Flames from Ashes

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Flames from Ashes Page 9

by Caitlyn Willows

  “I’d appreciate it if you could keep that information to yourself for now. Don’t even tell Trish.” Because nothing would stop Tim’s wife from coming over to mother her. “Please. I need to keep a low profile.”

  “Well, I don’t like keeping things from Trish, as you know, because that never goes well for me, but I’ll do what I can. I’ll put you on sick leave for now, but you can’t hide out forever. We’re shorthanded, and I need you on the job.”

  “I won’t risk the baby.”

  “You won’t have to. That’s what I called about. The chief and your brilliant fire captains have come up with a plan to keep you actively employed while protecting your child in the process. You set your own hours to make forty hours a week. We’re going to have you focus on the nonhazardous jobs—training, public education, prevention and inspection, policy development, and communication. Also, Mike wondered if you might like to start training with him in arson investigation.”

  Oh my gosh! The only other thing she’d been toying with was paramedic training, like Gina Cannon was considering. Arson investigation was better, and to be able to learn from a fire captain like Mike Barnard was a dream come true. Now to sound professional and not giddy. “I’m in.”

  “Good. You’ll start immediately. Your safety is our primary concern. You can work from home if you’d like, until this business with Keith is finally done. We’ll provide you with a department laptop to work from, fully loaded with everything you need. I can take it to your boyfriend’s shop or sneak it over to you at his house. No one needs to know. Once you get the all-clear, I want you back at the station. You need us. We need you.”

  “Thank you. As long as you’re not followed, bringing it here would be fine.”

  “I’ll see you later, then. We appreciate your position, Sandy, but please don’t shut us out. We’re family. You know that. You know we’ll do whatever it takes.”

  “So will I, Tim.”

  “You’ve more than proven that. At your own expense, I might add. You… Well, you know what you did, and I respect your reasoning at the time. Having said all that, the annual pancake breakfast is a week from Saturday,” Tim said. “It’d be a shame if you weren’t there. No one makes French toast as good as you. Please don’t tell Trish I said so.”

  “Never,” she said with a laugh. “I’ll do my best.”

  “That’s all any of us can do. Talk to you soon.”

  Now to find Clint. He picked up on the first ring.

  “I’m at your house.” She rushed the words out, as if doing so could put on his truck brakes and turn him around for home. “Where are you?”

  “Standing outside the bedroom door with a laundry basket of your clothes in one hand, the phone in the other, and your mom trying to undress me.”

  Sandy giggled. Mom in full-on caregiver mode was unstoppable. She’d want to wash Clint’s things too. “I’d offer to open the door for you, but I’m naked.”

  “Ooo…did I tell you that your mom is standing right here?”

  “Oh, for crying out loud.” Mom pushed the door open. “Now get those clothes off so I can wash them for you. I’ll do up the rest of your laundry too. I’m guessing I’ll find it in your bathroom hamper?” She grabbed the basket from him and brought it over to Sandy. “Here are your things, baby. I even washed your denim tote. You rest well? You look better. How’s your tummy? You hungry? Dad can make a grocery run. No sense eating Clint out of house and home while we’re here. You want some soup? Oatmeal? Sandwich?” She placed Sandy’s clothes on the bed while she rattled on. “When you’re up to it, we’ll head over to Walmart and go shopping. I know you like to pick out your own things.” She shot a glance at Clint. “I’m still waiting for those clothes.”

  “And you’re still standing right here.”

  Mom rolled her eyes. “You can’t go into the bathroom and hand everything out?”

  Clint braced his hands on his hips. “I’m caught in a whirlwind. You’ve got me scared to move, Mrs. Freeman.”

  Sandy covered her snicker with a feigned cough that whipped Mom’s head her way. “I’m fine, Mom.” She waved her back. “Go on. I’ll get Clint’s clothes off for you.”

  She glanced from one to the other. “Oh, I bet you will.”

  A flush crawled over Clint’s face. He grabbed the empty basket, ducked into the bathroom, and shut the door firmly behind him.

