Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 24

by Archibald Bradford

  “I really like these ones from the Aegis compound. I want to find more like them.” She calmly lifted her shirt and presented her black and purple panties to him.

  “E-Erica! Please!” He tried to pull her shirt back down.

  “Oh hush, Master. Even in this little town girls dress to impress their man. Right?” She turned to another woman in the cosy shop whose cheeks turned pink before she gave a coy nod; “I also want to see if they have anything for Milly. She doesn’t do underwear, too dainty for her, but a change of overalls, some more shorts and some shirts would be nice!”

  She dragged a blushing Nameless to another few shops, spending a not insignificant amount of money on clothes, but he hadn’t the heart, or the balls, to stop her. That and the girls both needed a wardrobe.

  She surprised him again when she took him shopping for clothes that actually fit him; it was a strange sensation indeed not having to roll up his sleeves for once.

  Lastly they stopped by the apothecary and picked up an unguent that Paul had recommended for Milly’s feet.

  On their way out of town Nameless noticed that Erica looked worried about something.

  “Erica? What’s wrong?”

  “Oh! Um… nothing!” At his frown she sighed and continued; “I guess I’m just a little nervous about, well… this place is really nice, aside from a certain snotty baker’s daughter… and I’m just worried about fitting in, I’m used to places much rougher than this!”

  “You fit in better than I do! You were so friendly with the customers, plus you’re really b-beautiful so…” He ended with a shrug.

  “Oh you are a charmer, lover!”

  With a warm smile she leaned in and gave his ear several playful licks, he had no escape as they were both pulling the cart from inside the handle, even together unable to match Milly’s strength.

  “Erica!” His tone was scandalized.

  There were people about and her tongue had grown quite ardent with his tender earlobe.

  She giggled, and then started pulling the cart faster. He was forced to match her pace, confused.

  Her intentions became clear when they turned into Paul’s drive. She parked the cart to one side, dropped the handle and pulled him by his shirt into the privacy of the bushes.

  She dropped her panties down to one ankle, held her shirt up with one hand and leaned against a tree with the other. She presented her pert butt to him, her tail swishing as she watched him over one shoulder, hunger in her eyes.

  Nameless had never had a quickie before.

  He found he rather liked them.

  Once the pair was finished, they sorted out their clothes and she slipped her panties into his pocket with a kiss to his cheek and a giggle before she gave him several more licks to groom his scruffy hair.

  Both still breathing heavily, they made their way up the drive and dropped off Paul’s share of the profits with the farmer.

  He gave their ruffled appearance long enough of a look to make Nameless blush and Erica smile smugly.

  “I take it I don’t have to worry about Moon-Pie’s sex life?” He asked with a chuckle.

  “I don’t know… can Minotaurs die of exhaustion? Our master is a beast in the sack!” Erica replied with a one armed hug to a furiously blushing Nameless.

  “Ha! I knew I was gunna like you! Well, before you start anything at the cottage you should know that Joe is back to work. And while he certainly wouldn’t mind the show, that prune he married surely would!” He chuckled and left them to tend to some of his own chores.

  When they arrived at the cottage Joe was hard at work thatching the roof while his wife sat on the porch and Milly watched from below, Nameless and Erica both frowned at the sight of her on her feet.

  She didn’t finish greeting them before they dragged her back into the cottage and flopped her down onto the bed.

  “You are being a naughty cow! Master told you to stay off your feet! I even had a treat ready for you but I’m not sure you deserve it now!”

  Erica’s chastisement was clearly fraudulent, but Milly seemed to take her seriously.

  “Oh! Please, I’ll be good!”

  Without preamble, Erica crawled over her head and sat on her face, pressing her naked labia to the startled cow’s lips.

  “Well, go on, you have to work to get your treat!”

  Hesitantly Milly slipped her tongue inside the Katje, until she recognized the familiar taste of their man’s cum and became much more aggressive about it.

