Hail Mary

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Hail Mary Page 11

by Taylor Hart

  The past was too much. But he wanted to tell her he was sorry. And he wanted to tell her what an amazing person she was.

  Getting out of bed, he went out the door quickly, thinking he might be able to stop her at the end of the driveway. He rushed through the house, to the front door, swinging it open and jogging a couple of steps onto the gravel.

  She was gone, already out of sight. He cursed. He stood there for a moment.

  “What are you gonna do, son?” Her father was at the front door, a hand shielding his eyes from the sun and staring down the driveway.

  He felt ashamed in front of her father, for all he’d done. “Leave. Let her have a life without all this baggage.” He shrugged, feeling hopeless. “I can’t—” He broke off, not having the right words.

  “Come back in and I’ll make you some breakfast. We should talk.”

  Logan followed him back in the house. He didn’t know if he should be nervous or not. The way her father had said “we should talk” didn’t sound good. Going into the kitchen, he tried to help, but her father batted him away.

  “Go, sit. Tell me what you and Paris talked about last night.” He didn’t look at Logan, but focused on the task of cooking bacon and scrambling eggs.

  Logan did as he was told. It was kind of funny: Logan was all grown up, but her father still treated him like he was eighteen. And his memory was only eighteen. Well, had been eighteen. He didn’t want to think about everything they’d talked about. He sat heavily in the chair.

  “Don’t want to talk about it, huh?” Her father glanced up at him.

  “Nope.” Dang it, he really wanted to see Paris before she left this morning.

  For a couple of minutes neither of them spoke. Her father finished the breakfast, then put two plates at the already set table. He sat and bowed his head and said grace. Logan bowed his head too.

  When Paris’s dad finished, Logan turned to him, knowing what he had to do. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Ford. For everything I did. I … I’m sorry.”

  Paris’s dad stared at him, giving him an up-and-down look. “I know, and I forgive you.”

  Logan nodded, feeling humbled and grateful for him.

  Paris’s dad sighed. “I’ve been thinking you need to go see your father.”

  After a brief, tense moment, Logan picked up his fork. “Mr. Ford, have you forgotten that he’s dead?” Logan took a bite of eggs, wishing his father had never lived.

  Paris’s dad grunted, then picked up his fork and took a bite.

  They both dug into their food for a minute before her dad turned back to him. “Forgiveness.”

  Logan paused mid-chew. “What?”

  Her dad took a large sip of water. “It’s a circle, see. Remember the preacher the other day talking about faith?”

  Logan nodded.

  “All of God’s laws are a circle. Christ died on the cross and he did it because he had faith in God’s plan for man. But his last words were, ‘Forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ Then all the commandments about love and forgiveness. It applies to fathers, mothers, sons, daughters. Everything is a circle. Maybe a spiral.” He grinned. “Think about it like the perfect throw. You pull it back, you let it go, and it spirals through the air. The spiral starts with you, like faith, like forgiveness, but to get anywhere, it needs other’s faith, other’s forgiveness. For someone to do anything with the ball, they need all these principles.” He clapped his hands together, looking pleased with himself. “Yes, God grants us forgiveness through grace. Then he tells us to forgive ourselves, and others.”

  Logan didn’t know what to think about all the faith, forgiveness talk. “O-kay.”

  Her father leaned back and crossed his arms. “Logan, you’re like a son to me. And you messed up in life.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry.”

  “I know you are sorry. In fact …” He let out a sigh. “You’ve been sorry a long, long time. I think that’s why you kept getting worse and worse.”

  Logan frowned.

  “When people forget about faith and forgiveness, they forget who they are. They forget about the big guy upstairs who created them and His laws.”

  Warm chills washed over him, and Logan felt emotion bubbling up in his throat.

  Her father leaned forward and reached out a hand, gently putting it on Logan’s. “You lost your way, but you’ve been given a chance to fix this.” He flashed him a grin. “I think my daughter still loves you.” He poked Logan’s chest. “And I love you.”

  Moisture filled his eyes. “I love you, too, sir.” His voice was broken.

