Between Two Doms [Club of Dominance 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Between Two Doms [Club of Dominance 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Becca Van

  “It’s beautiful,” she rasped. “I will be proud to wear your mark of ownership. Can you please help me put it on?”

  Barry took the choker and fastened it around her throat. It was a perfect size. The cool metal nestled against her skin near the base of her neck where her pulse beat rapidly.

  She was about to move so she could hug her men but Turner stopped her. “We aren’t finished yet, baby.” He cleared his throat. “We want you to move in with us, Charlene.”

  “Yes, we don’t want to spend another minute apart from you. Say you’ll live here with us.” Barry’s eyes shone, full of hope.

  Charlie hadn’t expected this and was flabbergasted. She opened and closed her mouth several times before she could find her voice. “Yes!” It had happened so quickly, but now that she had found her men, her home was wherever they were. Knowing they felt the same way made her heart overflow with emotion.

  Barry scooped her up in his arms and pulled her onto his lap. He held her against him and hugged her tight. “Thank you, honey. We will do everything we can to make you happy.” He kissed her passionately and then handed her over to Turner.

  “You won’t regret it, baby. I promise I will never hurt you again. I love you, Charlie.”

  “Me, too.” Charlie wrapped her arms around Turner’s neck. He nudged her face up and kissed her long and deep. When he drew back, they were both breathing heavily. Charlie was so happy and full of love, she didn’t think she’d be able to sleep. But her two men helped her to settle back down and then slid up close to her. She was surrounded by their warm, hard, muscled bodies. A yawn caught her unaware and her eyelids grew heavy. It seemed she was going to be able to sleep after all.

  She nuzzled her nose into Barry’s neck and sighed with happiness. Turner was spooning her from behind with his arm snug around her waist. Just as she was drifting off, she heard Turner’s deep voice rumbling quietly and felt the vibrations against her back where his chest connected with her.

  “Tomorrow you will move in with us, little sub. I’ll hire a moving company to come and pack up for you.”

  Charlie smiled as she let sleep and his bossiness claim her.

  * * * *

  His patience was finally beginning to pay off. It had taken a few days but he had finally managed to sneak into the club by one of the windows which led to the locker room, off the main foyer. He watched people come and go as he stood in the shadows against the wall and behind a large shrub, which kept him hidden from view.

  When it was close to closing he’d slipped into the empty room and found an unoccupied locker. It had been a tight squeeze, but he’d been able to squish into the narrow space and close the door. His head was touching the shelf in the top of the tall metal cupboard and his neck was aching from being cricked at an unnatural angle, but the results would be worth a little pain.

  He’d made sure the open window to the room didn’t have a sensor alarm attached so he would have an avenue of escape once he had what he wanted. The last thing he needed was to alert the asshole owners that he was on club grounds. The door to the room was slightly ajar and he heard the slamming of the great entrance doors. Not long now. He mentally rubbed his hands together.

  She would be his soon, and when he had her in his clutches he intended to show her what it meant to be a real Dom. None of the bastards who came to this club knew complete control over a sub, but he would soon show her what a true Dom was capable of.

  The footsteps receded and the internal doors to the great room closed, and then he cautiously left his hiding place. He knew there would be only a small space of time before the alarms were turned on and he had to move quickly. Peeking around the corner of the door, he sighed with relief to see the reception area and foyer empty. He rushed over behind the desk, glanced at the letters on the filing cabinet drawers, and searched until he found what he wanted. After reading the information he placed the file back into the drawer and closed it again. Then he was hurrying back to the locker room. Sweat beaded on his brow as he carefully climbed back through the window and then crouched down behind the bushes. There was a vehicle idling in the parking lot, and he didn’t want to be seen by the bright headlights as it drove away.

  When the coast was clear, still keeping to the shadows, he hurried down the long drive. He’d parked his car off to the side of the road and it would take him five minutes to reach it. Excitement churned in his belly as he chuckled quietly. She was going to belong to him whether she wanted to or not.

