Stealing His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Stealing His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 9

by M. L. Briers

  “Alex…”She breathed, as her body leaned into him. Her legs were weak and quivering, and he pulled out of her and lifted her against him, walking her to the bed and laying her down in the centre.

  He knelt between her legs to keep her from even considering closing to his touch. His fingers were already back inside her, stroking her flesh and making her hips move of their own volition.

  “I need to taste you…”He growled in desperation against her breast, before his tongue licked over the hardness of one pebbled bud, and he nipped before suckling her hard in his mouth.

  She might not have been a virgin, but sex had never felt like this before. It was like an overload to her senses. She felt like a flower opening for the very first time, and it was as exciting as it was scary.

  Alex was working his way down her body with his tongue, tasting her skin, nipping the flesh and sucking away the sting. He’d gone past where she thought he was going. He’d worked his way down to her ankle and back up to behind her knee, and she marvelled in how he seemed to find every place on her body that made her want to cry out with the sheer pleasure of his touch, but now his breath was against her sex, and the anticipation mixed with the frustration of not having him inside her made her squirm beneath him.

  She heard him chuckle, low and deeply, and was about to question it when his tongue stroked over her wet sex and she almost shot up the bed away from him.

  Only his hand against her thigh kept her from doing just that, one large, hot hand holding her in place, as he started to explore the intimacies of her folds, and then he devoured her. There was no other way that she could explain it, it was as though he had a hunger that only she could alleviate, a starving man feasting on her body.

  Alex growled when the first taste of her washed over his tongue and he savoured it for a long moment as he gently licked against her, and then he wanted more, needed more. She had the sweetest of nectar that was only for him and he devoured the taste and feel of her flesh under his tongue.

  When he could wait no longer he thrust his tongue inside her channel and felt the muscles convulse around him, trying to keep him there, but he wanted to stroke, to thrust, to curl against her silken walls and feast until he brought her release, and he could taste her very essence.

  “Alex…”His name came from her lips, over and over in a hushed breathlessness that urged him on. His mate needed him as much as he needed her and he was compelled to fulfil her desires.

  He claimed the tiny nub of flesh in his mouth once more, suckling it harder and faster as he thrust his fingers back inside her. His teeth nibbled and his tongue teased beneath the small hood that covered the nerves, and her hips tried to climb off the bed, but he held her in place as he took her over the edge.

  The sound of her pleasured cry made his penis twitch with the need to be buried inside the heat of her channel, that throbbed and massaged his fingers in her release, and he growled hard against the urge to climb up her body and thrust deep inside her. To bury himself to the hilt and take his fill of her body.

  He replaced his mouth with his thumb to keep her orgasm rolling through her for as long as her body would allow, as he slipped his fingers from inside her still throbbing walls and replaced it with his tongue.

  Just the simple taste of her made him ache for more, until he couldn’t resist his own needs any longer, and he climbed up over her body as her eyes flickered open and she stared at him with such passion, such longing in the depths of her eyes that he thought he might die before he entered her.

  He couldn’t resist suckling on her breasts on the way back up her body. The nipples were rock hard from her orgasm, and he nipped and plundered them as he settled between her thighs, the tip of his arousal pushing against the wetness of her channel.

  He ran his tongue from her breast to her collarbone, and then his lips covered the softness of her skin, where her neck and shoulder met, and he sucked hard until she tried to lift her hips against his, tried to take him inside her, searching for him.

  With blunt teeth Alex pressed them against her skin in a bite that served to hold her still, if she were a Lycan she would have recognised it as his wolf showing dominance over hers. But even as a Fae, she instinctively turned her head away and opened her neck up to him for better access. Her legs pulled up the length of his and fell wide open against the mattress for him, surrendering her body to his, and his wolf recognised the act of submission and urged him on.


  Alex pulled back his hips and stroked into her tight channel. Releasing his teeth and soothing her skin with his tongue, he resisted the urge to mark her skin, to claim her as his with his fangs, and to taste her blood on his tongue as his wolf demanded.

  “Mine.”He growled against her neck, before he nipped and soothed her. He was almost desperate to thrust in deeply, but instead he allowed her body to become accustomed to the hard thickness of his shaft, gently rocking his hips back and forth, coating his flesh with her own juices.

  “Alex, please…”Sofia’s hands travelled down his back. She could feel the tension in his muscles, how he held himself back, and she splayed her hands against his lower spine and urged him on.

  Alex pulled back before stroking in deeper. The resistance of her muscles giving way as the bulbous head pushed against the silken walls, opening her to him, stretching her tightly around him like a glove…

  “Protection…”Sofia gasped. The sudden rush to rationalisation within her.

  Alex raised himself up on his elbows and met her eyes.

  “You’re not fertile right now, I would be able to scent it, and my wolf would be a lot more anxious for me to claim you. Trust me love, I would never do anything you didn’t want…”Alex’s eyes took her in and watched as she settled, soothed by his words. “I don’t carry any diseases…”

  “Alex… Don’t stop…”She trusted him. He was her mate, and she wanted babies, it was just her brain’s normal reaction to…

  Alex pulled back his hips and thrust to the hilt within her and everything else slipped away. She gasped her pleasure, and the small discomfort that the size of him within her, stretching her that tightly around him, making her feel so full, caused. Her lashes fluttered, but she held his gaze.

