Seducing Rain

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Seducing Rain Page 3

by Amber Kell

  “No problem.”

  Greg was the most laid back Dom Rain had ever met. Nothing seemed to put him off for long except Rain leaving, that had done a number on the Dom. Rain pushed back his sense of guilt over using Greg for safety. He would help out where he could so he wasn’t a complete leech on Greg’s resources. “I do have an idea about a job, though.” He’d been thinking about this since he’d last gone to Greg’s club.

  “What’s that?” Greg prepared another cracker, this time eating it himself.

  Rain tried not to pout from the loss. He enjoyed it when the Dom fed him. He’d never reached that level of intimacy with any of his lovers before. All of his submissive time had been spent in clubs like Greg owned, never in a domestic setting like this. He realized that was why he’d freaked out so much. “I was thinking if I could set up a small studio in one of your rooms I could take boudoir shots of men in their leather. You know, ones where they could be themselves.”

  Greg opened his mouth then shut it again without speaking.

  Rain twisted his hands together, waiting for Greg’s verdict. The more he thought of the idea the more he liked it. Sure, anyone could take a photo, but Rain was thinking of something more intimate, romantic. Besides it would keep him busy and out of sight while he avoided a certain killer cop.

  “I like the idea. How about we put out some feelers to test the level of interest. If it’s high enough I’ll give you one of the new rooms I haven’t outfitted yet for a trial run.”

  Rain grinned. “That sounds fair.”

  He loved the idea of helping capture an intimate moment between two men who might not otherwise get the chance.

  “Now let’s focus on other aspects of our relationship. I want you to list your hard limits and safeword.”

  Rain didn’t hold back his puzzled look. “Didn’t we do all that when we got together before?” He could’ve sworn they’d had this same conversation.

  “We didn’t go into specifics. I need to know more so I don’t accidentally bump into something you don’t enjoy. The point of this is to make it pleasurable for both of us. It isn’t just me or just you in this relationship and the more we make sure our interests align the better things will go.”

  “True.” Rain couldn’t argue with that kind of logic even if he wanted to. “I don’t do anything involving bodily fluids other than semen, no scat or golden showers. I insist on a condom every time and no blood play or anything that will cause permanent harm.”

  Greg stroked Rain’s cheek as if he couldn’t help building a connection between them. “Fair enough. Those are reasonable limits. Also if I do anything you aren’t comfortable with I expect you to tell me. I’m not the type of Dom who will ignore your safeword no matter when you use it. Understand?”

  Rain nodded. “Yes sir, my safeword is cheddar.” He had complete confidence Greg would follow the rules of consensual play. His body would be protected during their time together; his heart was still up consideration.

  “You never told me. Why cheddar?” Greg took a sip of wine as he waited for Rain’s answer.

  No one had ever listened to him like the Dom before him. Rain sat up straighter as he spoke. “Because my first addiction was to cheese when I was a little boy. I used to eat the stuff so much that I began to get sick whenever I saw it. It’s a reminder to me that everything is good in moderation.”

  Greg smiled. “I like that.” He perused his cheese board. “Good thing I didn’t pick up any cheddar. I love the Irish stuff.”

  “I’m over that now, it just serves as a reminder.” Rain smiled.

  “Do you have any food allergies?” Greg asked. “I’d hate to make you sick.”


  “Great. Now tell me what it is you want from this relationship?”

  A safe haven. To stay alive. He pushed those thoughts away to come up with answers Greg would accept.

  “I just want to see if it’s possible for us to build a relationship. We already know we’re sexually compatible but sometimes it’s other stuff that causes problems,” Rain answered. Once again he’d told the truth and even if his answer didn’t contain the entire truth it didn’t make it less real.

  “Great. Me too.” Greg’s white smile turned Rain inside out. No Dom should have that much sex appeal it wasn’t fair to innocent subs who lacked the ability to protect against his charm. “I’m sorry if this sounds more like a job interview than a relationship talk.”

  Greg fed him another cracker. It took Rain a few minutes before he could answer. The sparkle in Greg’s eyes revealed to Rain the Dom had done it on purpose.