  Erica began to purr as her tail swished over Milly’s forehead, shifting her hair around and tickling her. Then the Katje reached down and began to paw at Milly’s covered groin. Eventually unsnapping her overalls to pull the fabric down and slip her hand underneath, down Milly’s stomach and over her pelvis to her waiting sex.

  Still spent from the sex in the bushes, Nameless set to work instead of joining them; putting the new clothes away in the dresser he then left the girls to their fun, exiting the cottage to help Joe.

  Joe’s wife was sitting on the porch still, and blushed furiously as Nameless walked past, for his part Joe was studiously ignoring the steadily increasing sounds of passion coming from inside the cottage.

  They worked together for a few hours before calling it a day, Joe and his uptight wife taking their leave.

  Work finished, Nameless was sweating profusely and eyed the pond longingly. He poked his head into the cottage and called for the girls.

  “Erica, Milly, do you want to come swimming with me?”

  Milly immediately responded, her voice coming from the back room.

  “Skinny dipping?!”

  He blushed, remembering what Paul had said to them about the pond.

  “Er, y-yeah I guess. If you want.”

  Suddenly there was a thumping as Milly charged out of the cottage at him, already nude.

  “Milly! Your feet!”

  “I’ll be fine once we’re in the water!”

  He found himself hefted into a bridal carry by the over-eager cow who ran them both to the water’s edge while an equally nude Erica followed, laughing at her bond-sister’s enthusiasm.

  “Wait! My clothes!”

  But it was too late. Milly plowed right into the pond and unceremoniously dumped him into the water.

  He came up sputtering as Erica laughed her ass off from the shore, and Milly looked a bit sheepish, her head poking out of the water.

  “S-sorry Master! I’ve wanted to swim with you since Paul first told us the story about the Naiad.”

  His shock fading, he pulled off his sopping clothes.

  “That’s okay Milly, I’m glad that you’re excited.”

  Erica watched them both from shore, still laughing.

  “Aren’t you coming in?” He tilted his head to one side.

  “What?! No! I take baths and I take showers. I don’t SWIM!”

  Milly calmly took his clothes from him and waded to shore, water dripping gloriously from her milky flesh as she emerged from the pond.

  Cat girls had very good reflexes, but Milly was so guileless that Erica never thought for a second that her sister would suddenly grab her and toss her into the water.

  The Katje gave a startled yowl as she flew in an arc before she hit the surface right next to Nameless.

  Again he was shocked at Milly’s behaviour.

  She just smiled at him.

  “She was being a bad kitty when she laughed at you Master.”

  Erica emerged, her ears flat to her head, her hair slicked down and her arms held out to either side to keep them out of the water that came up to just above her naval. Her nipples were pebbled outwards from the chill of the pond.

  She gave Milly a murderous glare.

  Nameless couldn’t help it, she just looked so mad. He started to laugh.

  Erica’s head shifted to him and her eyes narrowed, a low threatening yowl emerged from her throat.

  His laughter faltered as she drew herself into a predatory crouch, her growl
intensifying, getting higher in pitch, and building towards something terrible.


  She pounced.

  Her tackle took him down under the water again and she wrestled with him, easily overpowering him. She pulled him to the surface only to then dunk him repeatedly while he sputtered.

  Milly placidly waded back into the water, creating an impressive wake as she leaned forwards and let the pond take her weight off of her sore feet with a happy moo, oblivious to the fact that less than ten feet away her sister was murdering someone.

  Chapter 18:


  After playing in the water for awhile they dressed in their new clothes and had dinner together.

  Nameless decided to check in with Ophelia late that evening, he had gotten a sense that if he didn’t he would regret it; he wasn’t sure when she was leaving and wanted to give her a proper send off.

  Milly remained at home, the unguent had helped but her hooves were still really sore; hopefully her shoes would be ready soon.

  Erica wanted to meet the woman who raised him, and he explained who she was to him and about their last meeting while they walked to the orphanage.

