Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 27

by Archibald Bradford

  Her wings were spread wide, so that all he could see was her: his whole world was her. The feeling of her pert nipple as he ran his tongue over it and her petite warm hand steadily stroking his erection were bringing him slowly towards sweet release.

  “I’m close…” His voice was hoarse against her flesh.

  “Mmmm… me too, my love…” She murmured, pressing his face tight against her breast.

  With him nearing completion she finally began to pick up the pace, her hand beginning to jerk him fast within the confines of his pants as she dry humped his thigh more aggressively.

  “Ah… Ophelia!”

  “Shhh… dearheart, it’s alright, I want you to cum for me!”

  She was outright grinding her sex against his thigh now, having shifted herself to one side, and he was all but gnawing on her nipple.

  She started to moan as her hand worked his cock rapidly.

  The rustling of his jeans was audible and at last he couldn’t take it anymore, he popped her nipple out of his mouth and hungrily sought her lips, hitting her chin first and eagerly sucking on her skin until she shifted her face down to meet his, he kissed her hard and thrust his tongue into her mouth as he began to spurt into his pants, moaning loudly against her writhing tongue.

  She didn’t stop tugging at his cock.

  Her own orgasm overcame her in a wave as his grip on her ass tightened even more, pulling her moist sex against his thigh. She cried out desperately into his mouth as he continued to spurt into his underwear, thoroughly coating her hand in his seed as she worked his length through his pleasure.

  At last, they were spent.

  Neither moved, her hand no longer stroking him, but still clutched his cock. They both took several breaths, nose to nose while their gaze remained unbroken for some time, her violet eyes locking his muddy browns in place.

  They kissed again, loving pecks, savouring the mutual afterglow. His hands were both gripping her luscious ass now as they leaned into each other, both whispering sweet words of love and devotion.

  Tears stood out on their faces.

  She shifted back after several moments, slowly withdrawing her hand as he groaned at the movement against his still-sensitive flesh.

  Once she had pulled it out of his pants she brought her hand up between them; it glistened in the fading sunlight.

  “I wasn’t kidding before, what I said to Erica…” She brought her hand to her lips and deliberately licked at the pearly liquid staining it and shuddered at his taste.

  “Mmmm… I haven’t tasted a man in so very long… it makes me so wet to taste you Master!”

  He watched her with a great deal of fascination.

  He wasn’t the only one.

  “That is sooo fucking hot!” Unbeknownst to the entangled couple, Erica and Milly had come out to investigate.

  They stood just outside the door, Milly was topless and Erica likewise only wore a pair of her signature black and purple panties.

  Nameless felt a little awkward, the sticky mess in his pants adding to his discomfort, but to his surprise Ophelia only laughed.

  “I hope you don’t mind dears, our Master was tense so I took it upon myself to relieve him.” She looked only slightly nervous, as if she was trying to hide it.

  Wordlessly Milly approached, Ophelia dropped her wings so that the Minotaur could embrace her.

  She held her close for some time, and Erica had moved to the other side and put her hand on Ophelia’s shoulder.

  “I am so happy for you!” Milly finally said into the Flutterby’s ear before gently kissing her on the cheek.

  Ophelia lost some of her composure at the cow’s sincerity.

  “Yeah, and I am so happy you weren’t kidding about liking to swallow!”

  “Erica!” Nameless was mortified at her bluntness.

  “What? It gives me hope that she wasn’t kidding about the other thing she said she liked to do!”

  Ophelia began to laugh, soon the others joined in.

  After a few moments of mirth, Ophelia gave Erica a speculative look.

  “Tell me kitty, are you and Milly done playing for the night, or do you have some energy left for a very horny butterfly?”

  Erica spared a quick glance at Milly, who only smiled, her cheeks pink.

  “I think I would like that very much, little butterfly, I am more than a little bit curious what you taste like.” Erica lewdly drew her tongue from Ophelia’s chin, across her lips and up her cheek to her forehead.

