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Belonging: Book Two in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 42

by Drew Sera

  “Okay. Sorry. I got worried. I saw the word auction and knew Colin said the Irons party had an auction, and well. I thought the worst. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize. I don’t ever want you to apologize for asking a question when you don’t understand.”

  “Okay, thank you. See you later.”

  “Bye, sunshine.”

  Hand jobs. Yes, I can handle that. I like rubbing on them. I think I can tell which one is which just by touch. They both have some trim hair at the base, but Anthony has a vein that runs prominently on the underside. I don’t think their length is much different, but Anthony has that vein and I think he is a little thicker.

  I took a mental break for a few minutes and thought of how sexy they both look in their underwear. They both wear boxer briefs but sometimes Anthony’s seem a little shorter than Colin’s. He said they were called “trunks.” I didn’t care what they were called, they looked hot on him. Since they were shorter than Colin’s boxer briefs, I could view Anthony’s thigh muscles. I could dream about those two all day. While it would be lots of fun, I wouldn’t make much progress with my list.

  I breezed through the rest of the list and had time to go back and check my answers before Gina got here. I told Gina about my task of finding two dresses.

  “I need to start working on a few gift ideas for Matt’s Christmas. Do you know what you’re doing for the guys, Syd?”

  Ugh. I didn’t. What do I get two guys who have everything? Maybe more sexy underwear for me to gaze upon their bodies.

  “I don’t have a clue, Gina. They have everything I think.”

  “Think of something special. Something that will be personal to each of them.”

  “I’ll start brainstorming. Hey, what do you know about the Irons party that’s coming up?”

  “Blake’s? They have an auction and holiday party for the club members. Blake and his wife donate all of the money to a domestic abuse charity.”

  “Wow, that’s really nice. I would like to contribute but the guys won’t let me. Not that I have anything of value to even auction off, but still.”

  “You could always bid on something.”

  As we shopped, we continued chatting about the auction. Gina told me that each year Anthony auctions off an instruction session for rope bondage if a couple wins or for an individual to be bound by him. My stomach suddenly hurt. I didn’t like the idea of him binding another woman. But it was for a very important charity. Maybe, just maybe, I could bid on that.

  “Gina, what if I bid on his rope thing?”

  “Oh, Syd. They’d flip. That’s a big step.”

  “I know, but he’s done so much for me. As well has Colin. Anthony really likes rope doesn’t he?”

  “He does. He’s the best at it in Irons. He showed Matt some stuff.”

  “Um, don’t say anything to Matt about it. I’m going to think it over.”

  Could I go through with it if I won? Who am I kidding? Gina said it’s the most popular and always earns the most. I don’t stand a chance against determined people with money.

  I showed Gina the picture of Colin and me, and then Anthony and me, by the giant Christmas tree from the mall. Gina stopped walking and took hold of my arm.

  “Syd! You should get some sexy pictures taken of you and give them to the guys. They’d love it! A few years ago I did that for Matt and to this day, he still loves them. Blake knows a photographer that just does kink. He did a photo shoot for me in one afternoon. I got some pictures framed that he can set out and then a photo book. Syd, it’s perfect.”

  “Yeah, it sounds wonderful if I didn’t look like the bride of Frankenstein. There would be nothing appealing for them. If I wanted them to look at a torn up body, I could just wrap up my medical file.”

  “Syd! Those guys love you. You could be put together with thread and patches and they’d still think you were beautiful. That’s the thing, Syd. Most Doms look past superficial beauty, Colin and Anthony especially. They go for the stuff deep down.”

  We sat out on the patio at Tuscany and chatted while we ate our lunch. It’s become our go to spot on our shopping trips. It’s so nice to have a good friend. I was thinking about what Gina had said about the picture book. It would be a nice gift.

  “If I did the photo thing, would you come with me?”

  “Of course! Want to call Blake?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.”

  “Syd, take a chance. You’ll be safe. I’ll be there.”