  Both men laughed at the tenderness of the moment.

  “So what are you going to do?” her father asked.

  Logan found himself filled with purpose. He stood. “I’m going to go see my father.”

  “Yes.” He smiled. “And then you’ll have to go see Shane.”

  The prospect flooded him with worry and shame, but he knew her dad was right.

  Chapter 18

  Paris parked her Subaru where the tourists would park on Main Street. Looking down the street, she saw a couple of paparazzi stalking her shop. It wouldn’t be wise for her to go there just yet. Plus, she had to get through this and get to the airport. Dashing down Main Street, she headed to the modern gallery area, to Sterling Pennington’s Gallery.

  Her assistant always asked her if she ever got a bit star struck when she dealt with all these big names, and the truth was she didn’t. Part of her, all these years, had rationalized they were just like Logan on some level. Just people. People with histories and heartbreaks and pasts. Granted, many of the billionaires, movie stars, and country singers she associated with for their events were definitely the intimidating type. They all were clearly self-assured and knew their minds, but they were just people at the end of the day.

  Of course she thought of Logan. After last night, things would be different. Butterflies thrummed in her gut. Wouldn’t they? She wouldn’t see him again until tomorrow night at the opening event for All-Stars, where he was scheduled to greet the public.

  At the gallery door she put herself in work mode, telling herself that she would fix this issue with Sterling and Montana. Before she could open the door, it was opened for her and out stepped Texas Waters, larger than life with his six-foot frame, boots, belt buckle, and leather jacket.

  The bad boy of country music pulled her into a hug. “Paris Ford has come to save us,” he said, pulling back and wiggling his dark eyebrows at her. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “You look great.”

  Every part of her froze. Texas Waters had charisma, she would give him that. She’d been so vulnerable last year at Montana’s concert. She’d only gone to the event because she had to make sure it went smooth and the crowds were under control. After Texas had gotten off the stage and they’d spoken for a couple of minutes, he asked if she wanted to join the crowd and enjoy Montana’s concert with him from the pit.

  Maybe it had been because of his blond, broody looks, or maybe it’d been because of his bad boy ways. He’d let out a low whistle and complimented her summer dress and boots. She didn’t really know what caused it, but before she knew it, she’d been swept away with Texas, swaying to Montana’s songs. She’d always been a big fan of country music.

  She knew she’d only let Texas kiss her that night because Logan had taken the stage and announced his engagement to Kim. Kim had come out on stage with her augmented breasts, three-inch heels, and jean miniskirt, and they’d done a really horrible make out session that ended with the crowd caterwauling with those stupid wolf howls. The kiss she’d shared with Texas had been pretty good.

  Now, he grinned at her seductively. “I told you I’d be coming back for more this year.”

  Montana, Sterling, and Hunter walked out behind him, Montana clapping softly. “Well, there you are, Ms. Ford. I thought we’d have to scare you out of your rabbit hole. At least so poor Texas here could see you.”

  All the thoughts about how norma
l it was to work with famous people fled from her mind.

  Texas wore a stupid grin. “Your people kept telling us you had to leave town. Well, what can I say? I needed to see you.”

  Her heart fluttered and she had to admit, Texas Waters was a bit intoxicating. But then she got it.

  This was a setup.

  Sterling let out another low laugh and came to her side, gently putting a hand on her shoulder. “How are you faring, Ms. Ford, with Logan unleashed somewhere?”

  It was strange for her to hear Sterling Pennington ask this question like it would be a normal conversation between them. They weren’t friends. No, they were acquaintances for this whole event. Of course, sometimes she would see him at different events she put on for swanky movie people who were in town. Last year she’d done a Masquerade Ball for Harold Swenson out on his ranch and he’d been there. She’d noticed a few months later Sterling had married the girl he’d come to that party with, but none of that made Paris and him friends.

  “Umm … wait a sec. You guys really aren’t fighting?”

  Montana waved them into the gallery, out of the heat. “Here, let’s go talk, Ms. Ford. We know the paparazzi have been going pretty crazy looking for Logan and looking for you.”

