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Savor Page 3

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  Now that I had him hooked on the idea, I kicked the ball into his court. “What do you want the stakes to be?”

  “First, tell me what you were thinking.”

  “I’m broke. Let’s make it money.” I assumed he had a lot more than I did.

  “Money I can do.” He looked out at the water. The boat seemed to be picking up speed.

  “That’s good, because you’re going to lose.”

  “But how are you going to pay me if you’re broke?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “It doesn’t matter. I’m going to win.”

  “But you still need to be able to meet the stakes.”

  “Then what do you want from me instead of money?”

  “I’ll decide that later.”

  “You can’t expect me to agree to a bet if I don’t know the stakes.” The boat moved closer, and I could make out my mother’s long black hair.

  “You’re the one who suggested the bet to begin with.”

  I hesitated. Entering into a bet with unknown stakes was dumb and dangerous even for me, but I’d make sure I won. “I’m in, but drop it now. We’re out of time.” A green and white ferry type boat pulled into the dock. I took a deep breath and walked over. I could do this. I needed to pull myself together.

  “Vera!” Mom jumped from the boat and ran to me. I fell into her arms, needing the feel of her arms around me more than I expected or wanted. Needing people, even my mother, was dangerous. Survival in my world required being completely self-sufficient.

  “You’re really here.” She patted my back.

  “I am, although I don’t know why.” Normally I’d have ignored the nagging instinct to go to Norco, but after everything with Casey, I needed closure. I needed to face family so I could keep moving forward.

  “You’ve come home.” She stepped back and brushed back my hair so she was looking into my eyes.

  “This isn’t my home.”

  “It is by your birthright.”

  “A birthright you gave up on my behalf when you ran away with me.” I didn’t soften my words. She could handle them.

  “I did it to protect you.”

  “I know. And to protect Casey, and I’m glad you did. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to view this place as home.”

  “Either way I’m glad you’re here.” She put her hands on my arms and looked at me.

  “So am I.” I was. Sort of. It was good to see my mom, but I wasn’t ready to meet my father.

  “Are you ready to introduce me to your friend?” She gestured to where Jared waited.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s Jared. We think you might be able to help him find his mom.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at two men waiting in the boat. “Maybe we should save this conversation for later.”

  “As long as we eventually have it.” I’d promised Jared I’d help, and I stuck to my promises.

  “We will.” She held out her hand to Jared. “I’m Taliana.”

  “Hi Taliana.”

  “Are you the one who saved Casey?” She watched him carefully.

  “I helped.” He looked down. Was Jared actually being bashful?

  “Thank you.” She pulled him into a hug.

  He startled, surprised by the contact. “You’re welcome. I was only doing my job.”

  “Was that all it really was?” Mom had a way of always pushing for more than someone wanted to give. She could read people better than anyone I knew. Yet I generally ignored her assessments when it came to the guys I dated.

  “No.” He dropped his arms to his sides. “It was personal too.”

  She blinked back tears. “I can promise you safe harbor on the island. You saved a daughter of Norco. For that we will all be eternally grateful.”

  “But Gareth must know he’s not the father…”

  She wrapped her hand around Jared’s. “He’s recognized her as his own. It was his choice to do so.”

  Jared nodded. “Got it.”

  “Now as much as you’re welcome here, I do ask that you try to remember you are a guest. The guards are not going to be happy if your wings come out. In your favor, you aren’t the first Pteron to come over.”

  “No. Toby was.” He pressed his lips together.

  “Exactly. Are you two friends?”

  He shook his head. “Not exactly. We tolerate each other.”

  Mom laughed. “He makes Casey happy.”

  “He does.”

  “Maybe you’ll make Vera happy.” She winked.

  “Mom,” I warned.

  “Sorry. I realize you two aren’t involved.” She turned and headed toward the boat.

  Jared leaned into my side. “Your mom’s a hoot.”

  “Oh yes, she’s absolutely hysterical.”

  “Stay calm.” He lightly squeezed my arm. “This will all be easier if you do.”

  I glared at him. “I’m calm. Perfectly calm.”

  “You two coming?” Mom smiled in a way that let me know she’d heard our entire conversation. Like the night vision, I was tired of the supernatural hearing. There was no keeping any secrets.

  “We’re coming.” Jared started down toward the boat, and I had no choice but to follow.

  I had no idea why I was actually stepping foot on the boat. Finding my mom was important, but there had to be another way. Was I really willing to subject myself to a whole clan of bears to get information? The answer was yes. I’d have done anything to find her. Everything I’d known about her was a lie, and I was determined to find out the truth. Maybe my search would lead me nowhere, but I had to try. My brother and father disgusted me. I needed to know half my genes came from someone good.

  “Please, let me help you.” One of the men stepped off the boat and held out his hand to Vera. I assumed he was some sort of guard by the green and white uniform he wore. He matched the other man he was with.

  She clenched her jaw. “No thanks. I can do it myself.”

  He moved his hand closer to her. “I insist.”

  “And I insist you don’t.” She jumped into the boat and took a seat next to her mother.