  Gina pulled up Blake’s number and hit send on her phone and handed it to me. Maybe he wouldn’t answer and I could just leave a message. Blake was very nice but intimidating. He was the owner of Irons.

  “This is Blake,” he said in greeting.

  “Um, Blake, hi. This is Sydney. Sydney, Colin and Anthony’s um…Sydney."

  His laugh was gentle and his voice didn’t make me nervous.

  “Hello Colin and Anthony’s Sydney. How are you, honey? Is everything alright?”

  “Um, yes. Just fine. Um, Gina told me that you knew a photographer. One that helped her make a photo book for Matt a few years back.

  “Yes, of course. I’m still good friends with him.”

  “Oh, okay. Um, I was thinking about making one of those photo books for Colin and Anthony for Christmas. Something special and personal. They already have everything else, I think.”

  His laughter was warm and kind.

  “My dear, they would love that from you. And between you and I, those two had everything money could buy them yet they had very little until you walked into their lives. Now, I take it they have no idea you’re going to do this.”

  “Correct. I want it to be a surprise. A Christmas gift. Gina said she’d come with me too.”

  “Alright, is there somewhere we can meet with the photographer and go over everything?”

  “Um, Gina and I will be shopping tomorrow for dresses. We could meet at Tuscany.”

  “Very good. I’ll accompany my photographer friend and will meet you and Gina tomorrow at noon.”

  “Thank you, Blake. It’s very kind of you to help me.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Those two will love it. See you tomorrow.”

  When I got off the phone, I told Gina about it. She was really excited for me. She told me that I should start thinking about the kind of pictures I wanted. I had no idea. Really, no clue.

  We shopped and shopped and I found some dress possibilities, but I was more occupied with a photo shoot and bidding on a rope scene with a very experienced Dom. My Dom.

  When I got home, I sent Anthony and Colin texts letting them know I was home.

  AG: Be home soon, sunshine ;)-

  Chapter 39

  Friday, December 6th


  I woke up around 5:30 a.m. rock hard. Colin and Sydney were both sound asleep. I was feeling particularly bad. Bad, in a good way. Maybe it was our new room and our relationship feeling much more permanent. I wanted to play with our fragile, kinky kitten. She was lying on her back and her arms were lost under the sea of pillows somewhere. I imagined the pillow being gone and her wrists in rope tied to the headboard.

  I slid down and took her nipple in my mouth, tugging on it with my teeth, licked it and then blew my breath over it. Sensitive little nub. I rolled the other nipple between my fingers while my mouth worked on one. She was slowly waking up, smiling and giggling. I loved hearing happy sounds coming from her. It was nearly impossible for me not to smile when I heard her laugh.

  Colin was awake now and slid down to follow suit and nibble on her other nipple. Both of our free hands made way down between her legs and played around until she was panting and arching her back. My cock couldn’t get any harder. I was about ready to pound nails with it.

  I needed in.

  “Sunshine, up sweetheart.”

  I helped her up on all fours so her head was aligned with Colin’s dick. I pulled a condom on and pushed into her warm, wet pussy and I held stil
l. I couldn’t wait to go without condoms.

  “Fuck, you feel so good, Sydney.”

  I allowed myself to slowly thrust into her, maintaining my focus and control. As much as I wanted to slam into her and fuck her hard until I couldn’t breathe or feel my legs, I wouldn’t. Not to Sydney.

  She started to push back against me trying to get more. I had to exercise the upmost care because she was testing my control without even knowing it.

  “Sunshine, take Colin in your mouth.”

  She was inches from his erection, opened her mouth and went down on him. I tried not to make it seem so rushed, but I had to come. I focused on her ass and those two cuter than fuck dimples that were sitting right above her butt and wound up coming. I yelled and grunted until my throat was sore and raw.

  Much to my disappointment, I yelled like such a caveman and missed her quiet moans of ecstasy. I felt her come and realized my voice totally overshadowed hers. Colin was stroking her face and encouraging her to be more vocal. We both have been trying to get her to feel comfortable enough to be more vocal. She’ll get there. As I was still doing slow, shallow thrusts Colin ended up coming. He was loud, but not as loud as I was.