  He was more than a little worried that she might have left without saying goodbye. That, and after everything that had happened, from rescuing Erica to finding out that he was an Empath, he needed the familiar calm that she always brought out in him.

  Calm was the last thing she brought out in him now.

  Ophelia, Mistress Ophelia, the first woman he ever loved, the woman who tucked him in at night and who spoon fed him soup when he had a fever… was incredibly drunk.

  The state of the orphanage was shocking as he and Erica wandered in, no lights were lit, the colourful walls greyed out in the darkness. All of the furniture was gone, the cabinets empty, even the familiar toys always scattered about had vanished.

  They found Ophelia, stark naked, in the now empty boy’s dormitory, kneeling on the floor and clutching a patch-work teddy-bear, humming a drunken lullaby.

  “Um, Ophelia? Are you alright?” Nameless had approached her from behind; her normally glorious wings were folded low.

  Her head turned around slowly and she blinked at him owlishly. She loosely held a ceramic bottle in one hand as she gripped the bear tightly to her breast. She seemed to be having trouble focusing her eyes, still humming softly as she stared at them for a bit before speaking.

  “I gave him this you know, so very long ago now… was a time, he needed it, just like he needed me… but it got left behind when he left. He doesn’t need it anymore and he doesn’t need me.” She hiccupped and the nearly empty bottle slipped out of her fingers, clattering to the floor and then rolling to a stop at their feet.

  Erica picked it up and licked the opening, she shivered a bit in arousal as Nameless squatted down next to the inebriated Flutterby, unsure what to say.

  “Blomma nectar…This stuff is a powerful aphrodisiac for most, but I guess for a giant butterfly lady it makes for pretty potent liquor…” Erica looked as concerned as Nameless felt; this was the lady that her master thought so highly of?

  “Ophelia, please, you’re frightening me…”

  Nameless had never seen her like this.

  Naked and clearly distraught; her skin was so white as to be nearly translucent, her normally elegantly styled blue-black hair hung disheveled around her shoulders.

  She hiccupped again as she blinked at him.

  “Oopsies! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to frighten you dear…”

  She moved to reassure him, turning towards him, extending one arm in a clumsy hug, and exposing more of her bare flesh to his startled gaze. He couldn’t help but notice that her nipples were the same colour as her hair, or the downy patch of equally dark hair just above her privates.

  She grasped his shoulder with her free hand and pulled her frail body into his arms.

  “There there, it will be alright, Ophie is here, dearheart. She won’t ever let anyone hurt you.”

  Careful of her wings he wrapped his arms around her.


  “Ophie… he used to call me Ophie, back when he was so little. I would hold him above me and spread my wings out underneath him, he loved my wings! He would laugh and laugh. Ophie up! Ophie up! He would say… he was so very precious.” She rested her forehead against his.

  Suddenly he felt a tug beside him.

  He didn’t notice but Erica had slipped down at their side.

  “Master, her heartstone, where is it?” She asked him, her voice tense.

  “I… I don’t know. Ophelia, uh… Ophie? Where do you keep your heartstone? Where is it?”

  “Hmm?” Suddenly she seemed to recognize him and sober up a bit, he could feel a sudden anxiety bloom within her; “I… I don’t recall, you shouldn’t ask Ophie such things. That’s very naughty of you!” She clutched the bear tightly to her naked chest.

  “Master, if we are to help her we need her heartstone! I don’t understand everything that is going on but this is just the kind of situation men I used to know would take advantage of, we have to make sure her heart is safe!”

  Recognizing the urgency in her voice Nameless pictured the unscrupulous Thaddeus Kirk for a moment then nodded and put his hands on either side of Ophelia’s face and tried to get her to focus.

  “Ophelia, is your heart safe? Do you know where it is?”

  She giggled at his stare.

  “Silly boy, I always loved those eyes of yours…” She hiccupped again, working her lips over themselves as she pressed her own hand against his cheek; “I… I shouldn’t tell you where it is, that would make me just as naughty, you know.”

