The Dragon Saga Box Set

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The Dragon Saga Box Set Page 59

by Nicolette Andrews

  Tsuki took a visible step away from her, as did Makato. Silence followed her shout and all she could hear was the hammering of her own heart like the beating of a drum. The fire grew in strength with her temper. It was never far away lately. She had even less control over her emotions than ever before. Noaki's warning that Kazue would consume her rang through her head.

  "Suzume." Makato started to say something but she held up her hand to silence him.

  "Now that I am in charge, we need to get a few things straight. No more teasing." She looked at Kaito darkly. "And do not question my decisions. If any of you don't like it then you can leave."

  There was no reply, everyone was staring at her. Kaito scowled. The drumming in her head was getting louder and louder. It was so loud she thought her head was going to explode out of her.

  "What none of you have anything to say now?" She asked, throwing out her arms. The flames rose even higher, brushing against the nearby foliage and sparks rained down upon her.

  "Something is coming," Noaki said, his voice low but it sent a ripple through the group.

  The drumming she thought was inside her head was actually coming from the forest around her, and the ground beneath her feet vibrated with the sound of it. The group closed into a circle, weapons drawn. Suzume held her staff crossed in front of her but it was no use, the others had closed in around her forming a protective barrier, before she could even get a chance to join. Even Kaito, who was still recovering from his wounds, was on the outer circle.

  "I told you this was a bad idea," Kaito snapped at Suzume.

  "Then let me deal with it." She tried to push her way out of the circle they'd put around her but she was only shoved back.

  Before she could voice her frustration, the yokai spilled out from within the mist. Dozens of figures in red masks and grass capes. They stamped their feet in time as they closed into circle around them, easily outnumbering them five to one. They wielded knives as big as Suzume's forearm with gleaming sharp edges. They did not attack straight away, just filled in a circle around them as they stamped their feet.

  "What are they doing?" Suzume asked.

  "I'm not sure, I've never encountered yokai quite like this," Makato said.

  "Their strength is in numbers," Kaito said. "They move together as an unstoppable force. Stand back and let us take care of this."

  Suddenly the stomping stopped. One of the red masked yokai stepped away from the group and approached them.

  "You have trespassed upon on our land, if you wish to leave unharmed you must pay the price."

  "I am the great dragon, your master, there is nowhere I cannot tread," Kaito said in a thundering voice, reminiscent of the powerful yokai he had been. But it lacked the pressure of his spiritual power. And if she could sense that, surely these yokai could as well.

  "You are an impostor. The dragon was defeated centuries ago. We serve no master now."

  "I don't think they're going to listen," she said, unable to keep a bit of gloating out of her voice.

  Already she was forming a ball of fire in her hand, as soon as she got the chance she would unleash it upon these creatures. Kaito held up his hand to silence her and she scowled at the back of his head.

  "I have been returned. If you do not leave now I will unleash my wrath upon all of you."

  "All who cross our land must pay tribute. Give us the one who is kissed by fire, and you may leave unharmed." He pointed his enormous knife in Suzume's direction.

  "Why me?" Suzume squawked. Must she always be the target of every yokai she came across?

  "You cannot have her, this human belongs to me," Kaito said.

  The yokai shook his head. "Then you will pay with your blood."

  They swarmed forward, crashing against the outer ring of her protectors, while all she could do was stand ineffectively in the center. Fire burned in her hands, but she could not unleash it without risking burning her friends. Chaos surrounded her, and yet her gaze kept drifting to Kaito, who despite having his spiritual power sealed, fought gracefully, swinging his blade, pushing back his opponents with relative ease.

  Makato, to her left, was rapid firing arrows that were imbued with glowing green spiritual power at the approaching yokai. Fire leapt along Suzume's skin, itching to be released. Suzume clutched at her staff and scanned around her, waiting for her moment.

