Darkness of Heart (Painful Deliverance Book 2)

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Darkness of Heart (Painful Deliverance Book 2) Page 12

by Ann M Pratley

  Immediately she climbed over him and straddled him, and he watched as she removed her blouse, revealing her breasts, and then leaned forward over him, positioning herself so that he had to take one in his mouth.

  Diana felt so empowered, for the first time in her life. She made no rush to move from where she was, feeling his tongue and lips pleasuring one nipple and then his finger start to caress the other. She could feel his hardness under her and rubbed herself against it, causing a sweet friction between their bodies and their clothing. The feelings that resulted from her being stimulated equally on her clitoris and her nipples soon had her feeling the feeling she was now starting to get used to, and she felt herself tip over in climax.

  Lincoln was in awe of her - he was in awe of his wife, for whatever change had come over her. He watched her as she pulled off him and removed her pants, now being completely naked.

  "Take your clothes off," she said to him, her voice void of any emotion at all, but Lincoln immediately reacted, undressing as he continued to lie on the bed.

  Diana was not sure if she could do it. She wanted to be confident and in control, but a little bit of her self-confidence was trying to ease away from her and dissipate.

  She pushed her self-doubt down and climbed back onto the bed to straddle him and slowly find her way to being able to lower down onto him. He watched her as she moved herself, finding the comfortable way to move as she seemed to want to, and he was highly excited at watching her. Underneath him he could feel the red marks from where she had used the riding crop on him, and the feeling was welcome, and contributed to the arousal he also felt from watching her.

  Finally Diana seemed to find a way to ease down onto him, and slowly move up and down. Her face was incredible for him to watch, and he reached out and touched her as she moved - one hand on her breast, the other on her clitoris, and her face changed again, into another level of arousal.

  He watched his wife as if she was a completely new person - someone he had never met before. It was also like she was a virgin, feeling every little change in her position, for the very first time. It pushed him on in his level of desire for her, but focused on helping her get to where she wanted to be.

  Diana felt the new feelings inside of her and found herself enjoying being the one in control, instead of just lying back and letting sex be something that he simply did to her. And she could feel him working with his hands to increase her pleasure, and it all resulted in her feeling it coming, and then she felt a different feeling as her muscles gripped hard around him.

  As soon as she felt herself climax, she became aware that he was also having his orgasm. He had held on but finally let go, her muscles gripping him so forcefully being the last thing he could stand before he had to release.

  She came around and opened her eyes and looked down into his, finding his look so intent that she could do nothing but lean down and kiss him deeply.

  Lincoln reached his hands around her and pulled on her hair lightly as he indulged in her kisses. Even those seemed different from how she normally kissed him. He did not understand where this new person came from, but he liked it!

  She climbed off him and lay down next to him as they got under the covers. Neither said anything, both in that moment speechless at the change that had come over them after having been married for so long.

  Diana let her husband hold her as she drifted off to sleep, thinking in her head that tomorrow she would go out of her way to see David, and start moving on with her life.

  Meanwhile her husband next to her silently vowed that he would not let her walk out of their marriage, especially now. Especially now that he knew what she could do … for him.


  "I have to go," Diana said as she dressed the next morning. She felt still so empowered from the night before, but instead of it all making her want to stay with him and work on their marriage, it had only fuelled her on in her belief that she could go and start living her own life finally.

  "But last night…" Lincoln started to say, feeling a sense of desperation coming over him at the realisation that she still wanted to leave.

  "What about it?"

  "I thought…" he started, feeling confused at how things were so … reversed all of a sudden. "I thought we were good together, Diana. I thought you enjoyed being here."

  "Lincoln, I have to go," she said simply, leaning close to him and kissing him lightly on the cheek. "Take care of yourself."

  Then he saw her simply walk out. It did not escape his attention that she did not even look back at him as he stood in the doorway and watched her leave.

  Not. Even. One. Glance.

  7 ~ THE LOSS

  Diana embarked on her new journey with David, her old friend from university days. Neither were in any hurry to move forward to sex and it made things easy between them, taking their time at such a slow pace, and their only intimate contact being holding hands, hugging and lightly kissing.

  She had thought about Lincoln since that last night together, but still enjoyed the thought of starting over, and although she knew now that they could formulate some kind of new relationship from the old one, she at least wanted the opportunity to try to be with someone new. Lincoln had been her love for her entire adult life to date. And perhaps he would continue to be in the future. But for now, she was enjoying the companionable attentions of someone new.

  She and David had been seeing each other for two months now, and the media took photos of them now and then but nothing was ever reported on. She considered what Lincoln might think of it all but she had not heard from him again and hoped that was an indication that he was moving on also.


  Lincoln saw the papers and had seen every photo that had shown his wife with her new 'date'. No-one questioned him about it at all - it was as if everyone was too afraid to ask the question even though he believed people must want to know what was happening between them.

