Highland Warrior Woman (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Highland Warrior Woman (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Becca Van

  “Ye are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Maeghan Fraser, and I like ye just fine.”

  “Nay, ye lie,” Maeghan cried. Her cry turned to a gasp when Calum lifted her from her seat, scooted the bench seat back from the table with Ewan’s help, and plunked her down on his lap.

  “What are ye doing?” Maeghan pushed against his shoulders, trying to escape.

  “I will let ye go if that is what ye wish, honey, but I can smell yer pussy creaming from here. Ye like me and my brothers just fine, and if I dinnae think it would shock ye, I would show ye just how much we like ye, too.”

  Maeghan froze. When Calum pushed his hips forward, she felt the hard bulge beneath his plaid nudge against her hip.

  “Why did ye apologize? Ye said ye would never kiss me again. How are we supposed to be betrothed if ye donnae even like kissing me?”

  “Ye got it all wrong, honey. I was apologizing for hurting ye while ye were still injured. When I said it wouldn’t happen again, I meant that I wouldn’t touch ye while ye were still in pain.”

  “What if I donnae want to be betrothed? And why would I be betrothed to all of ye instead of just one?”

  “We each have something unique to offer a woman, sweetling,” Hamish said. “We decided long ago that we would share a woman instead of having one each. Calum is a controlling bastard, as ye have seen for yerself, and is no good at the soft words a woman needs to hear. Ewan can be just as bad as him. He has a bit more compassion than Calum has, whereas I have always been able to find the right words to make a woman happy.”

  “We’ve shared a woman a few times,” Ewan said, “and we can give a lass more pleasure when all three of us make love with her. Besides, there is much danger is this world, lass. The three of us can protect ye much better than just one.”

  “Words and desire aren’t all it takes to make someone happy,” Maeghan interjected. “There has to be love. Without trust and love there is nothing to build on or to keep hold of. And I donnae need ye protecting me. I can protect myself.”

  “We know that there be more to a relationship than desire, sweetheart, and we do care for ye. We would like ye to be our wife, and from there we can see what happens.”

  “What of yer clan? They are not going to be accepting of ye all sharing one woman.”

  “That’s where ye are wrong, dearling.” Hamish took her hand once more. “We told our clan what to expect from us when Calum became laird.”

  “Telling someone what is going to happen and acceptance of that fact are two totally different things, Ewan.”

  “Maeghan is right,” Hamish agreed with a sigh. “We are going to have to court her in front of our people. When they see us wooing our woman together, they will understand that there is no harm in it.”

  “Nay,” Maeghan burst out. “Ye cannae.”

  “Sweetness, Hamish is right,” Calum declared. “We need to show the Campbell clan that ye are the woman we want by our side.”

  “What do ye mean?”

  “We show affection for ye in front of everyone. Not too much, of course. We donnae want to make ye feel uncomfortable.”

  “B−But what if I donnae want to do this?”

  “Then ye will be given yer own bedchamber within the keep, and ye can live amongst the Campbell clan. But ye will not act like a lad anymore. We will make sure ye have food to eat, Maeghan. Ye have no need to work just to keep yer belly full.”

  She was moved by their generosity, but she didn’t understand it. If she refused their offer of marriage, they would be well within their rights to throw her out of their keep.

  But what a strange offer! She had never heard of three men taking the same woman before. Though the idea heated her blood, she couldn’t say whether she accepted the idea or not. “I’m no’ sure aboot any of this.”

  “Let me show ye how it would be, honey.”

  Calum grasped her chin between his thumb and finger, tilting her face up to his. He lowered his head and licked across the seam of her lips. She whimpered with arousal and clutched at his forearm, the only anchor to keep her steady when her world listed. When she opened her mouth to inhale, Calum thrust his tongue between her lips, and she moaned as his tongue slid along hers. He tasted so spicy and masculine that she couldn’t get enough and didn’t want the kiss to end.

