Belonging: Book Two in The Everett Gaming Series

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Belonging: Book Two in The Everett Gaming Series Page 22

by Drew Sera

  “Happy Thanksgiving, Gloria,” Anthony said as he got his hug and visual inspection from Gloria.

  “Ah, you boys look so good. I’ve missed you guys.”

  She stood back and directed her attention to Sydney as Matt began introducing them. Gloria wrapped Sydney up in a gentle hug. I knew Matt had told them some about her recent situation. I could tell her heart went out to Sydney and that she already had welcomed Sydney. Gloria was the world’s mother and had a soft spot for the less fortunate. I don’t know exactly what Matt told his parents or brothers but I knew he said something to them so they’d be aware of her nervousness around new people and groups. I could tell that Gloria was extra gentle and calm when she hugged Sydney.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Gloria.”

  “Welcome, Sydney. Welcome.” Anthony stood very close to Sydney as Gloria greeted her warmly. I knew Anthony was going to be what keep Sydney calm tonight and try to keep her from getting too jumpy. Sydney gets wary and nervous when there are a lot of people around but she calms dramatically just with Anthony standing near her.

  “Matthew, go get your father. Honestly, where are his manners?” Gloria chastised while Matt rolled his eyes behind her but turned to go get his dad and brothers from the patio. I followed Matt but I knew Anthony was staying firmly right where he was next to Sydney.

  “Arthur!” I exclaimed and met him half way with a hug. While I had a great relationship with Gloria, I had a stronger bond with Matt’s dad. I was nine when my own dad died and coming up on puberty, which was a frightening time all on its own. It was Arthur who fielded all those questions from me. He taught me to drive and shave. Being a psychologist and close friend of my dad, Arthur was there for me when I needed a father’s guidance. He got me talking again and worked to get me through my grief.

  “Good to see you Colin!”

  “Come here Arthur, I want you to meet someone.”

  I drug him over to where Sydney stood close to Anthony but Matt took over with the introductions as I stood proudly to the side. I hugged and shook hands with Mark and John, Matt’s brothers and hugged John's wife, Colleen.

  “Dad, this is Sydney.”

  Arthur took hold of her hand and covered it with his other hand.

  “Welcome, Sydney. We’re glad you’re here.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad to be here.”

  Once Arthur released her hand, Sydney took a step back to stand next to Anthony. He winked at her causing her to blush and smile.

  “Yeah, hello Matt, we’re still standing here.” Mark joked with Matt.

  Matt introduced Sydney to his brothers and Colleen, while Arthur shook Anthony’s hand and talked to him some.

  I sat down on a barstool at Matt’s breakfast bar while Anthony and Sydney went to the living room with Mark and John. I knew Sydney would be fine. Arthur sat next to me and we started to catch up.

  “How’s work going, Colin?”

  “Work is going well. I just got back last night.”

  Arthur nodded and looked towards the living room. I knew he was either assessing Anthony or Sydney or both of them. Arthur and I carried on a conversation about business and sports, but every few minutes, his eyes went to the living room.

  “He looks good. He looks at ease and yet so occupied.”

  Ah, Anthony. I nodded and couldn’t help but smile as I listened to him carry on a football conversation with Mark while he stroked Sydney’s arm. I knew that move would not be missed by anyone in the house. Anthony being publicly affectionate with a woman outside of Irons wasn’t a common scene.

  “I know. He’s really happy. She gives him purpose. She’s been through hell and Anthony has really been there for her.”

  “He looks like he watches over her,” Arthur said as Matt stole some carrot sticks from the platter. It earned him a warning from his mom to leave the food alone.

  “Dad, he loves her,” Matt said as he took up the barstool next to me.

  “He’s affectionate with her,” Arthur said while he watched Anthony, I’m sure in some form of disbelief. Sydney had nervously pulled her hands together and Anthony reached over to still them. He said nothing and no one was any to the wiser about what a huge effect that small gesture had on her. Arthur and Matt may have been able to tell. Sydney pulled her hands apart and Anthony took hold of one all while still talking football.

