Claiming Her Alien Warrior: Sci-fi Alien Invasion Romance (Warriors of the Lathar Book 4)

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Claiming Her Alien Warrior: Sci-fi Alien Invasion Romance (Warriors of the Lathar Book 4) Page 9

by Mina Carter

  He sucked and she was lost. Soft moans and whimpers filled the air around them, her body arching and writhing at his sensual attack. He gave no quarter, driving her higher and higher without mercy. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he pulled back. She sagged against the sheets, but he wasn’t done with her yet. Two strong fingers teased the entrance to her core. She tensed, all attention on him. She felt his smile against her lower lips and the tiny flicker of his tongue, then he thrust the digits deep into her needy pussy.

  The scream escaped her before she could stop it, her release crashing down over her without warning. Her hips rocked, riding his hand and mouth as he guided her pleasure and drew out her release, each wave stealing her ability to form a coherent thought.

  Finally, they died away a little and he released her, stripping his clothes and crawling over her with predatory intent written into every line of his body. His face was tight, handsome and cruel at the same time. The banked fire she’d seen in his eyes earlier was in full flame now and the intensity of it scorching. She caught her breath, knowing that no matter how many times they’d been together in the past, this was the one that mattered. This time would brand him on her very soul.

  “Mine,” he murmured, gripping her behind the knee and holding her leg high against his hip. The thick head of his cock nudged at her entrance and she swallowed. He was huge. Enormous. But they’d done this before, she reminded herself, so it had to work. Really had to work.

  She brushed her fingers along his jaw and smiled. Tried to smile. Her breathing caught halfway when he pushed forward and her smile became a gasp.

  Holding himself above her, he watched her expression as he pressed in. His cock spilt her, her pussy parting around him, stretching to accommodate his girth. Forgetting his instruction to keep her hands on the wall, she clutched at his muscled upper arms. Bracing and holding herself still as his cock slid deeper.

  Her lips parted into a small O. His possession was pleasure and almost-pain, her body burning even as it accepted him. Stopping the forward motion, he pulled back, giving her a moment’s reprieve, then pushed in again. Each back and forward motion was easier, until finally, he was in her to the hilt.

  He gripped the back of her neck, holding her still so he could look into her eyes. His expression was full of fire and concern. For her. The little pause melted her heart even more. No words passed between them; none needed. The fire in her pussy eased, leaving her with a sense of anticipation, and she nodded.

  The muscles in his forearm bunched as he moved. He held her close, pulling back to drive back into her. The first hard thrust, eased by the juices of her own arousal, stole her breath. The second scattered her ability to think. By the third, she was screaming his name, her nails digging into his shoulders as he took her over and over again. She locked her gaze with his, unable to look away. Each drive, each time his hips met hers, felt like he was claiming her.

  “Mine, always mine,” he said, his grip tightening on the back of her neck. Not tight enough to hurt, but firm. “Say it, Jane. Say you’re mine.”

  “Yours, always yours,” she whispered and shattered again, her body convulsing around his cock buried deeply within. His expression tightened and then it was as if her release opened the floodgates to his.

  With a growl, he pulled her to him, his thrusts harder and faster as she came. Within a few thrusts he stiffened, throwing his head back to roar his release as he spilled his seed within her silken walls.

  Chapter Nine

  The planet they’d crashed on was beautiful.

  Early the next morning, Jane stood outside the shuttle, bucket in hand, and stood to take in the view. Mountains rose on either side, majestic peaks covered with glittering white snow. High cliffs decorated the pale vista with slices of lavender blue. The sky was cerulean, without a cloud in sight, and the heat of the twin suns overhead made even the icy temperatures feel bearable.

  With a contented sigh, she trudged through the snow. The leather pants and boots she wore, similar to Karryl’s, shrugged off the icy white particles trying to cling to her. Just a little way up the rise, she decided, and there would be enough clean, fresh snow for her to melt over the fire for coffee.

  “Don’t go too far. There are predators on this planet.” Karryl’s voice sounded behind her, the familiar, deep tones sparking a rush of emotion within her.

