The Dragon Saga Box Set

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The Dragon Saga Box Set Page 95

by Nicolette Andrews

  "I'll do it." Suzume stood up and both men stared up at her. Her grandfather had a small smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.

  "What?" Ryuu swiveled toward her. "Are you insane?"

  "You want to find my mother, don't you? Well, so do I. I have some questions for her."

  "Are you certain you are up to the task? Akio is nothing to be trifled with," her grandfather said, his hands were folded on the table in front of him, his dark eyes intent on her.

  "You don't know what I am capable of."

  Her grandfather inclined his head. "Then stop this yokai and I will tell you everything I know."

  Suzume bowed and walked out of the room. Ryuu came chasing after her. He grabbed her by the elbow before she could storm away. "You don't need to do this."

  "It may not matter to you, but I need to find out why I am this way."

  She yanked her arm free and was turning to walk away when Ryuu said to her retreating back, "Your mother asked me to watch out for you."

  Suzume turned to face him, eyes wide. "What?"

  "I sent you to that shrine for your own protection."

  Suzume felt as if the ground was swaying beneath her feet. "Who are you to her?"

  She could already see him shutting her out. He hadn't meant to say that much. But she'd had enough of the secrets. She grabbed him by the arm, forcing him to turn around and face her.

  "Why are you looking for my mother?" She demanded, meeting his gaze with a steely resolve.

  Ryuu sighed heavily. "I've known your mother her entire life. I met her when she was very young."


  He rubbed the back of his neck not meeting her gaze. "I didn't think you should know."

  "Know what?"

  He turned to face her at last. "We were lovers."

  The word sent a ripple through her. The rumors were true then, this was the man her mother had cheated on the emperor with.

  "So, it was you," Suzume said. It was difficult to look at him, staring into the face of the man who had ruined her life. "And when you were caught, you just decided to hide me away in a shrine? Why?"

  He reached for her, a tender gesture, but Suzume knocked his hand away before he could touch her. He recoiled, dropping his hand to his side.

  "The palace is a dangerous place; your grandfather is a dangerous man. If he found out what you are-"

  She shook her head, no one had ever consulted her, so it shouldn't have come as such a surprise.

  "I thought she was better than this. I thought..." I thought she cared more about her position as the emperor's wife than to just throw it all away. She threw me away when I was no use to her.

  She turned to walk away from Ryuu but he grabbed onto her shoulder.

  "I love your mother. I will always love her."

  Suzume shook him off. "The two of you ruined my life with your selfishness."

  "If you'd let me explain."

  "I don't want to hear it." She marched away from him.


  Rin crept down the hall, keeping to the shadows. She turned both ways, making sure she wasn't seen. When she knew the way was safe, she slid into the chamber. The old shrine had been painted in recent years and the ofuda plastered to the walls were new. As soon as she approached them they sparked with spiritual energy. This wouldn't be as easy as she had hoped.

  The three yokai captives were seated around the open courtyard. It would seem they could leave any time they wished. But a barrier sparked all around the space, and if any of them got too close it would burn them to a crisp. It would be the same for Rin if she got too close. Two of the space's occupants glanced up as she approached. The monkey yokai and the boar yokai watched her warily. The wolf yokai kept his back to her, but she saw how he straightened up as she approached. He had sensed her as she got closer.

  "What are you doing here?" the money yokai asked as he stood up, and Rin saw the hopeful expression.

  "I'm setting you free if you keep quiet." Incapacitating the guards had been easy. With her fox magic she could transform into anything and they hadn't even thought to question one of their own. She'd knocked them out before they knew what was coming. But they wouldn't sleep forever and there was always the risk of someone discovering their unconscious bodies.

  "I know you. You work with that exorcist." The boar yokai pointed his hoof at Rin.

  "Would you rather die in here?" Rin snapped at them.

