The Dragon Saga Box Set

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The Dragon Saga Box Set Page 25

by Nicolette Andrews

  This is it? She picked up the staff. It was light and fit in her hand. She stood it upright and it was the same height as her. It's like it was made for me. She twirled the staff and brought it down in front of her with a swipe. It felt right. Holding this felt natural as if she'd been trained with it her entire life, but she'd never touched a weapon before.

  The fight outside invaded the tranquility within the shrine. A yelp followed a growl. There was no time to think about why the staff felt so right, she had to help Rin. She ran out the shrine doors. The sounds of fighting had faded away. She looked up into the dark sky and fat drops of rain fell onto her face.

  The Dragon was nowhere to be seen. Suzume stopped and looked around, the staff held loosely at her side. Why am I doing this? I should take this opportunity to run. She didn't know how to explain it, but she felt compelled to help, to fight the Dragon. Then a disturbing thought occurred to her. Everything was too quiet—something wasn't right. Then she felt pain, bright and sharp, at the base of her spine where something had struck her. She collapsed to her knees from the pain. Low rumbling laughter filled her ears.

  She spun around to face her assailant. A man with dark hair hanging loose around his face walked towards her. He had an angular face with high cheekbones and a cruel smile. He walked towards Suzume, with a smirk tilting his lips.

  "We finally meet face to face, Suzume." He paced towards her.

  "Who are you?!" she demanded as she jumped back onto her feet. She pointed the staff at him.

  He did not answer and instead circled her with an almost bored expression. His eyes glanced up and down her, not in a lascivious way but almost as if he were sizing her up.

  "I asked you a question." Suzume jabbed the staff in his direction.

  He laughed again. The sound rolled over her and made her skin crawl.

  "We'll just say I'm an old friend." He stopped pacing and faced Suzume. His eyes were narrowed as he regarded her.

  "I doubt that," Suzume spat. "What did you shoot me with anyway?" Her back still throbbed and she could not massage it as she wanted to. Both her hands were being used to hold up the staff and her arms shook with the effort.

  "Perhaps I should correct myself, I was a friend of Kazue's."

  She scoffed, trying to ignore her fear. "Kazue's friends are not necessarily my friends."

  "Then you no longer deny you are her?"

  "I'm Suzume—if you don't mind. Maybe you could give me your name since we're such good friends now."

  He clicked his tongue as if he were scolding her. "Let's make this more fun and keep that a secret for now."

  This guy is a creep. If I didn't have other things to deal with, I'd fry him, but as it is, I have a dragon to deal with. He blocked her way back to Rin and Kaito. She swung the staff, hoping to get him to move. He dodged her swing easily. Instead of Suzume hitting him with her staff, he grabbed it in the center, swung it under her armpit and flipped her over. The staff slipped from her grasp, and he used it to pin her to the ground as he loomed over her.

  Suzume glared up at him. "What do you want?" she snarled.

  "Nothing… yet." He leaned forward and brushed his lips against Suzume's, despite Suzume wrenching her face away from him.

  "What is wrong with you!" she shouted.

  She tried to kick him or punch, but her body was not listening to her. All attempts at defense were nothing more than lame twistings of her limbs. Her barrier was curiously dormant and she couldn't call forward her power in her own defense. He eased off of her and then, with one more wicked smile, he disappeared through a glimmering mirror, stars reflected on the other side. Wait, that's no mirror, is that a portal?

  Who was that? the Dragon roared and the sound of the battle came crashing down on her once again. Suzume did not have much time to consider her strange encounter before she ran back towards Rin and Kaito. Rin, still in her fox form, came bounding over the decorative hedges, with Kaito hot on her tails. Rin spun around to face Kaito. The Kitsune opened her mouth and blue flames shot out and met Kaito's icy breath.

  Steam erupted around them, haloing their heads in clouds. Suzume rushed forward, using the clouds to disguise herself. It was not enough, however, and Kaito spotted her and roared. He flew up into the air before coming hurtling down towards her. Suzume realized too late she had no idea what she was doing. The mysterious stranger had proved that much. Kaito's icy breath brushed against her cheeks and the perspiration on her brow froze.

