Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda

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Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda Page 7

by Joseph Farrell

  One minute slice of the Earth = 6 x 1024 barley seeds

  One second slice of the Earth = 1023 barley seeds.

  So, a one-second-wide section of our planet weights the same as an incredibly neat 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 barley seeds. Simply astonishing!92

  But the problem was just beginning!

  Having already noticed the basis of the imperial and metric systems in the Megalithic measures, Knight and Butler decided to try a similar experiment for the mass of the Earth in the imperial system. When this was done, they obtained the following results:

  1 Megalithic-degree section of the Earth = 360 x 1020 pounds

  1 Megalithic-minute section of the Earth = 6 x 1020 pounds

  1 Megalithic-second section of the Earth = 1020 pounds93

  Their conclusion pointed inevitably to the existence of something before Sumeria, and to a hidden elite that had passed on these units of celestial and geodetic measure:This could still be a double, outrageous coincidence but the odds against both systems fitting like a near-perfect glove and bearing in mind the Sumerian base 60 method of calculation, made it seem impossible. Somebody in the distant past appears to have known the mass of the Earth to a very accurate number.

  ... The relationship of the pound weight and the double-mana (virtually a kilogram) to the mass of the Earth did not seem compatible with the level of sophistication of either the Megalithic people or the Sumerians. Could some other unknown group have developed the principles we see in use and then taught them to these fledgling cultures? Is mankind’s leap across the Great Wall of History due to some super-culture that has left no other trace of itself? For the first time we began to theorize about the strange possibility of a group whose existence can only be deduced by the knowledge they left behind.94

  But if civilizations such as Sumeria and Egypt were able to produce such systems and maintain them with accuracy, would it not be inconsistent to ignore what they themselves say about their own origins? And they say, indeed, that at the first stages of their development — adevelopment stretching far beyond the Megalithic builders and into hundreds of millennia prior to that according to the Sumerian Kings List95 — that they were indeed founded by “god-kings” who taught them the arts of civilization, arts that would have included accurate systems of weights and measures. Moreover, the sheer extent of the presence of such measures, from Britain to Sumeria, would also suggest that we are in the presence of an elite that is scattered — or that has intentionally scattered itself — over the surface of a wide area of the Earth as a kind of “paleoancient international” priesthood of trader-astronomers.


  So how does all this measuring activity in ancient times fit into the “Cosmic War” scenario? What agendas might it disclose beyond that already suggested, namely, that an elite was in a hurry to stimulate trade based on reliable and accurately reproducible units of measure based on astronomical observation?

  The answer to these questions is suggested by a short statement that occurs at the end of the fourth tablet of the so-called Babylonian creation epic, the Enuma Elish. The statement is that “The Lord,” i.e., the Babylonian god Marduk, “measured the structure of the Deep.”96 But the context reveals why this was necessary, and what is meant within the context by “the Deep”:47. (Marduk) sent forth the winds which he had created, the seven of them;

  48. to disturb the inward parts of Tiamat, they followed after him.

  49. Then the Lord raised the thunderbolt, his mighty weapon,

  50. He mounted the chariot, the storm unequalled for terror,

  51. He harnessed and yoked it unto four horses,

  52. Destructive, ferocious, overwhelming, and swift of pace...97

  58. With overwhelming brightness his head was crowned...


  65. And the Lord drew nigh, he gazed upon the inward parts of Tiamat...98

  75. Then the Lord (raised) the thunderbolt, his mighty weapon...

  76. (and against) Tiamat, who was raging, thus he sent (the word):

  77. “(Thou art become great, thou hast exalted thyself on high,

  78. and thy (heart hath prompted) thee to call to battle...”99


  87. When Tiamat heard these words,

  88. She was like one possessed, she lost her reason

  89. Tiamat uttered wild piercing cries,

  90. she trembled and shook to her very foundations....


  95. The Lord spread out his net and caught her,

  96. and the evil wind that was behind him he let loose in her face.

  97. As Tiamat opened her mouth to its full extent,

  98. He drove in the evil wind, while as yet she had not shut her lips.

  99. The terrible winds filled her body...


  101. He seized the spear and burst her body,

  102. He severed her inward parts, he pierced (her) heart.


  129. And the Lord stood upon Tiamat’s hinder parts,

  130. and with his merciless club he smashed her skull.100


  137. He split her up like a fish into two halves....


  143. And the Lord measured the structure of the Deep.101

  These verses, in my opinion, speak less of a “creation epic” based on a dualistic cosmology, a dualism allegorized as a war (the standard academic interpretation), as they do of an actual war, where “Tiamat” stands as the name of an actual planet that once existed within our solar system. Thus viewed, the verses are a garbled, though nonetheless clear indication of a sophisticated technology and hence of a sophisticated civilization with a very sophisticated physics. I have stated this interpretation in the following fashion:I believe these passages reveal a remarkably accurate sequence of what the destruction of a planet by a “scalar” weapon employing a longitudinal pulse or acoustic stress in the medium itself would entail, right down to acoustic cavitation and large electrostatic displays, signatures of the use of such a weapon at extreme power. Let us note the sequence:a. The “winds” are sent to “disturb” or destabilize the “inward parts” of Tiamat, the planetary core (vv. 47–48);

  b. “Lightning” is then unleashed on the (already destabilized) planet from the “four winds,” i.e., from every direction (vv. 49–50)....