  The wolf yokai had yet to look at her, but she knew he was listening to every word. The other two yokai watched her but kept their mouths blissfully shut. Rin paced the length of the barrier, searching for the seal which locked them in. Fortunately, it was not an overly complicated one. She could burn it with her fox-fire and destroy it but there was always the risk of starting a fire that would burn out of control. As she puzzled over what she was going to do, a figure approached from the shadows. Rin spun around to face them, her hands up in a defensive pose.

  "I should have known I'd find you here," Hikaru said as he stepped out of the shadows.

  Rin relaxed to see her husband. She hadn't told him where she was going because he was practical and would have stopped her. But she should have known he would have noticed her missing from their bed. "Do you mind?" She nodded toward the charms on the posts which were sealing the yokai in.

  "How are we going to explain when the prisoners are found missing?"

  She looked to the prisoners and Hikaru followed her gaze. The wolf had yet to lift his head, but Rin could see the collar around his neck gleaming in the moonlight. It had been hundreds of years since she had seen the face of her old friend. She hated to have their reunion be this way, but they didn't have much other choice. She didn't know much about this generation of Kaedemori, but from what she'd seen since she'd been here, there was no doubt they would kill these yokai. And she couldn't stand by and let that happen.

  Hikaru sighed. He knew the history that lay between Rin and the wolf better than anyone else. And because of that he would override his better judgment and help her. He walked up to the charms on the wall and pulled them off with ease. The barrier flickered and fell. The two yokai rushed toward the door and to freedom without a backward glance toward the okami, who remained seated on the ground with his head down.

  As far as she could tell, he wasn't injured.

  "The barrier is down." Rin took a step toward him but she couldn't bring herself to get any closer. It hurt to see him collared, knowing it was her fault.

  "Just go," the wolf said, his voice low but full of intent.

  "Enough of this, Shin," she burst out, no longer able to hold back or pretend they were strangers.

  He lifted his head, his golden eyes meeting hers for the first time in hundreds of years. The last time she had stood face to face with him, he had exchanged his life for hers, becoming the eternally bound servant of Akio.

  Tears pricked her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She took a step toward him and he growled like a feral dog. She held her ground, glaring at him.

  "Does your pride know no bounds?" she snapped.

  Hikaru came and put a hand on her shoulder. Shin's eyes flickered toward Hikaru, and she saw that same sadness cross over his gaze.

  "You found him again." He lowered his gaze back to the ground.

  "Do you think either of us like seeing you this way?" Hikaru asked. He was normally stoic, but there were frustration and anger reflected in his eyes. "I wouldn't have let this happen if I knew this is how you'd live your life."

  Shin's eyes snapped up to Hikaru. "I hoped neither of you would ever have to gaze upon on this pathetic form again. Do you think I'm happy being reduced to this?" He snatched at the collar as he stood and glared at the both of them.

  But the fire died out him and he sank to the ground again. "I'm tired of fighting. Leave me to the humans, at least then I'll be at peace."

  Rin marched up to him and slapped him hard across the face. Hard enough that he almost fell backward.

"I hate seeing you this way."

  "If it was my choice, you'd never see me again." He reached for the collar and then his hand dropped to his side.

  "It's not the collar," Rin sighed in exasperation. "All the light has died from your eyes. Now more than ever, I need you."

  She saw a glimmer of hope there in his expression. "What can I do bound to Akio?"

  "The dragon is regaining power and he needs you by his side."

  Shin balled his hand into a fist. "I can't do anything for him."

  "You were his eyes. You were his right hand once."

  For the first time she saw real hope shining through. "Akio will not let me go easily."

  Rin nodded. "I know, but if I cannot be with him, someone has to be there that he can trust."

  Shin did not question her or ask her why she had left the dragon behind. But as he had sent her to the dragon, so it was her to turn to send him to their former master.

  Shin stood up, and there was a ghost of the old him in his expression. But it was quickly wiped away and replaced by a snarl. Rin felt the energy and she turned slowly.

  Ryuu stood in the doorway. His presence seemed to fill the space.

  "I found the guards in the hall." He said it calmly. There was no accusation in his tone.