  He was just the man to show her what true Domination and submission involved.

  Chapter Eleven

  As Charlie walked up the footpath toward the front door of her apartment, the hair on her nape prickled and stood on end. She spun around and scanned the area, but there was no one in sight. With a mental shrug she hurried up to her front door and inserted the key into the lock.

  As soon as the door closed behind her, Charlie let herself smile. She had spent a wonderful night wrapped up in the arms of two Doms, and this morning they had woken her with caresses and passionate kisses, which had turned to another bout of lovemaking.

  Turner had arranged for a moving crew to meet her at her place in an hour, and she had wanted to get to her apartment ahead of time so she could clean out her fridge and pack some of her personal items. She closed the door behind her and dropped her purse onto the counter in the small kitchen as she went about brewing a pot of coffee. While she waited, she began to work, thinking of how old Mr. Jenkins in the apartment next door would benefit from the contents of her small freezer.

  As she reached for one of the frozen, wrapped chicken breasts a large hand covered her mouth and nose, and a muscular arm wrapped around her waist. Charlie’s scream of fright was muffled by the flesh of his palm.

  “Shut the fuck up, you bitch, or I’ll knock you out.”

  Shit! She knew that voice. It was Chad Hilton, the Dom who had been banned from the club. Charlie mentally cursed that she had put her cell phone in her purse instead of her pocket like she usually did. But since she was wearing the skirt and corset from the previous evening, the outfit didn’t have any pockets. Barry and Turner had programmed their cell numbers into her phone on speed dial that very morning, and she bemoaned the fact that she wouldn’t be able to get to it now that she really needed it and them.

  Chad pulled her to her feet and began dragging her across the linoleum floor. He laughed when her hip connected with the wood of the doorjamb but kept right on going toward the front door. Charlie wasn’t about to let him drag her outside, because if Chad took her, she was scared she would never see her men again.

  The panic that had assailed her began to recede and was replaced with pure, hot anger. She reached up and dug her nails into the hand covering her mouth and the arm around her waist and pulled them down his flesh. She swallowed down the bile threatening to erupt as her nails scored his flesh, digging in with as much force as she could.

  He howled with pain and rage, but he let her go. Charlie didn’t hang around to look at him. She took off as fast as she could toward her bedroom. She screamed when he grabbed her ponytail and jerked her head back, and she nearly went toppling to the floor on her ass, but she was able to regain her balance as she took two quick steps back. But he was faster, bigger, and so much stronger than she was. He spun her around, and just as she looked up into the evil eyes of Chad Hilton, his fist connected with her jaw.

  Pain and stars exploded in front of her eyes and radiated throughout her face, skull, and brain. The breath whooshed from her lungs and her dim world turned upside down when the bastard placed his shoulder into her stomach and lifted her with ease.

  A loud pounding sounded in her ears as she fought for breath and tried to remain conscious. As she thought she was about to pass out, she went flying through the air. Although she landed on something soft, the landing sent another fierce knife of pain shooting from her jaw through her head. Her senses were slowly coming back to her, and she realized the pounding
had been someone knocking on her door.

  The moving guys must have arrived early. She was about to yell out, but the hand covered her mouth again before she was able to get a full breath. The asshole shifted his hand to cover her nose, too. Charlie closed her fist and smashed it into his nose. He cursed viciously and then he hit her again. This time the pain was so intense she lost her battle to stay conscious.

  * * * *

  Turner glanced at his cell when it rang. Even though the number looked familiar, it wasn’t one he had programmed in his phone.


  “Mr. Pike?”


  “This is Marvin from the moving company. I was wondering when someone will be at the apartment so we can begin packing up.”

  “Charlene should be there already. Have you knocked on the door?”

  “Yes, sir, and quite loudly. My knocking roused one of her elderly neighbors.”