  “I agree, Sir, it’s important to get this straightened out in the beginning.” Calling Greg sir became more natural each time he said the words.

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  Greg’s approving smile sent a warm shaft of delight through him. Greg held another cracker to Rain’s lips. Greg started to hold a glass of wine out to Rain but paused midway. “I forgot to ask if you drink.”

  “Fuck yeah.” And right now he wished to do it excessively. Between trying to set relationship rules and the stress of running from a killer Rain longed for a drink with an unreasoning passion.

  “Don’t curse. Next time I’ll have to punish you,” Greg warned.

  Rain shivered as he accepted the glass. His last punishment consisted of his cock being bound and Greg sexually torturing him for an hour. “Sorry, Sir. It won’t happen again.”

  Greg took a sip of wine. “That’s almost too bad. I have thought of many inventive new punishments.”

  Rain gulped down half his glass. His mind might be confused about accepting punishment but his cock was all on board. Despite Greg’s words Rain didn’t want to disappoint him. He’d forgotten how much bad language bothered Greg, probably a lingering habit from living with his younger brother. Rain hated having to watch his words. If he wanted to say “fuck” he would, unfortunately he needed Greg and he’d rather hold back a few curses than offend the only man offering him a shelter in this fucked-up storm.

  Rain finished his glass in a series of long swallows.

  “I see our second lesson will be about enjoying quality wine.”

  Rain blushed. “Sorry. It’s been a hard day.”

  “Yeah, why is that?” Greg’s compassionate expression almost had Rain spilling his guts. Damn it, maybe the wine had been stronger than he thought.

  He tried to shrug it off and allay suspicion. “Nothing, just one of those days. I’m happy to be here, though,” Rain bounced back. He didn’t want Greg to feel unappreciated. The Dom was the only bright spot in Rain’s fucked up day.

  “Maybe I can do something about making it better.” Greg’s over the top lecherous grin had Rain laughing.

  Rain set his glass on the table. “I think we should seal the deal.”

  “Do you?” Greg asked, amusement shining in his eyes. “You might lose a few sub points for your aggression.”

  “Understood.” Rain nodded. He slid to his knees on the floor then crawled over until he kneeled between Greg’s legs. He trailed one finger down Greg’s zipper. “May I, sir?”

  “Hmm, you definitely earned them back. Help yourself,” Greg said. “I’d hate to ruin your fun or turn down your excellent idea.”

  “Good.” Rain unsnapped Greg’s jeans then slid down the zipper in a slow, careful motion, not wishing to pinch anything important. Ah, just as he suspected, Greg had gone commando. During their weekend together Greg had never worn underwear. Rain groaned at the sight.

  He pulled Greg’s pants down his legs then off completely, not wanting to scrape his Dom’s cock on the metal zipper. Rain took a moment to fold them before setting the jeans on the table.

  “Nice,” Greg approved.

  A bead of pre-come dripped from the slit of Greg’s erection. “Neatness do it for you?”

  “It’s not only straight women who find a tidy man an object of porn.”

  Rain laughed. He’d forgotten how muc
h Greg made him laugh. The Dom had a commanding air to him but in the privacy of his home he let out his sense of humor. Rain wished Greg relaxed more outside his living space.

  Rain kissed each of Greg’s hairy thighs then ran his hands across the texture. Although he waxed himself perfectly smooth he liked his partners to be more manly. All those wiry hairs sliding across Rain’s waxed skin increased the sensuality a hundred times in Rain’s estimation.

  “Get to the good part,” Greg ordered.

  “You’re demanding,” Rain teased.

  Greg plunged his fingers into Rain’s hair and yanked him closer to the tip of his cock. “Yes, I am. And you like it.”

  Rain shuddered. He couldn’t deny his kink. Lighthearted Greg had vanished beneath his Dom persona and Rain couldn’t be more turned on. He lapped at the spongy head and moaned when Greg’s grip tightened. Yes. He pushed close enough to wrap his mouth along the cock’s tip and pressed his tongue inside the slit.

  “Do that again,” Greg demanded.

