Empath Rising

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Empath Rising Page 29

by Archibald Bradford

  “You were going to do that anyways you lunatic!”

  “Then I will rip it off again!”

  “That doesn’t even make sens-”

  A vaguely familiar screeching noise split the air, causing all of the participants in the brawl to fall flat on the ground, their muscles seized up and unable to move.

  The shriek stopped and a familiar drawl took its place.

  “Good timing there lovelies. That was getting out of hand.” Paul and several of his Cockatrices strolled out of the grass, circling the group; “Gotta say kid: that was the most entertaining show I seen since Skinner tried to shift the snow off of her barn, slid off and landed in a steaming pile of-”

  “WHAT THE EVER-LOVING FUCK IS GOING ON OUT HERE!” Miranda and Jan had arrived on the scene coming from the direction of the cottage, and her voice drowned out Paul’s.

  Unfortunately none of the paralyzed individuals were able to speak for themselves so they had to rely on the old farmer for the truth.

  Which was a shame: he was in a funny mood.

  “Quite simple Aegis, it seems that our nameless friend here is actually a rapist, even despite having three fillies to keep satisfied! Near as I can figure he attacked the little froggy here, a Gripau if I’m not mistaking her breed, anywho he was fully intent on snatching away her virtue with his weak penis, when that towering stack of blonde over there saved the day.” Miranda’s face was incredulous, as was Jan’s, her tongue lolled out in confusion; “So Blondie figured: ‘nothing doing! I’ll just remove the budding rapist’s big-head in order to keep his little-head out of trouble.’”

  Miranda was slowly shaking her head, Jan was starting to smile.

  Paul was in his element, nothing like a tall-tale to wile away the time.

  He was retired after all.

  “Sadly, her act of frontier justice, my favorite kind by the way, was interrupted by the lovely Moon-Pie, who is currently flat on her magnificent tits over there. She took exception to seeing her man get his head tore off, even if it was for his own good, and so she and the blonde set to wrastlin’. Unfortunately, this was just the diversion the nameless pervert needed in order to consummate with the little green cutey in her bathers…” He made a sweeping gesture as he reached the climax of the tale; “And so, to protect the virtue of the innocent little frog, and to keep Moon-Pie from being beat’ to death by an Amazon, I set my hens on the lot of them!” He smiled smugly.

  By this point, Miranda had figured out the details for herself and was rubbing her temple with her good hand.

  “Mr. Fletcher… may I just say, a smart-ass… is still a smart-ass… even if he is a hundred and ten years old.”

  “You wound me Aegis! I’m only ninety seven! Anywho, I submit this band of scallywags to your adjudication. They’ll come unstiff in a couple hours. Me and the hens were taking our evening stroll when we came upon this little shindig and the girls will peck at me all night unless they get to finish their walk, ‘specially after all the excitement, so I bid you a good evening!” He wondered back to the trail, whistling happily, the flighty Cockatrices in tow.

  Miranda watched him go, unbeknownst to anyone but Jan she smiled at the old farmer’s cheek, though her look was stern as she took in the downed combatants.

  “Well, it seems that some introductions are in order.”


  Nameless, Milly, and Erica were all fascinated, after the hubbub died down, and the two new monsters were convinced that he was not a rapist. They were revealed to be Jezebel and Kala, Miranda’s other two bond-mates.

  Her anger having cooled in the time it took for the Cockatrice’s petrifaction to wear off; Miranda was by the pond being enthusiastically greeted by the Gripau.

  Jez had all four limbs wrapped around her mistress’s body and Miranda had her tiny butt cupped in her good hand, though the frog girl’s grip seemed more than enough to support her own weight without the assistance.

