Wild Irish: One Wild Ride (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Omega Team Book 5)

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Wild Irish: One Wild Ride (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Omega Team Book 5) Page 7

by Desiree Holt

  “Rough around the edges?” Karen’s voice dropped a notch. “Naturally rugged?”

  “All that.”

  As she talked, her hand stole down between her thighs, lightly rubbing the curve of her mound and sliding her fingers down to press the fabric of her panties into her slit. Her clit throbbed against her touch as she called up the memory of Marcus’s fingers doing the same thing.

  “So… When is he taking you for your one wild ride?” There was a note of slyness in Karen’s voice.

  “We’re working on it,” she assured her friend.

  “Working on it? Get busy, girl. This is what you left New York to find. Don’t let it slip away.” She lowered her voice. “Give yourself a treat.”

  “This is all a treat,” Mary assured her. “Do you know I haven’t thought about New York or clients once?”

  “That’s good. All good. I worried about that when you left, how you’d handle such a radical change in your life.” She paused. “Mary? Just protect yourself, you know what I mean?”

  “That I should carry my own condoms?” Mary teased.

  “Puhleeze. That’s understood. I mean…” She paused again. “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “I’m fine, but thank you for worrying about me. And now I’m going to go to sleep, so tomorrow I won’t have bags under my eyes that could carry clothes for a family of ten.”

  “Before you hang up, can I ask you a question?”

  Mary frowned, even though Karen couldn’t see her. “Will this kill my mood?”

  “I hope not.”

  “Then fire away.”

  “Are you glad that you did this? The whole running away from home thing?”

  Mary giggled. “Yes. I am. Very. Maybe, after tomorrow, I’ll be even gladder. And I’m hanging up and leaving you with that thought.”

  “Stinker,” Karen shouted as Mary disconnected the call.

  Mary dropped the phone on the bed next to her and closed her eyes. She wondered what Karen would say if she’d told her the truth—that darkly sexy Marcus Tyree had taken her against the wall and, with just his hands, given her a gigantic orgasm. So intense that even now she could still feel the fluttering in her inner walls. She pressed her fingertips to her lips that were still slightly swollen, and she could still savor his taste on her tongue.

  Lord, what must he think of her, letting him take her that way? One thing was sure. They had the most explosive chemistry between them she’d ever experienced. She only wished he wasn’t so careful about hiding his emotions. His eyes always had a shuttered look. What was he hiding? Sometimes, she caught a flash of pain, sometimes of anger, but mostly just whatever he wanted the world to see. She’d give anything to know where the real Marcus Tyree was hiding.

  What did he have in mind for tomorrow besides fixing her car? She thought about it with equal parts anticipation and misgivings. She hoped she wasn’t about to make a gigantic mistake, and that the kind of ride Marcus Tyree might take her on wouldn’t leave her emotionally shattered. She just had to keep reminding herself what this was—one wild ride.

  Chapter Six

  Marcus turned onto the street where Mary’s duplex was, throttled down, and cruised slowly down the block. He studied all the other residences, noting the block was an eclectic mixture of duplexes and single family residences. Mature trees lined the sidewalks, and one or two cars were parked curbside. It was a workday, and he had the feeling the majority of the people living here were off to the day job.

  When he pulled up in Mary’s driveway, he shut off the engine and sat for a moment, studying the building. It was an unpretentious duplex, certainly very low key for Carl Miller, if indeed he was the gunrunner. Grey’s idea was he had a much more lavish residence someplace else, maybe even out of the country, and used this to keep a low profile. Average computer store, average resident, a little extra cash from renting out one side. Nothing to call unwanted attention to himself.

  There was no vehicle in his carport, so Marcus assumed he was at work. After all, it was a normal workday. He had thought about casing the store himself during the day but ditched the idea almost at once. It had been his plan from the beginning to find a way to get an invite to Mary’s duplex. He didn’t want Carl Mitchel wondering how a casual customer at his store wound up hanging out with his tenant who worked at a bar where he had at least once facilitated an exchange of information. Brad had given him photos and, for now, that was enough.