  With a smile, she turned and looked over her shoulder. “Oh, I’m aware of that. I’m looking at the biggest one out there.”

  “Then you need to be doubly careful, don’t you?” His answering grin set a fire burning within her veins again.

  Falling asleep just before the dual sunrise, they’d slept in late after a night of passion that would be etched in her memory forever. He had been insatiable, letting her rest only for a little while before waking her again in a variety of sensual and erotic ways to take her again. If this was married life, then why the hell had she waited so long to get married?

  “A delectable little morsel like you could get snapped up, just like that.” He moved quicker than any man that big should, powerful thighs driving him through the snow as he launched himself towards her.

  With a delighted squeal, she dropped the bucket and ran. She didn’t have his power, though, and the knee-high snow hampered her progress. Her heart pounded in her chest, thrills running through her as he closed in. She dodged and weaved, but it was no good. Within seconds his arms wrapped around her, spinning her around, hauling her into his embrace.

  “Look what I’ve caught,” his lips, surprisingly full in such a masculine face, curved into a wicked little smile. She wrapped her fingers in the lapels of his jacket as he bent his head. His lips grazed hers, and she parted them in anticipation…


  The loud sound overhead had them both looking up. A streak of blue-white fire across the sky announced the arrival of another shuttle.

  “The beacon worked! They’ve found us!” She gasped, hugging him in delight.

  Karryl didn’t seem as impressed or happy about the imminent rescue as she was. His body tight with tension, his expression was set as he watched the shuttle execute a lazy loop to head back to them.

  “Go back to the shuttle,” he ordered. “Put the gray robes on, and pull the hood up. Don’t come out unless I tell you to.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, but paused and frowned. A chill of unease crept along her spine. With or without her memories, he didn’t strike her as the panicking type. If he was worried, then there was something to be worried about.

  “Go. Now. Run, before they see you.” He gave a little push in the direction of the shuttle. It didn’t take her long to reach it, lifting her knees high to clear the snow as she ran. Reaching the shuttle door, she dove inside, casting a prayer of thanks to the woman she had been. She might not be curvy, or appear particularly feminine, but she was obviously serious about fitness.

  Once inside she grabbed the gray robes and hauled them on. Pulling the hood up to conceal her face, she peeked out the door.

  The shuttle had landed, door on the side open, and three warriors stood in front of Karryl. Even from this distance, it was obvious he was bigger and more heavily muscled than any of them. They wore leather as he did, and sashes across their chests. One red, two gold. A memory surfaced of Karryl wearing a similar gold sash, his expression heated and frustrated…full of anger as he looked down at her. Deliberately, she didn’t try to hold onto it, knowing it would slip away as soon as she did, and the scene filled out.

  They were in a corridor. He was angry with her. She didn’t want him to leave…

  The three warriors from the shuttle moved, looking past Karryl as he motioned at the shuttle. She shrank back into the shadows. He’d said to stay hidden, and since he knew more about this world at the moment than she did, she had to trust his judgement. She couldn’t stay hidden forever though. Since the point of rescue was to get them both off the planet, they’d have to come clean
about the fact there were two of them. Not just one.

  After a few minutes conversation, Karryl turned and motioned her forward with a wave. Hesitantly, she stepped out of cover. Making sure her hood and robes secure about her, she picked her way to the group of warriors.

  Karryl held his arm out for her as she reached them. She slid beneath it, her hands against his chest and side as he pulled her close. The embrace was both protective and possessive and he turned back to the others.

  “This is my mate, Jane Allen of Earth.”

  Surprise flowed over the three men’s faces. The one in the middle, who she assumed to be the leader, started a little before looking her up and down. “Really? I had not thought to be fortunate enough to meet any of the Terran women.”

  He smiled and offered his hand. “I am Ishaan F’Naar, my lady. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  Something about him rose the hackles on the back of her neck. There was no way she was taking his hand. He was handsome and polite, but she didn’t trust him. The idea of touching even the smallest part of him made her skin crawl. He reminded her of someone, but like all the others, she couldn’t place the memory.

