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The Dragon Saga Box Set

Page 107

by Nicolette Andrews

  Ryuu stalked over to him and pointed the blade at the oni's throat. "Your father was a worthy opponent. Had I been given the choice I would have spared him."

  The oni shouted, "I will have my revenge!"

  "I shall wait for that day to come, but you will not defeat me with your current strength."

  He stepped back and turned to walk away but as he did the oni leaped up to make a surprise attack. Before he could land the blow, Kaito intercepted him, grabbing onto his meaty wrist.

  "What are you doing?" the oni said to Kaito.

  "Your father would never have attacked an opponent when his back was turned. Perhaps this is why Tetsuyama abandoned you."

  Kaito dropped the oni's hand and the large creature dropped his head in shame. Kaito turned back to Ryuu. "That explains that. But what about the others?"

  "Why are you doing this?" Suzume asked Kaito. He glanced at her, and there was a softness in his expression she'd never seen before. Unwillingly their kiss came to mind and she felt a blush burn on her cheeks. Was he playing with her emotions already? They'd only just been reunited.

  "He has done wrong against yokai and I would have him answer for his crimes."

  "What does it matter? It's in the past," Suzume argued.

  Ryuu placed his hand on her shoulder. "I don't mind." The Dragon pulled Suzume away from Ryuu. Even being that close to Kaito felt uncomfortable and she carefully extracted herself from his grip, an action Kaito noticed but said nothing.

  "It wasn't my intention to destroy yokai. They found me." Rin and Hikaru held each other's hands, watching Ryuu with a mixture of affection and desperation.

  "As you know, my mother left shortly after giving birth to me. She left me with a priest and his wife, Hikaru and Rin." He nodded toward them. "They raised me as their own. Because Hikaru was like me, a half-yokai, I believe she thought he would know how to best prepare me for a world which would always despise me." He paused, not meeting anyone’s gaze. "I learned all about my spiritual powers from Hikaru and how to fight from Rin. But even from a young age, it was clear I was stronger than most and it caused...problems."

  Ryuu cleared his throat and then continued. "To save my family from danger, I left them behind. It wasn't until I was on my own that I learned what my mother had done. I never wanted this cursed existence and I thought perhaps if I could find the pieces of her soul, I could-" He shook his head and sighed, "Bring her back." There was a pained expression on his face. “I did not know it until recently, but my attempts were unsuccessful because I did not have her heart. During my travels, I encountered many yokai, drawn to me by my spiritual power and looking to make themselves stronger by devouring me. I defeated many, befriended others. But my reputation grew out of control. And it suited me, I became something of a legend. I discarded my old name and assumed another—one as a man. And as fate would have it, I became the first emperor. As Hisato said."

  "And that makes you Suzume’s many times removed grandfather or father?" Kaito asked.

  Suzume’s head swiveled toward him. He had kissed her thinking that they were related. Then there was no denying it, it had been purely a means to give her power. Kaito didn’t have feelings for her.

  Ryuu laughed. "No, hanyou cannot have children. When my rule came to an end, I passed it on to my friend's child and it is his line who has ruled over Akatsuki and from whom you are descended."

  "But how did Hikaru end up this way?" Suzume gestured toward him.

  “The centuries passed, and I began to long for home and took a position in the household of Lord Kaedemori. Many times I almost went back home to Hikaru and Rin, but I did not want to put them in danger."

  "You weren't putting us at risk," Rin interrupted.

  "I can see that now. Had I not been a coward, perhaps things would have happened differently." He took a deep breath. "One night, I became very drunk and told Lord Kaedemori about the stones and their power. He stole them from me, and eager to test out what could be done, he kidnapped Hikaru and fused his soul with Kazue's, hoping to make more powerful soldiers.

  "After what happened to Souta, I knew he would never be the same. So I made Hikaru forget, and brought him to the temple shrine. I told myself it was to protect Rin from watching her husband become a stranger. But in truth, I was ashamed for putting them at risk again."

