Drago's Woman

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Drago's Woman Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  She remembered him in the ring and sneaking peeks at the huge outline of his cock in his shorts. Now he was all hers. She closed her eyes and savored the strength of him, pumping the base of his erection with her fist to match the movements of her mouth. Up and down, over and over, until she knew he was close.

  What would he taste like?

  His grip tightened in her hair until the pain mixed with pleasure. The wet sounds filled the room as he took more control of the situation, guiding her, thrusting into her mouth. Moments later he bolted to a standstill, hot cum spraying down her throat as his cock spasmed against her tongue.

  Drago groaned and gently pulled away, tilting her head up with a curled finger under her chin. “Bad girl.”

  She smiled, licking her lips. “Make sure you come back to me, Drago.”

  He winked, and within seconds he was gone.

  Belle collapsed on the bed, still able to taste him, his masculine scent all around her.

  “Please come back,” she whispered to herself.


  “Remember me?”

  Drago came out from behind Carlos in the darkened room. They’d already assassinated the politician. He wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone else again.

  Belle’s father was the next one on his list. At first, he remembered the pain on Belle’s face, and he wondered if he should save the bastard for her. But he didn’t want her to veer down that path, to know the same darkness and hate that he held inside himself. He’d end the old prick and save her from getting her hands dirty.

  This would be his last time venturing on the dark side. After today, he’d start a new life and become a new man. He’d do anything for his new family.

  “Of course, I know you. You made me a pretty penny. I never did agree with you retiring,” he said.

  Drago narrowed his eyes. “Your mistake was taking Belle’s kid. You promised her ten rounds to get her back, but you never planned to return her. How could you sentence your own child to a death match?”

  He shrugged. “Business.” The old man adjusted his tie. “You know how it is. You’ve never worn church whites, if I remember correctly.” Randal Aiello winked.

  “I may be a bastard, but I’d never sell out my own family, my little girl. Even monsters take care of their own. What does that make you?”

  The man sighed, sounding bored. “Why do you care? If you need money, I’ll get you a match. I’m sure you still have some of that killer instinct in there. We’ll get some good bets. I own this city.”

  “You don’t understand at all, do you? You’re not capable of empathy.”

  With that, Drago didn’t hesitate when he pulled the trigger, and Randal Aiello collapsed to the ground in his mansion paid for with blood and death. A single kill shot. He handed the gun to Carlos. Drago was done with this life. He’d never look back.

  “You okay, boss?” Carlos asked.

  “Get rid it. It’s over now.” He stood there for the longest time, his mind scattering in so many directions—his brutal childhood, the underground, the good and bad times, and Belle.

  Finally, his friend clapped him on the shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts, and they left toward the back alley where they’d left the car. It was pitch dark along the path. They’d taken out the streetlights and exterior house lighting earlier.

  The night had gone better than he could have anticipated. They’d taken down the crooked politician who had it in for Belle, and her father, the dirty kingpin of the underground, was gone. The illegal fighting would probably continue, but it would never be the same.

  Among other injuries, Drago had a gunshot wound to his shoulder from one of Ford’s security detail, but it was clean, and the bullet went right through. He’d been through worse. He just wanted to forget this night, take a long, hot shower, and spend the rest of his life making love to his woman.

  “Don’t go any farther.” The faint voice came from the shadows behind them. Fuck, Carlos had his gun. Blood pooled down his sleeve from his left shoulder wound. At least he could punch with his right, but what good would that do him now?

  Carlos and Drago turned to the voice. As she stepped closer, he recognized the old bitch. It was Belle’s mother, the one who cared more about name brands than her own flesh and blood child. He remembered her sitting at the back wearing her furs, smoking a cigarette while Belle fought as a child. No mercy or empathy whatsoever. She trained a gun on them. On him specifically.

  “This was a long time coming,” he said. “Your husband won’t be able to hurt anyone else, and now that the money train is gone, neither will you.”

  “Or, my respected husband was murdered by an underground thug. Luckily, I used this gun in self-defense. We wouldn’t want to mess up my dear Randal’s life insurance claim, would we?”

  She pulled the trigger, clipping him in the fucking left arm. He grunted and dashed to the side as she wildly waved the gun, trying to get a better aim. She fired again, missing him this time. Then she had him pinned between the house and shed, a wicked smile on her face.

  An odd calm flooded his body. At least Belle and Ava were safe. Belle was strong, and she’d be able to start over and live a good life. At least he’d done one decent thing before he died.

  Then a dark shadow moved behind her, capturing his attention. When she followed his gaze, a massive right hook knocked her down to her ass. Then another. And another.

  Belle pounded her own mother into the dirt until the bitch didn’t stir at all.