  “I love you, Mom, but you could tone it down a bit.” Sandy snagged a bra and panties off the top of the laundry pile.

  “I’m scared. I don’t know what else to do.” She plopped on the edge of the mattress and rubbed her hand over her eyes.

  “Oh, Mom.” Keeping the sheet around her, Sandy gave her a hug. “I’m okay. We’re okay.”

  Dad’s shadow filled the doorway. “He’s a big man, princess. I have newfound respect for your abilities. I can’t believe you hauled his ass out of there.”

  The bathroom door opened. “Neither can I.” Clint walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist, laundry basket in hand. “Mrs. Freeman, as per your request. Nothing requires prespotting or special handling. I’m not hungry. I am tired. My stomach isn’t upset. My patience is taking a hit right now, though. I’m sure a shower will help. I don’t need help with that.” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “At least, not from you.”

  Heat rushed Sandy from head to toe.

  Dad’s laughter filled the room. He stepped up to Clint and clapped him on the shoulder. “You’ll do. Yep, you’ll do very nicely.”

  Mom’s eyes brightened. She took the basket against her hip and patted Clint’s cheek. “Yes, you certainly will. Don’t worry, handsome. We won’t overstay our welcome. We had to make sure our baby was all right and that you were home safe too. I’ll get your wash started, and we’ll head home after lunch.”

  Clint frowned. “You’d make me go shopping with her for…underwear?” he finished in a whisper.

  Mom giggled. “Heaven forbid. How about Dean and I stay till morning.”

  “Even better.” He grinned. “If you’re really good, I might even let you cook dinner and breakfast.”

  She batted her lashes. “Flatterer. You do know the way around a mother’s heart.”

  “I try, ma’am.”

  “Vivian, dear. Or Mom. Got it?”

  “Got it.” When Mom headed for the door, Clint waved Sandy toward the bathroom. “Come on, woman. Scrub my back.”

  “Oh, he does love to live on the edge, doesn’t he?” Dad mumbled.

  Mom snickered and closed the door on their exit.

  Clint was by her side a second later, scooping her into his arms. “I was afraid you’d taken off to San Diego.”

  She clung to him, never wanting to let go. “I heard you created a scene at the fire station. Not exactly how I wanted to introduce my boyfriend to the people I work with, but a good impression nonetheless. Sorry you had to come home and find your house overrun with Freemans.”

  Smiling, he pressed her into the mattress and settled his hips between her thighs. “Not exactly overrun, but I’ll admit I was overwhelmed.”

  “That’s my mom.” She’d make no excuses. “You held your own well.”

  “Whew.” He kissed her forehead. “How are you feeling?”

  “Good. The doctor gave me something to help with morning sickness. I crashed out once we got here.” She brushed her fingers up his shoulders, over his cheek. He looked tired too. “Something you should consider more of a priority than a shower.”

  “And miss the chance to have your hands gliding with sudsy abandon all over my body?” He vaulted to his feet, taking her with him.

  Sandy yanked the towel from around his waist. “Need I remind you we have company?”

  “Meaning?” He edged her toward the bathroom, dick getting harder with every step.

  “Oh, I think you know.”

  She looped the towel around his neck and dragged him down for a kiss. They broke apart when they stepped across the threshold, a
nd Clint shut and locked the door behind them.

  “I’d prefer a hands-on demonstration.”

  Sandy pushed the forest-green shower curtain aside and stepped into the tub. “Only if you promise to be very, very quiet.”

  “They’ll never hear me coming.” He smirked.

  “Well, that is the plan.”

  Clint scraped his fingernails over his morning whiskers. “What? No shave today?”

  “I wasn’t planning to go anywhere near your mouth.” That brought him fully upright and vertical.

  “Wow, it’s like Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one day.” He stepped in beside her and twisted on the water.

  “Oh, I was planning to do much, much better than that.” Sandy slithered down his body until his erection was cradled between her breasts.

  “I don’t know whether to be extremely excited or very afraid.” He combed his fingers through her hair.

  “A little of both?”

  “Oh, baby.”