  Rin took a step toward Ryuu and grabbed his cheeks. "It wasn't your fault."

  He gave Rin a tender smile, like a child to his mother. Then he continued to say, "After that, I served for many years in the temple shrine."

  "And it was there you met my mother again," Suzume said as all the puzzle pieces fell into place.

  Ryuu nodded slowly. "I thought she loved me, and despite my better judgment, we began an affair. She had learned about the stones from her father, and more than anything she wanted power."

  "And she tricked you into giving it to her."

  "She took poison, forcing me to choose to either lose her to death, or save her and give her an immortal life—one where she would never be as she was before."

  In the end he chose her. It hurt to know her mother had manipulated Ryuu in that way.

  "That's one missing," Suzume said. "Where's the last stone?"

  "The final stone is missing. I have discovered there is another like you, Suzume, born with the power. But Izume has hidden her from me, and that's why I needed to find your mother. To find the missing piece so I could seal Kazue's soul once more."

  "So we can defeat Hisato."

  "Exactly. Izume will continue to fight to get the throne. More than that, she wants to become immortal as Kazue was. To make herself the immortal ruler."

  "And Hisato will give her that." How had she fallen for her mother's lies? And her father and brother were trapped by her plots as well, all because she'd believed her mother's sad love story. She had to save them. It only proved what she already knew. Love was a dangerous game. It could cloud your judgment. How many times did she have to see that to know it was the truth?

  "That's why I have to leave and find the last piece of Kazue's soul," Ryuu said finally.

  Suzume's head shot up. "I'm coming with you."

  Ryuu started to shake his head. "I can't put you in danger."

  Kaito cut him off. "You must not know her very well. Suzume is more than capable of taking care of herself."

  Their eyes met for a moment before she looked away. It was dangerous to even entertain the thought. There was no time for love, or romance, not when the fate of her family and the world was on the line. Besides, it wasn't like that kiss actually meant anything. It had been a good way to stop her song, and share his spiritual energy with her.

  "He's right," Rin said. "We've all got a stake in this now."

  "I'm the one who started it. Who taught her-"

  Kaito held up his hand. "I'm the one who taught Kazue about this world. You've only echoed your father's mistakes. But you don't need to make all of my mistakes. Don't be a proud ass who can't see there are people here who care about you and want to help you."

  Suzume stared at Kaito, mouth slack. Had he really just acknowledged Ryuu as his son?

  "Including you?" he asked.

  Kaito laughed. "Of course not."

  Ryuu laughed as well and all the tension drained from the air. It was a start at least.


  Kaito returned to the palace with Suzume and the others. The courtyard was swarming with yokai. Not all of them had joined him to save Suzume, and there would be questions that needed answering. He hadn't been able to answer Hana and Arata when they asked where Jirou was. His death would remain etched onto his heart for a very long time. He didn't delight in killing him, and if he hadn't turned on Suzume, perhaps they could have found a way to understand each other. But there were no more chances now. He was dead and Kaito had to face his people.

  As Kaito led the way through the courtyard, humans in tow, the yokai stepped aside to let them through. Perhaps they sensed the strength of the pr
iest and priestess who flanked him. Or maybe it was the fierce look in his eyes. Whatever it was, he wasn't taking any chances and made sure to keep Suzume close by. Both to keep her safe and because it comforted him to be close to her. If it was up to him, he'd never let her out of his sight again. But it wasn't entirely up to him anymore. As much as it pained him to admit it, she had come back to him, but it didn't mean she was his, not yet.

  The watching yokai whispered to one another. The old rumors about his love of humans were racing from ear to ear. Yokai were dashing off to inform their friends who hadn't witnessed his arrival. It would not take long before every yokai in the palace knew. It was just as well, he only wanted to say this once. Servants threw open the double doors which led into the audience hall.

  Many yokai, anticipating his moves, were already gathered there. Unfortunately, seated on his throne was Ai, her head held high as if she were the ruler of Akatsuki. As they approached he saw Ai's gaze darken, turning entirely black, and her hair rose up behind her, twitching impatiently.