  Turner began to get a bad feeling in his gut. Charlie should have been at her apartment at least thirty minutes ago. Keep calm, man. She might have had car trouble.

  “Hang on a second,” he said to Marvin and turned toward Barry. “What sort of car does Charlie drive?”

  “She drives an old yellow Volkswagen Beetle. What’s going on?”

  Turner held up his hand and asked Marvin to look around for Charlie’s car. “Yes, sir, I see her car. It’s parked almost right out front of her apartment, close to the curb.”

  “I’ll be there as fast as I can.” Turner disconnected the call and hurried toward the door. “Let’s go. Charlie’s in trouble.”

  Barry hadn’t even closed the passenger door before Turner slammed his car into gear and planted his foot on the accelerator. His sports car fishtailed down the driveway. When he hit the black tarmac, he floored it, racing through the gears as he explained that Charlie wasn’t answering her door.

  “Fuck. Do you think she’s hurt?”

  “I have a really bad feeling about this.”

  “What? You think someone is out to hurt her? Who would want…” Barry slammed his fist down on the dashboard. “Fucking hell. Chad Hilton.”

  “That would be my guess. He’s the type to blame someone else for his own actions and hold a grudge.”

  “Hurry the hell up,” Barry shouted.

  Turner had never been so grateful that he owned a fast sports car than right at this moment. What would have probably taken twenty to thirty minutes to travel at normal speed took him twelve. He pushed his car to the limits, slamming through the gears, weaving and dodging traffic. Even if the cops had shown up, he wouldn’t have stopped until he was at Charlie’s.

  He brought the car to a screeching halt, and Barry was out of the door before he could turn off the engine. Turner ran after Barry as his friend slammed through the front door of Charlie’s home. His eyes scanned her small living space as he rushed through her apartment. Barry held up a finger and pointed toward the closed bedroom door. They both listened intently but couldn’t hear anything. If Chad Hilton was inside that room with Charlie and they busted through, they could be putting her in harm’s way. That asshole could have a gun pointed at her. Turner racked his brain, trying to think of a way to distract the asshole so Barry could get the jump on him and they could keep their love safe.

  He motioned to the front door and made a half-circle sign so Barry would understand what he was going to do and at his friend’s nod, quietly left the apartment. He made his way toward the back of her apartment, past the kitchen window, and then to her bedroom. Keeping out of sight while he peeked into the bedroom, he almost crumpled with relief when he saw that Hilton wasn’t packing.

  But when he looked toward Charlie on the bed through the gap in the blinds, white-hot rage filled him. His little sub had a bruise on her face and she looked like she was out cold.

  Turner didn’t remember much after that as fury consumed him. He was only slightly aware of the tinkling of glass and the crash of the bedroom door slamming against the opposite wall as he reached out for Chad Hilton’s throat. He easily blocked the other man’s punches with his free hand as he squeezed hard.

  Barry grabbed the asshole’s arms and pinned them behind his back as Turner tried to crush the life out of the fucker who had hurt his woman. It took him a while to register that Barry was talking to him.

  “Turner, he can’t get away. You have to let him go or you’re gonna kill him. Come on, man, get it together. Charlie needs us.”

  “Charlie,” Turner repeated and finally the red haze which had been covering his eyes receded. He dropped his hand from Hilton and rushed over to his little sub.

  He glanced over to Barry as he carefully pulled Charlie into his arms and was in time to see Barry’s fist slam into Chad’s jaw, knocking the bastard out cold. Barry dropped the asshole to the floor and called 9-1-1.

  Ten minutes later, paramedics and cops fought for room in Charlie’s small apartment. The medics checked her over, and just as they were loading her onto a stretcher she began to regain consciousness with a moan. They wheeled her out, and Turner didn’t hesitate to climb into the back of the ambulance, knowing Barry would deal with the police as well as the moving guys.

  Turner watched as the paramedics assessed Charlie, silently cursing that she was hurt. If he or Barry had gone with her this morning, then she wouldn’t be suffering now. He felt like he’d failed her yet again. He pushed his guilt aside when Charlie moaned again.