  He pulled back his hips, almost leaving her empty, and stroked back inside her to the hilt, over and over, until her legs clamped around his hips, opening her further, deeper, and he felt the head of penis nudge her womb and he rolled his hips, rubbing against her womb like a precursor to where he was going to place his seed, where one day their pups would grow.

  “Sofia… so tight, you were made for me, love…”His gentle growl and the feel of him deep inside her made her contract the muscles of her inner walls, to massage him, to consign the feel of him to her memory. “God, love, that’s going to make me wild for you…”He warned as he pulled back his hips and stroked into her again, and again she clenched around him. “Sofia please…”

  “Take me now, Alex…”Sofia almost begged him, she wanted the feel of him wild and abandoned inside her, around her. “Mark me as yours.”

  Alex cupped her cheeks with his large hands and looked down into her eyes. He wasn’t sure he had heard her right, and if he had, he wasn’t sure that she knew what she was asking him to do.

  “Sofia, I need to release my fangs…”Alex wanted her to know what would happen…

  “I know. I’m Fae, I know Alex. I also know there’s a chance you might lose control of your wolf and bite. I know and I don’t care. I want to carry your mark. We’ve already gone too far to turn back, Alex. I want you too much. It feels too right…”Sofia knew every detail of Lycan mating, from marking to bonding and sharing each other.

  She dropped her hands from his back and reached for his hands. “I know you need to hold me down. I know your fangs will pierce my neck when you make me submit to you as the dominant wolf…”

  Alex’s wolf was eager with anticipation. The more she spoke of what he would do when he marked her,
the more the fever grew within him.

  “Sofia, hush…”He claimed her lips and tried to calm his wolf within him, but she had pushed him too far. He could already feel the pleasure of breaking her skin with his fangs, of tasting her blood on his tongue, of claiming her as his mate.

  He devoured her mouth with his need to taste her, but it wasn’t enough. His body was already fevered; his wolf was already baited into claiming her. His hips moved faster, and there was more power behind each stroke. Strokes turned to thrusts and he could feel his mate’s eager response.

  His hands circled her wrists and he pushed them up above her head, using one hand to secure her as he ran the other hand down over her breast, her hip, circling around to her back and he lifted her hips up from the bed, angling her body to take her deeper, harder.

  He broke the kiss and growled his need. His forehead against hers as he tried to contain his wolf.

  “Let it go, Alex. Don’t fight against your need to mark me as yours…”His lips brushed hers. “I’m yours, mark me.”

  “Mine.” He growled long and hard.

  Each thrust took Sofia closer towards her release. His eyes were almost black as he gazed down at her, and then he dipped his head and nuzzled against her neck where it met her shoulder. His blunt teeth nipped against the skin, and then his tongue soothed the flesh.

  His hand lowered her hips back to the bed and he reached up and fisted her hair, moving her head to give him better access. All the time he thrust inside her, he could feel her muscles tighten around him, feel her body climbing towards release.

  He bit down with blunt teeth against her shoulder and felt her body’s immediately respond. Her legs slide down from around his hips and back against the bed, open wide for his thrusts, and he took her deeply, again and again, as her breathing hitched with each long deep thrust.

  The tiny moans that left her lips drove him almost wild with need, and when he felt her body completely surrender to him, he released his teeth and pulled back to allow his fangs to slip down into place.

  “Mine.” Alex’s deep growl against her neck sent the flash of excitement through her that just about finished her off. He moved between her thighs, his shaft rubbing back and forth over her nub until her whole body tensed and she cried out with the release that shot through her body. Hard and fast, it swept her up from head to toe in the most exquisite sensations that pulsed through every nerve.

  Alex placed his fangs against her skin and pressed down. The feel of his razor sharp fangs piercing the skin gave him one hell of a buzz, but nothing like the taste of her blood on his tongue created within him. He heard her small cry of pain, felt her tense for just an instant, and he savoured her submission.

  His wolf roared it’s satisfaction within him, and he released his fangs and ran his tongue over the small wounds, tasting the last of her blood for now as he cleaned and sealed the wounds.

  His body needed more. The fever to claim her was still within him, and he rose up onto his knees. Letting go of her wrists, he grasped her hips and lifted her higher off the bed, thrusting into the tightness of her channel that was still throbbing hard from her release, as he felt those muscles trying to massage the seed from his body, and he growled out with the sheer pleasure of filling her so deeply, so tightly.

  He felt her muscles tighten around him, heard her cry out once more as he thrust her over the edge and her body did the rest to him. The hard pulsing of her inner muscles wouldn’t let him escape his orgasm this time. He thrust to the hilt, throwing his head back he roared out his release, as his seed spilled from his body, over and over until he was sated, until he had nothing left to give.

  Alex swayed forwards on his knees. Holding himself up on his hands until his strength returned to him, and then he reached for her, lifting her from the mattress and into his arms as he cradled her against his chest.