  “So, Anthony and Sydney…” Arthur made a waving gesture in the air and all I did was smile and nod. He probably would have had a stroke if I had added “and me” to his Anthony and Sydney question. Matt and I shared a glance and he clasped his hand on my shoulder as he got up to gather the guests for dinner.

  We soon headed to the dining room to eat and I hugged Gina on the way by and told her it smelled delicious. Everyone had assigned seats which was no doubt due to Matt’s careful planning. He sat at the head of the table with Gina to his left and Anthony to his right. Next to Anthony was Sydney then me, then Gloria. At the other end of the table was Arthur, then John, Colleen, Mark and then Gina. It was wonderful to see everyone again and the table was all decked out and the food smelled great.

  Matt and Arthur walked around the table with two different wines and they poured as people selected. I elected to have a glass of the white wine and Matt disappeared into the kitchen after he poured my glass and set the bottle down on the table. He returned with a bottle of Coke and asked Sydney what she wanted. She took the Coke along with Anthony.

  “Before we start, I wanted to thank you all for being here tonight. Thanksgiving is a special time and this year it’s extra special as we’ve added one more to our table. It wasn’t much short of a miracle that we were able to add one.” Matt paused and looked over at Sydney and then at Anthony and I.

  My emotions grabbed hold of me as I thought back to that horrible evening. If she hadn’t sent me the text, she could easily have died. I knew Matt and Anthony were thinking it too and Matt was stalled now. I’m not sure what Matt told his family exactly, but I’m certain in that moment, they realized Sydney’s prior situation was grave. I took a deep breath and took hold of Sydney’s hand. I glanced down and saw that Anthony had hers in his hand too.

  “We all get very busy and absorbed in our lives but everyone here at this table is what matters. Happy Thanksgiving!”

  Everyone raised their glasses and clanged them together and began passing around food. Gina, Gloria and Colleen all got praises of how good the food was. Conversations started and Arthur and John chatted to me about Macau. I heard Mark strike up a conversation with Sydney and my heart rate picked up. It wasn’t Mark’s fault. I was just nervous because I really wasn’t sure what Matt told them and I didn’t want anything to upset Sydney.

  “Have you lived here all of your life, Sydney?” Mark asked her.

  “Yes. Born and raised.”

  “So you’re used to the heat.”

  I knew he was referring to the weather but I instantly thought of her chained to the heater. Sydney didn’t miss a beat though.

  “Yes, I enjoy the weather. Winters aren’t bad. I don’t do well in the cold and prefer the warmer temperatures.”

  Fuck, why was I thinking of everything bad? I remembered that on her limit list. She didn’t like the cold because that asshole tied her to a fence and left her overnight. I was distracted with that conversation while trying to carry on one with Arthur and John.

  Sydney answered with a smile and asked Colleen how she liked the Bay Area. Colleen and John lived close to where Matt and I grew up. Which reminded me of the picture I brought. I took it from my wallet and gave it to Sydney to pass to Matt.

  “Ha, look at this!” Matt had the picture and handed it to Gina. The picture made its way around the table and Gloria dabbed her eyes when she saw it. Sydney smiled at it and quietly asked me if I was older than my brother.

  “Only by a few minutes.”

  As everyone began clearing out of the dining room while Gina and Gloria began clearing plates, Sydney tugged on my sl

  “What is it, baby?”

  “May I help Gina and Gloria clear the table?”

  I nodded at her. She was so generous and mindful. Anthony hugged her and kissed her cheek and we told her we’d be in the living room. Everyone gathered around in chairs and on the couches talking about old times and catching up on everyone’s lives while we heard Gina and Sydney in the kitchen. Gloria ended up joining us and said that Gina kicked her out of the kitchen so she could come join us. Anthony was quiet as conversations started around him. His eyes were focused on the kitchen where he could see the girls moving about.

  Arthur started asking me more probing questions about Sydney. I kept my answers general and didn’t want her to hear nor did I want to air anything out with Matt’s brothers sitting there.

  “Matt said she’s dealing with a lot of nightmares,” Arthur said.

