Love With a Scandalous Lord

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Love With a Scandalous Lord Page 4

by Lorraine Heath

  “Test? Are we going to go to school while were here? Sabrina asked, completely misunderstanding where Lydia was headed with her explanation.

  “No, silly. She pointed toward the paper. Time was quickly running out, and she still had a number of things she wanted to go over before dinner. Not only for herself, but for her stepfather. Had they received a warmer welcome, she wouldnt be as determined to prove her worth. She didnt want to embarrass him. “Finish your drawing.

  Sabrina turned her attention back to her sketching, and Lydia returned her efforts to her studies. As soon as her trunk had been delivered to the room, shed scrounged through it until shed located the books shed packed at the bottom. Hints on Etiquette and Their Importance to Society , The Laws of Etiquette , and The Young Ladies Friend. Shed brought numerous issues of Lady Godeys and Harpers Bazar . Whatever information they could not provide, she was certain she would find in Miss Westlands Blunders in Behavior Corrected .

  The last book was not a published work, but to Lydias way of thinking it was more valuable than all the others combined. It was a collection of the rules Lydias cousin had shared in her letters over the years. Lydia had decided on the title herself. Lauren had made so many blunders after shed first arrived in England. Lydia had no desire to travel her cousins path.

  Lauren had been incredibly forthright and honest in sharing her experiences. Some of her letters were marred with withered spots that Lydia was certain had been caused by the dampness of her cousins tears. Lydia had painstakingly compiled all the important facets of each letter, learning from Laurens mistakes, creating her own book on etiquette that she hoped to share with Lauren when she saw her again.

  And she was certain she would see her again. Surely her mother would not leave England without traveling to London to visit with her sister at least once. Lydia intended to be completely ready to take full advantage of the time she was there, and her readiness depended on practicing at Harrington.

  Shed never had a gentleman sit in her front parlor, join her for tea, or take a stroll with her. Oh, shed walked with a fella or two, but “Hey, Lydia, you wanna go on a walk? simply didnt have the same romantic ring to it as “Miss Westland, would you do me the honor of taking a turn about the garden with me?

  She couldnt believe the Marquess of Blackhurst had called her Miss Westland. The formality of the introduction had set her heart to fluttering. This evening the formality would continue. She could hardly wait.

  “How come Papa didnt know his brothers name? Sabrina asked.

  Lydia glanced over at her sister. She had such an earnest face. “He did know his name. Its just that in the past few months, Papas brother has become the Marquess of Blackhurst. A title is much more important than a name. So people are supposed to call him Blackhurst.

  “Uncle Blackhurst? I dont like that.

  Lydia sighed. “Not uncle. Just Blackhurst.

  “But we call Mamas brother Uncle James.

  “Yes, I know, but things are a little different here.

  “Whats a bastard?

  Lydia slammed her eyes closed and rubbed her temples. Shed wondered how long it would take Sabrina to ask that question. Opening her eyes, she shoved the books and papers toward the foot of the bed. She patted a spot beside her. “Come here.

  Sabrina clambered onto the bed and curled against Lydias side. Lydia circled her arms around her and held her close.

  “Many years ago, she began quietly, “the Duke fell in love with an actress. But his family wanted him to marry someone else, and he did. Still, the actress gave him a son. Our father. But some people frown on women having children when they arent married. Actually everyone she knew frowned on it.

  In her youth, Lydia had witnessed the heartache caused by improper behavior. Perhaps that was the reason that behaving properly mattered so much to her. She never wanted to experience the embarrassment of scandal.

  “That woman in the hall made it sound like a bastard was a terrible thing, Sabrina said.

  Shaking her head, Lydia smiled softly. “ Bastard is not a nice word, but Papa is a very good man. It wasnt his fault that his parents didnt get married. The Duchess isnt Papas mother, so I suspect shes simply jealous.

  “Is Blackhurst her son?


  “I thought she was mean to him, too.

  “Yes, she was.

  “I felt sorry for him.