  Jez’s completely smooth tongue was a whitish pink colour and ended in a bulb about the size of a cherry. That bulb was being repeatedly thrust in and out of Miranda’s throat. Even from the relative distance of the porch Nameless and his girls had trouble looking away from the action. Miranda was tonguing her back just as vigorously, and showed no discomfort at the virtual throat-fucking. In fact, from her audible moans, she seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it…

  “It’s because her tongue is so slippery. Her taste buds are on the inside of her mouth so the surface is perfectly smooth and her saliva is an incredible lubricant. She can move that thing in and out so fast that you don’t have time to remember you even have a gag reflex.” Jan, seeing his interest decided to offer a smug explanation; “It took a little getting used to when she first bonded but my gawd once she gets her tongue going in any of my holes my leg starts a kickin’. Sorry buddy but I’ll take her tongue over your wiener any day of the week.”

  “I thought… I thought that a frog girl’s tongue would be sticky?” Nameless found himself too enraptured to be embarrassed, much to Jan’s disappointment.

  “Well, regular frogs might be, I don’t know, but hers can wrap around and grab things so it doesn’t need to be, it’s also really strong so…” She shrugged at him, lip in a pout at his non-reaction.

  Nameless couldn’t deny that it was an erotic sight, and even Milly seemed more than a little curious.

  Erica’s gaze was openly lascivious.

  “I want one.”

  “Well that one is mine so you’ll have to get your own.” Jan said primly.

  “I don’t want that one, she attacked my Master. I also don’t want one that smells like wet dog.”

  Jan bristled and Nameless prepared to intercede when a booming voice made it unnecessary.

  “Truly I must humble myself before you, I am sorry tiny man, had I known who you were I would never have leveled such vile accusations at you! When the Valkyrie come for me I shall answer for my failure this day!” The Amazon Kala had approached while they were enraptured by the steamy scene by the water and addressed Nameless.

  He wasn’t sure what to make of the large woman. She moved with similar grace as Erica, yet had the strength to nearly match Milly. He hadn’t missed what Paul had said about him stopping the fight to keep Milly from being hurt. He also couldn’t shake the feeling of her fingertips pressing into his skull.

  He was beginning to appreciate the reputation the Amazons held.

  “Er… don’t worry about it, just a misunderstanding.” He mumbled, unconsciously leaning into Milly, who settled a protective arm on his shoulder and glared at the warrior woman.

  “Ah! Such a failure I am! Clearly I have left a disgraceful impression; on you, tiny man, and on you, war-sister.” She was genuinely distressed now, hands wringing together in anxiety as she addressed him and Milly.

  “You didn’t really leave a good impression on me either you know.” Erica said with a frown.

  Surprisingly, the Amazon gave the Katje a dismissive look.

  “I thought you a mere plaything, what need have I to impress a strumpet?”

  Milly looked more than ready for another round with the Amazon, but Nameless had felt the painful sting of her words through Erica’s heartstone and he let the blonde have it.

  “Don’t you EVER talk to her like that! I don’t care what kind of warrior you are! This is our home and I will not allow anybody to talk to my girl that way!”

  Erica and Milly were both astonished at the heat in his tone.

  Kala was taken aback for a moment then made them flinch by abruptly dropping to her knees on the rough wood of the porch and clutching at the hair on the side of her head in consternation.

  “Ahh! I failed again! Curses! That’s twice in one day! Forgive me, feline-one, I had mistaken you as a toy for your husband’s amusement, I did not know that he possessed the sacred trust of your bond!”

  “Of course he does! Master saved me from the darkness! He is my love and I am his kitty!” Erica t
hrew her arms around his neck and nuzzled against him with a fierce possessiveness.

  “Indeed! The bond that unites you as husband and wife is a sacred thing. I swear on the Valkyrie that I will safeguard your union to my dying breath!” The Amazon’s sincerity was palpable and even Milly seemed mollified.

  “Kala, please stop pledging yourself to everyone that you piss off, it makes it very difficult for your wife to keep track of all of your obligations.”

  Miranda had wandered over, Jez now astride her back; tongue wrapped several times around her neck as she gave her a very strange massage.


  Her mood again rapidly shifted as the Amazon leapt up and moved to embrace Miranda, but Jan stepped between them.

  “Gently Kala! Her shoulder!”

  “Of course, sister! I am always gentle!” But she moved much slower as she took Miranda and Jez into her arms; “We have missed you so, my love! I wish you had brought us along, I could have spared you this injury!”