  The yokai were relentless in their approach, pressing closer and closer, leaving few openings for Suzume to use her fire. The others closed in around her, making the space in which she occupied claustrophobic. Tsuki was laughing as he swung his sword at the nearby yokai, and three of them came at him at once. He lunged forward, chasing after them and exposed a space for a few to come through.

  Giant hands reached for Suzume and she fumbled to fire a ball of fire. It skimmed off them like water on a duck's back. Unprepared for their resistance to fire, Suzume froze. Everything Tsuki had taught her about fighting seemed to escape her mind entirely and on reflex she swung the staff around wildly. Suzume stumbled backward, knocking into Makato and throwing him off balance as well. One of the yokai would have impaled him on his blade if it hadn't been for Rin's quick pivot as she snatched Makato off the ground and picked him up by his collar and hoisted him out of the battle.

  But the ring of protection around Suzume had been shattered, the group was divided, and Suzume was left with only her staff and fire that could not burn her opponents. Why did I think going through the mountains was a good idea?

  Her gaze swiveled all around as she swung her staff in a circle around her. When the staff collided with solid flesh, it jarred her arms and caused them to lock up. Her fire leapt to her defense, racing down her arms to ignite the staff, and when she spun around a trail of fire followed. But the yokai were not deterred by her fire, rather they were encouraged by it. More of them stopped fighting, all of them gravitating towards her.

  Suzume looked around in desperation as the enemy closed in on her. She brought her staff into her chest, the flickering flames on her body and her staff no longer held comfort. As she looked around Kaito caught her eye across the battlefield. He'd turned away from his opponent and was headed in her direction. And in that moment he looked away, one of the yokai came up from behind and he was too slow to react as the blade sliced along his side. The gash was deep, and bright red blood welled up along his torso. She saw him stumble and fall before the crowd blocked him from view.

  Something inside her stirred, awoken by his plight, and it pulled energy from those yokai around her and from Makato, just a few feet from her. It even pulled from the sunshine falling on her skin. She felt it growing like inside her, building to a crescendo.

  Makato saw what she was attempting to do, or maybe a more accurate description would be felt. He shouted her name but it was lost in the drumming in her ears, the swirl of power that was overcoming her. She was losing herself in it. Her body moved without instruction, striking at her foes and knocking them down.

  But just as she felt it building inside her, the power burst apart, evaporating on her skin and fizzling out. But she had felt it, tasted the power, and she wanted more.

  "Don't try to use your fire. It's too dangerous." Makato was beside her panting, the specters of vines were wrapped all over his body.

  "Why did you stop me?" She shoved him hard, her flaming hands catching onto his haori and he had to pat the fire out before it spread further.

  "If you give into her, you may never escape her. Remember what happened last time. She took over your body."

  "Then what am I supposed to do then?" Suzume shouted, and all the frustration poured off of her in the form of fire. Apparently not all of the power had dissipated. The fire scorched the earth and forced Makato and anyone else within her proximity to move away, and quickly, unless they wanted to be burned.

  This feeling of terror that kept grabbing onto her, choking her, was a disease. This is why she didn't let people in. She couldn't trust anyone. Makato wanted her power for himse
lf. She could see it now.

  Pushing the idea that Kaito might be hurt and bleeding from her mind, she let the fire consume her. Her body was encased in flames. There was no need for paltry barriers when you were a living inferno. But the fire had only temporarily pushed back the yokai. Now they were closing in with no other obstacle in their way because all of her companions had fled from her, terrified of the power she could wield. It was better that they feared her. She didn't need them to protect her. Suzume spun in circles, waving her staff around, fire dancing in her eyes and through the air, creating waves of light.

  All around her was the crash of blades and the stamping of feet as the creatures worked in almost perfect harmony

  Her attention was scattered between the stamping feet, her desire to check on Kaito that she could not suppress, and the roar of Rin somewhere behind her. She couldn't concentrate, and could not manifest that same power she had moments ago, not without Makato's power. He had shielded her from it somehow. The fire was already dying down, leaving her in a faint red glow. Six of the yokai rushed toward her as one, swinging large knives.