  Once the initial shock wore off, Drago bolted forward and wrapped his good arm around Belle’s waist, pulling her off her mother.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “You expected me to listen? You know I can’t control my impulses.” She didn’t sound apologetic, but she had just saved their asses. Belle was beautiful, strong, and had an unbreakable soul. “You’re hurt,” she said when she noticed the blood on his coat. “How?”

  “The vest only protects the chest. I’ll live.”

  “What if it had been your head?”

  He ignored her. “What about Ava?”

  “I got Candice’s number from your phone last night,” she said.

  “Why? Were you jealous again? Planning to beat her up?”

  She scowled. “I needed a back-up plan for Ava if I decided not to listen again. Don’t flatter yourself, old man.”

  He backed her up until she hit the shed. Drago pressed his body against hers. When she brought her hands up to his chest, he kissed her bloodied knuckles. His little fighter.

  She daintily touched his wound. He fought not to flinch. “We have to get back to the hotel so I can check this out.”

  “You’re in big trouble this time,” he warned. “You could have been hurt tonight. We talked about this.”

  “I guess you’ll have to punish me,” she whispered again his neck. Even with a gunshot wound, his fucking cock firmed up in his pants. “I’ll have to warn you though, I’m good with my hands.”

  “You’re telling me.”

  “Can you two get a room? It’s not the best idea hang out at the crime scene,” said Carlos. Drago had forgotten all about his friend once the bullets started flying at him.

  “You okay, buddy?”

  “Yeah, but you need to get your ass to the doctor.” Carlos went ahead of them on the path. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  They followed along behind Carlos. He knew Belle’s mother wouldn’t be a threat without her father. They left her in the dirt.

  This was the night they’d planned for months. He’d wondered if he’d make it back to Belle at all. Now it was over. And they were together. It all felt surreal.

  The blood loss was making him dizzy, so Carlos drove them home. One of their underground doctors was going to stop by the condo to patch him up, but he knew nothing was broken.

  Now it was time to move forward, put the past behind them, and become a family.


  One year later

  “Daddy, watch me, watch me.”

  Drago watched as Ava dumped the bucket of water over the sand in her attempt to make a sandcastle. He’d made her dozens of castles. And he’d make her more if she asked. He’d never get tired of hearing Ava call him “Daddy”. He’d spend the rest of his life earning the title.

  Belle packed up the picnic lunch they’d had over the large checkered blanket. Her blonde hair was loose and fluttering in the warm breeze. She was breathtaking.

  “Our first family vacation,” she said.

  “Never thought I’d like the beach, but it’s growing on me.”

  She swatted him. “You love it.”

  They’d rented a cute little cottage right on the water. It was private, the perfect little escape.

  “Tell me, Drago. How’s civilian life treating you? Are you bored with us yet?”

  “Never.” He lay back on the blanket, his arms behind his head. Drago closed his eyes and breathed in the ocean air. “I’m retired, remember?”

  “Right.” Her hand smoothed up his chest. He peered over at her, one eyebrow raised. “It’s past lunch. I think it’s time for Ava’s nap.”

  He pushed himself up on one elbow, facing her. “Nap time sounds about right.”

  “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Drago watched as Belle carried Ava to the cottage, disappearing inside. He turned and looked out at the ocean, so expansive. There was so much beauty in the world when you opened your eyes. No more fighting, no more death, no more tears.

  A while later, Belle reappeared.

  She was completely naked. A benefit of their seclusion.

  “I love that body,” he said. Drago watched all her delicious curves as she walked toward him. Her confidence had grown significantly over the past year, and now she loved to tease. She crawled down to all fours, her heavy tits just waiting for his attention.

  Once she’d straddled his body, he pulled her down so he could drown in her tits. He flicked her nipples until she pulled away breathless. Her pupils were already dilating, and when he reached down to play with her clit, she was already soaked. He impaled her with two fingers, fucking her as he ran his thumb in circles over her clit.

  “You like that, baby?”


  “Tell me what you want. Tell me to fuck you.”

  She hesitated. “Take me from behind. Right here. Right now.”

  He rolled out from under her and knelt behind her, holding her rounded hips in each hand. Drago looked down at her gorgeous ass and gave her a little smack.

  Belle let out a small yelp, but wiggled against him, begging for his cock.


  She felt more like an animal than a woman when near Drago. Watching him in just his swim shorts, tanning all those hard muscles under the sun, was too much. She was only human, and she wanted him between her legs. All those long, hard inches bringing her to orgasm again and again. He was a machine, never tiring of giving her every kind of pleasure.

  When the first inches of his big dick penetrated her, she groaned deep in her throat. He felt so damn good filling her up to overflowing.

  “You feel so good around my cock, baby girl. Nice and tight.”

  He began to fuck her, slowly at first, but soon she had the blanket balled up in each fist, her knees sinking into the sand. Drago pistoned in and out until her orgasm was spiraling to the surface faster than she could process all the layers of pleasure. Even though there were no other cottages nearby, the slim possibility that people could walk by on the beach and catch them in the act was a huge turn-on.