  Colin and I took her to the shower. Colin’s shower, I guess it’s our shower now, is quite a bit larger than the one downstairs. She stood between us lathering our dicks and eventually she moved onto our other parts and washed us. Once we were washed, Colin and I tended to her.

  Sydney was going dress shopping again with Gina today and they were doing lunch too. She knew to text us when they left here, got there and then each hour. Some Doms are funny that way and Colin, Matt and I were no exception. It had nothing to do with trusting her. It had everything to do with Colin and I wanting to make sure she was okay. Before we left for work we reminded her to be aware of her surrounding while out shopping. This afternoon was golf with the guys and then tonight we’re going to Irons, which I was really looking forward to.

  Chapter 40

  Friday, December 6th


  With the orange foam ball in hand, I stood in Anthony’s doorway to his office waiting for him to hang up the phone. His back was to me so he had no idea I was standing there. He turned to hang the phone up and then I hurled the ball at him. It startled him, but he caught the ball before it bounced off his chest. Anthony flipped me off and I laughed.

  “Watch it, Batman. I’ve got younger, quicker reflexes.”

  I shook my head and walked towards his desk.

  “Hey, ready for lunch, Anth?”

  When we got to the car I pointed to the glove box and told him that I brought Sydney’s limit list and thought we could go over it at lunch. Anthony eagerly pulled it out of the glove box and started looking over it.

  “Look, Col, we’re in luck! She gave double penetration and threesomes a five.”

  I laughed at his mock surprised tone. Once we were seated and the server had brought over our drinks and bread, we continued our conversation.

  “Her progress since she’s been staying with us is here in black and white. When she filled the form out initially, her answers were different and driven by fear.” I was proud of Sydney’s ability to move forward. I smiled and looked up at Anthony. “These are her desires. Our fragile kitten is starting to come out of her shell, Anth.”

  “She trusts us.” He continued to skim the papers. “She likes role playing and scenes.”

  “Clearly. The classroom scene was hot. Lots of theme rooms at Irons for us to explore with her. The lists we give her each day will help her build confidence because she’ll know that she’s done a good job.”

  “She’s getting better, Col. It’s a good feeling to know that I’ve had a part in her healing.”

  “Huge part. She reached for you and felt comfortable with you since you brought her to my party. You two will always have a special, deep bond. You understand that kind of pain.”

  He was quiet, as I knew he would be.

  “We, you and I, have a special, deep bond with her.”

  We ended up talking about Christmas again and our week at the cabin. We were going to head up to the cabin after the Irons party and auction. Anthony and I talked about the rope session again but he was still leaning on not doing it. I didn’t push him anymore with it. He’s the one who has to feel comfortable with doing it.

  Chapter 41

  Friday, December 6th


  After Colin and Anthony left for work I took my notebook outside and worked on my needs and wants list. I know I don’t need much but I knew that I needed to be loved and touched. Until I started staying with them, I had no idea what I was missing. Howard didn’t care about me at all. I know Colin and Anthony both care for me, but I don’t want them to walk on eggshells around me. I’m not a child and I’m not made of glass. I’m ready to put my past behind me. I need to feel that Colin and Anthony are in control and doing as they want. I don’t want them to be afraid to exert their control and I want them to push my limits and me. They are so passionate and intense. I’m sure they can push me and I trust them to take me to the edge with them.

  I paced around nervously until Gina arrived. I was nervous to see Blake and his photographer friend. I was more nervous about doing the photo shoot, but the more I thought about it I realized it would be the perfect gift for them.

  “Try not to be nervous, Syd. It’s just Blake.”

  “Blake, owner of a kink club and a friend to a kink photographer.”

  “It’ll be fine. Blake wouldn’t let a creep near us. He’s not our Dom, but’s he’s still a Dom. And he’s really like family with our Doms.”