  At nine o’clock on the dot, he rang Mary’s doorbell. Should he have called first to make sure she was up? On the other hand, if she had just rolled out of bed, maybe he could roll her right back into it.

  Finesse, you asshole. Do it right this time.

  He was trying to decide whether to knock again or call her on his cell when the door opened and his jaw fell to the ground. Mary stood in the open doorway smiling at him. This morning she had her gorgeous raven hair pulled back into a ponytail and wore minimal makeup. He had to dig his nails into his palm to keep from tracing the line of her cheeks and her jaw and running the pad of his thumb over her plump, glossy lips. But it was the eyes that got him today, a very deep emerald fringed by the thickest lashes he’d ever seen. Her jeans showed off her elegant curves, and the green T-shirt fell softly against her breasts and enhanced the color of her eyes.

  He thought he could stand here all day just looking at her. Except he was seized with a desire to grab her and kiss those plump lips until neither of them could breathe.

  “Marcus?” Her voice was tinged with humor. “You okay?”

  He blinked. “Ah, yeah. Fine. Good. Great.”

  She peered at him. “Are you sure? Did you get enough sleep last night?”

  Not by a long shot. He’d kept dreaming of a raven-haired beauty with green eyes, nicely rounded breasts slightly over a handful, and a hot pussy with a scent that drove him crazy.

  “I’m good,” he repeated. “How about grabbing your stuff and we’ll get going. Oh, and bring a jacket.”

  “Okay, but how about a hint where we’re going?”

  “That would spoil all the fun. Come on. Daylight’s burning.”

  He was pleased to see she already had a jacket out, tossed over the back of a kitchen chair. She grabbed it and slid her arms into it then pulled the strap of her purse over her head. With her jacket open, he could see where the thin strap nestled between her breasts, pulling the fabric taut against the outline. He had to restrain himself from reaching out and cupping them in his hands.

  Jesus, Marcus. Are you twelve or what?

  “Are we ready to leave, Marcus, or did you have something else in mind?”

  He dragged his gaze to her face and saw a corner of her mouth turned up in a tiny grin.

  “Oh, no, just…” Just what?

  “It’s okay.” She laughed, a musical sound that made him feel warm all over. “I’m ready. Where are we going? And what about my tire?”

  “How about this. We’ll stop and get coffee and a muffin, have them pack us a picnic lunch while we eat. Then we’ll hit the road to someplace I found I think you’ll really like. Later, while you’re at work, I can take care of the tire.” He winked. “Gives me a chance to bring you home again tonight.”

  Had he pushed it too much? He really wanted to be here alone for a while to see if the elusive Carl Mitchell showed up. Maybe he’d have an unexpected visitor or two. Or maybe nothing, but he had an itch to check this place out.

  “Oh!” She blinked. “Well, okay. That will work.”

  “Good. Let’s get going.”

  He took a good look around while he wheeled the bike out of her carport. Mitchell’s car had been gone when he arrived, but now it was parked on his side of the duplex.

  “Your neighbor must have had an early morning appointment.” He tried to make it as casual and offhand as possible.

  Mary glanced at the vehicle and shrugged. “I have no idea. I almost never see him.”

  “What if you need repairs or someth
ing? Does he leave you on your own for that?”

  “No. I call his cell and leave a message, and he calls me back.”

  His cell? Marcus’s ears perked up. Was this a phone number they already had or one he kept for special purposes. But surely he wouldn’t have his tenant using a cell he used for his “other” business.

  “So I guess he’s not around much.”

  “Not really. I don’t pay much attention unless I have a problem.” She frowned. “Why all the interest in my landlord?”

  He shrugged. “You’re a single woman living next door to a single man. I’m just concerned for your safety.”

  Mary laughed. “If you met him, you’d put that out of your mind. He’s marginally friendly but polite and couldn’t be less interested in me if he tried. It’s all good.”