  “Come for me, Belle. I want to feel you milk my cock.”

  She couldn’t hold back, not when he used that deep, commanding voice. Within seconds, she detonated, wave after wave of delicious heat rolling through her. She could feel Drago come, his fingers digging into her hips as he gave a final few hard thrusts.

  They collapsed onto the blanket, Drago cuddling her from behind. Together they watched the horizon and listened to the rhythmic sound of the waves rolling to the shore.

  “This is nice,” he said, kissing her shoulder.

  He was right. Everything was perfect.

  She rolled to her back so she could see Drago. Belle lightly touched the old scar on his shoulder. It signified all the sacrifices he’d made for her and Ava. She’d never forget it.

  “Do you like being a father?” she asked, her fingers still tracing the scar.

  “More than anything.”

  She wasn’t sure how many men stepped up to the plate to love and raise a child they didn’t make, but she still saw Drago as one of a kind. And although she knew he loved Ava, and their growing bond over the last year was beautiful to watch, something was missing.

  “Would you do it again?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She bit the corner of her lip and couldn’t help but smile. “Ava’s going to be a big sister in about seven months.”

  He kept quiet at first, his eyes glazed over as if processing the information. They’d created this child together, and their little family was going to grow and flourish. Together, they’d raise their children right, and let them experience what a real childhood should be.

  “You’ve got nothing?” she teased.

  He snapped back to reality, focusing on her. Drago cupped her cheek, caressing her with his thumb. “That’s the best news I’ve ever heard, baby girl.”

  She returned to her side and allowed her man to cuddle up close, holding her in his protective embrace. The past didn’t define them. They’d paved their own road with the broken pieces of their lives. Their love was stronger than darkness.

  The End



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  Killer of Kings, 1

  Sam Crescent & Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2017

  Sample Chapter of Taking Her Innocence

  “You think you can handle it?” Boss asked.

  Viper stared out across the parking lot. A lot of shoppers were milling around today, going about their own pathetic lives, believing they were the most important thing in the world.

  None of them had any idea that one of the world’s deadliest killers was amongst them. He was part of an elite group of mercenaries. He killed for the money. Whoever offered the highest bounty, he took it. He never asked questions, and he never cared about the people he killed. This was a job to him, something he was good at.

  “Why can’t I handle it? Send me a picture of the girl. I’ll do the rest.”

  “She has to die of natural causes.”

  Viper snorted. “No problem.”

  He had one month to find a woman, and to end her life. Piece of cake. He had lots of ways of killing a woman, and this would be no different.

  “Deposit the money, and I’ll call you if I need more.” Viper whistled as he made his way toward the car. He put the groceries in the trunk, got behind the wheel, and waited.

  Her picture came through his cell phone, and he stared at the girl in question. She couldn’t have been older than fifteen, but from what Boss had told him, she was nearly twenty-one years old, and had been on the run for nearly six months. Curious.

  The picture showed her cuddled up next to her mother, and she looked happy. Pepper was chubby, her cheeks looking like the kind you could pinch, and grandmothers cooed over. Boss had given him all the details over the phone. Viper didn’t do paperwork, reading, or worrying about something being tracked.

  He memorized everything. All the
little details were up in his head, and that was where they would stay until the job was gone.

  Viper didn’t know why the woman in question, Pepper, was running, and he really didn’t care. The moment Boss called him and gave him an assignment, he did it. Now he just needed to figure out where she was staying.

  Good news for him, he had a special guy who owned equipment that could find him this woman. Leaving the grocery store, Viper made his way across the city toward the guy who he knew would hook him up.

  Whenever he was in between jobs, he would always stick around where his people were so that he didn’t have to worry about endless traveling. Working for Killer of Kings was rather lucrative. They were a company known for getting the job done. Nothing was too much, no job too hard. He had traveled all over the world to do what needed to be done, from killing people, to fucking women, to even rescuing people. If the price was right, he would do anything.

  From a young age, younger than any child should ever have to deal, he had been taught to hunt, to kill, and to do it without feeling a damn thing. There were scars on his back that all bled together that reminded him a past he wished he could forget. When he saw children with their parents, for a split second he felt envious, jealous that they could be having a wonderful life, a better one than he ever had. Of course they were having a better life than he had. None of them had ever gone through the hours of pain or the training that had made him one of the deadliest men on earth.

  Parking his car outside of one of the shittiest apartments in the city, he made his way toward his contact, Maurice. The guy was thirty years old, a slob, but damn good when it came to computers. He was the only one who gave Viper the facts without giving him files thick with writing and shit. Viper didn’t want to be studying. Cold, hard facts were what he was after, and he didn’t need paperwork that could be traced.


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