  Water sluiced over his shoulders and down his body. Damn if he didn’t look like a god standing beneath a waterfall, hers for the taking. He slapped one palm against the cream-colored tile wall to brace himself. The other lightly cupped the back of her head. A lesser man would have clutched her, taking control of the action. Not Clint. Never Clint. He was content to give the power to her and let her have her way with him. She wouldn’t disappoint.

  Rubbing her breasts over his dick, she dug her fingers into his ass, kneading the tight muscles until he pumped his hips in time to every stroke. His eyes were closed, the fingers in her hair trembled, and his jaw was tight. If she could have straddled his thigh to get herself off, Sandy would have done so.

  She plucked his ass cheeks, urging them apart, and tickled her fingers down the crack. Clint gasped and snapped his hips forward.

  “I’m going to suck you now,” she said softly. “And after you come, I want you on your knees and your face in my crotch.”

  Heat rushed his groin. She raked her nails down the backs of his thighs and kissed her way down his torso until she reached her destination. Despite the water surrounding them, Sandy could smell his arousal, see his need to come in the dewdrop gathered at the tip of his beautiful erection. She flicked it away with her tongue, loving how his body trembled with the touch, the way he gasped, and the fact he still let her be the boss of him. How could she not reward such good behavior?

  She took the head between her lips and danced circles over it with her tongue while she fumbled for the bar of soap. Somehow she managed to lather her hands before losing her grip. A nudge from her shoulders urged Clint to widen his stance. When his legs parted, she cupped his balls, rolling, tugging, separating them until he whimpered for more. Sandy swallowed more of his cock and aimed for her next destination.

  Clint tensed when she reached his anus. She suspected it was virgin territory for him. Well, it wouldn’t be once she was done with him. Hard circles around the tight muscle gave him fair warning and the chance to protest. When she heard no objection, Sandy plunged her finger deep.

  His knees buckled. Precum kissed her tongue. Both hands hit the wall to hold him up. Sandy lashed her tongue around him, sucked hard, and added a second finger. Clint snapped his hips forward and came. The need for silence had to have killed him. Or added to the pleasure.

  She swallowed every drop and released him with care. Before she could bathe his groin with kisses, Clint was on his knees before her.

  “Stand up or risk drowning, bright eyes.” Even as he said the words, he was reaching for her hips to help her stand and brace her against the tile.

  Sandy dropped her hands to his head, intending to be as courteous as he’d been. That intent faded when he sucked her clitoris between his lips. She nailed his head in place, refusing to release him until she came. Now she knew the true torture of having to remain silent, along with the ecstasy of doing something within earshot of others. Climax came quick. So did the arms that kept her from melting into the tub. One arm around her, Clint cut the water and pushed aside the shower curtain for the lone towel hanging nearby.

  “Ladies first.” He blotted the water from her body, then did the same for himself. “I’ll get another for your hair.”

  “Or you can tell me where they are,” she said.

  Clint smiled. “Yeah, guess you’ll need to know, since you’ll be…” He drew back. “Are you moving in?”

  “Do you want me to move in?” It wasn’t like she had anywhere else to go, except Erica’s old rental.

  “I do.” He brushed the backs of his fingers over her cheek. “I…” He pressed his lips closed and pointed to the small linen closet behind the door. “Everything’s there. Now I do have to shave and get going.”

  Guilt crept in. He’d missed a day and a half of work because of her. “I wish there was something I could do to help you catch up on your jobs. Understanding if you need to work late is the best I can do.”

  He stepped from the tub and pulled two towels from the linen closet. “Honestly, that might not be a bad idea. With your parents here, I’d feel more comfortable leaving you.”

  Sandy left the tub and slipped the towel from his outstretched hand. “I’m safe. Keith is—”

  He snapped his hand up. “Allow me some paranoia.”

  She conceded the request with a nod.

  Clint scuffed his towel over his body. “I have an appointment with my lawyer this afternoon.” He ran water in the sink and pulled out his shaving gear. “I’m going to file for divorce. I need this done. I need to be free, to move on with my life.” His eyes met hers in the mirror. “I love you, Sandy.”