  A nasty thought crept into his mind. Was this all just disingenuous on her part? Was Mitchell using his cell to communicate information with Mary and have her pass it along? Was the bar not a drop-off place at all?

  Enough! He did not get those kinds of vibes from her. But, for his own sake, and for the situation, he needed to rule out all possibilities. Maybe today he’d find out more and could pursue it or cross her off the list.

  “As long as he doesn’t bother you. Okay. Let’s roll.”

  Mary climbed on behind him, pressed herself up against his ass, and wrapped her arms around him as she’d done the night before. He gritted his teeth as his cock, that couldn’t seem to lie down and behave when he was in her presence, tried to push its way out of his jeans. With fierce determination, he throttled down and headed out of the driveway.

  Twenty minutes later, they were out of the congestion of the city and on a nice two-lane country road he’d found during his daytime explorations. The sun was bright, the wind soft in their faces, not too much traffic on the road, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d had such a feeling of freedom. If only he hadn’t developed such conflicting feelings about Mary McCoy. He got no vibes from her that she was involved in this nasty business, but it was the only connection they had to Mitchell, tenuous though it was.

  And she had cell communications with Mitchell. He wondered exactly how that would work. What excuse did he have to initiate a call to her? Was there something hidden in their little discussion he was missing? If she wasn’t involved, what would she think if she ever learned he’d suspected her? That she was the reason he’d come to Baltimore?

  And why did he care? He had no intention of being tied down. Once he was out of here, she’d be history. Right? Right?

  Thank god the place he was looking for was just around the next curve and he could shut down his mind for a while.

  He’d found Sally’s, a combination country store and diner on a curve of the road, during his daytime explorations. Almost every parking space was taken, so Marcus was glad he had the bike. It was easy to squeeze into nonexistent spaces. A big porch stretched across the front, at least half of its rocking chairs filled. It could have been lifted right from the pages of a country calendar.

  “Wow!” Mary’s eyes widened as she took it all in. “I don’t think I’ve ever been to a place like this before.”

  “They didn’t have them where you come from?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “And where exactly is that, anyway.” He realized she’d never actually given him that information.

  “Oh, up north.” She waved a hand in the air. “Come on. I can’t wait to see the inside.”

  Well, that was pretty generalized. Is she hiding something?

  Jesus, he wished he could write her off as a suspect already.

  Locking the bike and shoving the keys in his pocket, he followed her inside. As always, the aromas of rich coffee and blueberry and chocolate muffins teased at his senses and made his taste buds sit up and shout.

  “Oh, my god!” Mary’s voice sounded almost reverent. “I’d weigh five hundred pounds if I could get here every day.”

  Marcus watched her take in every bit of the place, from the racks and stands of country items to the big counter where mouthwatering pastries were displayed, to the kitschy designs on the walls.

  “Wait until you taste their coffee,” he told her. “Come on.”

  But as they made their way to the counter, the cell phone in his jacket vibrated. Damn! It had to be Grey, and at a very inconvenient time. He took the time to place their order, even when Mary dithered over the muffins. He finally suggested they get one of each and split them. He paid for their order then excused himself to go to the men’s room. That was always a good excuse.

  “What?” he asked, when he punched call back and Grey answered.

  “Bite my head off, why don’t you,” his boss said. “I’ve got Brad breathing down my neck like the dragon from hell.”

  “I’m working on it. Right now, as a matter of fact.”

  “Oh?” He could hear the skepticism. “That would be good, since you don’t seem to have found anything out yet.”

  Marcus bit back his first retort. This wasn’t Grey’s fault. They could be barking up the wrong, tree, and he said as much.

  “I hope not because, right now, it’s the only lead we’ve got. Everything else has been a dead end.”