  Jan huffed, looking annoyed now as Kala brought her lips to Miranda’s.

  Ophelia, wearing a flimsy nightgown came out of the cottage then, hair still ruffled from sleep. Still tired from her ordeal she had slept late and retired early, but was drawn outside by all of the shouting.

  “Nam-Master? Why is there an Amazon and a…frog girl? clinging to Miranda?” Though she had embraced his role as her master, she still struggled with years of habit.

  Erica released her hold on Nameless and went to the Flutterby. She gave her several affectionate licks to the face and neck before speaking.

  “Oh those are Miranda’s other mates, so far the frog tried to strangle Master and the one with the muscles tried to take his head off, so we’re off to a great start!”

  Ophelia giggled a bit at the Katje’s affections but then her sleep-addled mind caught up with her words and her mouth opened in horror.

  “It was just a misunderstanding, Erica please!” Nameless moved over and embraced Ophelia to calm her fears.

  “Misunderstanding or not master, you have bruises on your head and neck! Come inside and have a drink?” Milly took him by the hand and tried to lead him inside.

  “Yes I think we’ve all had enough excitement for now, I am sorry for how my girls treated you. Jez here has the best of intentions but tends to see the worst in people, and Kala, mighty thewed warrior she may be, but she has yet to learn the difference between knowing how to fight and knowing when to fight.”

  Calmly she reached under the Amazon’s hide-skirt and pinched her ass to lessen the sting from her words. The Amazon gave a surprisingly girlish squeak given her size.

  “Eah ieye aa ea-ee hooey!” Jez, her tongue still wrapped around Miranda, tried to speak.

  She hopped off of her back and tried again when her tongue found its way back into her mouth.

  “Yeah, I am really sorry!”

  “Why did you think I was a… a rapist anyways?”

  “Oh! Well that’s because Kala told me that small men usually have small penises! And she also told me that men with weak penises are no good in bed, and men who can’t satisfy women often resort to trying to rape them instead!” Her tone was matter of fact, as if it was the most logical thing in the world.

  Nameless wished he hadn’t asked.

  “Well, you can tell Kala that I was choking on my Master’s fat dick just the other day! So he may be small but his equipment ain’t!” Erica announced aggressively, her hand finding its way to Nameless’s crotch.

  “Yeah! Master’s thingy is perfectly big enough for me!” Milly’s hand joined Erica’s, though her cheeks held a slight blush.

  “Oh dear! Well, I have seen him naked and so I will have to agree with my bond-sister’s sentiment!” Ophelia’s hand hesitantly patted the back of Milly’s, wanting to show a united front.

  Kala, Jez and even Jan were all giving his groin speculative looks.

  “And with that image now stuck in my mind, I’m going back to Paul’s! Come on girls, that old farmer has a nice big bed in the guestroom for us to wreck. Milly, thanks again for the milk.”

  Miranda figured that now would be a good time to make her exit, half expecting the kid’s head to explode his face was so red.

  Chapter 22:

  Fear and Loving

  Milly’s feet were greatly improved from the unguent so she joined her bond-sisters and her Master in delivering her milk to Paul’s the next morning.

  She had sweetly asked for Ophelia and Erica to help with her morning milking so they took it in turns while Nameless watched. They were still working on establishing a routine, the major intrusion of Miranda’s mates the night before certainly hadn’t helped.

  Sadly their morning was far from peaceful.

  They had barely finished bottling the milk when there was a tremendous boom from outside the barn. They rushed to see what it was only to be blinded by a cloud of dust.

  “What in tarnation…” Paul waved his hand in front of his face and then abruptly froze; “Kid, take your girls back into the barn, hellfire, take your girls as far away as you can!” Paul was nearly frantic.

  The dust cleared and the others finally saw what had Paul so spooked.

  Ophelia squeaked, Milly let out a terrified moo, and Erica likewise let out a piteous yowl.

  Nameless just stared.

  He’d never seen a Dragon before.

  All present knew of them, even the orphan who did so poorly in school recognized the green armoured figure for what she was.