  Until this point, she hadn’t realized it would be this bad. Sure, Michelle had been calling her and having a fit and she’d seen a little stint on the internet, looking for Logan, with Kim going crazy. But this? She didn’t understand it. They went into the gallery, where it was much cooler.

  Cameron Cruz shook her hand. “I didn’t want to stage a coup, but these yahoos talked me into it. Of course Montana said you would have to surface if he demanded that he speak with you.” He winked at her. “Man, that guy has an ego the size of Texas.”

  That sent them all into laughter.

  Hunter James was there as well. He shook her hand. “Hey, I’m the one from Texas. I think I get to have an ego the size of Texas.”

  She relaxed, taking in a large breath of air and centering herself. This was fine. Of course she had to juggle a lot of big personalities. This was an All-Stars Event. She had to deal with all the big dogs. That’s what Shane called them, anyway. “Well, thank you, gentlemen, for making me feel so flattered that you would go to all these extremes to get a chance to talk to me, but let me get it straight. None of you are in a fight or threatening to leave the venue?”

  Sterling pointed at Montana. “I’m sorry, Ms. Ford. It’s Montana’s fault, really.”

  Montana laughed with the others. “I’m sorry.”

  The door dinged and Cooper Harrison hurried in. He wore a work T-shirt, khaki shorts, and Tevas, and looked a bit like a mountain man. “What’s the emergency meeting?” he asked, out of breath.

  The rest of them burst into another large round of laughter.

  Montana came forward and shook Cooper’s hand. “Well, we had to get a chance to see Ms. Ford, here.”

  Cooper shook his hand and then shook all the rest of their hands. “Oh brother.”

  Texas gently put an arm around her and pulled her into him, a bit possessively. “Hey, let’s help the woman out.” He turned to her. “No, we’re all fine. It’s going to be a great event this year. But c’mon, Paris.” He put his other hand over his heart. “Are you going to fall back in love with Logan and leave me?”

  His dramatics got a round of snickers.

  Though she knew her face was on fire, she gracefully gave him a narrowed look. “Well, Mr. Waters,” she said, making sure to keep it formal, “do I look like the kind of woman who would fall all over myself for an old boyfriend?”

  That sent the group of men snickering.

  “That’s right,” Hunter called out gruffly. “My wife would say you always got to make that man sufficiently beg before he gets back into your good graces.”

  Montana cleared his throat and put his hand up to stop the jesting. “Okay, we are wondering, have you seen Logan? Is he okay?”

  Lying had never been her strong point, but she didn’t even flinch or blush. She didn’t know what happened to her calm, collected self, but she lost her cool. “You all should be ashamed of yourselves, wasting my time and using this as an opportunity to do nothing more than gossip about a fellow All-Star. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll expect you gentlemen can keep it together until the event.”

  Just as she reached for the door, Texas grabbed it, holding it open for her. “Oh, let me get that, I want to walk you out.”

  The group of men said parting words, which she didn’t stop to acknowledge. Part of her—although knowing this type of thing was part of the job—was livid. How dare they! Get her to come out of her “hole,” is that what Montana had said? The nerve! She had her son to worry about. She shouldn’t be messing with these idiots. She booked it down the steps of the gallery and down the street the opposite way from her office toward the tourist parking lot.

  Texas was on her heels. “Hey. Paris. I wanted to talk to you.”

  She wasn’t stopping. Rude. Double rude. What, did they think Logan would be surfacing if she surfaced? Was this a ploy? Ugh! Famous people! It’d been the thing she had ranted and raved to Shane about when she wasn’t in a good mood.

  Texas took her by her arm, just above her elbow, and stopped her. “Paris, wait.”

  It hurt to be stopped so swiftly. “What?” she demanded, her mind already in a frenzy. “I have to pick my son up at the airport.”

  Texas frowned. “Hey, I’m sorry about that. I really did want to see you again. I’m sorry about all that. It was rude. They shouldn’t have concocted that scheme.”

