Beyond Chance

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Beyond Chance Page 12

by Karice Bolton

  He nodded.

  “You don’t let grass grow under your feet.”

  “I can’t afford to. I have a lot of time to make up for since I was feeling sorry for myself.”

  Aaron laughed. “You don’t need to go to the other extreme now.”

  “It’s how I roll. One extreme or the other.”

  “Well, can I tempt you with a crepe? Neither of us have had dinner yet.”

  “Dinner at midnight?” My brow arched.

  “Time is irrelevant when it comes to crepes.”


  “It’s highly unlikely that the same staff is on at this hour… if that’s what’s stopping you.”

  I looked down at my shorts and shirt and took my hair out of the pseudo bun. Shaking my hair out with my fingers, I let out a breath and stared at him, wondering what in the world he saw in me.

  “You look beautiful,” Aaron said.

  “You’d say anything to get your crepe. Do they really serve crepes at this hour?”

  “They do. You’ll see.”

  The familiar twinkle in Aaron’s eyes made my heart skip a beat as I nodded my head in agreement.

  “Well, I think a crepe sounds like the perfect midnight snack.”

  “Then it’s a date. Let me go change.” Aaron took off for the bedroom just as the first email from Vanessa Torlin came over.

  Vanessa was the first reporter I’d sent an email to. I clicked on the message and as I suspected, she wanted to talk with me immediately. She mentioned that she’d been trying to get a hold of me, but my family hadn’t made that easy. My heart raced at the thought of getting to speak with her, but I also didn’t want to jeopardize the case against Derek. I wouldn’t respond to Vanessa until I heard back from the prosecutor’s office.

  Aaron appeared in the dining room, and his eyes connected with mine as he walked over and held out his hands.

  “Ready for our night out?” he asked.

  “We really know how to whoop it up,” I teased.

  “Just wait until later,” he whispered, as we walked out the door.

  I was determined to enjoy my midnight stroll with Aaron and not let Tracy contaminate my mind anymore than she already had.

  Our hands intertwined, he led me out of the apartment and down the stairs. I expected the streets to be empty, but they were packed. Every café was bustling and the outdoor seating was filled to capacity even though it was past midnight.

  “Is it always like this?”

  “From Wednesday to Saturday.”

  “I could definitely get used to this.”

  We wandered toward La Crêperies Parfaites and found a seat for two outside. The server appeared immediately, handing us the menus, as Aaron ordered us both a cappuccino. I sat in amazement at how active the city was at this time of night, and it wasn’t only couples and friends. The patio held as many families with small children. For someone like me who was a night owl, I felt right at home.

  Opening the menu, I scanned over the few French words I recognized, but I didn’t see the banana crepe that Aaron had mentioned. I glanced up at him, noticing that he was watching me intently.

  “Did you decide on something?” he asked.

  “I would if I could read the menu.”

  He laughed and closed his. “Did you want the banana one?”

  I nodded and sat back in the chair as the warm breeze picked up slightly.

  “Did you know I was known as the law school dropout?” I asked.

  “In what context?” he asked, propping his elbows on the table.

  “It was in one of the articles I saw.”

  Aaron’s jaw tensed, and he took a sip of water. “It’s a hard thing to deal with. Your story isn’t your own unless you claim it as such and even then they’ll spin it however they want.”

  “Did you ever claim it?” I asked. “Your own story I mean.”

  He let out a deep breath and shook his head. “No. I never did.”

  “Do you regret it?”

  “No. I don’t think I do. I try not to live in regret.”

  “But regret is part of life.”

  “It doesn’t have to be,” he countered, as the server came back with our cappuccinos. The server slid the drinks in front of us and Aaron placed our orders.

  “Are you content with your decisions?” I asked.

  “Isn’t that the same as asking if I have any regrets?” His eyes fastened on mine, and it felt like he was searching me for something.

  “I suppose it is.”

  “What are you not asking me, Brandy?”

  “I don’t even know.”

  “Not sure if I believe that.”

  “Well, it will have to do. So what are your plans for the rest of the week?”

  Aaron laughed and shook his head. “I think some of my bad habits have rubbed off on you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Avoidance.” He smiled and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

  I let out a sigh and shook my head. “Maybe so.”

  “But to answer your question, I only have a few more days or so of work, and then I think we’ll move the pieces to a workshop just outside of the city. It’s safer to construct everything out there.”

  “Would we be driving back and forth or…”

  “I thought we could stay there while I put the pieces together. It’ll probably take me about a week.” He let out a deep sigh, and I saw his posture tense.

  “What’s going on? What was that all about?”

  Aaron glided his fingers along his jaw and stared at the table. “I’m having doubts.”

  “Doubts about what in particular?”

  “I only have five pieces and I’m not sure they’re my best work.”

  I almost choked on my cappuccino at his admission.

  “Your work is raw and emotional. It speaks volumes to me. I know everyone will love it.”

  “But I don’t.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “There’s nothing you can say. It’s something I have to deal with. I need to get this show over with and—”

  “What do you mean over with?” I interrupted.