  “Hes a marquess. Hes very powerful and influential.

  “But who loves him, Lyd?

  Who indeed? Lydia placed her hand over Sabrinas chest where her heart rested. “Im sure his mother does, deep down in here.

  The knock on the door made them both jump.

  “What if its the witch? Sabrina asked.

  Lydia laughed lightly. “I dont think shed knock. Shed simply huff and puff and break the door down. Tickling Sabrina until she was laughing, Lydia called out, “Come in.

  Marythe young servant whod been sent to fetch the Marquess earlierentered. She held a light blue gown. Lydia had ordered the gown for the special celebration her parents had hosted in honor of her eighteenth birthday.

  It was no longer completely stylish, but the rush with which theyd prepared for this journey hadnt given her time to have new gowns made. Shed barely had time to have a new everyday dress sewn. Fortune was so lacking in sophistication, Lydia seldom had an opportunity to don a proper evening gown.

  Lydia squeezed Sabrina. “Finish your drawing now.

  Sabrina scrambled down to the floor and stretched out on her stomach. Lydia turned her attention to the maid.

  Mary had helped her unpack their trunks earlier and get settled in. Before shed left home, Lydia had packed her trunk herself. Shed felt a little silly standing in the room and watching while Mary had removed the items, but when shed tried to help, Mary had insisted she be allowed to see to things. Lydia didnt want the young woman to think she considered her incapable of unpacking a trunk, so shed finally let the maid take care of everything.

  Lydia felt as though she were trapped between two worlds. The world she understood and inhabited and the world she dreamed of becoming a part of.

  “Ive pressed your gown, miss, Mary said as she carried it to the armoire. “Will you be wanting a bath before dinner?

  “Yes, please, Lydia said.

  She absolutely couldnt believe she was dressing up for dinner. Back home, she merely washed her hands after a long day of helping with the chores. She didnt exactly resent that her parents had never bothered with servants, but she knew they could well afford them. Having spent the afternoon with Mary scurrying around her, attending to her needs, Lydia knew she could quickly grow accustomed to being pampered.

  “And will you be wanting me to help with your hair, miss? Mary asked.

  “Yes, please.

  “Lyd, you know how to fix your hair! Sabrina cried.

  Lydia moaned, fighting to keep the exasperation out of her voice. Her sister was simply too young to fully appreciate the subtleties of this new life. After dismissing Mary, Lydia waited until the servant had closed the door behind her before turning her attention to her sister and her earlier comment. “Tonight is a special occasion, Sabrina.

  “Is fixing your hair part of the test? Sabrina asked.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact it is.

  “The teacher made Andy Warren stand in the corner of the classroom with a dunce cap perched on his head, because he cheated on his spelling test. Arent you cheating on the test if you have someone else do your hair for you? If you get caught, no telling what that old witch will do to you.

  Lydia would have laughed if Sabrina didnt look so serious. “This test is all about knowing ones position in society. Its impossible to cheat.

  “I dont want to take a test, Sabrina grumbled.

  “You wont have to, at least not for a while yet. But since she couldnt say the same for herself, she turned her attention back to her books.

  With her mother at her side, Lydia descended the stairs, the he
m of her gown whispering over the polished wood. Mary had done an exquisite job managing Lydias thick, often unruly, blond tresses.

  “I was always putting some ladyships hair back to rights after shed visited with His Lordshipbefore he was His Lordship, Mary had explained.

  Lydia wasnt quite certain what to make of that comment, although shed pondered its meaning while shed prepared for the evening. Obviously the Marquess had frequent female visitors, and their hair had often become mussed. Maybe when he took them riding in the park, or they sat in the garden sipping tea while the breeze was strong.

  She glanced over at her mother. She hadnt done anything special with her hair, no curls framing her face, no ringlets dangling enticingly along her neck. No bows, ribbons, or tiny silk flowers. She looked to be exactly what she was: a no-nonsense farm woman.

  “Are you sure you know where youre going? Lydia asked.