  c. These “thunderbolts” are then apparently directed toward that destabilized core, suggesting that a sudden and extreme pulse is administered (vv. 58, 65, 75–78);

  d. Tiamat responds with cries and trembles and shakes to “her very foundations,” i.e., experiences very severe earthquakes or acoustic cavitations throughout the planet, to its very core (vv. 95, 97);

  e. Tiamat appears unable to break resonance with the weapon (vv. 97–98) as Marduk spreads the net and drives in the final “wind” or pulse (v. 98);

  f. Tiamat reaches maximum instability in her planetary core and mantle (cc. 98–99);

  g. Marduk pierces the crust, and releases the enormous energies that have built up in the planet through the acoustic cavitations, resulting in a colossal explosion with the entire planet as its fuel, rather like bursting a balloon filled to extreme pressure (vv. 101–102, 137).

  All this implies the existence of a physics sophisticated enough to “measure the structure of the Deep” (v. 143), and to weaponize it...

  Another comment is perhaps warranted by this discussion. It is to be noted that Marduk “measures the structure of the Deep” after Tiamat’s destruction. This would have been necessary in terms of the type of physics being suggested, since the destruction of a planetary-sized body in the approximate orbit of the asteroid belt would have required an adjustment to astronomical measurements of the solar system, since its previously existing celestial mechanics and geometry has been shattered.102

  To summarize what is being argued in the Cosmic War context, we have the following: 1. A physics once existed whereb
y it was possible to tap into the geometries of the local physical medium to the extent that it was possible to blow up an entire planet in an act of war;

  2. That physics could only be accessed by accurate measures of “the Deep” or of local space and its celestial mechanics;

  3. After the destruction caused by that Cosmic War, it was necessary for the surviving elites to quickly re-establish accurate measures of the surviving celestial mechanics for two reasons:a. If civilization were ever to return to a similar state of development with access to that physics once again, of necessity that civilization would have to be global in extent, and this could only be achieved through the gradual re-establishment of global trade, which in turn depended on accurate, uniform, and consistent units of measure, which in turn could only be established by “measuring the structure of the Deep,” and this is precisely what we have seen happened in the Megalithic measures.

  b. If the technology that made such fearsome weapons possible were ever to be reconstructed, again, this would require accurate measures of “the structure of the Deep.”

  Thus, we are perhaps in the presence of two hidden long-term agendas, and very possibly in the presence of two elites with vastly different long-term objectives, with one elite wanting to restore the same level of civilization as existed before the war, and the other wanting to reestablish the fearsome technologies that made that war possible, and thereby to restore, or claim, its own hegemony. At the minimum, then, the Megalithic measures and their self-evident propagation by a hidden elite — as Knight and Butler have shown — is a demonstration of the first agenda. As we shall discover in the coming pages, however, there is ample evidence to suggest that another elite is at work for purposes that are not so benign. And this brings us back to Sumeria, and the suggestions of that deeper physics.

  1. The Suggestions of a Deeper Physics

  As has been seen, the principle basis of the ancient units of measure was the conversion of a regular measure of time into a unit of linear measure via a simple “pendulum method.” Then by the process of cubing or “sphering” that linear measure, that unit of linear measure was converted into units of measure for volume and, when those cubes or boxes were filled with a quantity of a known substance, such as water, units of measure for mass, thus reproducing simply and elegantly accurate units of measure based on known astronomical phenomena invariant over the surface of the Earth.

  But Knight and Butler did not let things stand there, for the observation that time and linear measure were deeply and intimately connected was, of course, one of the profound insights of Albert Einstein and his special theory of relativity. Sensing that the ancient measures possibly pointed to knowledge of a much deeper physics, they decided to subject the Sumerian measures to “the acid test” to determine if, in fact, their knowledge might have come from a much more ancient, and much more sophisticated, civilization:Throughout our investigation we have tried not to prejudge what is, and is not, possible for an ancient culture to achieve. We have simply tried to let the data lead us to wherever it takes us. But at this point we were starting to get cold feet. We seemed to be uncovering complexities that surely must have come from a highly developed society with advanced scientific abilities. With this uncomfortable thought in our minds we decided to try the most obvious next experiment involving the most fundamental property of the universe — the speed of light.