  “Nameless! Please, she’s clearly important to you we can’t let what happened to me happen to her!”

  Ophelia leaned back from his grip as she regarded the Katje.

  “You… are dressed very inappropriately young lady!”

  Erica rolled her eyes.

  “Says the naked butterfly!”

  “Oooh! I like you! You would be good for him I think; he needs a girl with some fire in her!” Ophelia calmly reached out and lifted the hem of Erica’s shirt, eyeing her black panties underneath; “That is a lovely colour on you, I’ll bet that you could be a bad kitty if you wanted to be!” Her eyes had taken on a smoldering quality as she met Erica’s gaze.

  “Oookay… listen drunken lady who I’ve never met, I can be a bad kitty and the people who taught me how are so nasty they would make your wings fall off. So if you could just go ahead and tell the nice man where your heartstone is, we’ll make sure that doesn’t happen to you, okay?”

  “Mmmm… sleepy.” Her eyes drooped then widened briefly as she had a thought; “He is a man now isn’t he? One day that just sort of happened. I wasn’t ready for it. I knew it was coming but still…”

  Nameless was way past concerned now, what if someone already stole the precious stone?

  “Erica! Search the house! Please!” She bolted, as he turned his attention back to the insensate Flutterby and gave her cheeks a couple of invigorating slaps; “Ophelia! Focus! Where is your heart? What did you do with it?”

  “I… I gave it away…” She let out a sob, more awake now; “I didn’t mean to do it, it just sort of happened! He asked to see it and I couldn’t say no.”

  Nameless blood ran cold.

  They were too late.

  “Who, Ophelia? Who did you give it to?”

  She let out a gasping sob; seeming to realize that she was naked she folded in on herself and began to rock gently.

  He pulled the woman into his arms, rubbing her back with one hand, oblivious of her nakedness in his concern for her wellbeing.

  “Ophelia, please, I need to know who has it so I can get it back.”

  She shuddered in his arms.

  “I gave it to you…” She finally murmured.

  Nameless was thunderstruck.

  “I gave it to you, but you forgot, and t
hen when you left… when you left me… you left it behind too.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Wordlessly, she pushed the bear against his chest between them.

  He took it in one hand and felt a sudden familiarity. He knew this bear. Somehow he knew that there was a flap on the bear’s back, held in place with a couple of buttons. With the nerveless fingers of one hand he removed the buttons.

  Ophelia’s hand covered his, beseeching him with her touch but not stopping his fumbling.

  “Don’t… please don’t…” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  Saying nothing, eyes locked on hers, he worked his fingers into the stuffing of the bear… and felt a familiar shape inside. She began to cry, and then collapsed against him.

  He held her for a few minutes. Until he noticed that she had fallen asleep, gently snoring away into the crook of his neck.

  Erica found them like that as she returned from her fruitless search; she had brought a sheet pilfered from the mostly empty linen closet to cover the sleeping beauty with.

  “Master, what is it? What happened?”

  He didn’t respond, at least not to answer her questions.

  “Come on, we’re taking her home.”

  She nodded and helped him bundle her up. She thought that she would carry her, but he was more than up to the task, her frame impossibly light.

  They set out through the sleeping town to bring her home. All the while Nameless’s mind was reeling.

  Ophelia, what did you do?


  Dawn came, the rising sun a cruel reminder to a certain Flutterby that Blomma nectar hangovers suck.

  She awoke with a groan to find herself wrapped in a sheet, lying on a strange bed in a quaint little cottage.

  She heard hushed voices from the other room, still trying to remember her own name she stumbled out of the bed and towards the voices.

  “…don’t want to get Miranda involved until I know the truth.” Nameless was in the midst of talking to Milly, and to a Katje she didn’t recognize.

  Wait, how do I know that she has black panties?

  “Morning sunshine! Have a good nap?” The cat girl said with enough enthusiasm to make her head hurt even more than it already did.


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