  Rain did as ordered before applying suction and using all his years of practice to try to suck out Greg’s brains through his cock.

  “Oh fuck.” Greg’s grip tightened but the Dom still didn’t hurt him. It was as if he knew the exact point Rain liked pain but didn’t go past that barrier.

  Rain almost reached down to unzip his own pants but he stopped in time. They hadn’t gone over all the rules but most Doms didn’t let their subs take control of their own orgasms.

  “Clothes. Off now.”

  Rain lifted his mouth. He frowned up at Greg, deprived of his tasty reward. “What’s wrong?”

  “I want to come in your ass.” Greg pulled a condom and lube from under the couch cushion and handed over the tube keeping the metallic square for himself. “Strip, then prep yourself.”

  Rain grabbed the lube, grateful one of them was prepared. He’d been ready to toss aside all his rules in order to swallow Greg down but the Dom was sticking to Rain’s guidelines. Rain removed all his clothing in slow, smooth motions, giving Greg a bit of a show before folding each item and placing them beside Greg’s pants.

  The Dom stripped off his shirt and tossed it onto the other side of the couch. He spread his arms, opening his muscled body for Rain’s perusal. Rain let out a soft groan.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful,” Rain said.

  “I think that’s my line.” Greg’s mouth quirked up on one side. “Now get yourself ready.”

  Rain nodded. He popped open the cap and wet his fingers thoroughly.

  “Turn around and give me a show.”

  Damn, Rain was going to die of lust overload. The god who looked over clueless subs running for their lives had ripped Greg from Rain’s deepest desires and wrapped him up with a sparkly bow.

  Rain spun around. He scooted the cheese to one side, glad Greg had an enormous coffee table. Splaying himself across the surface he presented Greg with his ass. One by one he slid a finger into his hole back and forth a few times before adding another. He ended his preparation by plunging three fingers into his ass before Greg spoke and pulled Rain back from the brink.

  “Oh yeah, come here babe,” Greg growled, the words barely understandable through his rumbling growl.

  Smiling, Rain slid his fingers out. He turned to find the condom already covered Greg’s erection.

  “How do you want me, Sir?”

  “Add some lube to the condom then sit on my cock,” Greg ordered.

  “Yes, Sir.” If Rain’s hands shook neither of them mentioned it. He smoothed a thick layer of lube on Greg’s cock.

  “I think you have enough.” Greg said after the third pass of lubricant.

  Rain shook his head. “You can’t be too careful with a piece of meat this size.”

  Greg chuckled. “If I remember well you had no problem taking this log a few weeks ago.”

  “I think you grew,” Rain said. He grinned when Greg made a scoffing noise in the back of his throat. Too funny.

  When Greg’s expression changed to impatience, Rain climbed up on the couch and lowered himself onto Greg’s erection. “Oh fuckety, fuck fuck.”

  Greg slapped Rain’s ass. Rain gasped and titled forward until his hands rested behind Greg’s shoulders on the back of the couch. It placed his ass a little higher for further spanking if needed.

  “Hmm, I think I’m going to have to revise my punishment ideas.”

  “No, Sir, I’m certain I’m learning my lesson.” Rain slid down a little farther and his eyes damn near crossed. “So fucking full.”

  Another spank had him crying out and pressing down even more until he had fully seated Greg.

  “Yeah, definitely a new punishment,” Greg mused rubbing Rain’s ass.

  Rain whimpered. Damn, he would’ve liked a few more spanks.

  Greg kissed him, a ferocious claiming clash of tongues and lips ending with a bite to Rain’s bottom lip. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t spank you other times. Now ride me.”

  Rain nodded. Stringing vowels and consonants together would take too much effort right now. He obediently moved up and down on Greg’s lap until neither of them could do more than groan and pant.

  Greg’s callused hands wrapped around Rain’s cock. “Come!” he commanded.

  Unable to resist the order Rain poured his release across Greg’s fist and parts of his chest. The sight of his come strung across Greg’s hairy abs had him grinning like a fool.

  “Like marking me, do you?” Greg asked.