  I laughed. Vera really was something else. She was going to have to get used to the attention though. The daughter of the chief was coming home. What man wasn’t going to try his luck with her?

  Thankfully, and unsurprisingly, the man made no move to help me, as I took my seat across from Vera. I didn’t want to seem too attached. Her mother needed to realize I was there for a whole different reason.

  “Taliana, may I speak freely?” one of the guards asked.

  Taliana nodded. “Yes, although I may not like what you say.”

  “Noted.” He gave her a steely gaze. “But I must know. Are you really approving of this daughter associating with Pterons?”

  Evidently Taliana had filled in the men. No one can sense a Pteron until they shift.

  “This daughter? Meaning I should hold Vera to a different standard than Casey?” The change in her tone would have had me recanting, but the man didn’t seem to notice.

  “She is a true daughter of Gareth, which makes her different.”

  Taliana was up and in the guard’s face so fast I could barely process it. “Both of my daughters have been recognized by Gareth, and you will give them both respect. Permission to speak freely has been revoked.”

  Vera grinned. “Nice one, Ma.”

  Taliana smiled before settling in beside her daughter. “I’ve always been protective of you both.”

  “But that went beyond protective. It went to a badass level. That’s awesome.”

  “Glad you approve.” She patted her daughter’s leg. “Whether you admit it or not, you did get some good traits from me.”

  I laughed.

  “Is there something funny about what I said?” Taliana asked.

  Vera crossed her arms, and the two women wore nearly identical expressions.

  “Not funny, just true. You have two very strong daughters.”

  “Thank you. It wa
s always my goal.”

  “You definitely met it.” I settled back against the side of the boat.

  “I should have taken Dramamine.” Vera closed her eyes.

  “You’re getting sea sick?” Taliana’s eyes widened slightly. “I’d have thought you’d have grown out of it once you started to shift.”

  “Nope. I don’t mind flying though.”

  The guards grumbled. I shot them both a grin. If nothing else, I could piss off some bears.

  “I assume Jared’s taken you for a few flights?” She leaned forward.

  “Yes. It’s pretty awesome. You should try it sometime.” Vera spoke excitedly, and I couldn’t deny some pride. Evidently she approved of my flying skills.

  “No thanks,” Taliana answered quickly. “I’m too much of a bear for that.”

  “I’m a bear.” She rolled her shoulders back.

  “Yes, but you’re special.” I smiled.

  Vera rolled her eyes. “Oh, I’m special all right.”

  “So, Jared.” Taliana crossed her legs at the ankles. “Are you from New Orleans or New York or somewhere else?”

  “New Orleans. I grew up with the king.”

  Taliana stiffened at the word.

  I realized my mistake. “The new king that is. Levi.”

  “I knew what you meant.” She sat up straighter.

  “He’s not his father.” I couldn’t help defending Levi. I’d grown up knowing my duty was to protect him. My dedication hadn’t dissipated just because I’d left my official position. I’d still give my life to take care of the royal family.

  “I’ve heard he’s a good man. I’ve also heard he’s taken a good queen.”

  “Oh, Jared can tell you all about the queen.” Vera winked.

  I silently groaned. Was she ever going to let that go? “What she means is you’re right. Allie is great. I know her well and can’t imagine a better woman for the job.”

  “But she’s human.” The guard Vera had rebuffed butted in. “I still don’t understand why you Pterons insist on doing that. Why mate with someone of a lower species?”

  “You’re really going to say that? You’re a bear.”

  “And that means what exactly?” He sneered.

  “It means you shouldn’t be talking down about humans.” I chose my words carefully so I wouldn’t offend Vera or her mother.

  I couldn’t understand why shifters didn’t take humans as mates. Pterons almost always did. It meant the Pteron genes would pass on without getting muddled in the process. I’d never considered even touching another shifter—until I accidently did with Casey. And then not so accidently with Vera. But that wasn’t my fault either. The girl was impossible to resist.

  “Jared?” Taliana said my name, and I knew I’d missed something.

  “Yeah. Sorry.”

  Vera laughed. “Daydreaming?”

  “No, just thinking.” I needed to stay more alert. Despite Taliana’s promise that I’d receive a warm welcome, I was going into potentially hostile territory.

  “I was telling you we’re almost there. I know you have certain views, but it would be best to keep them to yourself for now.”

  “I understand.” I cleared my head. I had to stay in the game.

  The boat docked, and I looked back to the far shore. It was barely perceptible even with my superior vision. This was it. I was really entering bear territory. Who would have thought? I got off the boat and offered my hand to Vera. I was pleasantly surprised when she accepted. I also noticed the dirty looks from the other men. Too bad for them. There was no way Vera was settling with either of them. Not that she was going to settle with me either. I doubted she’d ever mate. She was too wild for that. Wild in the best kind of way.

  We walked into a forest that got increasingly thicker and darker as we continued. I sincerely hoped we weren’t going into a cave. I’d had a bad enough cave experience to last a life time. I was probably going to have nightmares about Tiffany and being chained against that cave wall for the rest of my life.

  “I’m going to take Vera to meet Gareth right away. I’d prefer if you waited outside.” There was a note of finality in Taliana’s voice that let me know she didn’t just prefer it. She was going to insist on it, and I had no problem with it. There was no reason for me to get in the way of the family reunion.