  I nodded and started to say something but Matt jumped in. “Dad, let it be. She’s enjoying the evening. Let it stay behind her tonight.”

  I glanced at Anthony and could tell he didn’t care for the topic of conversation. Arthur started up the sports conversation again and the sound of the girls laughing stopped Anthony, Matt and I in our tracks.

  They were plating slices of pie and were spraying some whip cream from the can. Gina had shaken it and it sprayed out further than she anticipated and the two of them were doubled over laughing, clutching their stomachs. I found myself smiling and noticed that Matt and Anthony both were also staring into the kitchen with huge grins on their faces. When I returned my attention back to Arthur I saw the smile on his face as he watched the three of us.

  The girls served everyone pie and coffee and then they joined us with their own plates. Gina and Sydney both knelt down on the floor by the coffee table and joined in our conversations. The sight of Sydney kneeling was doing something to my body. There was nothing sexual about it, but for a Dom to watch his sub kneeling anywhere could instantly fill his mind. And that’s what was going on in my head right now.

  Arthur was telling Sydney about all the trouble Matt and I used to get into. Lots of old but good stories filtered around the living room and Sydney ate her pie while listening to all of them. I could tell she was starting to feel more comfortable and was relaxing some. I knew she’d fit in and everyone would love her. Everyone was trying to get to know her some and was eager to know the little light that made Anthony fall in love. And it was that obvious to everyone there that he loved her.

  While everyone was talking and eating I could see the flirty glances Anthony was exchanging with Sydney and how her face turned pink. As the evening wore on, I noticed that Sydney began to favor her stomach some by holding her hand over it or on her side and her posture changed from relaxed to tense. Anthony picked up on it and he finally motioned her over to him and sat her down between himself and Matt. He wrapped his arm around her and set his hand over her stomach and began rubbing on it with his thumb. Stomach pains are one of the more lasting physical effects of Howard. Matt has checked her over multiple times and thinks she had some internal bruising from Howard. He wanted to give it a little more time before seeking a specialist.

  Matt leaned closer to Sydney and Anthony so that few would be able to hear him. I could hear since I was just in the chair next to where Matt was sitting. “Is your stomach bothering you?” Matt asked her but before Sydney could answer, ever so the comedian Mark, had heard and had to throw in his two cents.

  “Matt your food was bad. Look, you made her sick.”

  “Markus, enough.” Arthur was quick to put Mark in his place while Gina, Gloria and Colleen came down on him, as they were the dinner preparers. He held his hands up in defense as they playfully squabbled. Arthur was watching the interaction with Matt, Anthony and Sydney though. Anthony sat up straighter and gently held her while Matt waited for an answer. Matt reached over and felt Sydney’s forehead and frowned.

  “I’m okay, thank you for asking.” Her reply was quiet as to not draw any additional attention.

  Anthony brushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek. “Sunshine, does it hurt?”

  “A little.”

  Matt stood and motioned for Anthony and Sydney to follow him.

  “You’re a little warm, Sydney. Let’s get you some ibuprofen.” Matt led them away into the kitchen and I found it hard not to follow.

  I turned back around and looked at Arthur. I could see a hundred and one questions forming in his head. I worked on starting a conversation asking John how his practice was. John had followed in his father’s footsteps and became a psychologist with a practice in San Francisco.

  Matt finally walked back into the living room and brought another plate of cookies and sat back down. Anthony and Sydney weren’t with him though. I looked over my shoulder at the quiet kitchen and then raised my eyebrow at Matt.

  “Anth thought some fresh air would be good for her.”

  People began milling about and Gina and Colleen went into the dining room and began mapping out their shopping destinations tomorrow. Gloria took some plates to the kitchen while I talked with Arthur, Matt and his brothers about how business was going. I glanced at my watch as quite a bit of time had passed since Anthony and Sydney had gone outside. I wanted to make sure she was okay. I went into the kitchen and set my glass down when Gloria looked up at me from the kitchen table. I sat down across from her and smiled. It was good seeing her again.

