The Last Wizard: Case Files

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by Brown, Allen

  The Last Wizard: Case Files

  A Prologue

  Special Thanks To The Ally

  This novel is an accumulation of three shorts: Two from The Last Wizard Series, and a third bonus short: Winter Wonderland.

  Suspend belief, enjoy.

  Allen Brown


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  The Master

  By Allen Brown

  "This world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who look on and do nothing."

  - Albert Einstein

  Chapter One

  Today was a bad day; I'm not talking about a bad hair day kind of day... More like the, I killed my fucking brother kind of bad day.

  It was as murky as ever today, a sea of spotted clouds swam through the grey skies taking the shape of a beast known only to legends. Meanwhile, the sun hid behind its usual spot in the clouds afraid to break free from its shackles, its routine. I climbed up a handful of stairs laid out before me, off the dry brick laid road, the stairwell had clearly weathered numerous storms as the concrete began to chip away around the edges. The home of my potential client was situated on the corner street of a small neighborhood in Old London. It was a fairly small, single family row home that can almost pass as a historical site; maybe I should submit my proposal. Unfortunately for them they were also sandwiched between two monstrosities that I could only imagine would house well over a dozen families. I tapped on the door, politely, as I hung back and waited. Checking my watch, I witnessed some trash floating about the busy street below, while everyone was going about their day refusing to notice it. Seconds pass, nothing, when it turned to minutes, well that was when I could start hearing the ticking of my watch.

  Fuck it, I started to slam my fist down upon the small wooden door, for a moment it seemed it would break under my strength, and that isn’t saying much for an old man. Propping my head to the door, I could finally hear a shuffle of someone trying to open the door with haste, but it still wasn't fast enough.

  "Open the fucking door!" I yell, banging at the door. Raising my cane, I banged it against the door continuously, as a prickling pain crawled through my wrists. Even on this shrouded day, their street, that they work so hard to live on, smelt of hot manure that was destroying my nostrils. Still standing atop the stairwell, I continued to watch as these slaves to society march by to their never ending jobs. It is sad, really, but I couldn't give a fuck, I just want to get off this bloody street of shit and piss.

  I am too old for this shit...

  "Coming!" A voice yelled out from inside, finally, I could hear the bolts and the chain rattling inside. Opening the door, she said: “I'm so sorry."

  Her hair was a mess, uncombed and wild. Her eyes, moist, seems like she had been crying all night. Covering herself in a long coat, she lowered her head as she gestured for me to enter. With a smile I stepped into the home, it was small and cramped. I continued down the dark narrow hallway, towards the end. Old wooden ornaments and toys fit for a young girl were scattered on the floor, untouched. Entering the living room I took a quick glance around, a stack of burned firewood simmered in the fire pit, overturned furniture crowded the walk space and, of course, on the rocking chair by the window sat the large lazy bastard.

  "Oh, that bitch finally let you in then?" He snorted shifting in his seat; the force alone caused the chair to cry for mercy. Ignoring him, I strolled through the room, the wife following behind me closely.

  "Is this where you last saw her?" I asked removing a napkin from my pocket to wipe my hands, I am not about to catch something here.

  "Yes sire." She said her voice cracking.

  "Do you 'ave a badge or somthin'?" The man said rocking in the chair.

  "No, I don't. But remember, you were the ones who sent for me." I said dropping my gaze to him. He is clearly one of those folks who would jest about those who made something of themselves. One that would crown their riches to be an arbitrary success rather than effort, but the truth is, he is just too lazy to stand up and fight.

  "Never mind him! He is just frustrated with the Church, they aren't doing anything to help us, they said it’s the fourth one this week and that they were looking into it." The wife explained, “Please sire, can you help find our daughter?"

  Fourth one this week?

  “I'll do my best lady but," I took a look around, spotting an imprint on the rug situated in the center of the room. Dropping my cane, I lowered down to my knees to take a closer look at the burn on the rug. The threads of the rug were slightly discolored, in the shape of a boot, large men's to be exact. The smell of the rug was sour, disgusting. Sitting on my knees, I take a second look around the room. There was nothing out of the ordinary; the only apparent thing was the poor condition of how the house was kept. It looked as if a dozen sucklings came in, raided the place and left without taking a thing. "Are you sure you all can afford me?" I ask, looking back at the wife. She tossed her head up and looked straight at me, her eyes still puffy.

  "Yes," She said pulling out a small pouch from her coat pocket, she held onto it as she looked to her husband. "This is all we could scrape together for you."

  “Alright, toss it over." I said extending my hand. Without thinking, she nervously tossed it over to me, seemingly afraid to get any closer. The small pouch fell short and hit the ground nearby the husband's reach, the pieces of silver inside clanked together and rang in the room.

  "Expensive." The man said, refusing to get out of his chair.

  “Do you want your daughter back or not?" I said to him reaching with my cane to pull the pouch towards me. The look on his face began to annoy me, sitting in the chair puffing his chest over me, by the looks of the stains on his shirt, he has been there for a long while. A useless fat fuck; that is all I see.

  "How do you put up with him?" I whispered.

  "cuse' me?" He shouted.

