American Dream

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American Dream Page 51

by Jason DeParle

  lack of attendance at

  Opal at

  Maximus, Inc.

  attempts to win N.Y. contract by

  client and caseworker turnover at

  incompetent caseworkers at

  ineffectiveness of

  lack of client activity at

  lavish spending by

  office politics at

  Opal at

  shortage of caseworkers at

  state review of

  W-2 contract with

  see also Steinborn, Michael; Wisconsin Works (W-2)


  creation of


  Mercy Residential & Rehabilitation Center

  Merkel, Ken

  Merrill Park

  Merrion, Joseph E.

  Merrionette Manor

  Meyers, Jan

  Mica, John


  decrease of welfare rolls in

  time limits in

  Milam, J. W.

  Miles, Kathryn

  Milwaukee, Wis.

  black migration to

  as epicenter of antiwelfare crusade

  ghettos in

  high welfare benefits in

  segregationists in

  size of caseloads in

  welfare battles in

  Milwaukee Business Journal

  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel



  Chicago life vs.

  mechanical cotton picker in

  racial discrimination in

  sharecropping in

  slavery in

  welfare in

  Mobilization for Youth

  Moore, Melba

  Morris, Dick

  Mothers’ Pensions

  Moving to Opportunity

  Moyers, Bill

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

  background of

  Clinton’s inaction and

  in welfare debate

  Murray, Charles

  Myrdal, Gunnar

  Narcotics Anonymous

  Nation, The

  National Governors Association (NGA)

  block grants debate in

  National Survey of America’s Families

  National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO)

  Negro quotas

  Nelson, Sandi

  “New Consensus,” 99

  New Deal

  New Hope Project

  New Republic, The

  New York, N.Y.

  New York Daily News

  New York Post

  New York Times, The

  New York Times Magazine, The

  Nicholas, Tony


  Nixon, Richard

  nonmarital births

  conservatives’ hopes of reducing

  lack of state action on

  postwelfare levels of

  in welfare debate

  see also single-parent families

  Norquist, John

  nursing aides

  risks of

  Offner, Paul

  O’Neill, June E.

  Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC)

  failings of

  scandals at

  spending of funds by

  Oregon, new welfare law in

  Owens, Major

  Packwood, Bob

  Panetta, Leon

  Pate, David J., Jr.

  Pathways program

  Pattillo-McCoy, Mary

  Pavetti, LaDonna

  Pawasarat, John

  Pay for Performance program

  declining caseloads in

  see also Wisconsin Works (W-2)

  Peck, Amber

  Perales, Steve

  Percy, William Alexander

  Perez, Celestino

  Personal Responsibility Act

  Piven, Frances Fox


  mechanical cotton picker and

  Poor Support (Ellwood)

  poverty rates

  Powdermaker, Hortense

  Primus, Wendell

  Project HALT

  Putting People First (Clinton)

  Quinten (Jewell’s nephew)

  Reagan, Ronald

  Reagan administration

  Rector, Robert

  caseload reduction credit proposed by

  ideology of

  in move to abolish welfare

  on nonmarital births

  Red Cross

  Reed, Bruce

  background of

  Senate welfare debate and

  Reed, Greg

  Angie’s relationship with

  arrests of

  and children’s prison visit

  as drug dealer

  imprisonment of

  Reed, Jewell

  bleeding ulcers of

  childhood of

  jobs held by

  in JOBS program

  Ken Thigpen’s relationship with

  and life on First Street

  and move to Milwaukee

  as nursing aide

  Opal’s addiction and

  Opal’s stay with

  pregnancies of

  shoplifting incident and

  Tina as rival to

  after welfare bill

  as welfare recipient

  Reed, Mary

  Reed, Robert

  Reed, Terrell

  Reed, Tremmell

  Reid, Harry

  Republican governors

  Gingrich’s plan supported by

  Republican Governors Association

  Republican party

  block grants supported by

  collapse of unity in

  and criticisms of welfare

  “new compassion” of

  in Senate welfare debate

  states’ rights supported by

  welfare abolition sought by

  in Wisconsin’s welfare battles

  see also Gingrich, Newt

  Ridgeway, Bridgette

  Riemer, David

  Riley, Antonio

  Riverside, Calif.

  Robertson, Marcus

  Angie’s relationship with

  background of

  death of

  restraining order against

  Roosevelt, Franklin

  Rostenkowski, Dan

  Sandefur, Gary

  Santorum, Rick

  Sawhill, Isabel

  Schoen, Doug

  Scott, Hugette

  Scott, Jay

  Scott, Rodger

  Angie’s relationship with


  in Chicago

  in Milwaukee

  Senate, U.S.

  and Democratic party welfare debate

  Finance Committee of

  Judiciary Committee of

  and Republican party welfare debate

  welfare debate in

  sexual abuse, see women, sexual abuse of

  Shalala, Donna

  welfare bill opposed by

  Shapiro vs. Thompson (1969)


  cheating of sharecroppers by planters

  as precursor to welfare

  social chaos in

  Shaw, Clay

  Shays, Christopher

  Shechtman, Morris

  Sherman, William T.

  single mothers, see nonmarital births; single-parent families

  single-parent families

  among blacks

  gangs as appealing to

  in ghettos

  health insurance and

  higher-risk children in

  rise in

  unemployment among

  on welfare

  welfare bill’s effects on


  buying and selling in

  whites’ dependency on

  white supremacy and

  Social Security

  Social Security Act

  Speck, Richard

; Stack, Carol

  State of the Union Address:

  of 1935

  of 1986

  of 1994

  Steele, Sandy

  Steinborn, Michael

  background of

  dedicated efforts of

  Opal as client of

  Steinborn, Ted

  Stewart, Linda

  Stokes, Flukey

  Supreme Court, U.S.

