Battle Mage Visions (A Tale of Alus Book 12)

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Battle Mage Visions (A Tale of Alus Book 12) Page 34

by Donald Wigboldy

  Wincing at the question, which surprised the others, Zeria replied, "I believe those are the clothes that weren't covered in the blood of his torturers."

  Serrena gasped before she realized it and hated giving this woman even that little edge on her.

  Less affected by the news, Elzen asked, "They don't look like normal wizard robes to me. Who was torturing him?"

  "I am not sure how much I should say to anyone outside of the wizards I will probably have to speak with about my involvement soon," the red haired researcher said and looked at the table closest to them. She was feeling tired as the thought of both her rescue and escape began to feel real to her. Her family had left New Harbor days ago based on her warnings and the signs already in the city. They weren't the first to flee what looked to be a changing of the guard.

  The woman sat down on an open chair still rubbing her arms for warmth. Hilda must have noticed because suddenly her boys were feeding the fires in the fireplaces of the dining hall.

  Elzen held Serrena's chair without thinking before sitting beside her. The fire wizard sat between them as if deciding to create a barrier between the two. Zeria noticed, but was unsure why the woman would feel that way. Her eyes could see the cues that the two were together.

  The mage continued, "I think you might as well tell us. Bas will anyway, but I think his 'bath' will take awhile."

  Zeria caught the insinuation that the owl would want to spend extra time with his pretty nurse, who had helped him up the stairs. Her eyes wandered in that direction unconsciously before looking at the young man in front of her.

  Looking at Serrena a moment, the research wizard stated, "You can ease up, fire wizard. I'm not interested in your little mage. He's too young for me, maybe for you too."

  Chuckling as Serrena turned red more from anger than embarrassment, Zeria wondered what the boyish falcon must be like to have won over the fire wizard. He was barely taller than Zeria, slim, but not unattractive, she thought. Still he didn't seem all that interesting, but then again love often made odd combinations among people.

  Elzen sought to keep Serrena from releasing her temper on Sebastian's new friend and asked again, "So anyway, you helped Bas to escape?"

  Shrugging, the woman replied, "Not exactly. They tried several things to break him. You can guess that anyone would want him to join their side. He's quite valuable just from the magical insight he has shown."

  The woman paused and thought aloud, "I didn't exactly see much of what he could do really. I do know that our diplomacy specialist couldn't affect his mind at all. That caused quite a speed bump in the process intended to change him enough to make him join us."

  "Who is this us?" Serrena questioned retaining a frown since Zeria had called into question their relationship. She was still trying to get used to it herself and didn't need this woman making her look a fool because of her interest in Elzen.

  Again Zeria paused glancing around at the room. The dinner crowd was already beginning to arrive, but no one had sat too close just yet. "You know that things are changing in New Harbor. If you don't conform to those with the power, you find yourself with a collar around your neck sitting in a cell like Sebastian. They'll make you see their way or you'll likely die.

  "Personally, I didn't have much choice. I also had family in the city that they could use against me. I just did my duty to those in control... until Sebastian freed me from that."

  "What about your family?" Elzen asked with a frown at the brief revelation.

  "They fled the city a few days ago. I just hope that they aren't hunted down because of me," Zeria said nervously thinking about the idea. She hoped that they had managed to get far enough away to escape the reach of the count and his people.

  She continued, "Once Xaren failed, they beat Sebastian almost to the point of death a few times; but he never appeared ready to give up. He told me once that they would never be able to beat him because he still had hope. I didn't have any until he told me that. Following orders and keeping my head low had been my plan; but they thought he might find me pretty enough to convince him to fall for me, or something."

  "Good luck on that," Elzen said scoffing at the idea. "Bas falls in love for only one woman at a time; even if there is an attraction to someone else he won't switch his allegiance. I guess that is kind of the way he is with Southwall too."