  Makato called out her name, but it was lost in the stamping of feet, the clang of metal. All she knew was three of the creatures were standing in front of her and three behind. I'm not giving up yet. She held her staff in front of her, crossed in front of her body, poised for defense.

  The creatures stamped their feet, and the others around them joined in the rhythm. The fighting stopped as they shifted, circling around Suzume, cutting her off from the others. They did not try to attack her or grab her. They simply closed in around her, and she turned around and around until she made herself dizzy waiting for an attack that would not come. Makato rapid fire shot arrows at their backs. A secondary circle formed around the outer circle that fought off Makato and the others, blocking each blow with their large knives.

  Rin loomed above their heads, trying to claw and bite her way through to no avail. Somewhere on the perimeter she knew Makato, Tsuki and Noaki would be doing the same, though she could not see them over the creatures. And where is Kaito? Better not to think about it. She should be worried about herself right now.

  "Offering, offering, offering," they chanted. Their voices melded together into one long song, rising up as one voice.

  "I'm not going to be your offering!" she shouted and as she did the flames leapt up along her hands, racing up and down the staff

  Then one of the creatures broke away from the rest, approaching her.

  She held her staff in front of her as if the piece of wood could stop him. It grabbed a hold of the staff and yanked it from her hand. Her holy fire did not touch its flesh. The fire only rolled off it as if it was nothing.

  "You, who have been kissed by fire, have been chosen to serve the Lady of the Flame," it said in a deep rumbling voice that seemed to echo across the forest.

  "You've got the wrong girl. I don't serve anyone. You should be serving me."

  The creature gestured behind him and two more figures broke free of the group and stepped forward to grab a hold of her. They each grabbed her hands, and paid no mind to the flames dancing across her body. Suzume kicked and thrashed against them, but it was no use. Even as her fire burned their grass capes, they persisted by pinning her arms to her side so she could not strike at them.

  "Let me go!" Suzume shouted, her voice her final defense.

  To the left, a space was opened between the rows of creatures, and one holding her flanked by two others, ran at surprising speed through it. Over its shoulder, she saw Noaki break free of a ring of the creatures, giving pursuit but as soon as he broke free, a dozen more surrounded him, preventing any rescue.


  They traveled through forest at lightning speed, past countless trees, until the terrain started to change. The trees eventually thinned and she could see the ground was covered in boulders. After a while, they reached what appeared to be a village. It was a collection of huts made up of circles within circles. In the center was a space covered in flattened earth and in the middle of that was a pile of wood and kindling, which she assumed was meant to be a bonfire. It's the wrong time of year for a bonfire festival though...

  She was brought to a hut in the outermost circle. It was larger than the others. One of her three captors opened the door and the one carrying her dropped her inside. The space was sparse: nothing inside but a fire pit at one end filled with yesterday's ashes. She ran over to the door, hammering upon it.

  "I demand you let me go," she shouted.

  Two Namahage outside her door ignored her demands and spoke together in low rumbling tones. She persisted in hammering on the door for much longer but found the only result was bruised hands.

  After several fruitless minutes, Suzume slumped against the door, her head against her knees. Why do these sorts of things keep on happening to me? All she had wanted was to prove that she could be a good leader. This is your fault, Kazue. If your power didn't draw in every yokai within a five mile radius. Of course Kazue made no comment. Suzume wasn't even certain she could hear her. But she had felt that feeling again, the one where she had briefly blacked out and Kazue had taken a hold of her body. If only there was a way to harness that power without giving into it entirely. Maybe then she could escape this predicament.

  Suzume glanced around the room in which she had been left. She had to get out before she was rescued or else she would really lose all credibility as a leader. For a moment she considered burning her way out but that was just as likely result in her being trapped inside a burning building without an escape. Her fire didn't work against her captors so she just had to come up with a different plan.