  “Certainly. Your father gave me detailed directions for finding the drawing room. I think he wanted a few minutes alone with Rhys, she said.

  “I think maybe the ladies are supposed to join the gentlemen, Lydia explained.

  They reached the foyer, and her mother raised a brow. “Oh?

  “I simply think that its part of their etiquette. And Im not certain were supposed to address Papas brother as Rhys. After all, he is a marquess.

  “Youve been reading your books again, her mother mused.

  “Of course I have.

  “Im surprised you dont have the things memorized by now. She slipped her arm through Lydias as she directed her down another wide hallway. “Simply be yourself, Lydia. Itll take you much farther than all that tripe youve been reading.

  “Its not tripe, Mama. A persons manners reveal a great deal. I know you agree; otherwise you wouldnt scold Colton when he belches at the table.

  “I suppose thats true enough.

  “I do have to confess, though, that I feel a little guilty for looking forward to this dinnerconsidering the reason were here: the Dukes failing health.

  Her mother smiled softly. “Dont feel guilty. Your father and I are well aware that youve wanted to come to England for some time. Its a pity the trip couldnt have been under different circumstances, but we want you to enjoy your time here as much as possible.

  She squeezed Lydias arm. “Honestly, Lydia, although well experience sadness while were here, I see no reason for us to be morbid the entire time. Ill admit Ive enjoyed seeing certain aspects of the country in which Grayson grew up. It helps me to understand him a little better.

  “I was under the impression you understood each other very well.

  “Where hes concerned Im always willing to learn more.

  “Did the Duke tell you anything special when you were visiting him? Lydia asked.

  “No, he slept the entire time we were in the room. Tomorrow I think well all go see him for a short time. It makes it easier on Grayson having all of us here.

  “Maybe the Duke will be awake tomorrow, Lydia said.

  “I hope so. I would like to thank the man for sending his son to me.

  A male servant standing before a door bowed slightly, before he pulled it open. “His Lordship is expecting you.

  Lydia felt as though she were living in a fairy tale. Everyone catering to her whims, anticipating her needs. If only her joy at being there wasnt tainted by the sorrow her stepfather would experience.

  When she spotted Rhys leaning casually against the elaborate scrollwork that surrounded the massive fireplace, her heart began thundering. He was strikingly handsome, wearing a black jacket over a black waistcoat. Holding a glass, his hand was poised near his lips as though hed been on the verge of taking a sip and had suddenly decided hed rather be doing something else.

  Like watching her.

  She warmed considerably with the attention, acutely aware of his stormy gaze traveling over her, caressing her cheeks, her throat, her bare shoulders

  “My goodness, Lydia, when did you grow up? her stepfather asked.

  She tore her gaze from Rhys. She hadnt noticed her stepfather greet her mother and was surprised to find him standing beside her. “Father, you know I grew up a long time ago.

  He arched a brow. “Father? This morning I was still Papa.

  The heat of embarrassment crept up her chest, her throat, her face.

  “Perhaps its the formality of the occasion, Rhys said.

  He moved away from the fireplace and set his glass on a table near a large, gleaming piano. A harp rested beside the piano. Lydia wondered if both instruments were merely for decoration or if the Marquess knew how to play them.

  She smiled tentatively, wishing only he and she were in the room. She didnt relish having an audience who seemed intent on ruining everythingnot intentionally, but through ignorance. How could her parents not understand what this moment meant to her and how desperately she wanted to be perceived as a true lady?

  “ Papa just sounds so Texas, she admitted.

  “I daresay you do as well, Miss Westland, the Marquess said. “You have a most delightful accent.

  “Im afraid, my lord, you are the one who has an accent.

  “In England, one does not correct ones betters, he said.

  “Well keep that mind if we run across any, her mother retorted.

  Rhys jerked his gaze from Lydia to her mother. Lydia wanted to die of mortification on the spot. Honestly, would it have hurt for her mother to know some of the rules and to abide by them?

  “Abbie, her stepfather warned.