  Swann, Beverly

  Talent, James

  Tapogna, John

  Taylor, Donald

  teen pregnancy

  reducing rates of

  see also nonmarital births; single-parent families

  Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

  Terzano, Ginny

  Texas, time limits in

  Thigpen, Kenyatta “Ken” Q.

  arrest of

  childhood of

  as drug dealer

  imprisonment of

  Jewell’s relationship with

  after prison release

  prostitution business of

  Thigpen, Kevion Quatrell

  Thomas, Adam

  Thompson, Tommy G.

  award given to

  efforts to end welfare by

  states’ rights supported by

  welfare caseload declines under

  work programs of

  see also Wisconsin Works (W-2)

  Till, Emmett


  Tina (prostitute)

  Toffler, Alvin

  Top Techs nursing pool

  Townsend, Lawrence

  Truly Disadvantaged, The (Wilson)

  Truman, Harry S.

  Tufel, John

  Turner, Jason A.

  background of

  as New York City welfare commissioner

  as right-wing idealist

  see also Pay for Performance; Wisconsin Works (W-2)

  “Two-Tier,” 76

  UMOS, see United Migrant Opportunity Services (UMOS)

  Underclass, The (Auletta)

  underclass dilemma

  welfare bill as solution to

  unemployment rates

  among black men

  United Migrant Opportunity Services (UMOS)

  University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

  U.S. News and World Report

  Utah, after welfare bill

  Valentine, Tim

  Vardaman, James

  Vicksburg Evening Post

  Voinovich, George

  Wagner, Ramon

  Wallace, George

  Wall Street Journal, The

  Washington, Dave

  Washington Post, The

  Watson, Patricia

  Weld, William


  activist push for rights in

  blacks on

  children on

  and Clinton’s pledge

  conservative vs. liberal views on ; see also Democratic party; Republican party

  and cost to taxpayers

  covert work and cheating on

  criticism of

  cutting benefits of

  earnings vs.

  emergence of

  and importance of work identity

  1960s explosion in

  original intentions of

  racial discrimination in

  sexual abuse and

  sharecropping as precursor to

  single mothers on

  stereotypes of

  women on

  see also Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC); welfare overhaul

  welfare overhaul

  application requirements after

  and benefits for needy workers

  block grants and

  budget costs of

  children affected by

  Clinton’s signing of bill on

  Congressional debate on

  conservative vs. liberal view on

  critics of Clinton’s plans for

  extreme Right view of

  and failure to serve those in need

  family structure affected by

  Gingrich’s vision for

  “Hards” vs. “Softs” on

  House bill passed on

  job-search classes and

  nonmarital births and

  opponents of

  poverty rates and

  and reduction of caseloads

  Senate debate on

  single-parent families after

  and state increase in funds

  states’ rights debated in

  time limits and

  welfare-to-work programs and

  work requirements of

  see also Clinton, Bill; Personal Responsibility Act; welfare-to-work programs

  welfare-to-work programs

  achievements of

  application requirements of

  caseload numbers affected by

  caseload reduction credit in

  Clinton’s ideas for

  costs of

  job-search classes in

  lack of client activity in

  welfare-to-work programs (cont.)

  lavish spending of funds by

  need for more upward mobility in

  personalized casework in

  stricter rules placed on

  time limits on

  training vs. entry-level jobs in

  see also Job Opportunities and Basic Skills program (JOBS); Pay for Performance; welfare overhaul; Wisconsin Works (W-2)

  Whitburn, Gerald

  Wilder, Doug

  Williams, Mary

  Wilson, William Julius

  Wirthlin, Richard


  Wisconsin Works (W-2)

  benefits provided by

  declining caseloads in

  incompetent caseworkers in

  lack of client activity in

  lavish spending of funds by

  Maximus, Inc.’s, contract with

  new applicant requirements in

  scandals in

  shortcomings of

  turnover of caseworkers within

  work requirements of

  see also Goodwill; Maximus, Inc.; Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC); welfare overhaul; welfare-to-work programs

  Witte, Edwin


  sexual abuse of

  as uninsured

  on welfare

  see also single-parent families

  Woolcott-Steele, Wendy

  Work Experience and Job Training program

  Works Progress Administration



  Zeidler, Frank

  1 The program was originally called Aid to Dependent Children; “Families” was added in 1962. For simplicity’s sake, I refer to AFDC throughout.




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