  “No, he’s coming with us.” Vera’s words were equally as strong as her mother’s.

  I said nothing. This wasn’t my fight.

  “Why?” Taliana tilted her head back. “You said yourself you are not involved with him.”

  “So? I’m not going to leave him at risk.”

  “At risk?” I asked.

  “Are you really worried about Jared?” Taliana gave her daughter a knowing look. “I have great faith in our guards showing proper decorum, and Jared seems perfectly capable of looking out for himself.”

  Vera grabbed my arm. “Not against an army of bears.”

  “Why would you think an army would be after him?”

  “You never know. Maybe Gareth wants to get revenge on someone tied to the Laurents.”

  Taliana sighed. “Gareth is your father. He is not an evil man.”

  “Then why did you run from him? If he’s so good, why didn’t you stay and face your fate?”

  I winced. Taliana couldn’t have been happy hearing those words come from her daughter’s mouth.

  “Because I was afraid and trying to protect my daughters. A mother will do desperate things to protect her children even if they don’t seem logical. You’ll understand that one day.”

  Vera shook her head. “I’m never having kids.”

  “You say that now, but you’re still young.”

  “Never.” Vera held up her hands in front of her. “I’d be a horrible mother.”

  “Why would you say that?” Taliana stopped and blocked Vera’s path. “How could you say that about yourself?”

  “You said it yourself. I run from everything. Why would parenting be any different?”

  “Because it’s different.”

  “Whatever. I’m never having kids.” Vera stepped around her mom and followed the guards as they wove through the forest.

  “She hates me.” Taliana fell in line next to me. “My own daughter hates me.”

  “She doesn’t hate you. She’s scared.”

  “Vera doesn’t get scared.”

  It was my turn to narrow my eyes. “It’s the fear that makes her run.”

  “Not fear the way the rest of us feel.”

  “It’s not so different.” I wasn’t sure why I felt like such of an expert on Vera, but I did. As infuriating as she was, I understood her more than I did most women.

  “You’re wiser than most men your age.”

  “Most people would say the opposite.” I’d been criticized for my rash actions on more than one occasion.

  “Maybe at another time, but I doubt anyone would now.” She leaned in. “I know who you are, and I think I may be able to help you.”

  My heartrate picked up. I couldn’t push for more yet. Clearly she was trying to keep it quiet. Instead I went back to the original conversation. “If you’d prefer I hang back I will, but it’s hard to say no to Vera.”

  Taliana smiled. “I understand that. You clearly comfort her in some way.”

  “I don’t know why.”

  “Just stay close. Maybe that will be enough for her.”

  “Is anything enough for Vera?” She definitely wasn’t easy to please.

  Taliana laughed. “You really do know my daughter well.”

  “I know both of your daughters, and they’re infuriating, yet intriguing in their own ways.”

  “But it’s this daughter you’re really drawn to.” She patted my arm. If she only knew the truth about my relationship with Casey. Hopefully she’d never find out. I wasn’t proud of what had gone down with us.

  After a few more miles of walking we reached a clearing, but even here we were still covered by a t
hick canopy of trees. Stone buildings were tucked into the trees in such a way that you couldn’t see them at first glance, it was very clever camouflage. “Impressive.”

  “Glad you can see the beauty in what we have here.”

  “How long have you been here? This isn’t new.”

  “Our clan has been here for generations. Gareth’s family line has been ruling here since the beginning.”

  “That’s a long time.”

  “About as long as the Laurents have run The Society.”


  “But sometimes the most interesting history isn’t about the royal or ruling families. They’re about the others.” Taliana looked toward a large set of stone steps.

  “Are you speaking of your family?”

  “Partially, as well as yours.” She patted my back. She was so much more prone to touching than most people I knew. It didn’t bother me as much as I’d have thought it would. Maybe it was because she did it genuinely.

  “Where to now?”

  “We’re heading up those stairs.”

  “You’re coming Jared.” Vera looked me right in the eye. I was stuck in the middle, but I’d promised Vera I’d help her. If she was asking for my presence, I needed to give it.

  “If you’re sure.”

  “I am.” Her intense gaze was unwavering.

  “Jared and I already reached a compromise.” Taliana stepped in. “He’ll wait right outside.”

  “He’s not worthy of entering?” Vera’s face reddened in what I assumed was anger. “Is that what you’re saying?”

  Taliana sighed. “That’s not it at all. You know that. I think you need to meet with your father alone first.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll introduce you and walk outside.”

  Vera sighed and looked at me. “If you wait outside that doesn’t mean you can run off.”

  “I’m glad you enjoy my company so much, babe. I promise I won’t run away.”

  She glared at me. “You don’t want to get on my bad side. “

  “I’m sure I don’t.”

  I took each step as slowly as possible. I wasn’t tired. I just wasn’t ready to face Gareth. It was bad enough that I wouldn’t have Jared as my distraction, now mom planned to ditch me. What if the guy hated me? I was already positive I wouldn’t meet his expectations, whatever those were.


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