  “I kept quiet this morning when that old battle-ax was harping on you. I didnt come here to be insulted, and I wont put up with it, Grayson.

  “Youre quite right, Mrs. Rhodes. I apologize. Grayson, will you allow me the honor of escorting your wife into dinner? he asked.

  Lydia couldnt have been more disappointed if hed announced she had to eat in the nursery with the children. She wanted his attention, and here he was offering his arm to her mother.

  She watched as they led the way out of the room. Rhys bent his head and spoke quietly to her mother, obviously enchanted with her. Yet shed never opened an etiquette book in her life.


  Startled, she fought to regain her composure. She glanced up at her stepfather. “I guess you get to escort me to dinner, she said softly, trying to hide her frustration.

  “It is truly my honor to do so.

  She rested her hand on his arm. “I cant believe you grew up surrounded by all this.

  “It was more like I surrounded it . I was always skirting the edges, attempting to find my way in, but never succeeding.

  “It would be sweet revenge if one of your daughters married an English lord, dont you think, Papa? she asked.

  Sadness and loss filled his eyes, as he touched his knuckles to her cheek. “Are you thinking youll be that daughter?

  “I wouldnt mind.

  “Remember, Lydia. Simply because something glitters, it does not mean that its gold. Fifteen years ago, were I given the opportunity to change places with Lord Blackhurst, I would have gladly done so. Today, I am far too wise to accept such an offer.

  She knew his change of heart had come about because he loved her mother.

  But Lydia loved no man. Why not find one here?

  Chapter 4

  R hys was fairly certain hed dined on the glazed duckafter all nothing except bones remained on his plate as the footman carried it away. But he could not remember its taste or texture, because ever since he and his guests had sat down to dinner, hed been unable to distract himself from the enticing Miss Westland.

  Had he thought her a child? Dear Lord, but she had alabaster shoulders that begged for a mans lips to play lightly over them. While her lips were incredibly quick to smile. He could well imagine their taste, their softness, their warmth. He clearly envisioned them parted in passion, while her violet eyes smoldered and darkened with desire.

  Clearing his throat, he signaled for the next course to be brought to him. He had n
o business thinking of Graysons stepdaughter in any manner other than as a respected guest.

  Despite the fact that this evening she resembled an alluring woman, he didnt dare overlook the fact she was still an innocent, or that his half-brother had, on more than one occasion during the meal, glowered at Rhys as though he knew the exact path down which his wayward thoughts traveled.

  He had little doubt Grayson had adopted some rather savage tendencies while hed been in Texas. Rhys had no wish to put them to a test.

  “Tell me, Miss Westland, do you play the piano? Rhys asked, suddenly desperate to break through the uncomfortable silence hovering in the dining room.

  The womanno, the girl . He had to train his mind to view her as a girl, an innocent, a nave child. But his mind refused to be trained, refused to see her as anything other than the beguiling young woman she was.

  She lifted her napkin and touched it to each corner of her luscious mouth before responding with a hesitant smile. “No, my lord.

  “A pity. The harp?

  She shook her head slightly, her cheeks blossoming into the shade of a faded rose. “No.

  “Im afraid working the farm hasnt given the children much time to learn the finer arts, Grayson explained.

  “I see, Rhys murmured. Taking a sip of wine, he glanced at his brother. “Then you engage in the actual labor yourself?

  “We pay laborers to work in the cotton fields. We hire cowboys to watch over the cattle and drive them to market. But a good deal of what needs to be done, we either do ourselves or we oversee those who do it.

  “The ladies as well?

  “The ladies as well, Grayson answered, almost in a challenge.

  Rhys shifted his gaze to Miss Westland. She was staring at her plate as though she hoped to see the Waterford imprint on the bottom. Mortified. She was clearly mortified.

  “I find that dedication admirable, he said quietly.

  She shyly shifted her gaze to his and bestowed upon him a grateful smile that made him wish hed never instigated the conversation. So sweet, so charitable, so wrong for him.


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