  Maeghan wasn’t aware that she was being lifted until her ass landed on the wood of the table. She was so lost in sensation that all she could do was feel. Hands swept over her, and she shivered when cool air caressed her skin. Opening her eyes was difficult when her eyelids felt so heavy, but she managed the feat when Calum slowed the kiss and finally withdrew from her.

  Gasping with desire when warm hands cupped and kneaded her aching breasts, she looked down to see that her top half was bare. They had removed her clothes, and she had been so caught up in sensation she hadn’t realized what they were doing.


  “Easy, sweetling,” Hamish crooned and plucked one of her nipples. “Ye are so perfect. Ye have such a beautiful body and a face like an angel.”

  “We are gonna make ye feel so good, dearling,” Ewan rasped and then bent down to her chest.

  Maeghan mewled when he lapped at her aching nipple with his tongue. Never had she imagined such exquisite bliss. Closing her eyes, she gave herself over to them. She had deep feelings for all three of the Campbell brothers, but she had hidden them since she didn’t think they were reciprocated. She still wasn’t sure how they felt. Their offer of marriage, after all, had nothing to do with love. But she wasn’t strong enough to pull away or to demand they stop.

  Warm hands caressed up her shins and then higher still. She clamped her legs together, but then Ewan lifted his mouth from her breast and kissed her. His kiss was different from Calum’s. Calum started off slow and eased into it before he demanded a response. Ewan’s kiss insisted on a response from the outset. It was hot and wild and carnally erotic.

  Her muscles melted, and juices leaked from her pussy, causing her lower belly to ache. The insistent throbbing at the top of her slit begged to be assuaged. And deep inside was a fire she had no idea how to quench.

  “Spread those legs for me, Maeghan,” Calum demanded in a deep, husky voice. “I need to taste ye.”

  Maeghan widened her thighs and groaned into Ewan’s mouth as Calum caressed her naked skin. She was bare, as her father had never bothered to provide underthings for her, so she was nude beneath her plaid. Fingers massaged through her wet folds, and she cried out at the unexpected pleasure. Ewan drew away from her, and she inhaled deeply, trying to regain her breath. It didn’t work. She was panting as if she had run a long way.

  “Ye are so wet for us, aren’t ye, Maeghan. I have to taste ye.”

  Calum lowered his head, and she froze when she realized what he meant. A moment later, his tongue licked up and down her pussy, flicking over a very tender, sensitive spot at the top of her vagina.


  “Calum is licking yer clit, sweetling,” Hamish said breathlessly. “That’s the little button at the top of yer pussy. He’s not gonna stop until he has tasted yer body’s honey, Maeghan. Donnae fight him. Just lie back and let the pleasure wash over ye.”

  Maeghan gasped when Ewan and Hamish began to suckle on her nipples. She’d had no idea her breasts could feel such things. Calum moved between her splayed thighs. Using his shoulders to keep her legs apart, he lapped at her clit and rimmed her pussy with a finger.

  Her body tightened inside and out. Juices leaked from her sex down to her bottom, making her skin slick. Shivers raced up and down her spine, causing her to tremble and jerk with each flick of Calum’s tongue. Warmth permeated her womb and spread from her pussy down her thighs and shins. Her toes curled. Arching up, she tried to bring his mouth into firmer contact with her sex. It was as if she was reaching for something, but she didn’t know what.

  “Ye like that, donnae ye, dearling,” Ewan stated more than asked through panting br
eaths. “There’s more, Maeghan. Donnae tense up. Just let it happen. We won’t let ye fall.”

  Maeghan’s breath hitched and her body quivered. The tension in her muscles was so great that it scared her. She didn’t know what to expect, and even though she tried to fight it, the three men giving her pleasure wouldn’t let her. All of a sudden she was back on the top of that ravine waiting to be hurtled from the saddle. And then it happened. Great waves of ecstasy washed over her, causing her body to jerk and spasm. Her pussy pulsed and contracted over and over again, forcing liquid to gush from her body. She screamed and clutched at Ewan and Hamish as she was sent on a ride to heaven.

  Calum growled and sucked on her pussy until the last wave and shudder died. “Ye taste delicious, Maeghan. I could eat the honey from yer body for hours.”

