The Dragon Saga Box Set

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The Dragon Saga Box Set Page 28

by Nicolette Andrews

  "Get your staff, Priestess, I think we'll be in need of it."

  He's a little too excited. Can I trust them? What if they created this fake dragon? Suzume ran to grab the staff anyway. She would feel safer with a weapon. She retrieved the staff from where it had been tossed on the ground by Kaito. Tsuki waited for her by the door, smirking all the while. I really don't like that secret smile of his, it's like he knows something about me that he shouldn't. Tsuki motioned for Suzume to exit first. She eyed him suspiciously before the pair of them ran down the covered walkways towards the sounds of shouts and the crash of falling ice. I can't believe I'm running to danger.

  They passed a few screaming priests who were fleeing in the opposite direction. Suzume watched them go. If I had any sense, I would be following them, not this trickster. Tsuki kept stride with her, but when Suzume fell behind, he slowed to let her keep up, smiling over his shoulder at her.

  "Don't dawdle; dragons will not wait."

  Suzume snorted. "Don't I know it." Kaito has left me in the dust more than a few times.

  A roar shuddered across the temple, shaking the buildings around them. It's louder than last time. It's as if it's getting stronger. Suzume tilted her head back, scanning the sky. She couldn't see anything other than gray clouds fat with rain. If that dragon isn't Kaito, then who is it?

  The answers would have to wait. The dragon roared again and icy rain pelted the shrine. Through the stinging rain, Suzume saw her first glimpse of the dragon. It was coiled about a cloud like some massive serpent. The length of his body weaved in and out of the clouds. Suzume tilted her head back, watching as the dragon emerged from the clouds to open his maw and spew hail and daggers of ice from his open mouth. He looks just like Kaito. I would be hard-pressed to tell them apart. No wonder even Rin was fooled. The brunt of the dragon's attack was focused on the courtyard, which was further off. Suzume was safe for the time being.

  Kaito had stopped at the edge of the courtyard. He was hidden from the impostor dragon by the boughs of a gingko tree. He watched the impostor dragon, his gaze hooded. Suzume could only guess at his thoughts. He had not transformed, which Suzume found passing strange. She approached him, her staff held in a tight grip.

  "Shouldn't you do something about this?" She pointed towards the sky where the dragon was streaming through gray clouds.

  "It's an illusion," Kaito replied.

  Suzume scrunched her nose. "That is not an illusion. Can an illusion do this?" She pointed at the spikes of ice impaling the ground, the overturned ornamental bushes and crushed buildings.

  "A powerful one can." Kaito walked away towards the courtyard.

  Either he's brave or an idiot. I'm still not sure. Suzume jogged to keep up with him. "This new mysterious thing isn't working. Care to explain what's going on?"

  "Someone wants to frame me, or give the priests a reason to never let me wake again."

  "You have quite a few enemies, don't you?"

  Kaito wheeled around to face Suzume. His eyes were ice blue and full of deadly intent. "You could say that."

  Kaito was being as mercurial as ever. "Either way, that thing looks pretty real to me. What if it's another dragon?"

  "That's impossible—I would know them."

  "Are you saying that you know every dragon? There's been quite a bit of time since you were sealed. Maybe he's new in town, maybe it's your offspring."

  "Don't you dare," he snarled at her.

  She took a step back.

  "It can't be a half dragon," Rin said.

  Kaito elaborated, "Dragons are tied to locations: bodies of water, rivers and lakes, things like that. I should be able to sense where he's from, who he is. I cannot sense any of that; he's not a dragon."

  Suzume hated to admit it, but she was kind of impressed. What other abilities does he have that he's holding back? "Well, if he's not a dragon and he's definitely not an illusion, what is it?"

  He scowled at her. "That's what we need to find out, isn't it?" He smiled and Suzume's stomach did an uncomfortable flop.

  I'm only feeling like this because I know somehow my life is going to be endangered, not because he's charming when he smiles.

  Suzume rolled her eyes. His smile faltered and she saw a flash of hurt and anger there. I need to be careful. Now that he knows I'm Kazue's reincarnation, everything is different. When he smiles at me, I wonder if he's smiling at Kazue or if it's me he's smiling at. Suzume shook her head. Now is not the time.