  "What is the meaning of this?" Kaito roared.

  "Ai has heard rumors of a human woman who you took as your lover, is this her?" Her words were meant to be indifferent, but her eyes narrowed as she spied Suzume behind him. She wanted to continue playing this game where she had control of him. And for a while, he'd let her. But he wasn't her plaything.

  Kaito grabbed Suzume's hand and yanked her forward. "She is."

  "I'm what?" Suzume started to bluster, as he knew she would.

  Suzume's fervent denials were drowned out by the roar of the yokai around the room. Hundreds of them had followed them into the audience chamber, filling up the space, and those closest pressed in closer, snarling and grasping for Suzume. Those yokai who were loyal to him and had seen the hybrid monstrosities on the battlefield held them back. A secondary circle of their friends protected her from within.

  "Are you trying to get me killed?" Suzume said to Kaito.

  Kaito only grinned down at her. "Just play along."

  It had been a while since he'd really embarrassed her. And this might not be the right time, but he couldn't resist the urge to do so. He pulled Suzume onto the dais with him, holding onto her hand. She gazed across the crowd of angry yokai and her face paled.

  Kaito held up his free hand and a hush fell over the assembled crowd. All eyes were trained on him.

  "I summoned you all here for a reason," Kaito said.

  "To kill humans!" Someone shouted from the crowd.

  Many took up the call with grunts and howls of agreement.

  "Silence," Kaito roared.

  Hungry gazes stared up at him. They had wanted a leader, they were desperate for a leader. Since he had gone, they'd all fallen into chaos, tearing out one another's throats. Feuds had toppled the greatest of the leaders, and greed the rest. It wasn't humans who had caused the fall of his kind, but a lack of leadership—not only his, but the guidance of the eight. That was why the eight had chosen him to lead in the first place, because left to their own devices, the yokai would tear one another apart.

  "This is my woman, and she is a human."

  There was a rumble of disagreement from the crowd. He kept speaking, shouting over their anger.

  "The humans are not our enemies. I saw the face of the true enemy today on the battlefield—a monster who would use a war with the humans to wipe us all from existence. To use our own petty differences against us. Together we are strong, divided we are weak. If you walk away now, I can guarantee he will find you and he will destroy you. I will not force you to join me and I will not keep you here against your will. But if you dream of the Akatsuki of old, and wish to reunite the kingdom, then stay and help us rebuild. If not, there is the door."

  There was a general grumbling and lack of movement from those assembled. And for a moment, he thought he had won them all over. Until Ai stepped in front of him.

  Though small in stature, she had a commanding presence. "Your heart is being swayed by humans. It was them who started this war, they attacked us first. And now you would have us believe they are not the enemy? Are you suggesting they are our allies?"

  "I am," Kaito said, his voice rumbling across the assembled masses, echoing off the ceiling.

  "Your judgment is clouded. Let us hear from your brother, Jirou." Ai swept her arms out to welcome him on the stage.

  Everyone whispered as they searched for a man who was not coming.

  Arata turned to Kaito with accusation in his gaze. He would not make excuses for what he did.

  "I killed him to protect the one I care about."

  "He chose a human over a yokai?" Ai said, her voice rising with incredulity.

  The yokai were feeding off her protests, and more voices shouted. She would turn the entire crowd against him if he wasn't careful.

  "You cannot rule over the yokai while you have a human in your heart," Ai announced. "You've promised yourself to me, now you must choose. Her or me?"

  And there was the true heart of it. Ai did not really despise humans. All she cared about was having him to herself. But he was done playing her game. He didn't need her anymore or those who followed her.

  Kaito was prepared to declare his choice to the world. "I-"

  "Don't!" Suzume shouted.

  The crowd glared at Suzume, murmuring and perhaps wondering why a mere human would dare interrupt their lord and master.

  She stepped forward, hands clenched into fists at her side. "I freed the dragon from the seal, and I want no harm to come to him."