  He had turned his focus heavily into the company. He still thought about Lexi now and then but he was aware that she was drifting further and further from his mind now. More and more he found it was his wife who frequented his thoughts, but he would not move forward toward her. He would wait and see how things panned out with Diana and David. Perhaps David was a better man for her, and she deserved a good man beside her.


  Diana sat in her GP's office for her annual check-up. The news she had just received had put her into a state of shock.

  "I don't understand. What did you say?"

  The doctor looked at her, understanding why her client might be so surprised. Having been her GP for all of these years, and knowing the extent that Diana had silently wished to get pregnant, it was indeed - even for the doctor - a surprise.

  "There is no doubt, Diana. The blood tests you just had done confirm it. You are pregnant."

  Diana thought back over recent months. She knew she hadn't had a period since she was last with Lincoln, but her periods had been few and far between since she had turned 40 so she had thought nothing of it. There was no way she could possibly have anticipated that she would fall pregnant, after they were not even technically together anymore as husband and wife.

  "Oh God," she moaned, feeling the magnitude of what she was being told. "I'm 44 years old!"

  "Many women have babies at your age, but you do have choices, Diana."

  Diana looked at the doctor in front of her. She had seen Diana through adolescence; through the early years of her marriage, when she had wished to get pregnant; and through every illness that had passed Diana by. But this was something she knew the doctor could not advise her on.

  "I won't have an abortion, if that is one of the choices you mean," she said, certain in that thought.

  Her GP nodded at her. "Another option is adoption."

  "No, if I am meant to be pregnant now, then I will have the baby. I can do that on my own. Plenty of women do that on their own, right?"

  "They do indeed. There are ple
nty of single mothers out there who are incredible mothers, as I am sure you will be too."

  Diana left the medical practice premises in a shock. She had to think now about different things - different people. She was seeing David. She was married to Lincoln. And she was having Lincoln's baby. Of that there was no doubt as he was still the only man she'd had sex with in her life.

  But what of David? She owed him an explanation, and she made that the priority over telling Lincoln the news. It probably wasn't the right order of things, but that was what she would do.

  She arranged to meet David for lunch, and as soon as they sat down he knew she was extremely nervous.

  "What is it?" he asked, feeling the dread of expectation that she was about to bring their new relationship to a grinding halt.

  "David, I have something I need to tell you," she started to say, and found the words difficult to express in any soft way, so went on to blurt out the news to him. "I have been to see my GP this morning and she told me … it is confirmed … that I am pregnant."

  David looked at her, wondering how that had happened since they had started seeing each other.

  "I don't understand. How can that be?"

  She took a deep breath and could already anticipate the amount of hurt she might be about to deliver to him.

  "It is Lincoln's child."

  "But we have been seeing each other for months, Diana…" he said and she saw the acknowledgement in his eyes. "You have been with him since we started dating? You have slept with him?"

  Diana put her head down but nodded confirmation to him.

  "But he is your husband, and you are sleeping with him … why are you dating me? What sick part have I played in whatever you are doing in your marriage?"

  She brought her eyes up to meet his.

  "No, David, it is nothing like that! I was with him on three occasions. I haven't been with him right through our time together!"

  "I thought the two of you were separated. That is the only reason I have been okay with seeing you even though you aren't divorced. I wouldn't have come near you if I had thought you were still so actively married to him."

  Diana was quiet as she watched his face, and she could feel tears coming to her eyes. There had been so much potential in a relationship with him but he was hurt - rightfully so - and she knew he would walk away from her now.

  As if reading that exact thought, David stood up.

  "I can't … sorry, Diana, but I can't talk to you right now…" he said before simply walking out.

  She sat alone in the restaurant, feeling a sense of grief for what could have been. She knew she could have kept quiet about the baby. She could have been deceitful and slept with him this night and then pretended it was his. She could have just kept quiet and hoped that the baby might naturally be lost.

  No, she had done the right thing. She would raise a baby alone, and that would be okay. She was in a fortunate place in life, and they would be fine, the two of them, alone.

  But for now she did have to tell Lincoln.


  "Can I see you?" she asked him when he answered his phone.

  "Of course. At the apartment tonight?" he asked, with a glimmer of hope in his heart, an excitement at the possibility…

  "No, please I need to see you immediately. Can I come to your office?"

  Lincoln was surprised. Diana never came to his office.

  "Yes, I am free right now, until my next appointment at three."

  "Thanks. I am leaving now so will be there shortly."

  Lincoln heard the phone call end and wondered what the urgency was. He found himself thinking that it was probably that time - time for the divorce papers to be served to him, so she could move on with David. He took some time to think about how he felt about that, and could only feel deep regret inside of him. But as she had told him, he had made a decision that had resulted in their marriage breaking down, and now he had to live with it.


  He watched the time go by, and at 2pm called her to ask where she was, but someone unknown answered her phone.

  "Who is this?" the person at the end of the phone demanded, with a sense of urgency in their voice.

  "Who is this? You seem to have my wife's phone."