  Maeghan slumped against the table, her arms falling beside her with her eyes closed. She’d overheard horror stories from some of the young married women in her clan regarding the marriage bed as they talked amongst themselves, unaware of her presence as they went about their daily chores. They’d been wrong.

  Chapter Seven

  “MacLeod hasn’t left his keep since we’ve been watching, Laird. What do ye want to do?” Malcolm, Calum’s second-in-command, asked after giving his report on MacLeod’s activities.

  “Leave two of the warriors to keep watch and bring the others home,” he ordered. “There’s nay use having our men wasting time when they could be helping oot here.”

  “Aye, it will be done, Calum.”

  He nodded toward Malcolm, who gave a slight bow in return and left to give his orders. Although his warriors were training right before his eyes, his mind drifted to Maeghan and how to get her to accept him and his brothers.

  Calum had never tasted anything as delectably exquisite as Maeghan’s cum. It had been nearly two weeks since he had supped on her little pussy, and he craved another taste of her every day.

  He wanted to wrap her up in his arms and carry her upstairs every night to his bed, where he and his brothers would spend the night pleasuring her. But she wasn’t ready for that yet. She needed time to get used to all three of them as well as her own passionate nature.

  Although from the way she had been trying to initiate kisses with him and his brothers, Maeghan would have no compunction when it came time to make love with them. Calum, Ewan, and Hamish had all ignored her flirting, hoping to build her desire for them. Maybe she was ready after all.

  She always seemed to be standing on the top of the keep’s steps when he and his kin had finished training with their warriors each day, and Gerty had let slip that she had asked what their favorite dishes were and had wanted their housekeeper to teach her how to make them. Yes, little Maeghan was more than ready to be with them after all. Calum was thankful about that, because he intended to wed her on the morrow. He thought back to when he had laid her on the table.

  When she’d been about to come for the first time, she had looked so surprised, and then her face had slackened with ecstasy. That was one moment he would remember for the rest of his life.

  He and his brothers had spent some quality time visiting and talking with her in the bedchamber while she had been recuperating. Now that she was up and about, he was worried being here with them wouldn’t be enough. She had been raised as a boy for God’s sake and was used to caring for herself as well as hunting her own food, and he didn’t know if he could compete with that.

  He didn’t want her to have to look after herself anymore and hoped she wouldn’t become bored from lack of excitement. If there was to be any hunting done, he, his brothers, and his warriors would do it. It was far too dangerous for a lone woman to go hunting. The man in him wanted to provide for his woman and let the femininity lurking beneath the heart of a warrior free. He just wanted to protect her and for her to not worry about where her next meal was coming from. Calum wanted Maeghan to feel safe and secure and stop being so alert and just enjoy being the woman he and his brothers were coming to care deeply for.

  He should have given Alec MacTavish the thrashing he deserved for not knowing how one of his own clan members was struggling. But the man had looked so embarrassed and contrite when he heard how Maeghan had been supporting herself, he knew it was unnecessary to berate him anymore. In part it had also been Maeghan’s fault. She could have gone to her laird at any time and asked for help, but she was a stubborn little thing and had just continued on as usual.

  Maeghan was going to have to get used to taking and following orders, but he thought she would stand up to him if she thought he was wrong. That was the sort of woman he and his brothers had been waiting for, someone who would challenge them and not just obey every command without question. Of course he expected his orders to be obeyed, but he and his brothers needed to be questioned from time to time to make them stop and think. The only person who’d ever had the initiative to do so was Gerty and their most seasoned warriors and now Maeghan.

  Pushing his thoughts aside as he watched his warriors train, he began planning retribution on the MacLeod Laird and his second-in-command. No man should be allowed to attack an innocent, gentle woman and get away with it. He’d sent some of his warriors to keep watch on the MacLeod clan, but nothing nefarious had been reported back and MacLeod hadn’t left his land since attacking Maeghan. Calum didn’t plan on killing the laird even though he had every right, but he did intend to give the bastard and his henchman a beating they would never forget. He wanted to capture the MacLeod Laird and his commander and get them away from his warriors. Calum didn’t intend for any of his men to suffer an injury because he was hell-bent on revenge. Thus the handful of men sent to watch the bastards and hopefully take them unaware.