  "What am I supposed to do now?" She looked at Rin.

  The Kitsune was badly wounded, her shoulder torn open, bleeding profusely. Along with myriad other wounds that were in some state of healing.

  "Just use the staff, focus your energy on it and hit him with it!" Rin panted.

  Suzume stared down at the staff, the faded patterns and the worn middle. How did you use this stupid thing, Kazue?

  Kaito lunged for Suzume, she couldn't create a barrier—she didn't know how unless it created itself. She only had the staff. She flung the staff up, holding onto it with both hands. She brought it down on Kaito's nose. The force rattled the staff and jarred her arm. It did little to deter him, but he was momentarily deflected. He spun away for a moment before he came twisting back around.

  Suzume focused on the staff. She imagined the power slipping from her fingers and wrapping around the staff, as if it was an extension of her body and full of her power. She exhaled. Here goes nothing. She reached for the well of power she knew was hidden deep within her. Kaito roared and hail fell onto her head like hundreds of knives, tearing into her skin and obscuring her vision. Blood trickled down her cheek where one particular piece had sliced the skin near her eye. She could feel the power just below the surface, just beyond her reach. Focus, she told herself. Focus.

  Then she heard something, a low hum, a melody. It was the same one the old woman had been singing back in the village. Suzume hummed a few bars and it was as if a dam within her had been broken—power flowed through her fingertips and into the staff. She was cocooned in power. It radiated from within her and it burned, scorching her skin, and her insides felt as if they were being boiled in a pot. She had to let it loose or it was going to destroy her.

  Kaito was close now and Suzume pointed her staff. Her arms quivered, and like loosing an arrow from a bow, she unleashed the power. She felt it break free from within her and shoot towards Kaito. The staff worked like a conductor and it made a straight path, hitting Kaito square in the chest with a ball of red energy. He fell from the sky, plummeting like a rock before he crashed into the ground. Once the power left her, Suzume no longer had even the energy to stand. She slumped to her knees. Rin had returned to her human form and ran towards Kaito.

  Suzume felt hands on her shoulder, comforting and warm.

  "You did well," the priest told her.

  '"Did I kill him?" Suzume asked the priest. She had almost forgotten he was there.

  She felt conflicted. On one hand, she wanted Kaito out of her life. On the other, she did not want him dead. It was a surprising revelation, and one she would need to process, but not now, maybe not ever.

  The priest did not answer right away. He glanced over to Rin, who sat by Kaito's side, stroking his muzzle and speaking to him. "No, he is stunned."

  Suzume exhaled with relief. She ignored the look the priest gave her and focused on the real question. Now that this battle was over, there was only one thing left: what would happen when Kaito woke again?


  The priests stood over Kaito in a circle as they chanted. The low reverberating sound resonated through Suzume and the short hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Their chanting changed tempo, increasing in pace. Suzume's pulse raced with the fast-moving chant. Kaito's form blurred and shifted. His serpentine body shortened, twisting and writhing. Suzume watched with rapt attention. The song faded into one residual note that echoed around them and filled Suzume's skull. Kaito lay on the ground, back in his human form. The head priest had b
een leading the chanting.

  He directed the other priests to pick Kaito up. Must be easier than trying to pick up a one-ton dragon. Two priests stood on opposite ends of Kaito and picked him up by his hands and feet. Slung between them, Kaito's head lolled backwards at an unnatural angle. He looked dead and the idea sent a twisting sensation through Suzume's stomach.

  She turned away. The garden was in disarray. Bushes had been uprooted. The paving stones were slicked over with frost and pools of water had gathered in massive indents made by clawed feet. What a mess.