  Hours passed and Suzume was coming up empty for a brilliant escape plan. She must have dozed off waiting for inspiration to strike, because the next thing she knew the door to her prison opened and Suzume was knocked to the ground. She leapt up and raised her hands, prepared to fight. But the person that entered was a young woman, her eyes downcast, carrying a bucket and a bundle of fabric.

  Suzume ignored her and rushed the door, but the guards were faster than her and slammed it in her face before she could even attempt an escape. Her escape foiled, Suzume rounded on the girl.

  "Who are you?" Suzume asked the girl.

  The girl did not respond as she crossed the room and set her bucket down near the empty fire pit.

  "What is going on here? Are you mute, do you speak a foreign language?"

  "You, who are marked by fire, have been chosen to serve the Namahage," she said in an empty and detached voice without looking up. She grabbed a pitcher hanging on the wall and filled it from the bucket.

  Suzume laughed. "Is this a joke? I don't serve." She enunciated each word as if she was speaking to an imbecile.

  "You must be cleansed before the feast. Please take off your clothes," the girl said quietly, apparently unperturbed by Suzume's rudeness.

  "What feast? What is going on here?" Suzume demanded, arms crossed over her chest.

  "You who are marked by fire must serve the Namahage," she repeated.

  Suzume snorted. What was it with yokai? Either they were trying to eat her or they were trying to kidnap her. She supposed she was lucky this wasn't the eating type of yokai.

  Suzume crossed her arms over her chest. "Like I said, I don't serve anyone."

  "Please don't make this difficult," the girl said as she grabbed a hold of Suzume's sleeve.

  "Let go of me!" Suzume shouted.

  They struggled for a moment and Suzume found the girl was deceptively strong, despite her meek voice and posture. Suzume's fire, already close to the surface after being manhandled, blazed as the girl grabbed a hold of her. When she knocked her aside, a few sparks blasted between them burning the hem of the girl's sleeve. The girl was knocked to the ground and cowered at Suzume's feet.

  "Please spare me. I did not mean to bring you displeasure." She pressed her hands against the ground, her head in the dirt.

  Suzume look
ed down at her hands which were sparking with flames. Why against a human? Normally it only manifested when she was in real danger, not in a petty argument with a poor excuse for a servant. Sure she was angry about her situation, but not that angry.

  The girl was still groveling and mumbled, "Please forgive me, I did not know."

  Suzume wasn't sure how to react. She was not adverse to being groveled to. In fact in her old life it had been a pretty common thing. But having someone fear her because of her power felt strange. Having this girl tremble before her didn't make her feel powerful, it made her feel like a monster.

  Suzume reached for the girl, unaccustomed to friendly gestures. The girl lifted her head and Suzume saw her face for the first time. Burn marks marred the right side of her face, leaving it pink and contorted. She swung back and away from Suzume, apparently seeing her friendly gesture as a threat. Suzume hands were still flickering with flame and the girl screeched and catapulted herself backwards, patting out a small fire that had been ignited on her clothing from Suzume's stray sparks.

  "Forgive me, forgive me! You are the first who has come here with such power. I thought... " the girl trailed off. The girls hands clasped together as if in prayer. As if Suzume was a god.

  The girls they brought here were probably all like this one, scarred by fire, but the difference was Suzume's skin breathed fire as if she was a living flame.

  "It was an accident, stop acting like I'm some sort of beast!" Suzume snapped. Though it must have been difficult to believe when she was acting like a living torch and her frustration at the situation was only making it worse. At this rate she was going to burn down this entire building.

  She took a step towards the girl in a failed attempt to calm her, but she only screamed louder. The door behind her opened and a Namahage filled it. He looked from the screaming girl to Suzume who was lit up like a brazier.

  He gestured for the girl to exit and she walked out, clamping her mouth shut as she scurried away. Suzume and the Namahage were now alone together and the creature stared, back lit by the dying light outside. The low light made the mask it wore much more terrifying, bright red and tipped with terrifying fangs and dark beady eyes.


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