  "You," Shin growled, and stepped in front of Rin and Hikaru.

  Ryuu held up his hand. "I have no intention of raising the alarm."

  Rin reached for Shin, trying to hold him back. "Don't." She shook her head.

  Shin looked at her as if she'd lost your mind. "You know who he is, don't you?"

  Hikaru stared at Ryuu. "We know exactly who he is."

  "Then let's end this here." Shin growled again.

  "I'd rather not fight you," Ryuu said blandly and rested his hand on the pommel of his blade. Shin's gaze flickered toward it.

  They could all feel the weight of the blade. It was not human forged, but a great yokai blade. Blades like that could only be wielded by the strongest yokai, and by all rights he never should have been able to lift it, let alone wear it with ease. But there were many things about him that made no sense at all.

  Ryuu said to them, "I wanted to speak with you, but the timing wasn't right."

  Rin wanted to burst out laughing but this wasn't funny. Not even a little bit. "Did you really think we wouldn't recognize you?"

  Ryuu lowered his head as if chastised. "I suppose not. Thank you for keeping my secret."

  "It wasn't for your benefit," Rin snapped.

  Hikaru grabbed onto her. She could feel herself losing control. Now was not the time or place and even if she wanted to tear him apart, piece by piece, it wouldn't change anything.

  "If you let me explain."

  "There's nothing you need to explain," Hikaru said calmly. He stood between Rin and Ryuu now.

  "Only one thing matters now. Will you let us go?"

  Ryuu stepped aside. "I was never going to stop you. But if you would do me a favor, don't tell Suzume about this."

  "Why should I keep it from her?" Rin challenged him.

  "Because I want to explain everything to her. It's the least I can do."

  There were so many things she wanted to say. So many questions, but now was not the time or the place. And that was why Ryuu had chosen now, when she was trying to free Shin. This was the price for her secrecy. And she would have to pay it.

  "Tell her soon, before I do," Rin said.

  He nodded his head. "I promise."

  He bowed to them and then walked away. Shin watched him go, mouth half open. "Are you going to let him go?"

  Hikaru and Rin shared a look, their thoughts were the same on the matter. "Even if we tried to stop him, he could defeat all three of us with ease. We're no match for him." But that was only half the truth. She could tell Shin, who at one time had been her closest friend. It was her fault Ryuu was this way and now he was too strong for her to stop him.



  Early the next morning they headed into the forest. Suzume's eyes were heavy from lack of sleep and she'd woken to even more bad news. The yokai they'd captured the night before had escaped. Everyone was on edge as they traveled. Fortunately, Rin and Hikaru knew this area well. As it turned out, they had lived and tended to a shrine in the foothills of the mountains into which they were journeying. But the pair of them had been hesitant to go into the forest. According to them, the guardian of the forest was a dangerous yokai one known for his mercurial temper. But after some serious wheedling on Suzume's behalf, she wore down Hikaru and he agreed to guide them.

  Finding her mother could put her one step closer to figuring out why she had a piece of Kazue's soul inside her. If Suzume had been born with it as the old man claimed, then her mother had to know something and she had a feeling this forest guardian knew how it had happened too.

  They made their way through the forest by foot. Sunlight could hardly permeate the thick canopy of foliage overhead and as a result, the forest was left in a dim twilight. Fog collected, making visibility limited. The entire forest prickled with spiritual energy, making the hairs on the back of her neck rise up on end. At the head of the group was Ryuu, followed by six of the warrior priests they'd brought. Suzume had been avoiding him since the night before. There was no excuse he could make that would let her forgive him. Between her mother and him, they'd ruined her life. If he'd never suggested she go to the shrine, Suzume would have continued living in the palace with her father. The emperor had already proved his willingness to protect her. He was the only one who really cared for her.

  Something screeched in the mist and Suzume was yanked from her thoughts. The flames leaped to her skin in her defense and she reached for her staff as she scanned her surroundings. She expected some monster to leap out of the forest at any moment. But a lone bird flew past their heads. Suzume relaxed, as did all of the warriors around her.