  Hang on, that isn’t armour, that’s her skin!

  While she was a monster girl and thus had many of the features of a beautiful woman, she was far more claws and scales than soft curves.

  Her forearms and forelegs were all bulky scales that resembled armoured gauntlets and greaves respectively, each ending in massive claws and talons. She was at least as tall as Milly, though with the bulk of her armoured limbs and the shadow cast by her massive wings, she looked far larger.

  Her eyes were a rich shade of green that glowed with inner power, and they were locked on Nameless.

  He was transfixed.

  Her presence was awe inspiring, so he was a little perturbed when Paul addressed her, having somehow regained his composure.

  “It’s been nearly sixty years since I clapped eyes on one of your kind. Since we aren’t all dead, I take it you have some business with us?” The farmer lit his pipe, only a slight tremor to his hand giving away his nerves.

  The dragon turned to him and regarded him for a moment.

  “You are bold to speak to me so casually human. I applaud your courage.” The Dragon’s voice was a rumbling growl that was unmistakably feminine; “I am Xalanth, bonded mate to the Lady Essig. I seek succour for my lady. In return I shall take you and yours under my protection for the duration of our stay.”

  “And may I ask what business has brought you and your lady to our little community?”

  She tilted her head slightly, impressed at his continued bravado.

  Eventually she jutted one thick claw at Nameless.

  “If I am not mistaken, our business is with that little boy there, though that is for my lady to decide. Do you accept my terms, or need I seek elsewhere for accommodations?”

  “I’m afraid my guestroom is occupied at the moment-”

  “No it isn’t.” Miranda interrupted as she and her girls walked out of the house; “Xalanth, I trust the lady is well?”

  “Ah! Aegis Holt, glad I am to see you safe. I had heard your latest encounter with a Fallen One went poorly.” The Dragon’s head gave a tiny nod of respect; “And yes my lady is well, though tired from our journey.”

  “So you’re a member of the Aegis then?” Paul asked, more curious now than afraid.

  “Not formally, although we work with them quite closely when need be. Since Aegis Holt is willing to give up her quarters I trust you are willing to offer her ladyship the comfort of your home?”

  Paul met her gaze witho
ut breaking it for several moments before he heaved a sigh.

  “My hens are going to be frantic for a long time after this but yes, if your lady needs a place to put her feet up she is welcome under my roof.”

  “Excellent, I will fetch her. I dislike leaving her side but I could not risk that any of you might have meant her harm. We shall return within the hour.” With a sudden leap and another cloud of dust she was airborne.

  “Miranda, a word?” Paul watched the Dragon fly off and took a long draw from his hip flask with one shaky hand.

  “Sorry Paul, if I told you she was coming, Xalanth would have killed me, and I do mean literally. She takes the safety of the Lady Essig very seriously. I have to admit you handled her well though.”

  “Wh-who is this Lady Essig?” Ophelia managed.

  Miranda turned to her and the other stunned girls.

  “Up until a few days ago she was the only known Empath in existence, at least the only one who wasn’t in a coma.”

  “And she came here because our boy can’t stop himself from wooing every lady he comes across?” Paul snorted.

  Miranda’s gaze flickered to Ophelia, who flinched slightly.

  “Partly, though mainly I think she just wants to meet him.”

  “Wh-why?” Nameless stammered.

  He had torn his eyes off of the sky, the Dragon long since gone from his sight. He realized that he was clutching Milly and Erica tight to his sides, a grip they returned tenfold, Ophelia was likewise gripped on Milly’s other side.

  “Cuz you’re one of those Empath thingies, numb-nuts!” Jan barked out, greatly enjoying the sight of the perturbed group.

  She was somehow unfazed by the Dragon, as was Kala, although Jezebel was clinging to the Amazon’s back, her green skin far paler than usual.

  “Girls, come on, we’d better make the guestroom presentable. The lady surely won’t mind some rumpled sheets, but Xalanth is another story.” Miranda took her mates back inside.

  Milly finally found her voice.

  “Master, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, just not used to people making a fuss over me I guess.”


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