  The group of priests ran past Suzume and Kaito, and Suzume spotted the head priest's second but not the head priest himself. When he saw her, he was flushed and gasping for air.

  "Suzume, I am glad to see you… the dragon… he's…" His eyes landed on Kaito and they grew wide with fear.


  "Me!" Kaito returned.

  The priest looked to Suzume. "What is the meaning of this?"

  "I was hoping you could explain that." Kaito smiled, baring his teeth.

  The priest took a step back. "The head priest said you would not wake. How can you be here and up there?" The priest pointed to the sky overhead. The dragon dived towards the nearest building. Its massive body undulated as the roof of the building erupted into a thousand splinters of wood.

  "Maybe we should focus on destroying the rampaging dragon, then talk," Tsuki said.

  The priest stared at Suzume and she remembered the priest did not seem to be able to see Tsuki or Akira.

  "You're probably right." Suzume sighed.

  The priest gave Suzume a baffled look, raising one brow.

  "I think we should focus on the problem at hand rather than worry about Kaito for now," Suzume said, paraphrasing Tsuki's thought.

  The priest bobbed his head in acknowledgment. "Of course, I will leave it to you, then." He scurried hastily past Suzume to join his companions.

  Tsuki came close to Suzume and whispered in her ear, "He's right—you'll need to take care of this one too."

  Suzume noticed Kaito watching Tsuki and her with a faint frown. She turned her back to Kaito. Why does it always have to be me? When did it come down to me to defeat all the dragons? She withheld her thoughts and said instead, "Do you have a plan to bring this one down? I used my only trick and I don't think he'll fall for it."

  "Well, if he won't come to you, there's always the option of going to him." Tsuki nodded his head skyward. His eyes danced with mischief at his suggestion.

  "What?" Suzume squawked.

  Kaito glowered at Tsuki. "Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

  "Suzume has the power to dissolve the illusion and the sooner it's taken care of, the sooner we can get to the bottom of this," Tsuki said.

  "Do you know how difficult it would be to get her up there?" Kaito asked Tsuki.

  "Are you implying I'm fat?" Suzume interjected.

  "No, I'm just saying I may not be able to lift off with the additional weight, that is all," Kaito replied to Suzume with a smirk.

  She tossed her head and looked away. "I don't need you, I defeated you on my own and I can do it again." Of course, last time Rin had fought him for me and kept him distracted while I looked for the staff, but I am not going to admit that to him.

  Rin shook her head behind Kaito but otherwise did not refute Suzume's version of events.

  "Can you now?" Kaito crossed his hands over his chest.

  "Yes!" she replied hotly with her hands planted on her hips.

  "Be my guest, then." He stepped aside and swept his arm towards the courtyard.

  She scowled and gripped her staff tighter. She stomped away towards the center of the courtyard, where the dragon had been focusing its attack. Suzume took a few steps towards the crater carved out by daggers made of ice. She stood at the edge of the hole scored into the ground, regarding the fresh-turned earth frosted over with ice. She tilted her head back once more. Why can I not keep my big mouth shut? She swung the staff back and forth. What am I doing? I could have at least asked Akira for a song or asked
Tsuki for fighting tips first. She slashed the staff down in an arc. What am I supposed to do now? Last time the dragon came to me. Well, it was intent on killing me; now it seems more intent on destroying as much of the shrine as possible.

  Suzume looked back over her shoulder at the others. Rin watched her with concern, her auburn eyebrows pulled together. Tsuki smirked while leaning against the gingko tree. This was all just a game for him. Kaito had his arms crossed over his chest. When Suzume met his gaze, he waved his hand, signaling her to get a move on.

  Suzume squared her shoulders and shouted, "Hey, dragon, if you're looking for a fight, come and get one."

  The dragon emerged from behind a cloud, reared its head and roared. The very sound echoed through Suzume and sent icy shivers down her spine. She wanted to run, but the idea of being ridiculed kept her planted in place. Damn my pride.