  I smiled and looked out the window. I had two Doms. Two wonderful men that loved me. Even though Anthony doesn’t say it, I know he cares. Colin is just much more vocal about his feelings.

  When we got to Tuscany, Blake and another man were already seated at a table on the patio and both men stood when we approached the table. Are Doms the only guys that do that anymore?

  Blake hugged Gina and took my hand gently to greet me. He introduced us to his friend and photographer, Scott.

  “Pleasure meeting the little sub that captured two of the most seasoned Doms at Irons. Blake has told me a little bit about you. Here’s some of my work.”

  He slid his portfolio over to me and I flipped through the pages. Wow, he really did nice photos. Really nice, professional, perfect pictures. There were both female and male photos with a lot of skin showing. Somehow, I didn’t feel like I was looking at smut. They were very tasteful.

  “Do you have any ideas as to what kind of photos you’d like for them?” Scott asked me.

  “Um, I don’t really know.”

  I really had no clue. The women in the photos were beautiful and so confident and strong. I wasn’t any of those things.

  “Are you wanting ones in lingerie, or nudes, semi nudes, costumes? We can do any of it or a combination.”

  I felt warm all of a sudden. He was so casual about asking such personal questions. I suppose since it was business to him it was easier to approach the topics. I was lost but Blake stepped in.

  “Sydney, would you like to do the photos at Irons instead of at his studio? There are lots of photo ideas and options at Irons and you’re already familiar with it.”

  “Um, okay, that sounds good.”

  “Tell you what, you bring any ideas that you may have and we’ll work with it. Now, I understand that you want this in time for your trip to the mountains, right?”

  “Yes, it’s a Christmas gift to them.”

  “Okay, time will be tight, so we need to do the shoot early next week in order to have time to process the photos and put them together in a book. Will Wednesday at Irons work for you?”


  “Do you have any questions?”

  “Um…yes. Do you have, um, a make-up person? Someone who can, um, fix me?”

  He was quiet. Why was he quiet? He and Blake exchanged glances and I f
elt I needed to explain. Maybe he wouldn’t take my pictures if he knew what a mess my body is. “Um, my skin is less than perfect. I’m like the shirt you get at a second hand store with the seams sewn on wrong and slightly damaged.”

  Blake leaned forward and put his hand on top of mine. He had intense eyes. Not as intense at Anthony’s, but still he was intense looking.

  “Sweetheart, when Colin and Anthony look at you, and trust me they look at you, they don’t see a bruise or scar. They see right through all of that straight to your heart. Wouldn’t matter if you were blue with purple hair, those two would still be mesmerized. Don’t be afraid to show them your body. They love it because it’s yours.”

  He made me cry. I found myself nodding as I wiped away some tears. We made plans for Wednesday. Scott had begun putting away his portfolio when Blake turned to face me again.

  “You’re very brave, Sydney. Anthony and Colin will cherish these photos. Now, realizing you’ve been through quite a bit, I’m going to talk to Matt. I want him to be at the photo shoot. I think you’d feel more comfortable with another familiar face around.”

  “Okay, thank you Blake. I really appreciate it.”

  Gina and I then began our hunt for dresses again. I think I found a good possibility for the Everett Gaming party. It’s dark blue and looked appropriate for a holiday party. Gina showed me hers for the Irons party. It was gorgeous. It was strapless and was black with deep red. She’ll look great in it.

  We stopped in a store with men’s clothes because Gina saw a shirt she wanted to get Matt for Christmas.

  “I saw it online and thought Matt would look hot in it. Anthony shops in here a lot and you already know he’s a great dresser.”

  She led me to a display where the shirts were. They had solids and stripes and were henley shirts. They didn’t look that spectacular to me and my eyes nearly rolled back when I saw the price tag. $90 for a plain henley! Then I touched it. It was the softest shirt and suddenly I could picture myself leaning on Anthony or Colin with the soft fabric hugging their nice arms and chest.


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