  “Shh, baby. You’re going to be okay. We’re on the way to the hospital, Charlie.”


  “Don’t talk, baby. You need to rest.”

  “Love you,” Charlie mumbled as she slid back into sleep.

  Turner followed the gurney into the examination cubicle and stared the doctor down as he told him to leave. He recognized another Dom when he saw one, but he wasn’t about to be pushed around. Charlie needed him close just as much as he needed to be close to her.

  “Is she a relation?” the doctor asked.

  “She’s my girlfriend.”

  “She’ll be fine. There are no lasting effects to the punch she received to the jaw. She will be bruised and sore for a few days as well as suffer from a headache, but that should be it. There are no signs of concussion or fractures. Did you get the asshole that did this?”

  “I did.”


  The doctor smiled as Charlie opened her eyes again and blinked a few times. Turner rushed to her side and held her hand.

  “Hello, Charlie, I’m Doctor Jason Freemont. Other than the obvious aches and pains, how are you feeling?”

  “Tired,” she sighed then her eyes grew wider as she stared at the doctor. Turner wondered if his little sub had picked up on the fact the doc was also a Dominant.

  “You don’t have a concussion.” Jason frowned and stepped forward.

  Charlie giggled and then winced as the motion hurt her bruised face. “I had a late night. Sir.”

  “Ah, that explains it.” The doctor smiled and winked.

  “Where is she? How are you feeling, honey?” Barry almost shoved the doctor aside in order to get to Charlie.

  “Two?” Jason raised an eyebrow at Charlie and then turned toward him.

  “Yes. Do you have a problem with that?” Charlie asked belligerently.

  The doctor gave her a wink and patted her foot. “Not at all, sub. I am, however, a might envious. I want what your Doms have. Take care of her.”

  After the doctor cared for their woman, Turner shook his hand and passed over a card to his club. “If you’re ever in the neighborhood, please feel free to drop in.”

  Jason glanced down at the card and then smiled. “Maybe I will. Can I bring a guest or two?”


  “You can take your sub home as soon as the nurse comes around with the paperwork, but she needs to rest for a few days.” The doctor left without a backward glance.

  Turner gripped Charlie’s hand and brought it up and
kissed her knuckles. “I’m sorry, baby. I should have come with you. I feel responsible for your injuries.”

  “Did you punch me, Turner?”


  “Have you ever hit me in anger or tried to hurt me?”

  “You know I haven’t, baby.”

  “You aren’t responsible, Turner, so let that guilt go right now.”

  Turner leaned down and kissed her temple and let the tension drain away, because he knew she was right. It hadn’t been his fault.

  As he drew back, Barry kissed her head and then began stroking her hair. The two men looked toward the curtain as the nurse entered with Charlie’s release forms.

  * * * *

  Over the next week, Turner and Barry hardly left Charlie’s side. They catered to her every need and made sure she did nothing but rest. Turner had called his doctor that morning to give her another once-over just to make sure she was healing well. Apart from the fading bruise on her jaw, she was fine.

  As much as she appreciated the way they looked after her, she was becoming sexually frustrated. They treated her like she was made of glass and could break at any moment, and she was tired of being made to feel like an invalid. She had slept in their bed every night, and even though she had tried everything she could think of to get her two men to make love with her, they hadn’t taken the bait. She was going to have to do something drastic, because she wanted her Doms back. Fortunately she had an idea of how to get their attention.

  She took a quick shower, dried off, and sauntered out to the living room, where her two men were talking quietly. Barry halted midsentence and stared at her naked body. He perused her from head to toe and back up again, stopping at her groin and breasts. Charlie reached up and took her breast in hand and flicked her thumbs over her nipples. She thought she heard a groan, but when she looked from Barry and then to Turner, their faces were free of expression. Well, two or maybe three could play this game.


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