  “I mean exactly that. I’ll be happy to have everything behind me.”

  “I’m sure what you’re feeling is normal. Everything is so personal. You’re putting pieces of yourself on display. That can’t be easy.”

  The server delivered our crepes, but I could barely concentrate on the food in front of me as I saw Aaron’s pained expression.

  “Can you back out?” I asked, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Are you afraid people—”

  “I’m not afraid,” he cut me off and dug into his crepe. “I was wrong about many things. I’ll have to see my commitment through and reevaluate.”

  I stared down at the crepe on my plate covered in bananas, caramel, and ice cream that was quickly melting. I had no idea how to respond to Aaron so I took a bite full of caramel goodness.

  “Crazy good, isn’t it?” Aaron laughed, changing the subject.

  “I can see how these have become a problem for you while I was away.”

  “I wouldn’t call it a problem…”

  “Addicts never do.” I grinned and shoved another forkful in my mouth, allowing the buttery crepe to dissolve in my mouth. Ordering two of these would definitely be out of the question.

  “What are you grinning about?” Aaron asked.


  He nodded.

  “Whether or not ordering two of these back to back would be bad.”

  “I’ve done it.” He set down his fork. “It’s fine until you have to face yourself in the morning.”

  “Well, I guess I’ll enjoy what’s left in front of me.”

  “So have you thought about what you want to tell the reporters?” he asked.

  “I planned on telling them the truth.”

  Aaron was quiet fo
r a few moments. “I hate that I’m even having to say this, but you need to come up with a way to have your side outshine Derek’s. I’d like to say that the truth will automatically do that but that’s not how it works.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Once you open the floodgates, the journalists will dig up all kinds of things, no matter how irrelevant. Your job will be to steer them in the right direction. I’d spend tomorrow coming up with how you want to be seen in the public eye.”

  “Is that something you did?”

  “Not at all. I should have, but I had no idea what I was in for, and by the time I figured it out, it was too late. Or maybe I didn’t care at that point.”

  “I’m guessing the book I saw online wasn’t your doing?” I asked.

  “Completely unauthorized,” he sighed, scooting his empty plate away from him.

  “That’s what I figured.”

  “I’m surprised that still comes up.”

  The server dropped off the check and Aaron placed a few bills and coins in the tray.

  “The satisfying thing about that was that it tanked,” he half joked.

  “Always a silver lining.”


  “Do you think about the things you went through often?” I asked.

  “It’s gotten less over time, but some days it’s worse than others.”

  “It’s not like I ever needed to find myself…I’ve never been lost. I’ve always known what I wanted and what I imagined for a life for myself. At least until the accident.”

  “It’s okay to change your mind.”

  “Yeah. I know it is, but after today, things kind of became clear.”

  He gave me a puzzled look and I smiled.

  “How so?” Aaron studied my expression and the concern he paid made my body keenly aware of the attention.

  Now wasn’t the time to bring up Tracy or anything else that fed my obsession. Tonight I wanted to focus solely on Aaron and me. Somehow I knew today’s confrontation wouldn’t be the end of it, and I wanted to spend a blissful evening with my boyfriend in Paris.

  “I always assumed I’d be working side by side with my mom at her non-profit. She had control of hours worked, and granted she didn’t make a ton of money, but she got by. That was the life I imagined for myself. But the adrenaline rush I get merely thinking about putting Derek away…and I’m not even on the case.”

  “You’re thinking of switching concentrations?”

  I nodded.

  “Wow. So that also means you’re thinking about going back in the fall…” his voice trailed off. “That’s awesome news, Brandy. I hoped you would.”

  “Really? Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “I didn’t want to push you in the wrong direction, but my gut said law school was where you belonged.”

  “I have to be back before the semester starts.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “And it might be before we originally planned on leaving.”

  “That’s fine with me. Whatever we need to do, we’ll make it happen. Have you told your parents yet?”

  A flash of guilt ran through me as I thought back to what Tracy said, and everything Aaron had already given up for me. I was angry I even allowed her in my subconscious, but there she was grinning and waving frantically for attention.

  I shook my head. “Not yet. I wanted to surprise them.”

  “And this all transpired within the last eight hours?” He grinned widely and sat back in the chair.

  “What can I say? I have an impulsive streak.”

  Aaron rolled his eyes, but I caught a glimpse of heated satisfaction. “Should we head back upstairs?”

  “It is getting late,” I feigned a yawn and grinned, but he stood up quickly and helped me out of my chair. “What’s the hurry?”

  “You tell me,” he whispered, as he led me out onto the sidewalk.

  By the time we made it up the stairs, I was breathless. I needed Aaron in every way imaginable. The way he looked at me made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. His smile deepened as he grabbed my hand.

  “I’ve been dreaming about making love to you all day,” he murmured.

  My heart soared with his proclamation, and there was nothing that could take away the love I had for Aaron Sullivan. He made me feel like the most desirable woman in the world.