  “You will have to excuse my mate.” Karryl’s arm tightened around her, his voice low with overtones of fuck off and die. “She is from a culture which frowns on casual touching. They keep their touch for their mates alone.”

  She kept her expression neutral, just in case they could see under the hood. She was pretty sure her culture wasn’t like that, but if it meant she didn’t have to touch Mr. Snake in the Grass, then it worked for her.

  “Of course. I do apologize, I did not mean to cause offense.” Ishaan inclined his head. Looking at Karryl once more, he stepped back and motioned toward the shuttle behind him. “If you and your mate are ready to leave, my ship is at your disposal.”


  Rescue or not, Karryl wanted to punch Ishaan F’Naar in the face. Repeatedly. With the butt of a laser rifle.

  Sitting on one side of the shuttle, Jane tucked into his side, he feigned the worn-out rescuee and studied Ishaan and his men from under lowered lashes. No one would be fooled that he was resting. His body was coiled tightly, ready to retaliate should any of them make a move.

  He didn’t trust the F’Naar. Never had. They claimed loyalty to Daaynal, but he’d long since had his doubts about them. Neither large nor particularly skillful like the K’Vass, nor with any particular advantageous bloodlines, they were the kind of war clan who kept their cards close to their chest and played the odds.

  He hadn’t been inclined to trust them before. The hairs on the back of his neck had risen as soon as he’d recognized the clan insignia on the shuttle, and the speed they’d responded to the distress call bothered him. They’d gotten here too fast, which meant they’d been in the area. An area of space no Lathar were supposed to be. An area of space where Latharian technology had been attacked with keraton weaponry… which the F’Naar had dabbled with in the past.

  Arm around Jane, he tucked her closer to his side. Draanth, he really did not like her in this situation. For a moment, he wished she had all her memories. Having another experienced battle-hardened warrior at his side would be an advantage. Well, right up to the point she handed his ass to him on a plate for lying to her about them being mated.

  He didn’t regret that. There was no way in this lifetime he’d ever regret their night together. Taking her, feeling her delicate, strong body moving beneath his had been an experience he’d never thought he would be blessed with. She’d been soft, and sweet, clinging to him in passion in a way that fed into his male ego. Soothed and baited the primal animal within. She’d felt so right in his arms, he knew he’d never look at another female, of any species, ever again.

  She was it for him.

  Their joining had been… he’d never known sex could be so mind-blowing. Not just physical but spiritual as well. When they’d joined, shared release together, he felt her soul mesh to his.

  At least he hoped so, because if they had bonded, the presence of mating marks on his wrist might stop her from killing him when she recovered her memory. He hadn’t forgotten how lethal she was.

  Amusement quirked his lips. Stars, wouldn’t that confuse the F’Naar? Having their first experience of humans being a hard as nails female warrior brave enough to face down a horde of Krynassis and beat them into submission? He almost felt sorry for them. It was so far out of their realm of experience, they wouldn’t know what to do with her.

  It had taken him long enough to get his head around it. At first he’d bemoaned the fact she wasn’t sweet and compliant like Tarrick’s little Cat. He seemed to have little difficulty getting the Earth beauty into bed, whereas Karryl had to fight tooth and claw to get so much as a kiss. But now he wouldn’t have her any other way. She was perfect.

  Shifting position on the bench, he ran a finger beneath his wrist bracer as if to scratch an itch. Without being obvious, he lifted the edge to check underneath, hoping beyond hope that there would be black marks on the skin.

  Nothing. The skin was unmarked and pale. Not surprising. It had taken almost a week before the marks had shown up on Tarrick’s skin, not less than the twelve hours it had been since he’d made Jane his. Not that mating marks would stop Ishaan and his men from trying to kill him if the F’Naar wanted to claim Jane.

  This time his grin broke free. Poor bastard, Karryl didn’t pity him if he tried to force the fierce little human female. He knew her, probably as well as she knew herself. She was a warrior through and through. Forced into such a situation, she’d pretend compliance, then as soon as her enemy’s guard was down, she’d rip his guts out with whatever she had at hand. Slowly.