  Zeria's eyes strayed to the stairs and the hall leading away into the second floor beyond. "I noticed that. He told me very little about her, but we had a few days alone for him to talk enough that I can tell that he loves her a lot. It must be nice," she added looking at the couple beside her.

  Serrena blushed again and looked uncomfortable in her chair.

  The research wizard continued without interruption. "Anyway, they would heal Sebastian if Civan beat him too hard. They didn't want to lose him because of an overzealous jailor who enjoys beating people. Healers were always near during that time, but they failed to budge him at all.

  "I wasn't surprised, but I think that was done to try to get him to trust me more. I dressed to tease and seduce him. It was a different kind of torture, but I gave up almost immediately.

  "Well, Sebastian stopped me, I suppose would be the more accurate way to tell it; but my heart wasn't into it either. He is too..."

  Before the woman could search for the word, Serrena answered lifting her eyes away from Zeria as if looking to the clouds, "Noble?"

  Nodding, Zeria replied, "That would definitely be a fitting word, though I guess we shouldn't say it too near an actual noble."

  They laughed quietly. They had all come across nobles that didn't exemplify the meaning of the word, but that conversation was one best had in privacy just in case. Southwall was hardly known for oppressive nobles, but they could be touchy.

  "Anyway, I began sneaking him extra food and drink. He rested up as best he could until they pulled me out for failing."

  Elzen looked curious and interrupted with another question, "Didn't you worry that you might be punished for failing to do your job?"

  Again the woman shrugged. "It didn't really matter. Xaren still lived, though he was found useless. Civan and his lackey weren't locked away or beaten either.

  "It was a rather safe bet that they wouldn't risk losing people already proving themselves loyal to Count Terris. We might be admonished, but I didn't suspect that the third person to try would be in any more danger than the others.

  "They brought in three wizards I didn't know after me. In fact, I thought that they were once prisoners. Sebastian made it sound like they had been anyway."

  Looking inquisitive, Elzen asked, "What were their names?"

  "Ileden, Wiler and Lorgan."

  After a moment's thought, Elzen nodded. "At least two of those I remember from the strike Bas led to take down those men inciting rebellion in New Harbor. They were taken to the castle to be held there until they were judged."

  "I guess the judgment went well for them," Zeria mused on the state of affairs in the distant city. "They became his torturers until the end. I tried to help him with more food. Unfortunately, I couldn't heal to do more; but he said that he had a plan.

  "When I warned him that I had heard talk that they were going to give up and probably kill him, he didn't panic. He acted more like it was no more significant than a morning bell telling him to rise for the day.

  "Of course, whatever it was that he planned obviously worked. No one followed him from the torturers' room. He didn't tell me what happened there, but when I found him he was carrying a strange black sword and he had broken the control collar around his neck by himself."

  "That collar that was still around his neck, you mean?" Serrena asked forgetting her feelings for the pretty redhead in surprise. They had noticed the broken collar, but no one had done anything to remove it until after they returned from New Harbor.

  "It is something from before the Cataclysm that robs a wizard or mage of their magic. It is sort of like the ones designed to reduce a
n initiates' strength to help them gain control, but this robs them of all of their magic not just reducing it."

  "Isn't cutting a wizard off from their magic dangerous?" the fire wizard asked thinking to her days as an initiate. She wasn't a wilder, even if some called her a hot head. Her magic had never gone out of control, even if Serrena was pushed to anger.

  "No one's died from their use as far as I know," she replied with a shrug.

  "There are more of those collars?!"

  Nodding, Zeria stated, "There were a lot of wizards in that dungeon wearing them already."

  Elzen looked unusually sober for the generally joking boyish falcon. "They turned on their people like that?"

  "They locked up anyone who seemed like trouble. Torture and diplomacy magic is being used to make them serve without their own will," Zeria said shivering with the thought more than the cold.

  Silence reined over the three for a time before Serrena sighed, "Do you need a jacket? I have a spare. It's red if you can live with it."