  Across the garden, an elderly priest tutted over Rin's injury. He dabbed at the gash on her shoulder. Rin swatted at his hand, but he grabbed her hand and pursed his lips at her. Rin scowled back at the old man. They remained locked in a battle of wills for a moment before Rin rolled her eyes and let him continue. Rin caught sight of Suzume watching them, and smiled at her. Suzume reluctantly smiled back. Now that Rin had helped her, were they obligated to be friends? Suzume wasn't sure how she felt about that.

  Suzume fidgeted with the staff in her hand. Now that the battle was over, it felt leaden in her grip. She looked away from Rin and towards the ground. Blood was spattered there and her stomach heaved. He knows Kazue was my past life. If Rin hadn't intervened, this would have been my blood on the ground. She looked away from the blood and back towards the retreating forms of the priests who carried Kaito away. It happened just like I thought it would. But now it may be too late to get away with my life.

  Rin broke free of the priest and sauntered over to Suzume. "How are you?" Rin asked as she reached Suzume.

  Suzume shrugged in response. She wasn't sure what to say—for once in her life. She felt deflated and humbled by her fight. By some miracle she had escaped with her life, but if it came down to it, could she repeat the performance?

  Rin didn't seem to need an explanation and she continued, "I'll watch over Kaito until he wakes up."

  What happens when he wakes up? He'll most likely want to try to kill me again. I need to run away from here.

  "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," Suzume said. She shifted the staff from one hand to another. "When will he wake?"

  Rin shrugged. "Hard to tell, but I can keep him at bay if he's… aggressive when he does."

  I'll be long gone by then, hopefully. Maybe I can convince the head priest to give me food and a way to get away from here. She was disgusted by her own thoughts. When did I become such a coward? Even if I run, he'll find me.

  Despite her own fear, however, she had to keep up appearances. "Make sure you do," Suzume said. With a toss of her hair, she strolled away. Her hands shook. She tightened her grasp on the staff as she walked away.

  She made a beeline for the head priest. She needed to keep moving; if she kept still, then her fear would catch up with her, and if that happened… well, she was not willing to consider that. The head priest was conferring with his second when Suzume approached. The priest looked up at her and smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

  "Suzume, I thought you would want to rest." He motioned for the second to leave with a wave of his hand.

  "I don't think I could rest even if I wanted to," she replied with a self-deprecating laugh.

  He chuckled softly and his eyes flitted towards the staff. "You were able to get her staff with little trouble."

  She held up the staff for his inspection. "So this is Kazue's staff?"

  "It is, I'm glad you were able to retrieve it. None of our order has been able to get near it for many years."

  A feeling of foreboding settled over her, just another way in which being Kazue's reincarnation made her special. The words caught in her throat, choking her.

  "I have a favor to ask of you," Suzume said, changing the subject.

  "Oh?" the head priest said. His eyes bored into her, as if he saw through her to her soul.

  Suzume shifted the staff so one end rested on the ground while keeping it within her control. She was feeling oddly possessive of the thing. "I need to leave here before the Dragon wakes. Can you help me?"

  A slight smirk curled his lips. "The Dragon will sleep for now. He shall not wake until we find a way to calm him, I can assure you."

  Am I imagining things, or does he not want me to leave? "How can you be so sure? Have you put him under a spell?" He didn't seem that powerful, but maybe there was more to the priest than met the eye.

  "Not indefinitely, but long enough to sort some things out." He smiled. Before his smile had been reassuring, but now that she felt trapped, she wondered if she had been drawn in too easily by the priest.

  This is a good opportunity to learn. If he does stay asleep, then maybe I can learn how to seal him before he wakes.

  "Can you teach me how to seal him away?" she asked without disguising the desperation in her voice.

  "I am not sure that is wise…"

  "He's going to kill me! Can you not see that?" She pointed towards the dormitories where Kaito had been taken. "He's realized I am Kazue and he will not stop until he has his revenge."

  The priest nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps."

  "Can you at least tell me what's so special about this staff?"

  "It was Kazue's," he replied.

  "That I know, but there's more you're not telling me."

  He rubbed his hands together and his gaze slowly slid from the staff to Suzume's face. "The legends say that Kazue embedded certain artifacts with her spiritual power. We believe this staff was one of those artifacts."