  Eyes wide, she squeaked out, “I love you too.” So much, I can’t put it into words strong enough.

  Someone should say something more, right? Shouldn’t they make plans or something? As if planning to raise a baby together wasn’t enough?

  But they stood there mute, gazes locked in silent communication until a knock at the bedroom door shattered the moment.

  “I’ll get it.” Sandy wrapped the towel around herself. “One of my captains was going to bring over a laptop for me. I didn’t think it would be this soon.”

  “Bring me back some jeans and underwear,” he said as she hurried to the door.

  She ducked behind the bedroom door and cracked it open. Mom stood on the other side, regret twisting her face.

  “I’m so sorry to bother you, sweetheart. Your captain and Clint’s mother are here. She seems pretty distraught.”

  “No worries, Mom. We’ll be right out.”

  Clint stepped from the bathroom when she shut the door. “I heard. I am the worst son in the world. I should have called to let her know I’m all right.”

  “I know the feeling well.” She had been wiser last night and had texted her family about the fire before they heard it on the news. Their circle-the-wagons response was typical. Mom and Dad had been sent her way for reconnaissance and her brothers placed on high alert to follow if her parents deemed it necessary. Though it was something she’d wanted to avoid before, now—having lost everything—she treasured the love they pooled around her and, by extension, Clint.

  She and Clint dressed quickly and were out the door in record time. Tim Delaney sat in the double-wide chair, chatting up her parents—who’d taken up residence on the matching brown couch—like they were old friends. A laptop bag sat on the floor beside him.

  Not so with Clint’s mother. Despite the fact there was a recliner free, she clutched her black purse to her chest and paced a path from the front door to the marble breakfast bar that connected the living room to the kitchen. A scowl etched a furrow between her eyebrows. Judging from its depth, Sandy suspected it was a perpetual expression.

  Heads turned their way in unison. Tim smiled, stood, and headed her way.

  “There she is.” He gave her a quick hug. “Thank God, you’re all right.” He extended his hand to Clint. “Tim Delaney. I’m very pleased to meet you. Anyone who can g
o toe-to-toe with April and survive is my hero.”

  Clint laughed as he shook Tim’s hand. “Not one of my better moments, I’ll admit. I thought for a minute she was going to mace me.”

  “I wouldn’t put it past her. She does keep pepper spray in the credenza behind her desk.”

  “Then I’m lucky Erica came in when she did.” Clint grinned and slipped his arm around Sandy’s waist. “A guy could get used to having women come to his rescue.”

  Tim’s eyes sparkled with his smile. “I’m rather fond of strong women myself. Sandy did a hell of a job last night. I have to admit, I’m in awe of her determination right now. She did what she’d trained to do, but still…” He slowly shook his head. “It’s humbling.”

  “It is indeed. And scary as hell.” Clint gave Sandy a final squeeze and dropped his hand. “I freak out enough when she’s on duty. Now that I’ve experienced the full impact of her job, I honestly can’t say if I’ll be freaked more or comforted by the knowledge she knows her job well.”

  “Probably both,” Tim said. “It’s not easy for our loved ones. Trish and I are in constant contact. We’re the butt of a lot of jokes as a result, but it works for us. Keeps us tethered. Because as worried as Trish gets when I’m at work, I also need to know that all I have to do is call or text her and I’m calmed. After a bad run, she’s my lifeline.”

  Sandy choked up. “Damn it all, you’re going to make me cry. I will never tease you again.”

  He smiled. “Then my work here is done. Almost.” He passed the laptop to her but looked at Clint. “At least you won’t have to worry about her safety for a while. We’re putting her on nonhazardous duty until after her maternity leave. Sandy can explain the details.”

  “Good God!” Mrs. Clifford shouted. “I have been trying to reach you all morning. Imagine my shock when I get here and discover you have a girlfriend you never bothered to mention. Something her parents were clearly aware of. Now I learn she’s pregnant!” She lost breath on the last word, barely able to get it out.


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