  The dragon dipped down. She could see the rows of fangs and the long whiskers drooping on either side of his face. What if this is Kaito's child? Maybe it doesn't have a river or lake because it's only half dragon. That thought left her feeling conflicted. The dragon dived and Suzume spun around just in time to avoid having an arm torn off.

  "Hey, no fair. You can fly!" she shouted at the dragon's retreating form.

  It rose in the sky and flew behind a cloud and out of sight. Suzume spun around, eyes trained on the sky, waiting for another attack. Don't let your thoughts detract from your focus. She felt a prickling sensation at the base of her neck. She spun and struck the dragon as it swooshed past her on the right. The hit felt strange, like she was hitting something soft, not like before.

  The dragon flew out of range again and Kaito decided to shout encouragement. "Keep it busy, I think I know what's going on here."

  "That's easier said than done, you know!" she called back.

  Tsuki tipped his head and chased after Kaito, who was headed towards the destroyed shrine buildings. Rin remained watching but did not move to assist Suzume.

  "Now would be a good time for some help," Suzume shouted at her.

  Rin shrugged.

  "Damn Kitsune," Suzume muttered under her breath.

  The dragon had not waited while Suzume bantered, and she nearly lost her head. The dragon swooped over her, his icy claws grazing the top of her skull. She ducked down at the last moment. Her power shielded her. She felt the burning sensation along with the crackle and hiss of a barrier being erected around her. Now you decide to show up, she thought. The power flew out from within her, released from the dams within, and lashed out at the dragon like a whip. It slashed the dragon across its serpentine body. The dragon hissed and reeled back, using the clouds as cover once again.

  Maybe if I could get a clear shot, I might be able to knock the dragon from the sky. If he was on the ground, we would be more easily matched. This, of course, was easier said than done. Suzume watched the writhing form of the dragon as it wriggled between clouds. It appeared at random, feinting a few times before dive-bombing her. It collided with her barrier, which shuddered but held. I need to focus my energy like Akira taught me. She visualized the dams channeling the energy through her body and into the staff.

  If I sing the song, I should be able to channel the energy through the staff… I think.

  Her shot came at last. The clouds parted and the dragon was headed straight for her. Suzume dropped the barrier, pointed the staff at the dragon, took aim, and sang the first few lines of the song. The power surged through her and burned through and out her fingertips. It entered the staff and shot out like a beam. It ripped through the air, melting the ice that rained down.

  Steam filled the air and reduced her visibility, but she could see her energy hit its mark. Like a crimson blade, it hit the dragon between the eyes. The energy sliced through the dragon as it approached her and it disappeared into a burst of mist and steam. Suzume's energy spent, she fell hard onto her knees, feeling the sticky hot moisture as it drew sweat on her brow and rolled down onto her cheek. Steam hung around her like a thick cloud.

  "The dragon was made of water," she mused.

  "Just like I said, it was an illusion." Kaito strolled over to her. He was carrying a singed piece of paper with archaic writing on it. Akira sauntered behind him. It seemed with the battle over, Akira had replaced Tsuki.

  I don't even get a thanks for destroying the fake dragon. What a bunch of ingrates.

  "A charm, it was anchoring the spell that created the fake dragon," Akira explained, unaware of Suzume's thoughts.

  Akira plucked the burnt paper from Kaito's hands. She held it in her palm and it burst into flames before floating away as ashes.

  "Is that why it turned into water when I hit it?" Suzume asked. Curiosity had won out over hurt at being disregarded.

  "It would appear so," Akira replied.

  "Who did this?"

  "Who do you think?" Akira asked.

  Suzume's first thought was the stranger she had fought when she found the staff, but no one seemed to know about him but Suzume. Then it occurred to her.

  "The head priest! He was chanting the entire time I was fighting Kaito the first time. I was with him when it attacked." Plus, Tsuki and Akira keep warning me about him—who else could it be?

  "That's no priest, then." His eyes iced over.

  Suzume was glad his wrath wasn't directed at her for once.

  "Why did he do this? I thought he was one of your devoted worshipers?" Suzume said. "He even said he knew me from my past life."