  Ophelia didn’t bat an eye, though she was breathing heavily.

  “Yes, I’m kind of curious myself.” Milly’s voice was soft as she turned Ophelia’s face towards her and likewise licked her on the opposite side.

  “Well, why don’t you girls take the bedroom tonight, I’ll sleep in the living room, after I clean up of course!” Nameless chuckled.

  All three girls turned to him, faces inches apart.

  “Are you sure Master? I don’t want you to feel left out…” Ophelia was hungry for Milly and Erica’s touch, but was concerned about her master.

  “After what you just did for me there is no chance of that! Besides…” he awkwardly embraced all three girls; “You all need this, I think, part of what we were just talking about right?”

  She smiled at him. Then turned and whispered first into Milly’s ear and then into Erica’s.

  Erica spoiled the surprise though.

  “You’re right; we should all give him a blowjob together someday soon!”

  Milly put her face in her hands and Ophelia snorted an undignified laugh and quickly covered her mouth, a delicate blush finding her cheeks.

  Nameless was more than a little excited by the prospects that the future held for him.

  Chapter 20:

  Justice Delivered

  Night had long since fallen over the gulley in which the roving tent town had set up shop, and it was far from dormant in the darkness.

  Jeers and hoots of laughter were heard, as well as the wet smacking of flesh on flesh as men took their turn with whatever girl was available in the whoring tents.

  Meanwhile in the middle of a circle of wagons a rough arena had been erected from logs and within it a badly wounded Troglodyte knelt, her weight propped on her claymore, in front of a tiny red skinned girl who held a massive black hammer loosely in one hand.

  “Hit her again!” A man’s voice cracked out.

  “Fuck that! Clearly she’s lost; I’m pulling her out before your bitch does anything that can’t be fixed!” Another man’s voice protested.

  In the torchlight of the ring only the girls were clearly visible. The Trog looked determined, but clearly finished. The tiny girl just looked bored, and maybe a little sad.

  “You were stupid enough to put your whore in with my badass bitch so the fight is over when I say it is!” The first voice was threatening now.

  “Hey now, you know the rules, nothing permanent! You don’t like that you take your girl to some other arena.” A third man broke in.

  “Ha! This arena is for pussies! I told you to hit her again!” The girl just looked towards the voice, saying nothing; “Oh not you too! Tch, fine! Where are my coins?”

  The fight over, the Trog was taken away while the men argued about who owed what and how much.

  Little did they know that the entire camp was surrounded.

  “Right, I’ve seen enough.” From the tree clad hills, the clear blue eyes of an Amazon glinted in the moonlight; “Juni, pass the word: on my order we move in, all present are to be detained. Kill any who resist. Have the Dryads on standby; monster lives before humans.”

  “Yes Warleader.” Juni, a short blue Undine, rode in a giant gourd full of water on the Amazon’s back.

  She did as she was told and from several smaller water-pots at the hips of various Aegis tac-team members, her voice conferred the orders.

  The jeers and laughter continued from the tents below their position.

  Not for long.
r />   Warleader Yana Brael held overall command of the three Aegis tactical teams. When she had received her orders two days ago and had learned of the existence of this place, that a Tenebrae had been created here, she had felt her blood rise.

  It was their sworn duty to stop such crimes as were being committed in the tents below and she would see that duty carried out. She hefted her spear, knowing that not all of the humans would be smart enough to surrender immediately.

  Blood would be spilled this night.

  “Is everyone in position?”

  After a moment of conferring with the other teams Juni nodded, her eyes on the back of her commander’s head.

  “Then give the order.”

  Yana was moving, two dozen other Amazons at her side. The leaders of this little crime ring had enough forethought to post sentries but they were undisciplined louts, though she did see that they carried some lost tech weaponry.

  It did them little good.

  Her spear struck out lightening quick, taking the heads off of two that blocked her path, her sisters loping alongside her faring just as well.