  “This might be, too. I’m telling you, Grey, if she’s passing along information, she’s a lot slicker than I give her credit for. Maybe she’s experienced at this and just putting on a good show, but my instincts tell me she’s not involved with this. Believe me, I’ve watched. I figured I could get to know her, play her a little, catch her in the act, and be done with it. It’s not easy hanging out for hours in a place like the pub without raising eyebrows.”

  There was a short pause before Grey spoke again. “Do I hear a note in your voice that this is turning into a little more than playacting for you?”

  “I’m doing fine.” He blew out a breath. “Look, I’m spending most of the day with her, and, while she’s at work, I’ll have a chance to nose around the landlord’s side of the duplex. By tomorrow, I should have something for you, one way or another.”

  “Okay.” Grey’s tone was clipped. “Make it happen.”

  Make it happen? He was doing his best. At least, he thought so.

  Mary was sitting at one of the small tables for two when he found her.

  “Oh my god, Marcus,” she moaned. “This is nirvana.”

  He glanced at the two plates on the table and grinned. “I see you’ve already eaten your share of the muffins.” He pointed to a quarter of one. “And part of mine.”

  “I’m so sorry.” She brushed crumbs from her lips. “I couldn’t help myself. Let me get another one.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ve eaten more than my share the past week.”

  By the time they finished their coffee, their picnic basket was ready, and then they were off down the road again.

  Make it good, buddy. Get your info without pissing her off.


  Mary leaned into Marcus and inhaled his scent. God, she wanted to lick him all over. And riding locked up against him like this, her sex pressed hard to his very fine ass, her hands beneath his jacket against his hard abs, did nothing to calm her senses. She’d had a very hard time falling asleep last night. All she could think of was Marcus’s mouth on hers. Marcus’s hands on her body—her breasts, her hips, between her legs to her very wet, very hot, very stimulated pussy. She finally fell asleep on her side with her hand clenched between her thighs.

  Would they get back in time today to pick up where they’d left off? God, she certainly hoped so. She didn’t ever remember being this hot for a man, or this willing to let loose all her inhibitions and give over complete control. She’d never been like that with any man, ever. For the first time in her life, she could do things for herself. To make herself feel better. No deadlines, no clients, no sixteen hour days.

  Not that she expected it to last. Marcus was only here temporarily. He’d made that clear in the beginning. But she’
d take what she could get then live in her memories.

  They’d been riding about an hour when he made a left hand turn into what looked like a wilderness area. In Baltimore? Mary looked at it in wonder as they rode past trees and a grassy area, the air filled with the sounds of the birds in the trees and other creatures rustling in the underbrush. Here and there were open spaces, but Marcus kept riding past them, the bike moving very slowly.

  At last, he made a left turn, drove a few feet through a copse of trees, and emerged into a clearing so beautiful Mary caught her breath. The grass looked almost as if it had been mowed and was bordered by tall trees with heavy foliage. Straight ahead it looked out into what appeared to be either a large pond or a small lake. Marcus stopped the bike, turned off the engine, and balanced it with his feet while she dismounted.

  “Oh lord, Marcus.” She stood at the edge of the clearing, looking at the water. “This is so gorgeous. But what is it? Isn’t it somebody’s land?”

  “It is.” He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “It belongs to a man I met at Sally’s.”

  “You’re kidding.” She looked over her shoulder at him.

  “Not a bit. We got to talking. I was looking for someplace I could take you, private, if I could coax you to ride with me. He lost his son in Afghanistan, but he said he used to come here a lot with his wife. And he’d be honored if I used it for my picnic.”

  “Wow! What a great guy.”

  “That he is. Now, hold on just a second while I get everything set up.”

  He pulled a folded quilt from one of the saddlebags, shook it out, and spread it on the grass.

  Mary stared at it, a crazy mix of colors that looked old but could have come from a thrift store. Of course, why would he buy a brand new one for only a few hours?

  “Please don’t tell me you bought that just for today.”

  He chuckled. “I could say yes, but the truth is, I carry it with me for the nights when I decide to camp out.”


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