  "I told you before, he's not as he seems," Akira said cryptically.

  "Then who is he?" Suzume asked. Is it so hard to give a straight answer?

  "I don't know, but I am about to find out," Kaito said. His eyes were ice blue and he had half transformed—his skin was scaled and his hands were clawed.

  Suzume tightened her grip on her staff. I hope I'm not going to have to fight a dragon for a third time today, I'm not sure I have the energy left.


  Kaito walked back towards the shrine buildings, his stride long and full of purpose. Suzume had never seen this level of intensity from him before, at least not without it being directed at her. He really does not like being impersonated—duly noted.

  The shrine was in tatters. The dormitory roofs that housed the priests had caved in and shards of wood were left behind, looking like gaping mouths opening up to devour the sky. The gray clouds had not dissipated, leaving the air damp and clammy. A breeze rustled across the temple grounds and chilled Suzume. There was an ominous feeling to the temple; something wasn't right.

  "You need to be careful," Akira murmured in Suzume's ear.

  "You don't have to tell me twice," Suzume replied as they followed after Kaito. He led them back to the main temple where Suzume had met up with the priest earlier that day.

  How does he know where to go? she wondered.

  Rin kept pace with Kaito. She had not said much since the attack. Akira was glued to Suzume's side, which could either be a good or bad thing.

  "Do you care to explain about the head priest now?" Suzume asked Akira.

  Akira lifted a thin shoulder in a shrug. "We do not know much—only that the priest who was here before changed subtly. The others didn't seem to notice it, but he's not the man he was before."

  "How can you tell if no one else can?" Suzume asked.

  "It comes with the territory, I suppose you could say. When Kazue bound us together, our powers merged. We see things regular humans cannot."

  "Like what?"

  Akira regarded Suzume from the corner of her eye. Her ruby red lips pulled up at the corners and revealed her white teeth. "Like a person's energy. Everyone has a different signature. For example, yours is red like fire. Kazue's was similar, yours is more vibrant."

  "Hmm." Suzume sniffed. She still wasn't comfortable with being compared to Kazue.

  "What about Kaito?" Suzume nodded in the Dragon's direction.

  Akira's dark eyes flickered forward to Kaito. He had stopped at th
e edge of the steps of a walkway and glanced up and down the hallway. The priests were scarce and it made sense. In the wake of the attack, they must have all fled. Kaito remained half transformed and he lifted his muzzle-like head towards the sky, sniffing. He looks like a dog when he does that. The thought made her smile, but seeing the destruction Kaito could wreak in his true form was enough to wipe the smile right off her face, even if it wasn't Kaito who had done most of it.

  "Kaito is more blue-green, like the ocean," Akira whispered in Suzume's ear. Her breath hot against Suzume's skin.

  Suzume had never been to the ocean, but she had heard stories as a child. There was a nursemaid that used to tell her all kinds of fantastic tales. It wasn't until she was much older that she found out that half the stories she told her were made up. Not the ones about the Yokai, those were true. They're truer than I like to admit sometimes.

  "What about Rin?" Suzume asked. She had gotten an impression of her own spiritual energy and Kaito's before, but she had never really seen Rin's.

  Akira glanced over at Rin and regarded her for a moment before saying, "Orange, like the leaves when they turn in the fall."

  If Suzume wasn't inclined towards being prideful, she might have told Akira she was impressed. Instead Suzume hurried to keep up with Kaito, who seemed to have caught the scent of something or had found a trail. She still wasn't sure how he was tracking or if he was tracking. They could be following him in circles for all she knew.

  The group ran down a hallway. The pillars that held the ceiling of the covered walkway had been broken and splintered. There were puddles of water everywhere. Someone had walked through and tracked the water leading into the main temple where Suzume had seen the priests praying earlier in the day. Was that really this morning? I feel like it was ages ago.

  Kaito stood at the doorway, his clawed hands curled into fists. His hair was blue and spiny again, his skin scaled and shiny. He slammed a fist against the wood outside the door.

  "What are you doing? Go in," Suzume said.

  He snarled and turned a dragon-like face attached to a human body to look at her. "I can't, there's a barrier."


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