  “You know, I always worry about him.” Gloria let out a small laugh. “Every time I talk to Matt I ask him how you and Anthony are. Matt always says that you’re good and Anthony is Anthony. We’ve known him for years and I can honestly say that I’ve never seen him this settled.”

  I glanced out the window and saw him sitting on a patio chaise with one leg bent and propped up, with Sydney sitting close to him, using his bent leg and a backrest. Anthony was just sitting in his undershirt and had taken off his button shirt and draped it around Sydney.

  “I can tell he really cares for her,” she said as she gazed out the window at them. “What happened to that sweet girl, Colin? Do you know?”

  I exhaled a heavy sigh and had to decide how much I wanted to share.

  “What did Matt tell you?”

  “Mom, leave it please,” Matt said as he walked into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee.

  Gloria rolled her eyes at him and swatted at the air in his direction.

  “Well, I suppose it doesn’t matter. It’s good to see Anthony so devoted.”

  She got up from the table and squeezed my shoulder as she headed out of the kitchen leaving Matt and I.

  “She’s running a small fever, Col. Keep an eye on her tonight.”

  I nodded and returned to look out the window at them.

  “So, did you have a good day?” Matt asked me with a smirk on his face.

  “Are you kidding me? The best day. Look at what I gained.”


  Matt and I shared a quiet laugh and suddenly I was eager to get home so I could touch her. Anthony and Sydney came in shortly after, and we got our jackets on to head home. I turned my car on with the fob while we said our good byes in Matt’s foyer. I wanted the car warm for Sydney. Of course, since she had a fever, she probably could have cared less about it being warm.

  “So, we’re still on for golf tomorrow, right?” Arthur asked as I was helping Sydney into her jacket. Anthony and I exchanged glances. It was our day after Thanksgiving tradition. While Gloria, Gina and Colleen would shop, us guys would golf. Arthur looked forward to it and I didn’t want to break tradition but now we had Sydney.

  “Sydney can come shopping with us tomorrow, if you guys want to golf,” Gina suggested. I wondered if Arthur was going to think this interaction a tad different. I’m sure he had lots on his mind to ask about.

  “Sunshine, would you like to go shopping with the girls tomorrow?”

  “Yes, that sounds wonderful. I’ve never been out on the famous Black Friday. I
t’ll be fun.”

  Matt eyed Anthony and I. I couldn’t pick up on whatever he was trying to tell me. I nodded and we set our tee time for 10:00 and would meet at Matt’s for breakfast with his family. Anthony and I would also be able to make sure Sydney ate a good breakfast.

  Matt walked out with us and stood in the driveway with me while Anthony took Sydney to the car.

  “Keep an eye on the fever, Col.” Matt glanced at his watch. “Check it when you get home. Call me if it’s over one hundred. If it’s not, give her some fluids and she can take some more ibuprofen in a couple hours.”

  I would do everything in my power to keep her safe and healthy. I told Matt that if Sydney is still feverish in the morning, that Anthony and I probably wouldn’t be golfing.

  Anthony and I spent the rest of our Thanksgiving evening in the bathtub with our fragile kitten.

  Chapter 20

  Friday, November 29th


  I woke up to being stroked lazily. My cock was nice and hard and welcomed Sydney’s soft touch. I knew I had pre-cum oozing out of the head but I didn’t care, and Sydney didn’t seem bothered by it either. I kissed her forehead and reached over to feel her forehead. She didn’t feel warm, which is what I was afraid of feeling.

  Anthony and I easily could have kept her in bed all morning but we didn’t have time to do that right now since we had to be at Matt’s within the hour for breakfast before golf. Anthony and I had a lot to discuss this weekend and I eagerly looked forward to us sitting down and discussing it.

  I found it hard not to pull Sydney in my arms and kiss her before she headed out shopping with the ladies. I gave her some money and told her to have fun. We needed to take our girl shopping soon. Matt pulled Gina to the side and I knew he was reminding her to keep an eye on Sydney too. Sydney has a tendency to not speak up when she needs something, or isn’t feeling well.

  “Sunshine, tell Gina if you’re not feeling well while you’re out. Or text Colin or I.”


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