  "You know what, I need the room, both of you get out." I said to them, no one moved, they just looked at me with blank eyes as if I spoke to them in French.

  “No! 'dis is my house." The man said gripping his arm handles, “I'll be wherever I damn well please."

  "Move," I said to him with an almost snarl look. "Now!"

  The wife hurried over and grabbed his arm and started to pull him off the chair, "Please honey, let him work. He could find our daughter, I want my Shelly back."

  "Fine, but you better not waste my silver. Or I'll gut ya." He said as he struggled to climb out his chair. What will that fuck do to me anyway.

  Both cleared out of my way, leaving me in the still room. Crossing my legs, I sat on the floor and pulled a pipe out of my pocket. This hand carved pipe was handed down by many generations, the last person to hold its beauty was my late father, rest his soul. Knocking the ashes out from the pot onto the floor, I swept it under the rug and filled it with some fresh herbs. I stared at the imprint left on the rug as I reached for matches stored in my pocket. Maybe it was because of my old age, but at the time, I wasn't able to comprehend where this print came from. There seemed to have been no forced entry, or escape, it just didn't make sense. Pulling out the box of matches, it felt light and silent.

  Empty... Again.

  Jesus fuck Jinn, I told you to refill it. What's the point having an apprentice if they don't do shit.

  Tossing the empty box into the corner, it disappeared instantly among the other trash. Taking a look behind me, I noticed the kooky couple managed to still leave me be, although I think I could hear one of them breathing just outside in the hallway.
r />   It’s just me... What could possibly go wrong...

  Raising my hand, I simply snapped my finger and a small flame manifested itself from the tip of my thumb. Lighting my pipe, I took a deep puff and extinguished the flame as quickly as I could. Holding in the smoke, I gave in and let it consume me. Absorbing itself in my blood stream, I could feel it traversed the inner sanctity of my mind within the span of seconds. Other than the obvious euphoria, I began to hear the sounds of an adult's lungs loosen and contract just outside the room as I suspected. The smell of a child's shampoo lingered slightly around me, opening my eyes, I blew onto the rug filling the room in a thick layer of white smoke.

  The smoke hovered over the floor for a moment before falling onto the floor highlighting various prints around the room. I could see everything, the imprints of tiny hands and feet prints soaked up the smoke and turned a bright white. Then there was the large boot print appearing in front of me. There was no evidence of movement, nothing. It was as if he appeared in and out of the room, like a ghost. An apparition I thought at first, but that would be impossible, no one else could do that or... Should, be able to do that.

  I need to get back Jinn might have heard something to help me here.

  Chapter Two

  Pushing past the door into the lab, I called out blindly: "Jinn! You rotting faggot." He was nowhere to be seen, torches lined the corridors, flickering as I hurried past them into the grand hall. The place was a mess, books of various sizes lined the walls on shelves that towered right up to the ceiling. On the right side of the hall was an actual lab decorated with various potions and chemicals, they sat and ran through what looked like fairly diabolical equipment to the untrained. To the left, was a large open area I like to call my testing grounds. What good is experimenting if you don't test your beautiful creations. So naturally, there were various burn marks, cracks running along the walls and of course a gaping hole in the floor from which you can see the basement.

  Jinn stood behind his giant desk that centered on the far back wall overlooking the entire space. The desk almost spanned the length of the room, and it was filled entirely with books, ancient scrolls and various parchments. He was the king of information, Jinn, my apprentice. He’s a young man that I once helped, and ever since, he stuck by to help me. I don't know much about him other than he last hailed from Egypt, and due to unfortunate circumstances he was shipped here, in London. A fairly well built man, dark black hair, and very capable when it comes to getting what he needed. I guess life on the street at a young age will teach you some things.

  "Yes master?" Jinn said sarcastically, looking up without raising his head.

  "Don't you master me you twat." I said to him, pulling up a chair and sitting at the table. "You didn't refill my matches."

  "Oh shit," He said sitting back in his chair. "I knew I forgot something," He looked at me in a sorrowful face, but as his face slowly melded to a sterner look. He wasn't looking at me, he was searching me.


  "You didn't..." He said dropping his hands down in disappointment onto the desk, he continued: "did you use magic again?"

  "Uhhh." I stammered searching for my words.

  "You idiot, you need to be careful! They are hunting wizards remember? You're the last one! You need to teach me this shit."

  "Well, learn faster." I say.

  "Once I'm done, then and only then, can you die." He said with a smile.

  I couldn't help it; I chuckled, pulling on my pipe again. I set it ablaze and took a puff as we both shared in a cup of tea. He always knew how to properly brew it, it wasn't the normal tea you find in England, it was more… traditional than methodical. It was clearly something exotic, probably reining from the old ways of Egypt.

  "So? How did it go?" Jinn said sitting up in his chair.

  "A missing person case, I checked the room, it was bizarre. There was no forced entry, no traces of anyone entering or leaving the room. Only a boot prints, right in the middle of the room." I explained.

  Jinn listened with extreme intent, he did that thing I hated, the way he stares at you and just latches onto your every word. It's damn awkward. Before he could speak, the door to the hall creaked as it was slowly pushed open behind. We both turned our attention, we rarely get visitors. Actually, she is the first.