  Giving the fire wizard a warm smile, Zeria replied, "I would appreciate it, but I am warm enough inside at the moment."

  The pretty red head made a bit of a disgusted face and lifted her right foot to her knee. Not the most ladylike position in a dress or wizard's robes, but it allowed Zeria to pull off her short boot. Rubbing skin starting to wrinkle from the wet, she quickly pulled off the other before pulling her feet onto the chair beneath her under the folds of her robe.

  "Sorry, I probably need boots as desperately as I do other winter gear. I've never served this far north, not that I had time to pack anything anyway."

  Elzen took the woman's boots to place them before the fire and went to talk with Hilda a moment. When he returned, the mage said, "If you can live for an evening without them, Madame Hilda said that there are shoe sellers that keep various sizes in stock nearby. We can probably find you something in the morning."

  Smiling at the mage, Zeria answered, "With new friends like you and Serrena, I think I can make it."

  Sebastian felt exhausted as he went down the hall carrying some clean clothes. A bag from Red Hall had already been retrieved by Ashleen in the hopes that he would return. Clothing that was best hung remained hung neatly and those needing folding were equally pristine. The mage almost thought that his wardrobe looked better than he had left it.

  It was likely that Ashleen had straightened them in the need to still feel a part of him with her. She was a bit quiet upon their return. Her hands had held his, however, and the grip was tight as if he might try to disappear once again.

  She moved to run the water filling the tub by the time Sebastian shuffled down the hall to the baths.

  "Thank you, Ashleen, I can't wait to relax in a warm bath after all that time in the dungeon," he said releasing a breath in a sigh of expectation. Steam rose in the cool air letting the mage know that it should ease some of the ache from his bones with its warmth.

  It was a somewhat assumed dismissal from the mage. Ashleen stepped towards the door and surprised him by locking it instead of leaving him to soak by himself.

  "What are you doing?" he asked more amused than truly confused.

  The girl took his clothing from his hands and placed it on a shelf designed for such things. There were towels on other shelves kept clean and neatly folded for the guests. While not as exclusive as some inns within the inner circle of the city, the Black Smith did have indoor plumbing with heated water that could be drawn to any bath where there were pipes. It was civilized though not completely convenient when there were too many guests of a same mind.

  Moving closer to Sebastian, Ashleen started helping him remove the tunic. A partially healed set of ribs caused him pain as he lifted his arms for her help. His grunt made her let go with a small gasp.

  "I'm sorry. You're still injured!" the girl said sounding upset.

  Finishing removing the tunic, Sebastian heard her gasp again at the sight of all the bruising and new scars left behind by torturers and healers in turn. Kept from dying, he had been left the pain intentionally. Every movement seemed have some pain left to remind him of their care.

  "I'll be all right after a visit to the healer's hall," he said with a gentle smile for the pretty blonde who had recoiled back to the door in her fear of hurting him further.

  "Maybe we should go right now. I can't imagine how much pain you must still be in, if your skin still looks that black and blue, Sebastian," she offered still looking unsure if she should touch him.

  "I can wait. It isn't as bad as it actually looks," he lied seeing the same discoloration and knowing that most were still quite painful when he moved the wrong way. Of course, there were few right ways to move at the moment, so it became that much harder and painful.

  "I knew that you would be too tired to dance tonight and probably turn in right away, but this looks very bad."

  Sitting to pull off his boots first made him grunt in pain before letting the foot fall to the floor without succeeding in the attempt.

  Her eyes narrowed and Ashleen said, "You can barely move at all. If you aren't going to let me take you to a healer, then I guess I will have to try it myself."

  Sighing at the mage, the blonde haired wizard turned abruptly sending a spray of golden hair in her wake. She unlocked the door disappearing down the hall without bothering to close the door behind her.

  Sebastian wanted to get up and close the door, but felt the exhaustion brought on by the last couple weeks. Another couple left their room to look at the open door and the steam exiting into the hall. The mage could only wave as they disappeared down the stairs.