  Could the Sumerians possibly have understood how fast light travels? According to current knowledge light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum, which translates to Sumerian units as 600,305,283 kush.


  We decided to look at what is known of the speed of our own planet as it orbits the Sun and found that the near-perfect circle of the Earth’s path is 938,900,000,000 metres, which is covered in a year of 365.2596425 days. These numbers look remarkably unimpressive but the next calculation left us staring at the calculator in disbelief. We were stunned to find that we all travel on our yearly journey at speed of 60,000 kush per second. As a further level of strangeness this speed is a neat one-ten-thousandth of the speed of light.

  The standard response of mathematicians to numbers that look incredibly neat is to yawn, because they believe that all numbers are equally probable and the actual digits are dependent on the numerical base and the measurement convention employed. They are quite right. But they assume that all measurement units are merely a convention without any underlying physical reality. And that is not the case with either the Megalithic or the Mesopotamian systems.103

  Their conclusion was as inevitable as it was astonishing:In this case the second and the kush appear to be very much more than a convenient abstraction because they have all of the characteristics of being fundamental to the realities of the earth’s environment. They have a value at a level never conceived by modern science. We have come to the conclusion that it is more than reasonable to believe that the Sumerians, or more probably their unknown teachers, understood both the mass of the Earth, its orbital speed and even the speed of light, and they designed units that had an integer relationship with them all.104

  To say that this was the case — that there was a pre-existent civilization seeding its knowledge into Sumerian civilization and culture — is to say that there is a deep physics to its units of measure and an elite that propagated them.

  To see why, we need but recall the fact that these units of measure were based on “the mass and spin of the Earth,”105 and any time one couples the idea of mass and rotation, one is dealing perforce with the concept of torsion. Torsion has been a “physics theme” of many of my books,106 but for our purposes here we may understand torsion as the spiraling, folding, and pleating of the fabric of space-time around any rotating mass. If one wishes to draw a mental picture of what torsion accomplishes, the analogy of wringing an empty soda can like a dishrag is helpful. As one wrings the can, the can spirals and folds and pleats, and the ends of the can draw closer together. In this analogy, the can would represent space-time.

  2. The “Sumerian” Mysteries of Deep Space

  But is there any other confirmation that Knight’s and Butler’s conclusion — that the Sumerians derived their knowledge from someone else, someone much more ancient and much more advanced — than merely numerical coincidence? Indeed there is, and it comes from renowned space anomalies investigator Richard C. Hoagland, or rather, from some very remarkable NASA photographs of an object doing some very “Sumerian” things.

  That object is Saturn’s “moon,” Iapetus and the remarkable — nay, mind-boggling and unbelievable — photographs of it taken by NASA’s probe Cassini. In what is undoubtedly one of his most fascinating pieces of analysis and discussion of NASA images, Hoagland reproduced the following Cassini images in a paper entitled “A Moon with a View.” As will be evident to anyone who looks at the pictures, Saturn’s “moon” Iapetus is not a moon at all, it’s a nine-hundred-mile-wide artificial body.

  The first testament of that fact is that Iapetus, unlike “moons,” has extraordinarily straight edges when viewed in highlighted by the light of the Sun:

  Iapetus’ Straight Edges

  And in close-up, these are even more evident:

  Iapetus’ Straight Edges in Close-Up

  But that is not the only difficulty. The really major problems are the three parallel ridges that run the circumference of its equator, a geological impossibility:

  Iapetus’ Equatorial Parallel Ridges

  As if that’s not enough, when viewed full-on, Iapetus displays a large hexagonally-shaped “crater” just above these equatorial “ridges”:

  Iapetus’ Hexagonal “Crater”

  If that picture looks hauntingly familiar, that’s because it is, and Hoagland was quick to spot its resemblance to something much more sinister in recent popular culture: George Lucas’ “Death Star” from his famous Star Wars movie epics:

  Richard C. Hoagland’s Iapetus-Death Star Comparison107

  None of this, however, ev
en comes close to comparing with what Iapetus is doing, and how it is doing it.

  As Hoagland notes in his paper, Iapetus is doing some very odd things as it orbits Saturn. In fact, the odd things are its orbit around Saturn. Like Earth’s own massive moon, Iapetus’s orbit around Saturn is a nearly perfect circle. And also like Earth’s moon, Iapetus turns on its own axis in such a fashion that the same hemisphere is always facing Saturn! And unlike all of Saturn’s other moons, Iapetus is inclined 15 degrees from its equator. But that’s not all. It’s best to allow Hoagland to speak for himself here:Once the (amazing) possibility is admitted that Iapetus could be an artificial “moon” — and may have been deliberately inserted into such an odd orbit — the “coincidental” nature of its unique, steep inclination (relative to the other similar-sized Saturnian moons — Dione, Rhea, etc.) goes away.


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