  She couldn’t help herself; she let out an aggressive ululation as the heat of battle took her and her battle-cry was matched on all side by her war-sisters; her Amazons returned her ululation, the Wolfen pack howled from the opposite side, and an entire hive of Hornets buzzed intensely as they descended on the panicked camp from above.

  She took two more humans down in as many breaths, men and monster girls alike were pouring out of the tents, some naked, some armed.

  She gave them one chance, leveling her spear at those near her.

  “By order of the Aegis all here are bound by law! Surrender now or die in the dirt like the scum you are!”

  Similar orders were being shouted by her sisters all around the camp.

  The imprisoned monster girls had hope in their eyes and complied quickly and the naked men soon followed.

  The ones with weapons decided to fight.

  “Come on boys! If these bitches take us alive it won’t be pretty! We break through their line!”

  A stocky man wielding a lost-tech flamer led the charge, the alchemical fire that was spat out pushing the teams back.

  A Hornet fell with a scream, her wings gone.

  A Wolfen tried to leap over the flames to take the man down but was also brought low with a wailing yelp.

  The men behind him, while not as well armed, were emboldened and together they fought off the Aegis teams as they pushed towards the edge of the camp.

  Directly towards Yana.

  The battle rage was in full swing for the Amazon, her eyes fixed on the man with the flamer.

  He laughed as her sisters had to fall back from its fire and his laughter only enraged her further.

  “Juni! Douse me! NOW!”

  The Undine didn’t hesitate, throwing her elemental water onto her commander, thoroughly drenching her as she charged straight at the man.

  Seeing her approach, he laughed some more and let loose a single devastating burst from his weapon. The canisters that fueled it did not come cheap on the black market and he didn’t want to use any more than necessary.

  If he had been less of a skinflint he may have survived.

  He blinked, cold blue eyes stared straight into his; he felt an intense pressure in his chest and couldn’t seem to control his arms. The flamer slipped from his fingers and his dumbfounded look drifted down to the spear impaled through his sternum.

  He barked out a laugh, a great deluge of blood coming from his mouth.

  Yana stood before him, steam coming off of her entire body, her face slightly blackened with soot, but unharmed. She gave her spear a flip and a twist and his corpse flew off of it, smashing into a nearby wagon.

  Her voice was death.

  “Maybe you didn’t hear me. Stand. Down. NOW.”

  Her sisters quickly took up position at her sides, hemming the remainder of the men in on all sides.

  They needn’t have bothered.

  The sight of the mighty Amazon, steam wafting from her body and her giant spear leveled towards them coated with their leader’s blood would have been enough to break the morale of bolder men than they.

  “Juni! Get the Dryads in here, that Hornet-”

  “They are already on site Warleader. The Hornet lost her wings but is otherwise unharmed, the Wolfen is dead.” Juni’s voice was subdued.

  Yana grief was swallowed by her rage.

  “Dammit! All teams spread out and round up all of the girls, secure their hearts!” Monsters rushed off to comply with her orders; “Bring up a column. I need to report in.”

  Wordlessly Juni flowed out of the gourd, and began to weave her magic through the air to form the water column. Soon a face appeared in it, an older man in uniform with a dark grey patch over his scarred right eye.

  “Report.” His voice was direct.

  Before she could a shout came from the center of the camp.

  “She’s going dark! Sisters, fall back! It’s a Gigas!”

  A Tenebrae!

  “Dammit! Warriors! Our fight is not over this night, we take her down!”

  “Belay that order!”

  Yana and her sisters were confused as the man in the water column contradicted her.

  “But, Husband! I-”

  “Take her alive!”

  A shock ran through those present as the commotion from the camp increased and Juni relayed the orders to all of the teams, her brow straining with the effort.

  “What?! Has the Lady regained her strength?”

  “Negative, there is another. Take her alive if possible, and maybe he can bring her out of it.”

  Hope filled her breast at the man’s cryptic words, determination followed.

  “It shall be as you say Husband! Sisters! To me!”

  “Be careful, love.” His voice was soft as the water column dissipated.

  Juni’s strength was spent.