  "Oh Sir, this is Central Melbourne Hospital. Your wife has been brought in from a car accident. You need to come down here immediately. It isn't good," he heard the random voice say and he felt himself go into shock. "Do you have someone who can drive you, Sir?"

  Lincoln woke up again and acknowledged before hanging up.

  "Toby, can you please pick me up urgently? Diana has been in an accident and I have to get to the hospital."


  Fifteen minutes later he was running into the accident and emergency department.

  "My wife was in a car accident…" he said to the receptionist, who immediately called a doctor and asked him to come out.

  "Mr Kokiri! Please come this way," he doctor said and Lincoln fell into step beside him. "She is in a bad way, and you need to prepare yourself."

  Lincoln felt a shadow of dread come over him.

  Soon they were walking into a room where she was lying with numerous things seeming to be attached to her body.

  Lincoln rushed to her side and looked at her, then looked at the doctor in horror.

  "She had intensive internal bleeding, which we have stopped, but she is still in danger. Sit and talk to her, if you like. Sometimes it helps."

  "Thank you," Lincoln said to the doctor, feeling like anything else would just be inadequate.

  He sat in the chair beside her bed and took her hand in his. She wasn't awake and did not seem responsive at all. He took his time to think back over their life together. How much he had loved her when he had first seen her, and how easy it had been to see them having a full and happy life together. But somewhere along the way they had both stopped working on their marriage. He should never have given up, he realised now, perhaps too late.

  As if sensing his thoughts, Diana opened her eyes and looked at him, and he saw a smile on her face.

  "Lincoln," she whispered as if in pain, and he felt himself start to cry. "I was rushing to see you. I wasn't watching…"

  "Shh darling. Everything will be alright," he said running his other hand over her forehead.

  "No, Lincoln, I wanted you to know … I wanted you to know that the news was happy news. He or she - I don't know which it will be yet - will be like you, I am sure. So handsome. You have always been so handsome."

  Lincoln felt confused and thought she must be rambling from some kind of drugs she had in her system, so didn't say anything, just let her speak.

  "I love you, Lincoln. I have always loved you. And I forgive you for … her. That doesn't matter. I know I wasn't what you really needed…"

  "No, Diana, please don't say such a thing! I have always loved you, darling. I didn't do those things because I don't love you … you are the great love of my life, and I'm so sorry for the hurt I've caused you."

  She smiled at him softly but he could see her getting further away from him.

  "You don't have to be part of my life. I can raise it on my own. It isn't David's, Lincoln. It is yours. You are the only man I ever wanted to be with like that. No matter what, you've always been a good man. And a good husband. And now you will be a good father too…" she said and then he saw her head flop sideways, and heard the monitor's continuous beeping be replaced with one non-stop sound.

  "Mr Kokiri, move!" someone was shouting at him, and he watched in horror as efforts were made to resuscitate her, but he knew she was gone.

  It was much later, as he sat quietly beside her, that he really thought about the words she had said. Words that were confirmed by the doctor coming into the room.

  "I'm so sorry for the loss of your wife, Mr Kokiri. And your baby."

  "She was pregnant?" Lincoln asked, not believing that the news could be right. She must have been just rambling, he had thought.<
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  "Yes, only a couple of months so there was no way we could save it. I'm so sorry. Please stay here as long as you need to."

  Lincoln sat beside her bed until finally someone came in to see him.

  "Here are your wife's belongings that were given to us by the ambulance crew, Mr Kokiri."

  He took the handbag, suddenly remembering David. A part of him wanted to not tell him, wanted to keep her to himself, but as a last kindness to her knew that it was the right thing to do. He reached into the bag and pulled out her phone.

  "David, it's Lincoln. There has been an accident…"


  Soon David was in the room, first behind him, and then walking up to the bed, with a look of incredible sadness on his face.

  "I only saw her this morning. She told me about … the baby … your baby."

  Lincoln looked at him and felt his loss too. The man before him had only really just begun to understand and know what a wonderful woman she was. Lincoln had been able to spend time with her for more than twenty years, but had not always appreciated what a gift that had been.

  With that thought, he stood, shook David's hand, and just walked out. Another chapter of his life was over, he thought as he broke down and cried. Toby saw him and immediately guided him to the car, and drove him back to the apartment. He didn't know who to call, to provide comfort to his employer. His wife had been his sole supporter all of these years, he believed. Except for…

  Toby took a few minutes to think. No, he decided, that was not a good idea. The girl had left for a reason - everyone believed she had left to get away from him. Even if she was gracious and willing to come and provide support to him, there was a chance that history could repeat itself, and Toby would not encourage that happening.

  He helped Lincoln settle into his bed, surprising Toby in how easy it was to get his employer to follow his instruction and guidance. Then Toby closed the door and made himself comfortable in the living area, while he called Lincoln's personal assistant, Hannah, and asked her to inform the people at the top level of the company, of the death of Diana Kokiri.


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