  He gave his orders, but he wanted to finish his duty and then find Maeghan. He had seen her walking about the bailey, enjoying the sunshine and talking to his people. She’d won his clan over in a matter of days with her praise for the loom weavers, the ale maker, and practically every person in his clan.

  Calum and his brothers hadn’t mentioned their betrothal again, and neither had Maeghan. He wondered what she thought about him and his brothers being given leave by the MacTavish Laird to court her. She hadn’t been too happy about the situation, but, given time, he hoped to win her over. Even though she hadn’t answered him in regards to a betrothal, custom dictated she do as her laird commanded, and he was now her laird. Not that he would force her to wed them. Calum wanted to ask her for her answer before now, but he feared she would reject him. Now he had no more time—he had to ask her today. But he remained optimistic, so the plans for the ceremony were going ahead without Maeghan’s knowledge.

  He pushed his thoughts aside when one of the younger men nearly took a sword to the side and began to instruct him on how to block such a forceful blow.

  Alistair came rushing up to him and stood by his side, and after finishing up his instructions on how to wield a sword to one of his warriors he turned to the lad.

  “What is it, lad?”

  “Ye have to come see. I’ve no’ seen the likes ever before,” Alistair said excitedly, prancing from foot to foot.

  “What are ye talking aboot?”

  “Ye wouldnae believe me. Just hurry.”

  Alistair tugged on Calum’s hand, and since his curiosity was piqued, he followed. The lad led him to the top of the hill as the bailey gave way to numerous sod-and-wood shacks that his people lived in. There was a crowd of women, children, and the elderly seated along the hill. A few of them clapped and cheered, and Alistair pointed off to the left at the base of the hummock. What Calum saw caused a lump of fear to form in his chest. His heart pounded against his ribs and he struggled to draw breath.

  Maeghan was riding his destrier without a saddle. Her long hair flew out in a stream behind her, and she had a look of such joy on her face. She nudged his horse from a canter into a gallop and held on to his stallion’s mane for balance. He couldn’t believe his eyes when she leaped from straddling the mount
to her knees, and then one foot after the other landed on the horse’s back. Her feet were bare and she was standing on his warhorse, her toes curling into his coat as if to hold on. It was only then that he realized she was wearing breeches, which showed off the length of her slim, shapely legs and gently rounded hips, her plaid nowhere to be seen.

  What in God’s name does she think she is doing? Doesnae she know that she is courting danger, injury, or even death?

  Calum didn’t remember moving, but moments later he was at the bottom of the rise and sprinting after her. He heard a roar of fury and realized it had come from him when Maeghan’s head whipped around toward him. She blanched and her face paled, but then her eyes narrowed and she glared at him. The next thing he knew she was once more straddling his horse and slowing him down.

  He stopped and waited to see what she would do. He also needed time to calm his rage. When she finally brought the animal to a halt, she was fifty feet away. With another nudge she turned the horse side-on so she could see him. She lifted her stubborn little chin into the air as if daring him to berate her.

  Calum had never been so angry in his life. He clenched his fists at his sides to stop them trembling. His legs felt as if they would collapse from beneath him at any moment, and it was all due to one stubborn, reckless lass.

  “Maeghan, come here,” Calum roared.

  She looked at him warily and pushed her chin up another notch. Then, to his amazement, she turned the horse away from him, presenting its ass insultingly.

  Calum knew that she was doing this to challenge him. He didn’t want his clan bearing witness to her discipline when he caught her, so he turned and glared at the spectators.

  “I’m sure ye have better things to do than sit around watching a reckless girl’s stupidity. Leave us and go aboot yer business.”

  He waited until they had all left and glanced toward the top of the hillock. Ewan and Hamish had started down the incline toward him.

  “What is going on?” Ewan questioned.


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