  “Yes, Sir.” No sense lying. Greg could tell Rain had enjoyed the sight.

  Greg gripped Rain’s hips and after a few more pumps let out a groan and filled the condom. Once Greg regained his composure he encouraged Rain to get up. Rain removed the condom, tied it off then went to throw it away in the kitchen trash.

  He returned to find Greg watching him intently. “I could’ve taken care of that.”

  “No. I insisted on the condom I’ll take care of it,” Rain said.

  Greg pinched Rain’s chin and forced him to look his way. “Whoever made you feel guilty about using a condom is an idiot. Your health is the number one priority. Don’t let anyone, even me, make you feel bad about that.”

  “Don’t you want to take me bare?” He’d never met a Dom who didn’t want to fuck Rain without a condom. He never let them, but they all tried.

  “Maybe one day when we’re both comfortable with the idea and have recent tests we can show each other. Until then we’ll use protection. Deal?”

  Rain grinned and took the hand Greg held out. “Deal, Sir.”

  Relaxed, Rain melted against Greg. “What else are we doing tonight?”

  “I have to go work at the club. You can either come with me or stay behind and put away your clothes.”

  “I’ll stay here.” No way did he want to expose his presence to an entire club of people. Cops had snitches, didn’t they?

  “Are you sure? It’ll be kind of boring here alone.”

  Rain rubbed Greg’s arm in a soothing motion. “I’ll be fine. I’ll unpack, review some photos and watch a bit of television. Do you have anything to eat?”

  “Yeah, a bit of leftover pasta and a salad, and I think there are sandwich fixings. I hate to leave you here alone. If you came with me I could get you a proper meal,” Greg said.

  “I’ll be fine. I’m not super hungry anyway.” Rain resisted the temptation for a meal at the club. Greg’s chef had awesome taste buds and everything always had amazing flavor.

  “Okay, if you’re sure.” Greg kissed Rain on the forehead. “I’ll call to check on you later.”

  Chapter Three

  Greg headed to his club but his thoughts remained with Rain. Complex didn’t even begin to describe Rain’s personality. Between running away then returning to Greg, he suspected the sub didn’t know what he wanted.

  Nodding to his bouncer, Ralph, Greg entered the club. Music pounded and flashing lights flickered across the crowd. From the screaming and dancing, people were
having a great time. This part of the club had been converted for the average club hopper. In the past year he’d bought the space next to him and begun expanding his business. If he could keep Rain he would buy them a nicer place. Maybe he could set up a nice studio for his sub to work from.

  He’d miss all the artistic touches his brother Stephen had added to their home while growing up, but Greg knew he could get Stephen to help decorate his new house too. His brother had a generous heart and loved to share his talent. Greg shook his head as he realized how much he was getting ahead of himself. First he had to get the guy to stay for more than a night. He half expected Rain to be gone when he returned home despite what the sub said. Rain had the skittishness of a feral cat in a room with a thousand rocking chairs.

  Greg examined the people around him. Each weekend the crowd grew larger until a line now wrapped around the building with people eager to get inside. Greg had servers offering free sodas and peanuts for customers while they stood in line; this kept people from becoming cranky while waiting to get in. The happier the customer the more likely they’d return with their friends.

  Greg passed the noisy dance floor and headed to the quieter members only side. The first section had been established as a quiet zone for Doms and subs to bond without all the noise and clatter of the more active portions of the club.

  Sometimes a sub sat at attention with a ball gag in his mouth, other times the sub and master sat side-by-side soaking in each others’ company. Greg couldn’t wait to bring Rain here and have him sit at attention and meditate. Rain had a busy mind and it would be good for him to have a bit of solitude. Maybe he should instill that into Rain’s routine.

  No one sat in the quiet area tonight. Saturdays were when most of the partiers and some of the hardcore Doms came out and showed the newbies how things were done. Greg reached his office and sat behind his desk with relief. The club had made him wealthy in his own right but more and more Greg wondered if maybe it was time to hang up his leathers and let someone else run the place. He was getting too old for this shit. Sitting at home with Rain sounded much better than coming here every night hoping to score.


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