  "You don't know for sure?"

  "The staff was warded by Kazue before her death. And no one could touch it, except you…"

  Suzume frowned. "Because I am her reincarnation?"


  She fought the urge to shake the old man. Could no one give a straight answer?

  "Well, I have the staff, now what?"

  "Stay here, let us train you in its use. Together we will be able to unlock your true potential." Again she saw a hint of something more sinister in his expression. I'm being paranoid, not everyone has an ulterior motive. The fight with Kaito had shaken her. He was still the kind priest she had met. Nothing changed.

  Suzume pursed her lips. "Alright, fine, but if the Dragon shows the slightest inclination of waking, I am out of here, got it?"

  "Thank you, Suzume." The priest bowed deep and the hems of his sleeves scraped against the gravel at their feet.

  Suzume fought an eye roll. Feels like I am back at the palace. A momentary pang of longing swept over her. I'll get back there eventually, I guess.

  "When can I start learning?" Suzume asked while gesturing with the staff.

  The priest glanced around them. Suzume followed his gaze; the place was in chaos. The ordered hedges were trampled and the ancient gingko trees had deep gashes in them. "I will need time to set things in order, but soon, hopefully." He looked doubtful.

  She hated to wait, but it looked like she did not have much choice in the matter. The alternative, of course, was running away and hoping Kaito would not find her. The problem was he would wake eventually and he would come for her, of that she had no doubt. I can't live on the run forever.

  "In the meantime, could you take that back to the shrine?" The priest nodded towards the staff. He still had a hungry look in his eye.

  She held it close. She didn't want to let it go. "I was wondering if I could keep it?" Suzume asked.

  The priest's frown deepened. "I will have to discuss it with the others. I know you are Kazue's reincarnation, but that is a sacred item, one that is imbued with power, and we cannot let it leave this compound lightly."

  Suzume rubbed the smooth edges of the grip across the palm of her hand, contemplating it. This held immense power? It felt like a little bit of wood, but it felt right in her hands. She felt powerful while she had it. Except for when that strange guy attacked me. Who was he?

  "I'll take it back to the shrine, then," Suzume said.

  I don't want to leave this lying around. Something
is telling me I am meant to have it. If Kazue warded this five hundred years ago, it must have been with good reason. She headed off towards the temple. I wonder if that man will be there when I get back.

  She touched her lips where he had kissed her. Who was that creep, and what did he want with her? She reached the shrine without interruption. She was half-hoping she would run into the mysterious man. He did not make an appearance, much to her frustration. She had some questions for him now that the battle was over. Suzume set the staff back in its place and looked around the temple.

  What was so special about Kazue? Why did everyone revere her?

  The wind blew outside and ruffled the trees and leaves. Suzume felt a prickling along her neck. Her hand reached instinctively for the staff on its pedestal. It felt safer to have a weapon, rather than not. Right now her senses shouted at her that something was amiss. A floorboard creaked. She snatched the staff back off the pedestal and spun around. There was no one there. She rolled her eyes. I'm getting paranoid. Rightfully so, my life was normal until recently…

  She moved to set the staff back down when sparks raced over her arms and neck. She rubbed her neck and looked over her shoulder. There's definitely someone here.

  "Who's here?" She spun back around, staff held in a defensive pose crossed in front of her at a diagonal. "I know you're there and I am ready for you this time. I owe you payback for that kiss earlier."

  Soft laughter, husky and feminine, replied. The gooseflesh rose on her arms. That was not the response she was expecting.

  "Who's there?" Suzume repeated.

  The laughter died, and from around a pillar on the outer veranda, a woman appeared. She wore a blood-red kimono, with long sleeves edged in gold thread, that dragged along the ground. Her ebony hair was coiffed on top of her head. Decorative pins stuck from it and small bells on the end of the sticks tinkled as she moved.

  "My, you are a strange-looking priestess." The woman looked Suzume up and down.


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