimulation of the hard fucking she had been waiting for since they bonded the night before finally sent her over the edge and she yowled out in pleasure as he mercilessly hammered her pussy.

  Her muscles contracting around his cock soon brought him to the edge. The image of Milly’s face after their first time popped into his head, covered in his cum.

  “Erica, cumming soon!” He panted out.

  She recognized the question in his tone.

  “In me! Deep, lover, go deep!”

  Her words were enough to send him over and he squeezed her breast even harder as he gave a few final thrusts before he began to cum deep inside her.

  Both lovers all but howled at the release, the silky folds convulsing all around his sensitive tool kept him spurting while she massaged every drop out of him.

  For Erica, the deep burning in her loins was finally quenched in the heat of his release. She felt tingling warmth spread throughout her body as he grunted on top of her, jerking his hips to shift his cock slightly to stimulate his flesh as he sprayed his cum into her aching quim.

  After several desperate seconds his arm gave out and he slumped on top of her, his head beside hers as he continued to grind against her.

  At last both lovers were spent.

  He stayed on top of her, and inside her, for several minutes as her hands caressed his back and she purred in satisfaction. They were both slick with sweat, though him more than her.

  As their breathing evened out he pulled his face out of her neck and looked into her hooded eyes. She merely smiled and gave him a lingering kiss.

  “Thank you lover, now you need to get off me, the girl sleeps on the guy not the other way ‘round.” She admonished mockingly.

  He chuckled as he shifted off of her.


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