  Yana turned towards the rapidly regrouping Wolfen and Hornets and began shouting orders.

  “Queen Oldeera, take your hive and escort the prisoners to the south end of camp! Lilly, lead your pack, the Dryads, the wounded, and all of the girls recovered and fall back to the east!”

  A Gigas alone would be a challenge for any warrior, a Gigas enhanced with the dark energy of a Tenebrae was truly fearsome. Only the battle tested Amazons of her own team would be up for the challenge of taking her alive.

  She heard the Lost One let out a terrible roar as she stumbled into sight, her gravity hammer still clutched in one tiny fist.

  “Box her in, use the wagons, a single blow from that hammer and you are dead! We need to get it away from her if we are to have any chance!”

  Yana and eight of her best warriors surrounded the petite girl; at barely three feet tall she didn’t look like much, but the Gigas were amongst the strongest of monsters, able to match even a Dragon on the field, but they needed their hammers to bring all of that strength to bear.

  This Gigas was also a blooded veteran of the arenas, and had been surrounded before.

  Each attempt to reach her hammer was thwarted; one of her Amazons was struck a glancing blow by a wagon sent flying by the tiny giant, another was sent into a cartwheel as the hammer struck her low on the leg with a horrible crack.

  The girl roared.

  Yana grew worried; for a Tenebrae, this girl was far too in control. It quickly became apparent that even the battle-hardened Amazons were outmatched and she prepared herself to give the kill order.

  They needed magic to balance the scales.

  Fortunately they had it in spades.

  As the Amazons retreated from the Gigas and her deadly hammer, Yana suddenly scented spring as the ground blossomed with life at the feet of the combatants.

  She frowned.

  “Dammit! I ordered you to stay with the wounded!”

  “You need us here, sister.” A soft voice beside her said simply.

  Several g
reen skinned and naked dryads approached from all sides, two of them tending to the Amazons struck by the wagon and the giant’s hammer as the rest bent their wills to the roots underneath them all.

  The Gigas roared in defiance at her new foes, but found her feet stuck in place, completely wrapped in the sudden growth of foliage.

  Yana cursed at the disobedience of the willful tree spirits but didn’t waste the opportunity.

  “Sisters! All together, pin her!”

  The remaining Amazons converged on the tiny girl, her hammer swung once, twice, but she was unable to follow through with proper footwork and her blows fell short. Soon her tiny limbs were gripped from all sides.

  She struggled mightily and one of the Amazons let out a cry of pain as her arm was snapped by the sheer strength of the girl, but at last they wrested the hammer from her grip, it fell to the ground with a heavy thump.

  Her strength greatly diminished, the Amazons were at last able to contain her while the Dryads restrained her with magically strengthened vines.

  The immediate threat of the Tenebrae contained, Yana heaved a great sigh of relief.

  The Aegis ambush had killed several dozen humans, and fortunately they only had the one fatality, though they had many injuries from the scattered lost-tech weapons and the fallen girl’s rampage.

  She went to deal with the imprisoned humans who were guarded by the fearsome Hornets, pausing with respect as several Wolfen walked passed her carrying their fallen sister on there shoulders. Nearly forty men had surrendered immediately, with another two dozen after she killed the man with the flamer.

  She took a moment to size them up before speaking.

  “You are all bound by Aegis law, any attempt to escape will result in your death. Turn over any heartstones or weapons that you may have hidden on your person now, or we will take them from your corpses later.” No one moved to comply; “Right, let me make this clear, you are all about to be strip searched, those of you withholding a heartstone or a weapon will be deemed an unacceptable risk and killed. So shall we try this again?”

  “You can’t do that! We have rights!” One man boldly declared.

  “Rights?” A deathly whisper, she was on him in an instant, lifting him by the throat with one hand as he squirmed; “What rights? What about the rights of the girls held here? This operation was directly responsible for the creation of two Tenebrae! Not to mention the death of one of my war-sisters! I could order you all killed right now and be well within my rights!”


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