  “Almost there,” Ishaan leaned forward as the shuttle slowed to maneuver into the shuttle bay. A slight bump indicated touchdown.

  “Zaanar here will show you to our guest quarters so you and your mate can refresh yourselves. May I assume the pleasure of your company tonight? We have an Esatliine chef on board. His dishes…” He closed his eyes in pleasure. “Exquisite.”

  Karryl’s gaze flicked to the indicated warrior for a moment. “My thanks, you honor us. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get my mate rested.”

  Ishaan and the remaining warrior stepped back with a half bow, allowing Karryl and Jane to follow Zaanar out the now opened shuttle door. Tension crawled up Karryl’s spine as they walked. He didn’t like having his back to heavily-armed warriors not of his clan. He’d do anything to have some of his brothers in arms around him. Hell, he’d even hug that asshole healer Laarn if he showed up.

  Their footsteps, two heavy male treads and the lighter steps belonging to the woman at his side, rang in the corridor as Zaanar led them through the ship. Tall, broad-shouldered, and heavily muscled, he had dark hair shaved to the scalp at the sides, numerous warrior braids decorating the top section, pulled tightly and secured at the back. A lot of braids for such a young warrior, almost as many as Karryl himself wore. He seemed familiar for some reason, but Karryl couldn’t place him. He shook off the feeling. He’d probably seen Zaanar the few occasions the F’Naar had put in at Lathar Prime.

  Finally, he paused in front of a door. His hand shot out, stopping Karryl as he turned to enter the rooms.

  “A warning to the wise,” his voice was deeper than Karryl had expected, with a gravelly quality that pulled at his memory. “Have a care with what belongs to you.” His gaze flicked to Jane as she moved silently past them and through the open door. “Some aboard this ship have eyes for what is not theirs. And to say they are not bedfellows with honor would be an understatement.”

  Karryl nodded, placing his hand over the other warriors. “Understood. My thanks.”

  Turning, he walked through the door and paused for a moment as it slid shut behind him. No way to lock it from this side, and no access panel he could hack into to secure it. Draanth. Not good.

  A familiar female voice made him snap his head up, eyes narrowe
d. That sounded like Cat, Tarrick’s mate… His eyes widened as he saw Jane sitting on the bed, her gaze riveted on a console in front of her. Cat Moore’s face filled the screen and his heart sank.

  Slowly, Jane turned around, tension in every line of her body. Her eyes lifted to meet his, the mismatched orbs cold and angry, and he knew.

  Her memory was back.


  Jane had tried not to gawk on their walk through the alien vessel. Everything seemed so big, larger-than-life, and looking at the warriors that surrounded them she could understand why. Every time she looked at Karryl, his size took her breath away. From the few memories she did have, she realized the Lathar were far bigger than humans. But she kept her thoughts to herself, walking silently at Karryl’s side as they were shown to their quarters. With a sigh of relief she slid past him into the room, eager to get rid of the concealing robe. She understood why he’d wanted her to wear it. There was just something about that Ishaan F’Naar she didn’t trust. Something about him that tugged at her memory, and she had a feeling that wasn’t a good thing.

  Leaving Karryl talking to the warrior at the door, she advanced farther into the room. It was bigger than the shuttle had been, with the same kind of molded to the floor and walls furniture. One thing she had to say for the Lathar, their technology was both functional and beautiful. She hadn’t expected any kind of beauty from a race so warlike.

  As though triggered by movement in the room, a screen on the wall opposite the bed flickered to life. A woman’s face filled it, expression filled with concern. Jane froze, stopped in place as though she’d been poleaxed. She knew that face…

  “Jane? It’s Cat. If you get this, we just wanted you to know we’re worried about you… That we’re all worried about you,” the woman leaned forward, eyes intent. “Even the emperor, Daaynal, is concerned. There have been… developments at home. No one will talk to me, Commodore Fuller just keeps asking for you. Apparently, I don’t have the correct clearances. Please, wherever you are… You need to get in contact with us. Sergeant Cat Moore, over and out.”


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