  She shrugged him off and started for her car. “I’m sorry, Texas. I … it’s not going to work out right now.”

  Texas kept pace with her. “I get it, Paris, you’re helping an old friend out at the moment.”

  None of them had believed that she wasn’t with Logan. It was pointless to deny it. “Yeah, something like that.” She didn’t have time for this.

  Texas exhaled. “I just, it’s been a rough year for me, too. I thought maybe we could get to know each other better, but I get it.”

  She halted, remembering reading something about him last year. Something about his father getting diagnosed with cancer.

  He bumped into her, and both of them stumbled before he caught her to prevent them both from falling. “Oh, sorry.” He pulled back.

  “I’m so sorry to hear about your father,” she said.

  A slow smile played at his lips, but his eyes glittered with tears. “Thank you.”

  She reached out and gave his hand a squeeze. “I have to go get my son.”

  “I know. Go.” He nodded. “It’s cool.”

  Suddenly, a camera guy popped out of nowhere and snapped a picture, and then reporters swarmed around them, asking questions.

  “Ms. Ford, did you know Logan was at the cemetery? Do you have anything to say about the last time he was in town and you were together at the cemetery? Mrs. Ford, are you dating Texas Waters?”

  Her heart raced. “What?” She honed in on that reporter and Logan being at the cemetery, but the reporters were disorienting her, crowding in and asking her questions. Cameras flashed.

  Her phone buzzed in her hand. She saw it was her father and answered it, worried it would be something about Ty. “Dad?”

  “Kim is going to the cemetery. You have to save him, Pear.”

  Her mind was whiplashed. “What?”

  “Logan went to the cemetery to forgive his father. And Kim just vlogged she’s going there. She is in Jackson. You have to go save him from that woman.”

  Ty. Logan. Kim. Logan at the cemetery. She cringed, not knowing what to do. His father. His father. His father. Yes. That is what had started it all. The unraveling. The thing that had finally undone Logan, starting on the same track of his father, ruining Logan. Ruining everything.

  Texas took her arm. “How can I help?”

  Some of the paparazzi kept taking pictures of them, while others move
d to their cars. They were like sharks, smelling blood and wanting to get in on the feeding frenzy. Then, she had an idea. She started running back to the gallery.

  Texas was next to her. “What?”

  “We need to borrow Sterling’s helicopter and use all that star power to get to the cemetery and help Logan.”


  “Logan went to the cemetery to forgive his father and Kim heard about it and is heading there.”

  Texas digested the information, then sprinted ahead of her, calling out as he took the steps to the gallery two at a time. “I’m on it!”

  He burst through the doors, with Paris following him. The men looked stunned.

  Paris hurried and explained, then felt tears on her face as she pleaded with them. “He doesn’t need to be caught in this storm of press at the cemetery. He doesn’t remember anything. He doesn’t, and this, the death of his dad … it really sent him into a spin back then. And Kim is insane.”

  Montana swaggered next to her, giving a nod. “Of course we’ll save him.” He turned around, barking out. “Sterling?”

  Sterling was already heading up another level of stairs. “I’m already letting my chopper guy know he needs to start her up now!”

  The other men all moved into action, calling people.

  Hunter James was next to her. “My people will go there and help contain the press while we get him out of there.” With Montana at one side and Texas at the other, they rushed out to the back of the gallery.

  Paris had known there was a chopper behind the building. She heard it when Sterling would go somewhere sporadically, and the whole Main Street would pause and watch the great Sterling Pennington chopper off, like some movie set or something. This time when she heard the blades start, it was her heading toward it.

  Hunter was there and Cooper and Sterling hopped in, and of course, Montana and Texas. It was a large chopper. Cooper hopped in too, flashing her a grin. “Those guys deserved that ribbing back there; they shouldn’t have played their prank. It was rude.” He handed her a helmet like the ones everyone else was already wearing. Sterling was talking in the microphone to the pilot, and before she knew it Montana had her strapped in and the wind was rushing through them and they were sailing over Jackson toward the cemetery. The men were discussing where to land.


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