  He supposed that he should feel annoyed that they didn't ask if the man sitting on the tub's edge was in trouble or some form of need, but then again Sebastian appreciated not having to try to explain. Luckily, it wasn't long before Ashleen returned with a plate of food and a pitcher of drink. He couldn't tell what was in the pitcher, but guessed that it was more than just water.

  Before he could open his mouth to try and tell her that what she was doing wasn't necessary, Ashleen locked the door after setting the food down on the remaining space on the shelf. The girl knelt on the floor to pull his boots free.

  "These don't even fit right," she stated taking the second boot as Sebastian held on trying not to flip into the tub.

  "I didn't have a lot of choices in the matter when I tried to leave," he said in a dead pan voice wanting to roll his eyes, but Ashleen wasn't looking at his face anyway.

  "What did you have to do to escape?" she asked. "This wizard helped you?"

  "Not in the final escape, but Zeria did what she could to protect me even so."

  Ashleen helped him stand before helping him off with his pants. Feeling an invalid, he knew that there had been other times when the girl had pulled his pants off when they were readying for bed and she grew impatient. That had been foreplay, but the mage felt useless and quickly realized how bad his injuries still were.

  Helping him into the water so he didn't fall hurting himself even more, Ashleen stood back to untie the belt holding her robes closed. A Kardorian style robe, Sebastian had never figured out if what she wore was typical of female wizards from her country or they were something more unique to the wilder. She was the daughter of a nobleman, a very notable one he had learned, and he had treated his daughter well, even after Ashleen had been forced to leave to train under a master wizard.

  There was no stigma or bad feelings between them; and Sebastian had a feeling that Ashleen could still return to her family and assume the family line, if it became necessary in the future.

  Her underclothing came off next to be folded neatly and laid upon her robes on one of the remaining shelves. They were crowded now, since few patrons used the tubs in tandem or brought food into the fair size cubicle.

  Ashleen poured some of the drink from the pitcher into a cup and passed it to Sebastian. Enjoying his view of the naked woman as she tended to him, the mage took his drink before she
moved to pour one of her own. The wilder drank a full cup before eating cheese between crackers. She offered him the food as well before slipping into the tub.

  Kneeling in the water, Ashleen leaned forward placing her hands on the tub's edge to move close enough to kiss him on the lips. Sebastian placed his hands on her hips feeling the soft skin and knew that his time away had made him appreciate her even more than he had before. He had thought that had been all he could, since he had fully loved Ashleen; but she had been a source of his hope and drive to survive all the torture they could think of to give.

  "Ah, ah, there'll be more time for that later," she breathed on him as the girl pulled back to sit back on his legs so lightly that it was more of a touch.

  Ashleen moved to slide in next to him. It was a tight fit even though the girl lay against his side on her hip and partially rested on his chest. Managing to avoid any of the cracked ribs in the process, the woman let him put his arm around her even while her right leg slid over his. Placing her right hand in the center of his chest, the wilder closed her eyes and said, "Heal."

  He could feel the cool touch of her mind entering his body, but Ashleen wasn't a strong healer. Her magic was best at destruction and only long hours of practice with Sebastian had given her any ability at all to heal.

  "Heal," the mage said closing his eyes as he linked his magic with hers.

  Ashleen let out a breath as she shivered feeling his mind enter her. It was something he had discovered with his first love, a healer. Their minds created a loop of sensations as they could feel each other and their bodies at the same time. Truly feeling like they were one, it was a sensation beyond anything she had ever felt.

  Her mind felt the broken ribs and she tried to knit them while also attempting to block any pain involved. Sebastian guided her magic with his own. While a wizard or mage couldn't actually perform healing on their bodies, it was possible to help Ashleen in a way most healers would have trouble using. Finding someone to trust that could also heal would make such a thing rare, but it helped them now.


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