  Sofia’s legs wrapped tighter around his hips. Her hands splayed against the hard muscles of his damp chest, slick from their lovemaking. Her fingers curled into him, and her head rested against the hard beat of his heart that thundered in his chest.

  “Was I too rough?”Alex’s tone was still full of his wolf, his words were growled rather than just spoken, and he was demanding as well as asking the question.

  “No.”Sofia didn’t want to move from this very spot. She would gladly stay right here with him like this forever.

  “Are you sure?”Alex hooked under her chin with his fingers and lifted her face so he could see her. She looked more beautiful with the fresh flush across her cheeks, damp hair clinging to her skin, her lips slightly parted and swollen from his kisses, and her eyes still closed, and then her lids fluttered open and he saw the passion still smouldering in her eyes, and his heart skipped a beat in his chest.

  “I might be Fae and not Lycan, but you can’t break me that easily, Alex.”She teased up at him and saw a light turn on his eyes, as relief washed through him.

  “It’s a little hard to pull back once the wolf comes…”

  “It was a lot hard…”She teased, squeezing his half mast that was still buried within her, with her inner muscles. “And I hope your damn wolf didn’t come…”

  Alex brushed his thumb down her cheek and chuckled as he shook his head. “That’s never going to happen.”He assured her and she winced.

  “Poor wolf…”She sympathised with the beast, especially after what she had just experienced. She never dreamed that real life could sometimes emulate what she read in books…

  “You asked me to mark you.”Alex brushed his fingertips over one of the marks in her shoulder and she shivered.

  “I wanted people to know that I’m yours and you’re mine.”She felt him grow harder within her, felt him twitch inside… His low, gentle growl sent another shiver through her, and she deliberately tightened her inner muscles around him, making him growl harder, grow harder.

  Alex brushed his lips against hers, “Let me show you something…”He dipped his head and nuzzled against the mark, his tongue running over each sealed wound in turn as she felt the excitement rise within her for him. Each gentle stroke of his tongue sent a jolt deep within her, and she tightened and released around his hardness until he was rock hard for her again. “Damn it Sofia, I want you again so badly.”He growled against her neck.

  “I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I think I’m impaled on something very large that’s going to keep me right here for a while…”

  “A long while…”He growled. His hands running down to cup her backside and he lifted her up his shaft, before easing her down again.

  “A very, very long while.”

  Zara hummed to herself as she walked the back path down past the stream. In the darkness she could still see her way as clear as day and she knew this area well, it was second nature to her, and the easiest way for her to get to the meeting point for her wild night out on the tiles with her friends.

  Alex was mating with Sofia and Shaun was pouting over Julia, what better time to sneak away without the spies noticing?

  She intended to get good and drunk tonight, and she might even find someone to relieve the tension that was starting to build within her. Her breeding cycle was approaching and she already felt the need to scratch and itch. Perhaps one of Tia’s friends, the girl had so many ex’s she wouldn’t mind pointing her in the right direction, after all, everyone knew how damn hard the breeding cycle was when they didn’t have a steady male to help them. Preferably Lycan so they could keep up with the insatiable demands of a female.

  The sound off to her left made her turn her head on instinct. Quiet enough to be a small woodland creature, possibly a rabbit, perhaps a… The sound came from behind her and she frowned and turned again. Now her instinct was telling her something different, that it wasn’t a small woodland creature that was out there, not unless there was more than one…

  Another sound made her whirl around in place in the direction she had initially been following, but her eyes picked up nothing.

/>   “Not Thumper unless he’s taken to travelling in packs…”She muttered, wondering if Shaun might have followed her from the house and was now trying to worry her as payback for her sneaking out.


  Zara felt her wolf trying to push forwards, but she wasn’t about to ruin her damn new mini skirt because Shaun was being a douche, so she held the beast back.

  Something told her she had made a grave mistake when hands gripped her lower arms and yanked her hands behind her back. She felt something hard around her wrists and then her ankles, as her legs were yanked together.

  Her damn ankles knocked and she felt the pain shoot through her a moment before she was about to shift into her wolf, and then she saw his eyes, and only his eyes, black as a moonless night, as his melodic voice drifted towards her.


  “You will not shift into your wolf…”Zara felt the urge to become her beast lift from her whole body, she could still feel the wolf within, but it seemed as subdued as she felt. “You will not try to escape me…”He brushed his fingertips down over the bare skin of her shoulder and the excitement and fear wash through her…


  Julia opened the front door to the cabin and walked out onto the porch. The sight of Shaun sitting there made her hesitate in her step, damn it, he was the last person she’d expected to find out there.

  His head turned at her scent and his eyes narrowed in on her. “Took you long enough.”He threw the words out there and she wondered if she’d missed a proportion of that accusation, or he was talking in some kind of code.

  “Excuse me?”Julia felt her back stiffen at the same time as her nipples and she cursed the damn mating pull. Just the damn sight of him made her body pay attention, and she didn’t even want to think about what her body had done at the sound of his deep dark tones.


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