  "Sonia?!" Jinn said jumping from his chair.

  He's nervous, and so I take second look at the girl that entered the room. She was actually pretty damn gorgeous. Her hair was long, brown, and wavy, her eyes a deep brown. She walked forth among the silent room where only her steps echoed. Coming into the light, her skin was lush with a light caramelized brown. She wore a sleek, yet moderate dress, dark blue with a silver broche in the shape of a cross. The dress stretched from her breast right down to the ground, gently swaying against floor. "Jinn... Is that balan? Your master wizard?!" She said running up to me excitedly. Taking a slight ladylike bow, she extended her hand and offered a shake. Unfortunately my hands were occupied, holding my pipe, the other... Well it was in my pocket, so I simply looked at her curiously.

  "Good evening." I said tipping my head to her, continuing: "So you know me, but I don't know you... what shall we do?"

  "She's just a friend!" Jinn interjected, I raised my hand halting his next words.

  "My name is Sonia, daughter of Galahan, I'm a…” she paused and bashfully looked over at my apprentice "good friend… of Jinn's apparently." She said with a smile.

  "Good enough to know my identity eh." I said looking over at Jinn, "You do know what will happen if your father knew what I am, right? And a hanging would be putting it lightly."

  "I didn't tell her on purpose, she just figured it out." Jinn explained anxiously, he sat back down and hung on the edge of his seat.

  "Shut it." I said to him.

  "Oh, you don't have anything to worry about. I know, I am strongly against the hunt for wizards. I feel this world needs magic." She said taking a seat.

  "Well that's great." I said happily, I pulled the pipe out of my mouth, wiped the end of the tip and gestured her to take a puff. Jinn straighten at the gesture.

  "Wait what? She gets a puff... You always say no to me!" He said slamming his hands down on the table loudly.

  Startled by the sudden change in tone, I look to see his breathing was weighted and short. He gripped the table with his nails, gripping at the wood. He raised his head to me, his eyes went black and it looked like the blood in his veins ran black. I immediately got up and stood between Sonia and him, before returning my attention to him. "Calm your shit Jinn." I say to him.

  Sonia reached out from behind me and rested her palm on his hand, she said: "Easy Jinn, don't lose control. We’re all friends here." Jinn dropped back into his chair, normal and defeated.

  "Grow a pair of tits and become this pretty and I might give you a puff." I told him returning to my seat, I sat in silence, refusing to press on about his condition with Sonia in the room. I didn't know how much she knew, and how much he wanted her to know. Sonia took the pipe with both hands respectfully, she took a puff and relaxed the pipe into my hands with both hands. She didn't say anything, she just enjoyed it. She deserves my respect now.

  "You're good in my books now." I told her taking the pipe back. Jinn's face was ripe with anger, or jealously, probably both today. I could see the darkness fade from him, maybe I was a bit hard on him.

  "So, you'll find the link in all those missing persons for me?" I asked Jinn, keeping my eye on Sonia. It seemed to make Jinn nervous, so, of course, I did it.

  "Yeah I’ll look into it." Jinn said getting serious again.

  "Well… I should be off, say Sonia, have you heard anything about the missing people?" I said turning to her.

  Sonia looked down at the ground and quietly replied, "I believe my dad said they were all kids." I dropped my pipe back into my robes and rose from my chair. Child abductions were an uncomfortable thought, the whole situation didn't feel right, and I mean more so that it d
idn't feel normal. Something larger is at play here.

  "Contact me as soon as you find something. I don't like this feeling." I said to Jinn, I gave Sonia a small bow before heading down from the table.

  "Where are you going?" Jinn said startled by sudden restlessness.

  "To see Galahan." I said, looking at Sonia. She remained quiet and gave me a look of approval.

  "I'll stay to help Jinn." Sonia said brushing her hair back.

  "Of course you are." I said as I walked towards the door.

  "Are you mad I came?" Sonia asked Jinn.

  "No, I was just startled. He can be crude is all." Jinn whispered horribly.

  Turning back to Jinn, I said: "I can hear you two... Just fuck her already, we need to repopulate the wizarding world, you would be doing me a favour." His face turned a bright red, but I apported out of the room before they could say a word, leaving behind a gust of wind that would've sent the papers on his desk flying.

  Chapter Three

  Let me tell you, teleportation is single handedly the best skill a wizard can acquire. I can escape the hassles of crowded streets, visit my mother easily and most importantly, hightail it out of awkward situations instantaneously. But! It does come at a price, during the fraction of a second I apport, I tend to catch glimpses of moments and places I travel through. My body essentially brakes down into a mist like state and travels through space. Today, my target was the head barracks that houses the fine folks we call the crusaders. I landed in a washroom, it was a decent landing, only a few pieces of things were scattered throughout the room. Oh, and I guess a cracked mirror. Exiting the washroom, I turn out into the hall down towards the head command oval office. White marble laced the floors, these church people always liked to be fancy. Rushing past each golden column, I could hear the echoes of my haste filled steps.


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