  Noaki, who stood to her left, was the only one who remained alert, scanning the forest.

  "Do you sense something?" Suzume asked him.

  Noaki didn't take his eyes off the impenetrable fog, as if he was seeing beyond what everyone else could see.

  "We're being watched," he said.

  Suzume swung her head around, as if eyes would materialize out of the mist, but she couldn't see anything.

  At the head of the group Ryuu shouted, "Everyone keep close, we don't want to get separated."

  "He'll already know we're here," Rin said. She'd taken her true kitsune form, and her flickering tails gave them dim light in the fog and darkness of the forest.

  Hikaru was gripping his bow and arrow tightly and his eyes were illuminated green in the dim light.

  Suzume drew her staff and crept along after the others. She jumped at the slightest sound. Tsuki stepped on a twig and she leaped into the air, swinging her staff, and would have knocked Noaki upside the head if he didn't have quick reflexes. He caught the staff before it could strike him, and gave Suzume a look that said, ‘calm down.’

  She tried deep breathing to calm her nerves, but this place was like a twisted maze of trees and fog. A white blur zoomed past, and Suzume saw only a flash of it from the corner of her eye. On closer inspection there was nothing but a fallen tree, thick with moss. I'm starting to see things.

  As they went deeper, all light ceased to break through the trees and though it should have been early morning, the forest was dark as night. There was a definite chill in the air. That's when she heard a howl in the distance. Everyone drew their weapons and they moved into a circle, waiting for an attack.

  "Hold," Ryuu said, putting up his hands. He scanned the forest.

  There was no sound, just wind blowing through the trees and the faint echo of their breathing. Then very faintly at first, Suzume felt it, a rumbling just beneath her feet. She looked around to see if anyone else had felt it and that's when the massive beast burst from the nearby forest. It was twice the height of Rin in her true form. Suzume stared at the boar that was both
animal and something made of foliage. Its thick hide was covered in moss, and its eyes were hollow like a skeleton's. Its tusks were the entire length of Suzume's body and were hung with vines.

  "Run!" Ryuu shouted.

  Everyone scattered. Suzume did not even bother to try and stand up to such a horrifying monster. She ran heedlessly through the forest. As she ran branches reached out, grabbing a hold of her clothes, tearing into her. Suzume felt the flames rising up in response to her fear, illuminating her and making her the perfect target for the beast. It turned and its thundering footsteps followed after her.

  A root jumped up out of nowhere and caught her foot. She tripped and collided with the ground, landing hard on her right arm. She rolled a few feet before coming to a stop. When she did, she grasped her arm. Pain bloomed from her shoulder, shooting down to her elbow. It might be broken. There wasn't much time to assess the damage because the creature was closing in now, but her staff had been knocked out of her hand. She struggled to get to her feet, unable to put weight on her arm. She fell back onto her back.

  The tusks were inches away from impaling her when she held up her hand and shot a fiery blast toward the creature. The flames caught on the moss, which covered its entire hide, and began spreading fast. The creature had reacted just a moment too late and began thrashing around in the forest—bucking and smashing into trees, trying to put out the flames.

  Suzume rolled out of the way of its crashing feet, found her staff, and kept on running in the opposite direction away from the monster. Her injured arm dangled at her side. She kept on running until she was certain she'd gotten far enough away—where it could not find her again. Only then did she stop to catch her breath, by leaning against a tree. Her shoulder was throbbing painfully and she could not quite raise it up. I definitely broke it.

  Behind her a branch snapped. Suzume turned to see where the sound was coming from. She thought she saw that white shadow again. Unthinking, she reached for her weapon but pain shot up her arm as she tried to raise it. After a few tense moments, nothing came out of the mist to kill her, but that didn't change the fact that she was in the middle of the spooky forest, surrounded by trees, with no way of knowing from which way she had come. Just great. She chose a direction at random and started walking. She figured eventually she'd stumble into someone or figure out where she was going.


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