  Aaron pulled me against him before we even attempted to unlock the door. Pushing me against the wall, I felt his hard body press against mine. He cradled my chin in his fingers as his mouth slid hungrily across my neck. He lifted my hair away from the nape of my neck, peppering my skin with soft kisses, and I knew my world belonged to him. Silent pleas ran through my mind as his mouth worked so purposefully to satisfy my cravings.

  My body trembled from his slightest touch, and my breath caught as I felt his tongue glide along my skin. Running my hands through his hair, I brought his mouth up to mine. His kisses intensified as my breathing changed. I needed more of him and being stuck in the hallway wasn’t helping. Our kisses only created more longing as several deadbolts threatened our sanity.

  “The keys,” I whispered between kisses.

  “The damn keys,” he mumbled without his mouth parting from mine, but I felt his body move slightly and heard the keys jangle.

  I let out a delighted hum as he fumbled with each key. When the last deadbolt unlocked, we pushed the door open, barely able to contain ourselves. He shed his shirt, dropping it onto the floor, as he brought me into him. Only the pale light from the moon cascaded into the living room, showing off the beautiful contours of his body. My hands skirted up his hard body, tracing the peaks and valleys of his abdomen. My head tilted back as he placed kisses along my throat. Resting his lips on the crook of my neck, another wave of pleasure pulsed through my veins, and I could feel him smile.

  “I love you more and more each day,” I whispered.

  “I am one lucky man.” His fingers quickly unbuttoned my shirt and it fell to the ground. His thumbs gently caressed my back as he unclasped my bra and it slid to the floor. I took a step back as his gaze intensified with an urgency I understood. Without waiting a second more, he scooped me in his arms and carried me to our bedroom.

  Seeing the desire in his eyes as he placed me on the bed turned my world upside down.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world and you’re mine,” he murmured, as he leaned over my body.

  Hearing the possessiveness in his voice created a feverish longing. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could wait. Tracing his thumb along my collarbone, his lips fell right behind, placing kisses along my skin.

  I needed him more than anything, more than my next breath, but all I could do was wait as he teased my desires slowly and with certainty.

  “I love you, Brandy Rhodes,” he whispered.

  Aaron crushed me into his arms as our kisses deepened, sending shivers through my body. He was the only man who ever changed my world with just one touch, just one look. He was the one man who knew my darkest secrets and my greatest joys.

  I slid my hands along his back, and he slowly raised himself off me as my breath caught with longing. He slid my shorts and panties off, tossing them onto the floor as his fingers slid along my exposed flesh. There was nothing hesitant about his fingers as they skated across my belly, searching for something we both desperately craved.

  Aaron’s heated gaze slid down my body as warmth pumped through my veins. I felt my body succumb to his wishes as he slowly bowed his head, allowing his mouth to trace down my belly. My body quivered as his mouth went lower and it became impossible to concentrate.

  “We’ve waited far too long for this Paris experience,” he whispered.

  My veins tingled with anticipation as he teased me endlessly with his lips.

  Even though today had been one from the Twilight Zone, there was nothing distorted about being held in Aaron’s arms. We belonged to each other and there was nothing chance about i

  He slowly worked his way back up my body as my hands trailed along his cool skin. There was nothing more like heaven than being in his arms. My nails dug into his back as I felt his body lean into mine sending my world spinning. The more he held and kissed me, the more my body ached for him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and moved my hips into his as I took what was mine. As my mind and body released in ecstasy with his, I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that Aaron Sullivan belonged to me.

  It was early evening, and I had just finished giving my last interview to Seattle’s largest newspaper. Hanging up the phone with the journalist made me feel revitalized as I gave my story a voice. If there was one message coming across loud and clear, it was that I wasn’t hiding any longer, and I wanted to see justice served. I also made sure that everyone understood I hadn’t dropped out of law school, I postponed attending so that I could focus on my recovery. The press didn’t need to know that Derek almost ripped my life-long dreams away from me. That could be saved for another day, and I felt that might detract from what I wanted people to understand, which was that Derek was a criminal.

  The more I defined my story, the more confident I became in my life. The last several days spent researching and giving interviews gave me a sense of purpose, something I’d lost along the way this past year. I found what I’d been looking for—and I didn’t even know it had been missing—but that something was finding who I was again. I loved law and didn’t realize that I was letting my fears define me. I believed in the possibilities of our justice system to make things right, but I couldn’t sit on the sidelines and watch events unfold.

  “You have any other interviews tonight?” Aaron asked, walking into the kitchen.

  I shook my head. “All done. At least for now. I think I’ve said enough. People will be tired of hearing about me back in Washington.”

  “No one could ever get tired of hearing about you.” He kissed my cheek and grabbed a piece of chocolate.

  “Are you ready to move the pieces tomorrow?” I asked.

  “I am. I’m actually tired of looking at them all scattered upstairs. I need to start assembling, or I’ll never stop messing with them.”

  “I can’t wait to see them in all their glory.” I smiled and broke a piece of chocolate off and nibbled it. “I also can’t wait to get a little taste of the country.”


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