  The yokai's voices hummed. Some called out challenges, but many more seemed to believe her. She continued. "From the moment he was freed, he has thought of nothing but protecting his people, and returning Akatsuki to its former glory. I swear before all of you, I will not stand in the way of him ruling as he should."

  Ai frowned as Suzume stepped back and the crowd murmured amongst themselves. It seemed Suzume had given his answer for him, though he did not like it one bit. Ai, meanwhile, was glaring daggers at the back of Suzume's head.

  She was willing to push him away if it meant protecting them both. He couldn't throw away his kingdom for her. If his army hadn't come and helped them fight Hisato she might not have been here. Besides, she knew that kiss and him claiming she was his woman didn't really mean anything. The crowd of yokai started to drift away, satisfied for now knowing that Kaito had chosen them over a human.

  Kaito led the way out of the audience room and they had to push their way through the dispersing crowd as yokai vied for his attention. It seemed not everyone was appeased by her explanation, and a nearby neko swiped at Suzume's face as she passed. Noaki, Ryuu, and Tsuki surrounded her. The neko stared at the three warriors with wide eyes before bowing in apology and shrinking backward away from them. No one else tried to attack Suzume after that, but the group kept her and the other humans toward the center just in case. She couldn't stay here long in the palace, not if she wanted to stay alive. The idea of leaving Kaito was an unpleasant feeling and one she stuffed down for further analysis when she was alone.

  Once they were in the corridor outside of the audience hall, the lack of voices and bodies was a welcome relief. She felt Kaito's stare on the back of her head. She'd probably wounded his pride by speaking out on his behalf. But she wasn't going to explain herself here, not in front of everyone. They were led down the hall by a very smug Ai, who clearly knew her way around.

  Suzume supposed she should feel jealous. She had just forced Kaito into marrying her. But it was hard to feel that way when Ai was so childlike. It felt wrong to even think of them together. Any marriage Kaito had with her would be in name only, Suzume was certain of that.

  They all entered a small private room, and once the door was closed and everyone was crammed inside.

  "Our engagement is off," Kaito said to Ai.

  Her iris disappeared and her hair rose up, undulating behind her.

  "Are you trying to make a fool of me?" she asked.

  "You may have brought me an army, but what good is an army I cannot control?"

  Ai stamped her foot. "Don't be a fool, Kai. Don't you see? This is your chance to rise up, if you waste it now on her-" She pointed an accusatory finger in Suzume's direction. "Everything you wanted, everything you fought for will be lost."

  "It has nothing to do with her."

  "They've all heard the rumors," Ai pressed. "If they see another human at your side, they will continue to doubt no matter how many pretty speeches you make."

  "Enough," Kaito roared. His voice shook like thunder. Everyone shared a look, not sure what to do. "I gave you your chance to leave with dignity. Now go!"

  Ai wouldn’t budge "Leave! All of you," he shouted as he pointed toward the door.

  Everyone started to file out, including Suzume. But Kaito's sharp command stopped her in her tracks. "Not you."

  Suzume turned around to face him. Now only the three of them remained.

  "I said go," he snapped at Ai.

  "You're making a mistake. When I leave, all my aid goes with it." Ai's shadow grew as her temper rose.

  "I said, go."

  She glared at both of them before turning and storming out of the room. As she left the room, the air seemed to be sucked out of it. Suzume and Kaito were left alone, with the memory of their kiss hanging between them like a weight. She had to clear up any misconceptions. She didn't want him to think she was an obstacle. His stare didn't make it easy to explain herself.

  Kaito paced away from her while Suzume wrung her hands, trying to figure out what to say to break the silence.

  When she couldn't take it anymore she said, "I know you're mad at me."

  He stopped, turned, and stared at her.

  "Mad at you?"

  "I pushed you away, and then I tried to kill you... twice." She looked at the ground. "So, I'm sorry." The words fell from her lips and flopped on the floor like a dying fish.


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